Mississauga Go Club & Learning Center
Club Meetings: Local gathering is temporary suspended due to the pandemic.
Mission: Help to satisfy the need of go players and promote Go as a competitive sport and a performance entertainment.
We provide:
Thousand go problems
You will never do them all
feeling desperate?
Can not remember
Joseki and openings
How can I improve?
Solution awaits
At Mississauga Go Club
Just come and find out
Some events in the future:
Mission: Help to satisfy the need of go players and promote Go as a competitive sport and a performance entertainment.
We provide:
- A place for armature player to play with the professionals
- A place that introduces new and current Go opening
- A place to discuss of how Joseki are used in modern games
- A selection of interesting Go problems online
- A place for interesting Go events and promote Go culture in North America
Thousand go problems
You will never do them all
feeling desperate?
Can not remember
Joseki and openings
How can I improve?
Solution awaits
At Mississauga Go Club
Just come and find out
Some events in the future:
- Tusemgo Championship Match
- Lightning Go
- Team Go Tournament
- Game with Chinese Pros
- Drink and play Tournament
- Relay Match
海量死活题做死你, 千万个定式累死你,变化无常的布局整死你的事儿不存在
- 介绍最新流行布局,与时共进
- 探讨细化定式在实战中的应用
- 提供与职业棋手交流切磋的机会
- 独特精辟网络习题,迅速提高棋艺
- 组织各种趣味对局,
- 围棋文化深入思考,高级会员围棋俱乐部围棋理念在实际生活中的
海量死活题做死你, 千万个定式累死你,变化无常的布局整死你的事儿不存在
- 新手入门(基础围棋知识讲解,提供对局指导)
- 下过几盘棋(实战分析,复盘讲解)
- 俱乐部之王(多种形式对局比赛)
- 大赛前十