Golden Key Go School
在电子游戏充斥生活无处不在的今天,有一个有趣的自然游戏,让孩子沉浸其中且受益终生——那就是围棋 |
围棋课程围棋入门班: 基础知识,围棋概念
(5-10节课)了解气,眼,地盘 围棋初级班: 掌握定式,死活题,手筋练习
(10 -20节课 ) 围棋中级班: 手筋练习,布局,名人对局
(10- 20节课 ) Class Time:
Mon. 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Thur. 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Practical Club: Friday 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm |
Six Benefits for Learning Go
1) Develop Concentration Skills 2) Improve insight and judging ability 3) Enhance memory 4) Expand Imagination 5) Develop Thinking ability 6) Exercise Willpower |
Quotes of Go Game
“The Go player need to has the tactic of the soldier, the exactness of the mathematician, the imagination of the artist, the inspiration of the poet, the calmness of the philosopher, and the greatest intelligence." |
Go and Children’s Education

Go helps children to develop concentration and provides practice in judging values by fostering a sense of balance. It is very useful in helping children to develop their character. When playing a game, one side wins and one side loses. Children will learn to bear the responsibility for evaluating each move they decide to make. The complications of the pleasure or disappointment arising from winning or losing help children to mature and teaches them how to approach life.
According to students’ level and age groups, Golden Key uses interactive approach to teach children about Go Game, the unique teaching material combines “Hikaru no Go” animation and various real life competition reviews , giving children ultimate fun and insights about the game.
According to students’ level and age groups, Golden Key uses interactive approach to teach children about Go Game, the unique teaching material combines “Hikaru no Go” animation and various real life competition reviews , giving children ultimate fun and insights about the game.
Beginner's ClassLearn from zero and the very basics:
Intermediate ClassOverall composition and the grand vision:
Intermediate II/ AdvancePractice with coach and explore the details:
教师简介 (Instructor )
刘教练多年从事在北美的围棋教育, 对围棋入门与提高有很多研究。总结提炼出一套科学系统的围棋教学理论。在刘教练的指导下,学生棋技提高很快。13岁的少年,经过一年的训练,从18级跃升到业余1段水平。加拿大围棋公开赛上,在各个赛段获得名次的都有刘教练培养出来的学生。成人棋手也多有收获,半年内从10级升至5级,斩获奖牌。
Class ScheduleTuesday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm ( for beginners)
Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Intermediate) Friday 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Club, gaming time) more info Email: [email protected] |
Go VideosGo events |
教学环境 - 照片
Richmond Hill
Student Feedback (学生感言)
Richard Bao (11岁) 1K 组第一名 “我有一天在图书馆找到一本漫画,讲述了一个少年学围棋的故事。 我便开始对围棋刚兴趣。经过两个月的训练,我可以轻易的赢以前比我强的棋友。我每周都很期待去Golden Key 学围棋。” - April, 2012 Richard 的文章已发表在Voice K儿童杂志2013年4月刊上。 加拿大公开赛获奖学生
William Yang (12岁) 10K 组第一名 “我发现在比赛的时候我需要一直集中注意力。我提醒我自己不能掉以轻心。要在开局占优势,并且有效地防守对方的进攻。” - July, 2013 William 的文章将发表在Voice K儿童杂志上。 |