2016 39th Canadian Go Open Tournament
The 2016 tournament will be the 39th Canadian Open. It will run from July 1st to July 3rd, 2016 (Friday to Sunday).
Registration Fee: before Mar 31, 2016 $65 for adults | $40 for children before May 31, 2016 $75 for adults | $50 for children after May 31, 2016 $85 for adults | $60 for children at door $95 for adults | $70 for children Children refers to participants age 12 and under on the day of tournament. Participants have to pay online before early bird deadline to qualify for discount. We are working on the details of the tournament. Please come back for more information! |
Location - Main TournamentQueen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre
2302 Bridge Rd, Oakville, ON L6L 3L5 第39届加拿大围棋公开赛落幕 加拿大围棋公开赛从1978年举办至今已有39个年头。每年7月大赛会在不同的城市举行。今年第39届围棋公开赛在密西沙加和奥克维尔分两地举行。 主场花絮: 争夺激烈的冠军赛。62名参赛棋手,主要来自北美地区20个城市随着年青棋手参赛的增多,十年来驰骋在赛场的老棋手,要想获得名次越发困难;曾多次夺得冠军的老将Yu Shiqi 再次出征。 5-7D 高段组 常胜将军7D Yongfei Ge不敌滑铁卢6D Quan Sun,获得第二名,Quan Sun则以全胜获得冠军;第三名是7D TangHao Yang. 1-4D的获奖棋手分别是:Jean Lechasseur 4D , Melissa Zhang 4D, Michael Hung 4D, Kyu 组获奖棋手分别是: Malick Darrell 1K, Sim Matt 6K, 少年组(12岁以下):Cheney Wang 5K, Owen Sedgwick 12K,Alice Sedgwick 13K, 特殊奖: 最小年龄奖 Peiying Li 1D, 最优秀初学奖 Edric Zhou 10K |
Location - Pair GoGolden Key Cultural Center
3558 Erindale Station Road, Mississauga, ON L5C 2T1 快棋花絮: 专业棋手 云集的混双赛。七月一日,在密市金钥匙文化中心举行了男女混双赛,有趣的是参赛的八对女棋手中,竟然有四位是职业棋手。她们是来自韩国的1 P 崔东恩,来自荷兰的5 P 郭娟,温哥华的 1 P 李晨硕,北京马晓春道场总监 2 P 杨 戎。李晨硕老师和她的学生Brady 张,密切配合获得第一名。混双赛是由日本赞助,参赛者三年积分第一者,将代表加拿大到日本参赛,全程免费。 晚间的快棋赛,温哥华的David Lu 6D 获得第一名 |
Canadian Open:
The main tournament is a six-round, Swiss-McMahon style tournament with three rounds played each day. The winner of the Open section will be declared the new Canadian Open Champion.
Youth and Children:
Children will play in the same main tournament as adults.
Lightning Go Tournament
We welcome everyone to join the lightning go tournament.
Pair Go Tournament
3 rounds. Register in the morning.
The main tournament is a six-round, Swiss-McMahon style tournament with three rounds played each day. The winner of the Open section will be declared the new Canadian Open Champion.
- 60 minutes per person
- 6.5 komi
- byo-yomi: 30 moves in 10 minutes
Youth and Children:
Children will play in the same main tournament as adults.
Lightning Go Tournament
We welcome everyone to join the lightning go tournament.
- 15 minutes per person, sudden death
- 6.5 komi
- 5 rounds
Pair Go Tournament
3 rounds. Register in the morning.
- 45 minutes per team
- 6.5 komi
- sudden death
Canadian Open
Day 1 July 1
Pair Go Tournament 9:00 to 9:30 AM: Registration 10:00: Pair Go round 1 12:00: Lunch 13:00: Pair Go round 2 15:00: Pair Go round 3 17:00 Award ceremony for the Pair Go Lighting Go 8:00 to 8:30 pm Round 1 8:30 to 9:00 pm Round 2 9:00 to 9:30 pm Round 3 9:30 to 10:00 pm Round 4 10:00 pm Result |
Day 2 July 2
9:00 am Registration 9:30 am Open remarks and speeches 10:00 am Main Tournament Round 1 1:00 pm Lunch 1:30 pm Main Tournament Round 2 4:30 pm Main Tournament Round 3 5:30 pm Simul Game or Lecture |
Day 3 July 3
9:00 am Main Tournament Round 4 12:00 pm Lunch 12:30 pm CGA Members Meeting 1:30 pm Main Tournament Round 5 4:30 pm Main Tournament Round 6 7:30 pm Award Ceremony & Banquet |
Other activities: TBA
Top Game Review
Children's activities
Top Game Review
Children's activities
Choice #1 - Quality Hotel
754 Bronte Road, L6L 6R8 Oakville, Canada Distance: 5 min drive / 26 min walk to event location Rate: (For July 1 to 4) Standard Queen Room (two queen beds) CAD 100.79 + tax per night If you are looking for accommodation, please email us before end of march, if we have enough, we might be able to book a group rate. If not, you can go ahead and book individually. |
We want to set different prizes for different levels. Prize to be announced.
Total Prize:
Canadian Open:
First place: Trophy +$500
Second Place: Trophy + $200
Third Place: Trophy
Dan Division Winner: Medal + $80
Kyu Division Winner: Medals
Youth and Children Division: (Under Age 12)
Lightning Go:
First place:Trophies
Pair Go:
First team:Trophies
Banquet Draw Prize
Total Prize:
Canadian Open:
First place: Trophy +$500
Second Place: Trophy + $200
Third Place: Trophy
Dan Division Winner: Medal + $80
Kyu Division Winner: Medals
Youth and Children Division: (Under Age 12)
Lightning Go:
First place:Trophies
Pair Go:
First team:Trophies
Banquet Draw Prize

Guo Juan (5P)
Guo Juan is a professional Go player, former member of the Chinese National Team. She has been a very popular Go teacher for over 25 years.
Guo Juan has created a unique teaching system. Her “Internet Go School” includes:
Most of the lectures are in English. And many are being subtitled in other languages.
Guo Juan is a professional Go player, former member of the Chinese National Team. She has been a very popular Go teacher for over 25 years.
Guo Juan has created a unique teaching system. Her “Internet Go School” includes:
- Over 1000 lectures/videos covering all areas of the game and
- Over 8000 problems in her Spaced Repetition Training System that reinforce lecture materials so students will truly learn and remember.
- One month free trial.
Most of the lectures are in English. And many are being subtitled in other languages.
Who's coming?
Yongfei Ge
Tang hao Yang Daniel Gourdeau Quan Sun Tiger Gong Hao Chen Jin Yu Yuguang Xie James Sedgwick David Lu Brady Zhang Justin Ching Andrew Huang Yixing Yang Xiaopeng Wang Qiyou Wu Ao Zhang Jean-Sébastien Lechasseur Yuhang Cui Julie Zhu Kevin Wan Minjun Wan Melissa Zhang Lywing (Xun) Liu Michael Huang Francois Gourdeau Rock Li Bai Su Andrew Olders Liam Hinzman Alan Zhang Nicholas Prince Rebecca Torrey Robert Campbell Peiying Li William Guo Yu Liu Peter Schun Darrell Malick Matt Mennie Tony Qian Zaccary Sparx Thomas P McDermott Dave Howden Cheney Wang Amy Guo Thibaud Lutellier Lydia Gallant Elwin Fu Ahmet Zahid Balcioglu Edric Zhou Owen Sedgwick Alice Sedgwick Pasiak Ian Nicholas Tan |
7D 7D 7D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 2D 2D 2D 1D 1D 1K 1K 1K 2K 5K 6K 6K 7K 7K 7K 8K 9k 10K 10K 10K 12K 13K 13K 20K |