(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.3.0]MULTIGOGM[1] (;B[pp] (;W[dc];B[de];W[cg] (;B[cc] (;W[cb];B[cd];W[gc]LB[eb:A][dg:B] (;B[eb];W[db];B[dg]LB[dh:A][ch:B] (;W[dh];B[ec];W[ed];B[dd];W[fc]LB[eg:A][fd:B][ch:C] (;B[eg];W[ee]LB[ch:A][bb:B] (;B[ch] (;W[bb];B[ci]) (;W[cf];B[bh];W[df];B[ef];W[be];B[bb];W[fb];B[ca];W[ea];B[bd];W[ad];B[ac];W[ae] ;B[bg])) (;B[bb];W[cf];B[ca];W[df])) (;B[ch];W[ci];B[bh];W[eg];B[df];W[di];B[bi];W[bj];B[bg]N[black is better]) (;B[fd]N[B];W[ee];B[ff];W[fb];B[ef];W[ea]LB[eh:A][ch:B] (;B[ch];W[cf]LB[bh:A];B[di]LB[df:A][eh:B] (;W[eh];B[bi];W[bh];B[ci];W[df] (;B[eg];W[be];B[ec];W[eb];B[fe];W[ec];B[bg];W[bf];B[ah];W[bc]LB[fi:A][fh:B] (;B[fh];W[dp];B[pd]) (;B[fi];W[gg];B[fh];W[gf])) (;B[fh] (;W[ei];B[eg]) (;W[eg];B[ei];W[be];B[ec];W[eb];B[fe];W[ec];B[bg];W[bf];B[ah];W[bc];B[fg]) (;W[be];B[ec];W[eb];B[fe];W[ec];B[bg];W[bf];B[ah];W[bc];B[pd];W[dp];B[qk];W[ei] ;B[eg];W[ej];B[dk];W[fq];B[cn];W[gg];B[he];W[ig];B[hh];W[gh];B[hg];W[gf];B[hf];W[ge] ;B[nc]))) (;W[df];B[eh];W[be];B[bg];W[bc];B[ec];W[eb];B[fe];W[ec])) (;B[eh];W[cf];B[df];W[di]))) (;W[ch]LB[cf:A][fc:B][di:C] (;B[cf];W[dh];B[eg];W[ec]) (;B[ec];W[ed];B[dd];W[fc];B[dj]LB[dh:A][ei:B] (;W[dh];B[eh];W[eg];B[fd];W[ee];B[ef]) (;W[ei];B[di];W[dh];B[eh];W[eg];B[fd] (;W[ee];B[ef]) (;W[fh];B[ee]))))) (;B[dg];W[dh];B[eb];W[df];B[ec];W[ee];B[ed];W[fe];B[dp];W[ce];B[dd];W[be];B[jp] ;W[bc];B[bd];W[ad];B[bb];W[ab])) (;W[gc]LB[db:A][dd:B][fd:C][gd:D] (;B[db];W[cd] (;B[dd];W[ec];B[bd];W[cb];B[ce];W[bb];B[ci];W[dh]) (;B[ec];W[dd];B[ed];W[ce])) (;B[dd]LB[db:A][ec:B]N[B] (;W[ec];B[bd]) (;W[db]TR[ic][ci]LB[be:A][fd:B][cf:C] (;B[be];W[cb];B[ci];W[bc];B[dh];W[dp];B[pc];W[cm]) (;B[fd];W[gd];B[ge];W[he];B[gf];W[hf];B[gg];W[fc];B[ci];W[dp];B[pd];W[ck]))) (;W[db];B[dd] (;W[cj];B[be];W[jc];B[cb]) (;W[cb];B[be]) (;W[dp];B[cf] (;W[dg];B[cb]TR[jc][dj]) (;W[dh];B[cb];W[jc];B[pd];W[bf];B[be];W[df];B[ce];W[ff];B[ef];W[fg];B[fe];W[ge]))) (;B[fd]LB[fc:A][eb:B] (;W[fc];B[db];W[cd];B[ec];W[dd];B[ed];W[cb];B[fb];W[ce];B[df];W[cf];B[ic]) (;W[eb];B[cf];W[dg];B[cb]LB[ff:A][cd:B][dd:C] (;W[cd];B[dd]) (;W[dd];B[cd];W[ee];B[ed];W[df];B[ce];W[fc];B[gd]) (;W[ff];B[gd];W[hc];B[hd];W[ic];B[id];W[jd])) (;W[cb] (;B[cd];W[eb]) (;B[eb];W[dd]))) (;B[gd] (;W[fc];B[db]) (;W[hc];B[fc];W[fb];B[ec]) (;W[hd];B[fc];W[fd];B[ge];W[fb];B[hc];W[ec];B[gb];W[fc];B[id];W[dp];B[pd];W[cd] ;B[he])))) (;B[be] (;W[gc];B[ci];W[eg];B[bg];W[cf];B[bf];W[ce];B[cd];W[dd];B[cc];W[ee]) (;W[fd] (;B[ef] (;W[ic];B[ci]) (;W[cj])) (;B[fe];W[gd])))) (;W[dq]) (;W[pd];B[cp];W[ep];B[gq] (;W[er] (;B[cm];W[iq];B[go];W[gr];B[fq];W[fr];B[eq];W[dq];B[dp];W[cq];B[eo]) (;B[dn];W[fo] (;B[ck];W[iq];B[kq];W[hp];B[dq];W[eq]) (;B[jq];W[cl] (;B[em];W[bn]) (;B[dl];W[dk];B[el] (;W[cm];B[cn]) (;W[co] (;B[do];W[dp];B[bo];W[cq];B[cn];W[bq];B[ck]) (;B[bo];W[dp] (;B[cq];W[cn]) (;B[ck] (;W[cn];B[cm];W[bn];B[bl];W[bp]) (;W[bp];B[bn];W[cq];B[cj])))) (;W[cf];B[qn] (;W[cn];B[cm];W[bm];B[dm];W[bn] (;B[do];W[ck]) (;B[ck];W[bl];B[bk];W[co];B[do];W[dp];B[bp])) (;W[bm];B[ck];W[co];B[do];W[bo];B[bk];W[dp];B[cm];W[bl];B[bp];W[bn];B[cr];W[ek])))))) (;W[fo] (;B[cm];W[cq] (;B[bq] (;W[dq]) (;W[hp];B[dq])) (;B[dq];W[dp];B[eq];W[co];B[bp];W[cn];B[cr];W[dm])) (;B[go];W[gn] (;B[ho];W[fq];B[gr];W[cn];B[fn];W[en];B[fm];W[em];B[fl];W[dq];B[el]) (;B[gp] (;W[dq];B[hn];W[fn];B[cm];W[hm];B[in];W[im];B[jn];W[cq];B[cj]) (;W[hn] (;B[eq];W[dq];B[dp];W[er];B[fq];W[cq] (;B[bq];W[br];B[bp];W[ar]) (;B[bp];W[bq];B[fr];W[es];B[cs];W[bs];B[br];W[ar];B[as])) (;B[fn];W[en];B[fm];W[em];B[fl];W[dq])))) (;B[dq] (;W[eq];B[cn];W[hp];B[jp];W[hq];B[jr]) (;W[hp];B[fr];W[in];B[cm]))))) (;B[cp]N[lower pincer];W[eq];B[gp];W[eo];B[dn];W[ip] (;B[gn];W[gq];B[fp];W[fq];B[ep] (;W[dq];B[dp]) (;W[dp] (;B[do];W[dq];B[cq];W[hp];B[en]) (;B[dq];W[do];B[co];W[en];B[em];W[cn];B[fn];W[dm];B[fo];W[dn];B[cq] (;W[hp];B[dl];W[el];B[fm];W[cl];B[dk];W[bn];B[ck]) (;W[bo];B[bp];W[bn];B[hq];W[hr];B[ir];W[iq];B[hp];W[gr];B[jr];W[dr];B[cr];W[er] ;B[fs]LB[bs:A][br:B];W[bs];B[br];W[aq];B[cs];W[ap];B[hs];W[ar];B[gs];W[ds];B[as] ;W[is])))) (;B[gr] (;W[go];B[fp] (;W[fo] (;B[ep];W[do];B[dp];W[co]) (;B[dq];W[ep];B[er];W[fq];B[fr])) (;W[do];B[co];W[cq] (;B[dp];W[ep];B[dq];W[dr];B[cr];W[fr];B[fo];W[fn]) (;B[fo];W[en];B[dm];W[bq];B[ho];W[fr]))) (;W[hq];B[gq];W[en];B[dm];W[em];B[dl];W[ho];B[dq] (;W[er];B[ep];W[fp];B[dp];W[fq];B[go];W[fo];B[gn]) (;W[dp];B[do];W[ep];B[er];W[dr];B[cq];W[fr];B[jq] (;W[hr];B[gs];W[es];B[go];W[hn];B[gn];W[gm];B[hp];W[iq];B[io];W[jp];B[hm];W[in] ;B[im];W[jn];B[fm];W[gl];B[fl]) (;W[jp];B[kq];W[hr];B[kp];W[jn]))))))
(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.3.0]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[dd];W[pq];B[po];W[pm] (;B[qq];W[qr];B[qp];W[or];B[qm];W[pl];B[ql];W[qk];B[rk];W[rj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ri] ;W[rl];B[sj];W[qn];B[rm];W[rn];B[sl];W[pn];B[no];W[mp]) (;B[no];W[nq];B[qq];W[qr];B[qp];W[or];B[qm] (;W[pl];B[ql];W[qk];B[rk];W[rj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ri];W[rl];B[sj];W[qn];B[rm];W[rn] ;B[sl];W[pn];B[on];W[ml];B[lo]) (;W[ql];B[pl];W[rm];B[qn];W[qk];B[ol];W[pd];B[dp];W[nc]N[white is better];B[cf] (;W[rn];B[ro];W[pn];B[qo];W[nm];B[om];W[nn];B[on];W[mo];B[mp];W[np];B[oo];W[lo]) (;W[pk];B[fq];W[nk];B[ok];W[oj];B[nj];W[nl];B[om];W[on];B[nm];W[rn];B[ro];W[pn] ;B[qo];W[nn];B[mm];W[mn]))) (;B[mp] (;W[oo];B[jp];W[pp]) (;W[pp] (;B[jp];W[qo]) (;B[pn]) (;B[oo];W[qo];B[qn];W[pn];B[rn];W[qp];B[qk];W[no];B[qh] (;W[on];B[iq]) (;W[dp];B[op];W[ql];B[rl];W[pk];B[qj];W[np];B[oq];W[nq] (;B[on];W[or] (;B[nn];W[om];B[mn]) (;B[ol];W[pl];B[nr];W[pr])) (;B[or];W[on];B[nr];W[mr];B[mq];W[lr];B[pr];W[qr];B[nn];W[mo];B[nm];W[ln]))))))
(;CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.3.0]SZ[19]N[two pcenr]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[cp];W[ep];B[hp]LB[en:A][dm:B][dn:C][dl:D][co:E]N[A,B,C,D,E] (;W[en]LB[cn:A][cm:B]N[A have A,B] (;B[cn]LB[dl:A][el:B][cq:C]N[A ,have A,B,C] (;W[dl]) (;W[el]N[B];B[eq]LB[fq:A][gp:B] (;W[fq];B[dq];W[fp];B[kp]) (;W[gp]LB[gq:A][hq:B][dq:C][fp:D]N[B peng] (;B[gq]N[A];W[dq];B[dp];W[fq];B[er];W[fr]) (;B[hq]N[B];W[dq];B[dp];W[er];B[fq];W[gq];B[fr];W[gr]) (;B[dq]N[C];W[hq]) (;B[fp]LB[fo:A][fq:B]N[D is correct] (;W[fo]N[A];B[fq];W[gq];B[go]) (;W[fq]N[B];B[fo]LB[gq:A][go:B] (;W[gq]N[A];B[go];W[dq];B[er];W[dr];B[eo];W[dp];B[do]LB[bq:A][hq:B]) (;W[go]LB[gq:A][fn:B]N[B] (;B[gq];W[fr];B[gn]) (;B[fn];W[gq];B[eo];W[er];B[dq];W[jq]LB[cr:A];B[fr])))))) (;W[cq]N[C];B[bq];W[el]LB[eq:A][cl:B][kp:C] (;B[eq];W[dp];B[dq];W[cr];B[br];W[co];B[bp];W[fq];B[dr];W[er];B[cs];W[fp]) (;B[cl];W[jq];B[io]) (;B[kp]N[C];W[ck];B[pp];W[br];B[dq];W[cr];B[dp];W[eq];B[dr]LB[er:A][bp:B] (;W[er]N[A];B[bs];W[bp];B[bo];W[aq];B[cs]) (;W[er]LB[ds:A][bp:B][bs:C]N[B] (;B[bs]) (;N[B])) (;W[bp]N[B];B[bo];W[aq];B[fo];W[eo];B[fr];W[gq])))) (;B[cm]LB[dl:A][cq:B]N[B] (;W[dl]LB[cl:A][dm:B] (;B[cl];W[dk];B[ck];W[dj]LB[ci:A][kp:B];B[ci];W[kp]) (;N[B])) (;W[cq]N[B];B[bq];W[cn]LB[bn:A][dq:B] (;B[bn];W[co];B[bo];W[dp];B[bp];W[dm];B[cl];W[jq]) (;B[dq];W[dm];B[eq];W[dj])))) (;W[co]LB[bo:A][do:B][dp:C]N[E, have A,B,C] (;B[do]N[A];W[dp];B[cn];W[bo];B[cq]LB[bn:A] (;W[bn]N[A];B[eo];W[fo]LB[dm:A][cm:B] (;B[dm];W[cm];B[fp];W[dn];B[en];W[em];B[fn];W[dl];B[go]) (;B[cm]N[B];W[cl];B[en];W[dm];B[fp];W[em];B[fn];W[dn];B[go])) (;W[bp]LB[bq:A][dr:B][eo:C]N[B] (;B[bq];W[bn];B[eo];W[dr];B[cr];W[dq]) (;B[dr]N[B];W[bn]LB[eo:A][dn:B] (;B[eo];W[fo]LB[dm:A][cm:B] (;B[dm];W[cm];B[fp];W[dn];B[en];W[em];B[fn];W[dl];B[go]N[white get more 5 komi]) (;B[cm]N[B];W[cl];B[en];W[dm];B[fp];W[em];B[fn];W[dn])) (;B[dn]N[B];W[cm];B[fo];W[fp];B[eo];W[er]N[black no good])) (;B[eo]LB[fo:A][dr:B]N[C] (;W[fo];B[fp];W[fq];B[gp];W[dr];B[dm];W[bq];B[fn]) (;W[dr]N[B];B[fo];W[bq])))) (;B[bo]N[B];W[do]LB[bn:A][cn:B] (;B[bn];W[cq]LB[bq:A][bp:B] (;B[bq];W[dp];B[bp]LB[cr:A][dl:B] (;W[cr];B[cl];W[gq];B[hq];W[hr];B[ir];W[gr]) (;W[dl]N[B];B[cr])) (;B[bp]N[B];W[eq];B[cl];W[hr])) (;B[cn]LB[bp:A][bn:B]N[B] (;W[bn];B[bm];W[bp];B[an];W[cq];B[dn];W[fo];B[bq];W[ap];B[dq];W[dp];B[cr];W[cp] ;B[eq];W[fq];B[fr];W[gq];B[gr];W[hq];B[br]) (;W[bp];B[bq];W[bn];B[ap];W[cm];B[pd];W[dn]))) (;B[dj]N[C];W[pp];B[dp];W[do];B[eo];W[bp];B[bq];W[bo];B[eq];W[fp]LB[fq:A][fo:B] (;B[fo]N[B];W[fq];B[er];W[go];B[gn];W[gp];B[ho];W[fr];B[cr];W[hq];B[iq];W[ir];B[hr] ;W[gr];B[gq];W[es];B[dr];W[hq];B[fm];W[hs];B[cl]) (;B[fq]N[A];W[gq];B[gp];W[fo];B[en];W[fn];B[em];W[dq];B[cq];W[dr]))) (;W[dm]LB[eo:A][en:B][dp:C]N[B is magec ] (;B[eo];W[fo];B[en]LB[dp:A][cq:B]N[white A,B . A is old joseki , B is new joseki] (;W[dp]LB[cn:A][do:B] (;B[cn]LB[do:A][fn:B][cq:C][co:D]N[white ,A,B,C , D , C is stand joseki D is new joseki ] (;W[do]N[A];B[dn];W[co]LB[bo:A][fp:B]N[Black ,A,B] (;B[bo]N[A];W[bp];B[bn];W[cq];B[fp];W[fq];B[gp];W[dj]N[white get sente first go side]) (;B[fp]N[B is correct];W[fq];B[gp];W[bn]LB[bm:A][cm:B]N[Black ,A,B] (;B[bm]N[A];W[bo];B[cm];W[dj]N[white ,get sente]) (;B[cm]N[B];W[dj];B[bp];W[bo];B[dr]N[Black get conner ,so white ,can't go side]))) (;W[cq]LB[co:A][bp:B]N[C] (;B[co];W[fn];B[em]LB[bq:A][dr:B]N[white ,A,B] (;W[dr]N[B is old joseki];B[ci]N[Black is better than white]) (;W[bq]N[A is white ladder is ok];B[fp];W[gp];B[fq];W[gq]LB[er:A][eq:B]N[Black ,A,B. A is joseki , ] (;B[er]N[A];W[eq];B[fr];W[gr];B[dr];W[dq];B[go]LB[iq:A][ir:B]N[A is worng] (;W[ir]LB[iq:A][jr:B]N[B is worng] (;B[iq];W[hr];B[pp];W[pd];B[pe] (;W[qd];B[oe];W[ho];B[gn];W[fm]) (;W[dd];B[dj];W[fc];B[hm];W[gm];B[gn];W[fm];B[gl];W[fl];B[fk];W[el];B[dl];W[ek] ;B[ej])) (;B[jr]LB[iq:A][hr:B]N[B] (;W[iq]N[A];B[jq];W[ip];B[io];W[jp];B[hm]) (;W[hr]N[B]))) (;W[iq]N[A];B[cr];W[br];B[gs];W[ir];B[bs]N[two hane increse one laberty])) (;B[eq]N[B];W[dq];B[gr]LB[hq:A][hr:B][fr:C]N[A,B,C ,Cis correct ] (;W[hq];B[hr];W[iq];B[dr];W[cr];B[ir]LB[er:A][ds:B]N[A,B ] (;W[er]N[A];B[fr];W[ds];B[jq];W[ip];B[jp]N[white is no good]) (;W[ds]N[B];B[er];W[es];B[fr];W[jq];B[jr];W[kq];B[bs])) (;W[hr]N[B];B[hq];W[go];B[ir];W[fr];B[hs];W[er];B[dj]N[Black better]) (;W[fr]N[C];B[er];W[fs]LB[es:A][hq:B] (;B[es];W[hr];B[gs];W[hq];B[bs];W[cs];B[cr];W[dr];B[ds];W[br];B[cs];W[hs];B[bp] ;W[fr];B[fs];W[as];B[ar];W[aq]N[is ko ]) (;B[hq]N[B];W[go];B[es];W[hr];B[gs];W[ir];B[jq];W[jr];B[hm];W[in]N[white is better]))))) (;B[bp]N[B];W[fq];B[op];W[cm]N[black is worng])) (;W[fn]N[B];B[em];W[cq];B[bp];W[fq]N[white is worng,because conner have hafe ]) (;W[co]LB[bo:A][do:B]N[D is new joseki] (;B[bo]N[A];W[do];B[dn];W[bp];B[bn];W[cq];B[fp];W[fq];B[gp]) (;B[do]N[B];W[bo];B[cq]LB[bn:A][bp:B]N[white is ,A,B outside and inside] (;W[bn]N[A];B[fp];W[fq];B[gp];W[dr];B[cr];W[fr];B[es]N[black will be kill white]) (;W[bp]LB[fp:A][bq:B][dr:C]N[B] (;B[fp];W[fq];B[gp];W[dr];B[cr];W[dq];B[bq];W[bn]N[white kill black]) (;B[bq];W[bn]) (;B[dr]LB[cm:A][fp:B]N[C kosime is correct white should be ,B] (;W[cm]N[A ];B[fp];W[gp];B[fq];W[go]LB[gq:A][em:B] (;B[gq];W[fm]N[white is better]) (;B[em]N[B is correct];W[el];B[gm];W[fl];B[gn]LB[gq:A][ho:B] (;W[gq]N[A];B[ho]) (;W[ho]N[B];B[gq];W[ip];B[hq]N[black is better]))) (;W[fp]N[B ];B[fn];W[bq];B[br];W[cm];B[go]LB[er:A][gr:B]N[white A,B ] (;W[er]N[A];B[gq]N[white is dead]) (;W[gr]LB[hr:A][fq:B]N[B is correct] (;B[hr];W[er];B[gq];W[dq];B[cr];W[fq];B[gs];W[fr];B[gp];W[es]) (;B[fq]LB[eq:A][gp:B]N[B is correct] (;W[eq];B[er];W[gq];B[gp];W[fr]) (;W[gp]N[B is correct];B[gq];W[ho];B[hq];W[gn];B[el]N[white is better]))))))))) (;B[do]N[B is worng];W[cq];B[bq]LB[bp:A][co:B]N[white ,A,B , A is worng] (;W[bp]N[A];B[co];W[br];B[dq];W[cr];B[fp];W[eq];B[fq];W[er];B[bo];W[go];B[fr]) (;W[co]N[B];B[bp];W[cn]LB[fp:A][dq:B]N[black is A,B] (;B[fp];W[fq];B[gp];W[cr];B[br];W[er];B[cs]LB[dq:A][dr:B]N[white A,B, A is correct] (;W[dq]N[A];B[ds];W[hr];B[dr];W[eq];B[gr];W[gq];B[hq];W[gs];B[ir];W[fr];B[es];W[bs] ;B[as];W[jr]N[black is dead]) (;W[dr]N[B];B[gr];W[fr];B[gq] (;W[ds];B[bs];W[fs];B[bo];W[bn];B[ao]) (;W[bs]N[Ko];B[as];W[ds];B[fs];W[bs];B[em]))) (;B[dq]N[B];W[cr];B[dr];W[eq];B[er];W[br];B[ar];W[fp])))) (;W[cq]LB[bq:A][dp:B][cn:C]N[B] (;B[bq]N[A black is worng];W[dp];B[co];W[do];B[dn];W[cn]) (;B[dp]N[B];W[dq];B[fp];W[eq]LB[fq:A][fn:B] (;B[fq]N[A is worng];W[bp];B[bo];W[do];B[co];W[dn]LB[bn:A][fn:B]) (;B[fn]LB[do:A][bp:B]N[B is correct] (;W[bp]N[B is correct];B[bo];W[do];B[co];W[dn];B[bq];W[br];B[ap];W[bm];B[ar];W[bs] LB[fq:A][go:B] (;B[fq]N[A is worng];W[fr];B[gr];W[fs];B[bn];W[el];B[an];W[go]) (;B[go]LB[gr:A][bn:B]N[B is correct] (;W[bn];B[fr]N[ inside is ko if white dead , outside 5 stong will be dead, but black dead, black same have power]) (;W[gr]N[A is correct];B[bn];W[el]LB[an:A][bl:B];B[bl]LB[iq:A][hr:B] (;W[iq]N[A];B[hr];W[hq];B[fr];W[fq];B[gq]N[ko]) (;W[hr]N[B is correcr joseki])))) (;W[do]N[A is worng];B[dn];W[co];B[bp];W[cn];B[cm];W[bm];B[cl];W[bo];B[bl];W[bq] ;B[go]))) (;B[cn]N[C];W[bp]LB[dq:A][fp:B] (;B[dq]N[A];W[dp];B[co];W[bq]LB[fq:A][eq:B] (;B[eq]N[B is worng];W[fq];B[fr];W[gr];B[gq];W[fp];B[hr];W[er];B[gs];W[dr]) (;B[fq]LB[fp:A][eq:B]N[A is correct] (;W[fp];B[eq];W[gq];B[gr];W[hr];B[hq];W[gp];B[fr];W[ir];B[hn];W[gn];B[gm];W[ho] ;B[io];W[ip];B[go]) (;W[eq]N[B];B[fp]LB[er:A]))) (;B[fp]N[B];W[eq];B[bo];W[dp];B[co];W[gp];B[ho];W[dj];B[fq]LB[fr:A][gq:B]N[white A is correct] (;W[fr]N[A];B[gq];W[gr];B[hq];W[cd]) (;W[gq]N[B];B[fr];W[go];B[gr];W[hq];B[hr];W[iq];B[er];W[dq];B[dr]))))) (;B[en]N[B];W[do];B[dn];W[co];B[cn]LB[bn:A];W[bn]N[A];B[bp];W[bo];B[cm];W[cq];B[fp] ;W[fq];B[eq];W[dq];B[eo];W[dp];B[gq];W[er]N[white is better]) (;B[dp]LB[eq:A][eo:B]N[C A,B A is worng] (;W[eq]N[A];B[eo];W[fo];B[en]) (;W[eo]N[B];B[eq];W[fq]LB[er:A][fp:B] (;B[er]N[A is worng];W[go]) (;B[fp]LB[gp:A][dq:B]N[B] (;W[gp]N[A];B[fo];W[go];B[fn]LB[en:A][gq:B]) (;W[dq]N[B];B[er];W[dr];B[fr];W[bq]LB[cq:A][bp:B] (;B[cq];W[cr];B[br];W[bs];B[ar];W[aq];B[ds];W[as];B[br];W[ar];B[es];W[bp];B[cs] ;W[co];B[br];W[cr]) (;B[bp]N[B];W[cq];B[bm];W[do];B[cn];W[gq];B[gr];W[hq];B[iq];W[hr];B[ir];W[gp];B[go] ;W[hs];B[fo];W[ho];B[dn];W[en];B[fm];W[em];B[ip];W[gm];B[hn];W[gn];B[io];W[fn];B[ho] ;W[bl];B[bn];W[cm])))))))
(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[pp];W[dc];B[de];W[cg];B[cc];W[cb];B[cd];W[gc]LB[eb:A][dg:B] (;B[eb];W[db];B[dg]LB[dh:A][ch:B] (;W[dh];B[ec];W[ed];B[dd];W[fc]LB[eg:A][fd:B][ch:C] (;B[eg];W[ee]LB[ch:A][bb:B] (;B[ch] (;W[bb];B[ci]) (;W[cf];B[bh];W[df];B[ef];W[be];B[bb];W[fb];B[ca];W[ea];B[bd];W[ad];B[ac];W[ae] ;B[bg])) (;B[bb];W[cf];B[ca];W[df])) (;B[ch];W[ci];B[bh];W[eg];B[df];W[di];B[bi];W[bj];B[bg]N[black is better])) (;W[ch]LB[cf:A][fc:B][di:C] (;B[cf];W[dh];B[eg];W[ec]) (;B[ec];W[ed];B[dd];W[fc];B[dj]LB[dh:A][ei:B] (;W[dh];B[eh];W[eg];B[fd];W[ee];B[ef]) (;W[ei];B[di];W[dh];B[eh];W[eg];B[fd] (;W[ee];B[ef]) (;W[fh];B[ee]))))) (;B[dg];W[dh];B[eb];W[df];B[ec];W[ee];B[ed];W[fe];B[dp];W[ce];B[dd];W[be];B[jp] ;W[bc];B[bd];W[ad];B[bb];W[ab]))
(;CA[Windows-1252]AP[MultiGo:4.3.0]SZ[19]N[close and fix problem]MULTIGOGM[1] (;B[dc];W[ce];B[di];W[hc];B[de];W[dd];B[ed];W[cd];B[ee];W[bc];B[fc];W[cb];B[db] ;W[df];B[ef];W[dg];B[eg];W[he]TR[hg]LB[dh:A][bg:B][bf:C][eh:D]) (;B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dd] (;B[cf] (;W[di]LB[ef:A][cc:B][fc:C][fd:D] (;B[fd]N[D];W[df];B[dg];W[ef];B[ce]LB[cd:A][ed:B] (;W[ed];B[bc];W[eg]CR[dj]) (;W[cd];B[de];W[ee];B[ed];W[cg];B[bd];W[bc];B[be];W[db];B[ch];W[bg];B[eg]))) (;W[dj];B[fd];W[df];B[dg];W[ef];B[ce];W[ed];B[bc];W[eg];B[dh];W[eh]LB[bh:A][di:B] [ei:C] (;W[bh]LB[ci:A][bg:B] (;B[ci];W[cj];B[bi];W[bj];B[aj];W[ak];B[ai];W[di];B[ch];W[bl]) (;B[bg];W[di]TR[cb] (;W[cb];B[bb];W[ba];B[cc];W[db];B[af];W[be];B[ab];W[ad];B[bd];W[ae]CR[jc]))))) (;B[fc];W[fd];B[gd];W[fe];B[ec];W[dc];B[he];W[id];B[ie]MA[ed][gc]LB[cf:A][kd:B] [hb:C] (;W[hb]LB[hc:A][gc:B][db:C][ed:D] (;B[gc];W[jd];B[ed];W[de];B[ee];W[df];B[ef];W[dg]) (;B[ed] (;W[de];B[ee];W[df];B[ef]) (;W[ee];B[gc]))))) (;B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dd];B[cf];W[di];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[bd];W[be];B[bc] ;W[ce];B[fc];W[df];B[dg]LB[eg:A][cg:B] (;W[eg];B[ef]LB[de:A][ff:B][dh:C][eh:D])) (;B[ec];W[cd];B[fd];W[dc];B[db];W[cb];B[fb];W[ed];B[ef];W[hc];B[pp];W[cg];B[qn] ;W[he]LB[bc:A][fe:B][id:C] (;B[bc];W[cc];B[de];W[dd]) (;B[id];W[gc];B[fc];W[ge])))
(;CA[Windows-1252]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]N[15k-25k]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[pd];W[dp];B[pp] (;W[dd]LB[cf:A][fc:B][nq:C] (;B[nq];W[dj];B[fc];W[fd];B[gd];W[fe]LB[ec:A][eb:B][dc:C][cc:D] (;B[cc];W[ec];B[cd];W[ce];B[be]LB[bf:A][cf:B])) (;B[fc];W[df];B[jd];W[fq];B[ch];W[ck] (;B[eh]) (;B[ee];W[de];B[eg]LB[dg:A][ef:B] (;W[ef];B[ff];W[fg];B[eh];W[fd];B[gd];W[ge];B[gf];W[he]) (;W[dg];B[dh];W[ef];B[ff];W[eh];B[fg];W[ei];B[dj]))) (;B[cf];W[ci];B[fd]LB[df:A][fe:B] (;N[]) (;W[fe]LB[cc:A][ge:B] (;B[cc];W[cd] (;B[dc];W[ed];B[ec];W[gd];B[fc];W[ef];B[ge]) (;B[ed];W[dc];B[ee];W[df])) (;B[ge];W[ee];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc])))) (;W[ed];B[cd];W[df];B[cf];W[cg];B[de];W[ee]LB[dg:A];B[dg];W[ef];B[ch];W[bg] (;B[dh];W[bh];B[bi];W[cc]) (;B[di];W[cc];B[bf];W[bd])))
(;CA[Windows-1252]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]N[one pincer joseki fir horshi]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[pd];W[qf];B[qh];W[of]LB[nd:A][nc:B][qk:C][qe:D][pg:E]C['a' and 'b' are joseki. 'c' is mistake D is rare joseki 'e' is not recommended.] (;B[nd]LB[pi:A][qc:B][oh:C][pk:D][qj:E]C['a' is the usual joseki. To avoid complications, Guo Juan 5P will just play 'b'. 'c' is questionable. 'd' is not recommended. 'e' is a mistake.] (;W[pi]CR[qp]TR[nc]MA[pp]LB[ph:A][qi:B][qe:C][qj:D]C[The sequence from White 2 on is similar, but not the same as with the one-space pincer in conjunction with the 3-4 stone. 'a' is joseki if there's a White stone on the squared point, hoshi in the lower right corner, or no White stone in that corner. In this case, 'b' is not recommended. But, if there's a White stone on the circled point, komoku in the lower right corner, 'a' is disadvantageous, and 'b' is the correct choice. 'c' and 'd' are inferior. If Black 1 would be on the triangled stone, 'a' would be wrong and 'c' correct.] (;B[ph] (;W[oh]LB[qi:A][oi:B] (;B[qi]C['a' is the usual joseki, 'b' punishes if Black has the ladder.];W[pj];B[qj] ;W[pk];B[ql]LB[om:A][pl:B][og:C]C['a' is usual and necessary. If the choice of the variation is correct whole-board-strategy and White wants to create a big wall, he must play 'b'. Connecting on 'c' is too slow and unnecessary.]) (;B[oi];W[qi]LB[og:A][ri:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[ri];W[rh];B[rg];W[qg];B[sh];W[pg];B[rh];W[qk];B[rj];W[ok] (;N[])) (;B[og];W[nh];B[pg];W[ng];B[pf];W[rh];B[nf];W[oj];B[oe];W[rg])))) (;N[Add white] (;B[qi];W[pj]LB[qj:A][ph:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. ])) (;B[qe]LB[qi:A][rf:B][re:C]C['a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are wrong.] (;W[qi];B[rf];W[qg];B[rg];W[rh]LB[oc:A][qc:B][rd:C][lc:D]C[Good for White because the Black corner is still open. Later, White 'a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are not recommended. White 'd' is a mistake.]) (;W[rf]) (;W[re])) (;N[])) (;N[]) (;N[]) (;N[])) (;B[nc];W[pi]TR[nd]LB[qe:A][ph:B]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is a mistake. If Black 1 would be on the triangled point instead, 'a' would be wrong and 'b' correct.] (;N[]) (;B[ph]N[B];W[oh];B[qi];W[pj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[om];B[dq];W[md];B[mc];W[ld]C[White's influence is better than the Black territory.]) (;B[qe]LB[qi:A][rf:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' depends on a ladder. ]N[A] (;W[rf];B[ph];W[oh];B[oi]LB[oj:A][qi:B]C['a' starts the ladder. White cannot get a good result without the ladder on 'b'.] (;W[oj];B[ni];W[nh];B[pj];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[rh];W[rj];B[rk];W[qk];B[pk];W[mi] ;B[nj];W[ok];B[pl];W[nk]) (;W[qi] (;B[og];W[nh];B[pf];W[ng];B[pg];W[rh];B[oj]C[Good for Black.]) (;B[ri];W[rh]LB[rg:A][og:B] (;B[rg];W[qg];B[sh];W[pg];B[rh];W[qk]C[White is successful.])))))) (;B[qk];W[nd];B[nc]LB[mc:A][oc:B]) (;B[qe]LB[rf:A][re:B][qg:C]) (;B[pg];W[pf];B[nd]LB[pk:A][pi:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;W[pi];B[qi];W[pj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[om];B[qm])))
[ Star Point = Hoshi = Hwajeom, Seongjeom = Xingwei` --------------------------------------------------------- The star or hoshi (4-4) point1, emphasizing influence at the potential expense of territory. The first experiments with the star point were around 1840 in Japan; its first appearances in pro games date to the early 1900's. Its rise to preeminence came during the 'New Fuseki' movement in Japan in the mid-1930's. White approaches with 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'. White 'a' is the standard approach move. The variations after it cover the great majority of hoshi joseki. Other approaches invite a local loss, but may make sense strategically. 'e' covers White playing elsewhere. These variations show White approaches when there are multiple Black stones locally. 'f' shows the too early sansan invasion (which is not joseki). 'g' shows a splitting move (esp. when Black has already played at the top). 'h' is feasible if strategically sensible. 'i' is a move on the side preparing to approach from the other side. 'j', 'k' and 'l' are covered in another branching. g7, f6, e5, d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;W[qf]TR[pq]LB[mc:c][nc:b][qc:q][jd:n][nd:a][oe:k][qe:s][re:p][of:l][pf:d][rf:r] [pg:m][ph:h][qh:e][pi:i][qi:f][pj:j][qj:g][dp:o]C[ 1-Space Low Approach = Ikken Kakari = Hankan Keolch'im = Yi Gua`jiao~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- White 2 is the standard approach move to the 4-4. Black joseki responses range from 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'm' or 'n'. The variations after 'a' and 'b' should be studied together to understand similarities and differences. 'c' leads to much more complications than the other answers, but White can simplify. 'd' is called Tsuke-Nobi-Joseki. Its shape also occurs on the side without corner. Kyu and low dan players should totally avoid playing this variation, regard it as bad move and instead play an extension (a - c) or a pincer. Black needs the ladder for 'e'. An additional stone on n is also very helpful. 'f' is not generally favorable for Black, nor joseki. 'f' is better than 'i', if there's a Black stone on the triangled point. 'j', 'k' and 'l' show special strategies based upon the fuseki. 'o' shows Black ignoring the approach move (White 2) and invasion into different extensions and moyos based on the Hoshi. 'p' shows the greedy play of using the star point immediately for territory. 'q' is possible if White is not on the top side. 'r' is a trick play. 's' is covered in two other branches. o15, n14, m13, l12, k11, j10, i9, h8, g7, f6, e5, d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;B[nd]TR[jc]LB[nb:h][ob:i][pb:j][lc:f][qc:d][ld:k][md:m][qd:e][rd:a][pi:n][qi:l] [pj:c][qj:b][dp:g]C[ Ikken-Tobi (1-space jump) ---------------------------- White responses range from 'a' to 'f' or 'l' or 'n'. White may also play elsewhere ('g'). If White already has a stone on the triangled point, he may slide to 'h', 'i' or 'j'. 'k' and 'm' are invasions. 'n' can be more preferable than 'c' in six stone handicap games. g7, f6, e5, d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;W[rd]LB[jc:d][qc:a][pg:e][qg:c][qh:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'c'. For a good result, Black must have the ladder to play 'c'. Black 'd' is hasty. 'e' is also possible.] (;B[qc]LB[qi:a][qj:c][dp:b]C[White continues with 'a'. Playing elsewhere ('b') is a mistake. A White play at 'c' is too far.] (;W[qi]LB[jc:a][dp:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. If Black plays elsewhere, White has a strong followup.] (;B[jc]) (;B[]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[lc];B[rc]C[Black plays 9 to establish a base.])) (;W[dp]C[White plays elsewhere, a mistake.];B[qh];W[of];B[oh];W[mf];B[ld]C[If White is going to play elsewhere, it is better not to have played White 4.]) (;W[qj]C[White overextends with 6.];B[qh];W[rh];B[ri];W[qi];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg] ;B[rf];W[qe];B[pf]C[Black 17 catches the three White corner stones.])) (;B[qh]LB[qc:a][qg:b]C[Black 5 emphasizes the right side at the expense of losing the better part of the corner. White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qc];B[qe]LB[pe:b][re:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. White must have the ladder to play 'b'.] (;W[re];B[pf]LB[nb:a][pg:b][qg:c]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White must have the ladder to play 'b'. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[nb];B[rf];W[oc]) (;W[pg]LB[rf:b][qg:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b', regardless of the ladder.] (;B[qg];W[rf]C[White must have the ladder. Black being able to catch White 10 in a ladder gives Black a significant advantage.] ;B[of]C[Black extends if the ladder is unfavorable. The presence of the cutting stone gives White a better result than the other variation.]) (;B[rf];W[qg];B[rg];W[og]LB[of:a]C[White 14 is correct. The atari at 'a' is vulgar, as it destroys aji.] ;B[pc];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[pi])) (;W[qg]C[White 10 is a mistake, as Black gets powerful thickness.];B[pg];W[rh];B[ri] ;W[rg];B[qi])) (;W[pe]C[White must have the ladder to play 8 this way.];B[pf];W[oe];B[qd];W[od] ;B[pc];W[oc];B[pb];W[pg];B[rf];W[of];B[re])) (;W[qg];B[ph];W[qc];B[og])) (;B[qg]LB[pg:a][rg:b]C[Black 5 is a recent Korean innovation. Black must have the ladder to the lower left corner to play this way. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is possible only with the ladder.] (;W[pg]LB[qe:B][pf:C][qh:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are wrong. ] (;B[qh]LB[qc:b][rf:a][ph:c]C[After White 'a' Black gets the corner and White will aim at attacking the right side group. White 'b' grabs the corner in exchange for black thickness. White 'c' also aims at the right side, but creates more eye shape.] (;W[rf];B[qc];W[ph];B[qi];W[pi];B[qj];W[oc];B[od];W[of]LB[nc:b][pe:a]C[White 14 is the right timing. If White played it after 16, Black would respond by peeping at 'a' and blocking at 'b'.]) (;W[qc]LB[pf:a][rf:b]C[White goes for the corner. Black can play 'a' and build thickness, or 'b' if he is concerned about the top and wants to block in sente.] (;B[pf];W[rf];B[of];W[ob]C[The white slide to 12 is a little painful, but avoids bad aji in the corner.]) (;B[rf];W[qe];B[pc];W[re];B[ph];W[of];B[ng];W[nf];B[kc];W[mg];B[ni])) (;W[ph]LB[rf:b][qi:a]C[Black can play 'a', or 'b' if he wants to preserve the option of cutting between 2 and 6.] (;B[qi];W[pe]LB[qc:a][qd:b]C[Black can play 'a', or 'b' if he wants to make it a bit more difficult for White to make eye shape.] (;B[qc];W[od];B[oc];W[oe];B[nc];W[qd]) (;B[qd];W[od];B[oc];W[oe]LB[nc:a][pc:b]C[Black can play 'a' if he values the top, or 'b' when he wants to continue and deny White eye shape.] (;B[nc];W[rc];B[qb];W[rf]) (;B[pc];W[re];B[rc]C[This is often seen in professional play and consistent with the original intention of Black 5\: making life tough for White.]))) (;B[rf];W[qe]LB[qi:B][qj:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qj];W[pi];B[rk];W[qc];B[pc];W[re]) (;B[qi];W[qc];B[pc];W[re];B[pi])))) (;B[qe];W[re];B[pf];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[qi];W[of];B[pe];W[qc]) (;B[pf]LB[qe:A][qh:B]C['a' punishes, 'b' fails to do so. ] (;W[qe]LB[of:B][qh:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help. ] (;B[qh];W[pe];B[of];W[oe];B[nf];W[ne];B[mf];W[me]) (;B[of];W[qh])) (;W[qh];B[qe];W[rg];B[re]))) (;W[rg]C[The only way White gets a good result is if the ladder to the lower left corner favors White. Black should not have have played Black 5 if this is the case.] ;B[rf]LB[re:a][pg:c][qh:b]C[White 'a' is obvious, and yields White a disadvantageous low position, but is the best White can do. White 'b' also yields White a disadvantageous low position, but leaves a White stone in a ladder to the lower left, offering a ladder breaker at the cost of giving Black a strong ponnuki shape. White 'c' is unreasonable, unless White has a favorable ladder to the lower left corner. If that is the case, Black has made a big mistake in playing Black 5.] (;W[re];B[pf];W[sf];B[qh]LB[qc:a]C[Black is satisfied, as White has a low position, and Black's thickness is clearly superior. 'a' remains a big middle-game (chubansen) point.]) (;W[qh];B[pg];W[re];B[rh];W[sf];B[qi]C[This is good for Black\: White is in a low position again. While White has a play for the ladder breaker to White 8, the resultant ponnuki shape gives Black incredible strength.] ;W[hp]C[White plays the ladder breaker.];B[ph]C[Black must take with 15. Black's thickness is impressive.]) (;W[pg]C[White must have the ladder to play this way.];B[qh];W[rh];B[qe];W[pf];B[re] ;W[qi]LB[qc:A]C[Later White can live on 'a'.];W[qc];B[pc];W[rb]LB[pb:A][sc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' doesn't kill.] (;B[pb]LB[sc:B][qd:A]C['a' is correct, gives life, 'b' wrong, ko.] (;W[qd]LB[qb:B][pe:A]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[pe];W[sc]) (;B[qb];W[pe];B[sd];W[rc];B[sc];W[sf])) (;W[sc];B[qb];W[qd];B[ra];W[pe];B[sb])) (;B[sc];W[pb];B[ob];W[qa];B[sd];W[sb])))) (;B[jc]C[Black 5 is not recommended, as it is premature, letting White settle himself too easily.] ;W[qc];B[pc]LB[qi:a]C[White no longer needs to play at 'a' to secure a base, so may play elsewhere.]) (;B[pg];W[pf];B[qg];W[of];B[rf];W[re];B[rg];W[oc];B[od];W[pc];B[qc];W[qd];B[qb] ;W[nc];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb]LB[nb:A][md:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' a mistake.] (;W[nb];B[md];W[pb];B[ng];W[nf];B[mf]) (;W[md];B[lc];W[ne];B[ob];W[nb];B[na];W[pb];B[pa]C[Ko])) (;B[rh]C[Rare joseki];W[qc];B[pc];W[qg]C[The result is equal.])) (;W[qj]LB[jc:A][qh:C][ql:B]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[jc]LB[qc:a][md:b][qd:c][rd:d][qh:e]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black meanwhile would like to defend the corner at 'c' or 'd' prior to invading at 'e'. If Black invades at 'e' without defending the corner, White will dodge that invasion by invading the corner with 'a'.] (;W[qc];B[qd];W[rd]LB[pc:b][re:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[re]LB[rb:B][rc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[rc];B[qe];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc]LB[od:A][dp:B]C['a' is necessary, tenuki 'b' is bad.] (;W[od];B[oe]LB[pc:A][ne:C][dp:B]C['a' is necessary, tenuki 'b' is a mistake. 'c' is possible.] (;W[pc];B[ne]LB[pf:B][rf:A]C[Later, White has 'a' and 'b'.]) (;W[dp];B[oa];W[pb];B[sd];W[ra];B[sb]) (;W[ne];B[of];W[me];B[ld];W[pc])) (;W[dp];B[oa];W[pa];B[ra];W[pc];B[na];W[qb];B[qa])) (;W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc])) (;B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc])) (;W[md]LB[mc:b][me:c][ne:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'a' works best with Black has the top-left corner. Black plays 'b' when the top-left corner is White's. 'c' is possible.] (;B[ne]C[Black plays 2 only when he has support in the top-right corner.];W[kd] ;B[jd];W[ke];B[je];W[kf];B[ig];W[kh];B[df]) (;B[mc]C[With White in the top-right corner, Black 7 is correct.];W[lc];B[ld];W[me] LB[nc:c][le:a][ne:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake. Push on the side of the cut is the rule. Black 'c' is cowardly.] (;B[le];W[nc];B[mb]LB[oc:b][mf:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[mf];B[nb];W[lf];B[je]C[Joseki ends.];W[jf]C[White 18 is a suggested local follow-up.]) (;W[oc]C[White 14 is not recommended.];B[od];W[lb];B[mf];W[ne];B[nf];W[oe];B[pf] ;W[nb];B[pe];W[ma];B[mc];W[mb];B[qg])) (;B[ne]C[Black 11 is a mistake.];W[kd];B[le];W[mf];B[kc];W[lb]LB[nc:a][ke:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai. Black is in a losing situation.]) (;B[nc]C[Black 11 is a mistake.];W[kd];B[lb];W[le];B[kb])) (;B[me]LB[nc:C][kd:B][ld:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[ld]LB[nc:B][ne:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[ne];W[le];B[je];W[lg];B[rd]) (;B[nc]LB[mb:B][le:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[le];B[lb]) (;W[mb];B[je];W[le];B[mf];W[lf];B[mg]))) (;W[kd];B[jd];W[ke];B[mc];W[kc];B[je];W[kf];B[jf];W[kg];B[rd]) (;W[nc];B[ld];W[mc];B[oc]LB[le:A][ne:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[le];B[ne];W[kd];B[lc];W[kc];B[lb];W[kb];B[nb]) (;W[ne];B[od];W[kb];B[lc];W[le];B[mf];W[lb];B[ob]))))) (;B[ql]LB[rd:A][ph:C][oj:B]C['a' and 'b' are correct, 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[rd];B[qh];W[qc];B[oh]) (;W[oj];B[qh];W[pg];B[rd];W[ph]) (;W[ph];B[qe];W[pf])) (;B[qh]LB[of:B][rh:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rh];B[ri];W[qi];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg];B[pf];W[rf];B[sh]LB[qd:B][sf:A]C['a' sacrifices for influence, 'b' takes the corner.] (;W[sf];B[sg];W[rj];B[qe];W[of];B[pe]LB[qc:A][sk:B]C[White has aji on 'a'. White 'b' is sente.]) (;W[qd];B[pe];W[qc];B[rj];W[qk];B[rk];W[ql];B[pc];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb])) (;W[of]LB[nd:5][pd:1][of:4][qf:2][qh:3][qj:6]C[See the given order of moves for the punishment.]))) (;W[pj]LB[jc:A][jd:C][qh:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is good with six handicap stones. 'c' is a handicap continuation for White.] (;B[jc]TR[hc]LB[lc:B][md:A]C[Black hopes to strengthen the corner, White to invade the corner. White can reduce on 'a', or, with an additional stone on the triangled position, invade on 'b'. ] (;W[md]LB[mc:A][ne:B] (;B[mc];W[lc];B[ld];W[me]LB[nc:A][le:B] (;B[nc]) (;B[le];W[nc];B[mb]LB[oc:C][od:B][mf:A] (;W[mf];B[nb];W[lf];B[je]) (;W[od];B[ne];W[oe];B[mf];W[pc]) (;W[oc];B[od];W[lb];B[mf];W[ne];B[nf];W[oe];B[pf];W[ma];B[pe];W[nb];B[mc];W[mb] ;B[qg]))) (;B[ne]LB[mc:B][kd:A] (;W[kd];B[jd];W[kf];B[je];W[mf];B[nf]) (;W[mc];B[ke];W[pb];B[pc];W[ob];B[qb];W[kc];B[jd]))) (;AW[hc];W[lc]LB[kd:B][ld:A]C['a' or 'b'are ok. ] (;B[ld]LB[kc:B][mc:A]C['a' if White is strong in the upper left, else 'b'. ] (;W[mc];B[md];W[kc]LB[jd:B][kd:A]C['a' is ok, 'b' is not recommended. ] (;B[kd];W[jb]LB[nc:A][jd:B]C['a' or 'b'. ] (;B[nc]) (;B[jd];W[kb])) (;B[jd];W[kd];B[ke];W[jb];B[ib];W[kb];B[ic];W[pb])) (;W[kc];B[kd];W[jb];B[mc])) (;B[kd]LB[oc:A][ld:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok. ] (;W[oc]LB[nc:A][od:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok. ] (;B[nc];W[od];B[oe];W[pc];B[qd];W[qc];B[pe];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc]) (;B[od];W[pc];B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rd])) (;W[ld];B[le];W[jb];B[ib];W[kb];B[ic];W[nb];B[ob];W[mb]LB[la:B][oc:A]C['a' or 'b' don't kill. ] (;B[oc];W[la]) (;B[la];W[oc];B[pb];W[nc];B[md];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[me];W[pe];B[of];W[pc];B[qd] ;W[qb]))))) (;AB[np][pp]AW[qn];B[qh]LB[pg:B][ph:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;W[ph]LB[pg:B][pi:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pi]LB[oi:A][qi:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oi];B[qi];W[pg];B[qj];W[pk];B[rl];W[pm];B[rg];W[rf];B[rd]) (;W[qi];B[oi];W[rh];B[qj];W[qg];B[ri];W[qh];B[qk])) (;B[pg];W[qg];B[pi];W[oh];B[qj];W[oi];B[qi];W[pk])) (;W[pg];B[qj];W[pk];B[qk];W[pl];B[ph];W[oh];B[rf];W[re];B[rg];W[qe];B[ri])) (;B[jd]LB[lc:B][ld:A]C['a' or 'b' are later continuations. ] (;W[ld];B[ke];W[le];B[lf];W[me];B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[of];B[nf];W[pe];B[ne]) (;W[lc]LB[jc:B][ld:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[ld];W[mc];B[md];W[jc];B[ic];W[kc];B[id];W[pb]) (;B[jc];W[oc];B[od];W[pc];B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rd])))) (;W[qc]C[White invades. This is a special strategy, usually because of a pincer behind White 2.] ;B[qd];W[rd]LB[pc:B][re:A]C[Black builds a wall to the right on 'a' or defends territory on the top with 'b'.] (;B[re]LB[rb:b][rc:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rc];B[qe];W[ob]TR[jd]LB[nb:b][mc:c][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a', possibly 'b'. Black 'c is too mild. 'b' is urgent if there is an additional Black stone on or near the triangled position.] (;B[pf]C[Black 11 is a thick move.]) (;B[nb]LB[pb:B][oc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[oc];B[nc]LB[pc:B][od:A][dp:C]C['a' lives in gote, 'b' in sente. Tenuki 'c' is a mistake and leads to a ko.] (;W[od];B[oe]LB[pc:A][ne:B]C['a' leaves the cut at 'b' for later. Cutting immeadiately on 'b' makes the corner territory smaller.] (;W[pc]) (;W[ne]LB[pc:A][of:B]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;B[pc];W[pb];B[oa];W[qa];B[of]LB[rb:A][ne:16][dp:B]C['a' is necessary if the cut 16 should make sense. Tenuki 'b' loses 4 stones in gote.] (;W[rb]) (;W[dp];B[na];W[sb];B[qb];W[rb];B[pa];W[sd];B[qb];W[pb])) (;B[of]LB[pc:A][me:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[pc]) (;W[me];B[ld];W[mg];B[ng];W[mh];B[oa])))) (;W[pc];B[od]) (;W[dp];B[oa];W[pa];B[ra];W[pc];B[na];W[sd];B[pb];W[qb];B[qa];W[rb];B[pb])) (;W[pb])) (;B[mc])) (;W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe];W[nb]LB[ob:b][pf:a]C[White can extend further because of the strength of the four White stones. Joseki continues with Black 'a'. Black 'b' is a trick play.] (;B[pf]) (;B[ob]LB[pb:a][oc:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[pb];B[oc];W[oa];B[mb]LB[qa:a][dp:b]C[White must play 'a' to live in the corner. White cannot play elsewhere ('b').] (;W[qa]C[White must play 18 to live.]) (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere, a mistake.];B[qa];W[pa];B[ra]LB[sa:b][sc:a]C['a' and 'b' are miai. White is dead.])) (;W[oc];B[pb];W[pc];B[mb];W[nc];B[mc]LB[oa:b][od:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[od]LB[oe:b][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is unreasonable.] (;B[pf];W[ne];B[md];W[oe]LB[na:b][qg:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qg];W[oa]) (;B[na]C[Black 25 is a mistake.];W[pe];B[rf];W[qg];B[rg]C[Black must crawl along the second line, the line of defeat.] ;W[qh];B[rh];W[qi];B[ri];W[qj])) (;B[oe]C[Black 21 is a mistake.];W[ne]LB[md:a][of:b]C[Neither Black 'a' nor 'b' are any good.] (;B[md];W[of];B[pe];W[pf]C[Black cannot escape.]) (;B[of];W[md]C[The result is a disaster for Black.]))) (;W[oa]LB[od:a]C[White holds the push at 'a in reserve.]))))) (;AB[jc][je];B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc])) (;W[qd]C[Black 4 may be played when Black has a pincer as shown.];B[qc]LB[rc:a] [pe:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rc]LB[rb:b][pc:a][qe:c]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'c'. Black 'a' is simple, 'b' severe, and 'c' the toughest.] (;B[pc];W[re];B[jc]) (;B[rb]LB[pc:c][rd:b][re:a]C[Black 7 is tough-minded. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is weak. 'c' is territorially ingerior, but enables White to go to the top side.] (;W[re];B[sc]LB[rd:c][sd:b][pe:a]C[White continues with 'a'; a favorable ladder to the lower left helps. White 'b' is unthinkable. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[pe]LB[od:a][rd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[od];W[rd];B[pb]) (;B[rd];W[od];B[qe];W[pc];B[qd]LB[oc:b][oe:a]C[White continues with 'a' if the ladder to the lower right is favorable, 'b' if not. White 'b' is bad for White.] (;W[oe]C[White must have the ladder to play this way.];B[oc];W[nc];B[pb];W[ob];B[pc] ;W[md];B[pf];W[ne];B[pg]C[Black gets a large area, White gets sente.]) (;W[oc]C[White must play 16 with an unfavorable ladder to the lower left, but the result is awful.] ;B[oe];W[ne];B[pf];W[of];B[pe];W[md];B[nf];W[me];B[og]))) (;W[sd]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[rd]LB[qe:a]C[White does not have a ko threat big enough to stop Black 'a'.]) (;W[rd]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[pc])) (;W[rd]C[White 8 is not recommended.];B[pc];W[qh];B[jc]) (;W[pc];B[qb];W[od];B[pe];W[oe];B[pf];W[oc];B[qe])) (;B[qe]C[Black 7 is double tough.];W[rd];B[re]LB[pc:a][pe:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pc];B[pe];W[oc];B[nc]) (;W[pe];B[rf];W[pf];B[qg];W[pg];B[qh]LB[pc:B][od:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[od];B[pc];W[oc];B[ob];W[nc]LB[nb:a][rb:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[nb];W[mc];B[rb]) (;B[rb];W[nb]LB[pb:a][dp:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. If Black plays elsewhere, White gets a two-step ko.] (;B[pb]) (;B[]C[Black plays elsewhere. White can get a two-step ko.];W[qb];B[pb];W[ra]LB[qa:a] [sb:b]C[Black continues with 'a' and White has a two-step ko. Black 'b' gives White a ko.] (;B[qa]C[Black 26 and White has a two-step ko.];W[sb]C[White has a "flower-viewing" ko (that is, nothing to lose).]) (;B[sb]C[Black 26 and White has a simple ko.];W[pa])))) (;W[pc];B[od];W[pb];B[ng])))) (;W[pe]LB[pc:b][od:a][rd:c]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'c'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[od];W[rc]LB[qb:B][rd:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[re]) (;B[qb];W[rb])) (;B[pc]C[Black 7 is not recommended.];W[ne];B[md];W[oj]) (;B[rd]LB[od:B][re:A]C['a' to emphasize the right, 'b' for the top side.] (;W[re];B[oe];W[rc];B[qe]) (;W[od];B[qe];W[pc];B[qd]LB[oc:B][oe:A]C['a' with the ladder, 'b' without.] (;W[oe];B[oc];W[nc];B[pb];W[ob];B[pc];W[md];B[pf];W[ne];B[pg]) (;W[oc];B[oe];W[ne]LB[of:A][pf:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;B[of];W[md];B[nf];W[me];B[mf]) (;B[pf];W[of];B[pe];W[md];B[nf];W[nc];B[og])))))) (;W[lc]LB[ic:a][mc:d][id:e][me:c][qj:b]C[Black plays a pincer at 'a' or 'e' if there is Black support at top, 'b' if Black support at right, or the balanced 'c'. Black 'd' is a mistake. d4, c3, b2, a1] (;B[ic]LB[nb:f][oc:c][ie:e][le:a][me:b][oe:d]C[With a star-point stone at the top, Black 5 is a powerful pincer. White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'. White 'd' is a trick play. White 'e' is the vague sort of move found in handicap Go. White 'f' is a hopeless move. f6, e5, d4, c3, b2, a1] (;W[le];B[nf]LB[fd:b][ie:a][oe:c][pf:e][pg:d]C[White continues with 'a'. Trying to split Black with 'b' is reckless. 'c' is not recommended. 'd' leads to an interesting fight... 'e' is possible.] (;W[ie];B[gd];W[pg];B[qe]TR[oe]LB[qc:B][re:A]C[Black 11 defends against the peep at the triangled position. 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[re]C[Black 12 is not recommended.];B[rd];W[pe];B[qd];W[oe];B[ne];W[od];B[oc] ;W[nc];B[mc];W[nb];B[mb]LB[ob:b][pc:a]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'. Neither work.] (;W[pc];B[ob];W[pb];B[na];W[rc];B[rf];W[rg];B[se]LB[qc:a][pf:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai. Black 'b' starts a capture squeeze.] ;W[qc];B[pf];W[of];B[og];W[pf];B[ph];W[qg];B[qh]) (;W[ob];B[pc];W[md];B[lb];W[kb];B[kc];W[kd]C[White sets up a ko, but can't expect to win it.])) (;W[qc];B[re]LB[nb:B][ob:B][oc:A]C['a' for the corner, 'b' for the outside.] (;W[oc];B[pc];W[pb];B[nb];W[ob];B[nc];W[rb];B[od]) (;W[nb];B[pb];W[oe];B[ne];W[oc];B[pc];W[od];B[of];W[pf];B[pe];W[ob];B[rf];W[oh] ;B[nh];W[ni];B[mh]))) (;W[fd]C[White 8 is a mistake.];B[ie];W[df];B[kd];W[ld];B[lf];W[kf];B[ke];W[mf] ;B[lg];W[me];B[mg];W[ne];B[oe]C[White cannot break through. In his struggle for life, White hands Black the game by giving overwhelming thickness.]) (;W[oe];B[pe];W[of];B[pf];W[og];B[pg]) (;W[pg];B[qe]LB[qc:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. * Joseki *] (;W[qc];B[re]LB[nb:A][oc:B]C['a' hunts on the outside, 'b' takes a small enclosed corner for huge influence.] (;W[nb];B[pb];W[oe];B[ne];W[oc];B[pc];W[od];B[of];W[pf];B[pe];W[ob];B[rf];W[oh] ;B[nh];W[ni];B[mh]) (;W[oc];B[pc];W[pb];B[nb];W[ob];B[od];W[rb];B[nc])) (;W[re];B[rd];W[pe];B[qd];W[oe];B[ne];W[od];B[oc];W[nc];B[mc];W[nb];B[mb];W[pc] ;B[ob];W[rc];B[rf];W[rg];B[se];W[qc];B[pf];W[of];B[og];W[pf];B[ph];W[qg];B[qh])) (;W[pf];B[of];W[nb];B[pb];W[ie];B[gd];W[rd];B[nc];W[mb];B[qc])) (;W[me]LB[md:d][nf:a][of:c][pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'c'. Black 'd' is mischief making, a fight Black does not need.] (;B[nf]LB[ne:B][mf:C][pg:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. 'c' is possible.] (;W[pg];B[ne]C[ * Joseki *];W[ke];B[ie]) (;W[ne];B[oe];W[of];B[pf];W[og];B[pg];W[oh];B[ph];W[oi]LB[md:A]C[Black can cut on 'a'.]) (;W[mf];B[pg];W[qh];B[pf];W[qe];B[qd])) (;B[pf];W[pg];B[of]LB[qd:b][re:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[re]LB[rd:b][qe:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe];W[qd];B[pe];W[rg];B[qc];W[rd];B[og];W[ph];B[mg]) (;B[rd];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc]LB[oc:b][pe:c][qj:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.'c' is inferior, it captures the corner for huge outside influence.] (;W[qj];B[nc]) (;W[oc]C[White 16 looks tough, but is a mistake.];B[nc];W[nb];B[ob]C[Black 19 is a tesuji.] ;W[pb];B[pc];W[oa];B[od]LB[ld:a][pi:b]C[White has gained trouble. 'a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;W[pe];B[oe];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[qb];B[rb];W[ob];B[na];W[pa]))) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[pb]C[Black 13 is the way to make shape.];W[nb]C[If White tries 14....] ;B[nc]C[Black is unaffected.])) (;B[of]C[The shape of the three Black stones is called a "sake bottle".];W[ph];B[ng] ;W[rd];B[qc];W[je];B[hd]) (;B[md]C[Black starts a fight.];W[ld];B[le];W[mf];B[ke];W[mb]LB[oc:a][jd:b]C[White 12 makes miai of 'a' and 'b'.])) (;W[oc];B[od]LB[nb:c][pb:d][nc:a][pc:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' to 'd' are not as favorable. d4, c3, b2, a1] (;W[nc]LB[pc:b][md:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[md]LB[kb:b][kc:d][pc:a][ld:c]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b', 'c' and 'd' are not recommended.] (;W[pc];B[mc];W[mb];B[qc];W[kb];B[pb];W[ob];B[oa];W[nb];B[rb];W[le];B[ng]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[kb]C[White 10 is not recommended.];B[kd];W[pc]LB[mc:A][qc:B]C['a' or 'b'-] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[qc];W[qb]LB[rb:b][rd:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rd]LB[rb:a][pi:b]C[Black is at the advantage. 'a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;B[rb]C[Black 17 is an overplay.];W[qd];B[rc];W[pe];B[pb];W[ob];B[qa];W[ld]LB[le:a] C[Black cannot now block at 'a'; White can break through to the right or left (Black can stop one, but not both).])) (;B[qc]LB[qb:A][qd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qb];B[rd];W[ld];B[le];W[ke];B[kc];W[lb];B[lf]) (;W[qd];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[pf]))) (;W[ld]C[White 10 is not recommended.];B[mc];W[mb];B[nb]LB[lb:a][ob:b]C[White 'a' is better than 'b'.] (;W[lb];B[ob]) (;W[ob];B[lb];W[na];B[kb]LB[qc:b][le:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is worse.] (;W[le];B[qb];W[pb];B[qd];W[pa];B[pg]) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[rc];B[le]))) (;W[kc];B[pc];W[ke];B[ie];W[kg];B[qe];W[pf];B[nf]C[Black has a much better position.])) (;B[pc]LB[md:a]C[The exchange of Black 9 for White 'a' is disadvantageous.];W[md] ;B[qe];W[pf];B[nf];W[pi])) (;W[pc];B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rd];B[ld]) (;W[nb]LB[mc:a][pc:b][qe:c]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' looks better than it is. After looking at Black 'b', Black 'c' seems logical, but is not recommended.] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[ld];W[kc];B[kd];W[qc];B[qd];W[rc];B[jc]) (;B[pc]C[Black 9 is not recommended.];W[pb];B[nc];W[ob];B[qb];W[rd];B[rc];W[qd] ;B[qc];W[le]C[Black only has one eye in the corner.]) (;B[qe]C[Black 9 is not recommended.];W[pf];B[pc];W[pb];B[nc];W[ob];B[qb];W[le] ;B[dp]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[rb];B[qa];W[rd]C[Black has serious trouble.])) (;W[pb]LB[pc:b][qc:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qc]LB[qb:c][mc:a][le:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake. White 'c' gives Black great thickness.] (;W[mc]C[White 10 is necessary.];B[pi]) (;W[le]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[mc];W[mb];B[nb];W[nc];B[md]C[White is now separated.]) (;W[qb]C[White 10 is not recommended.];B[mc];W[mb];B[ld];W[kc];B[kd];W[qi];B[jc] C[If Black plays at top again before White, White barely gets two eyes.])) (;B[pc]C[Black 9 is not recommended.];W[nb];B[nc];W[ob];B[qb];W[rd];B[rc];W[qd] ;B[qc];W[le]))) (;W[oe]C[A trick play by White.];B[od];W[me]LB[md:b][ne:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ne]C[Black foils the trick play.];W[nf]LB[md:B][mf:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[mf];W[le];B[pf]LB[ng:a][pg:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake. * Joseki *] (;W[ng];B[qe]) (;W[pg]C[White 14 is a mistake.];B[og]LB[of:B][ng:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;W[ng];B[oh]C[White is in serious trouble.];W[pe];B[of];W[qe];B[qd];W[qi];B[mh]) (;W[of];B[pe];W[ng];B[oh]LB[nh:A][ph:B]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;W[nh];B[ph];W[qg];B[ni];W[lg];B[mi];W[lh];B[qh]) (;W[ph];B[oi];W[mg];B[pi];W[qi];B[qj];W[rh];B[ri];W[qh];B[rj]LB[rd:B][qe:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;W[qe];B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[rf];B[sd];W[se]) (;W[rd];B[rf];W[qe];B[rg];W[qg];B[rc]))))) (;B[md];W[ld];B[mf];W[le];B[of];W[ng];B[pf];W[pg])) (;B[md]C[Black 9 is a mistake.];W[ld];B[ne];W[nf];B[mf];W[le];B[of];W[ng];B[pe] ;W[og])) (;W[ie];B[kd]C[Black attacks.];W[ld];B[le];W[ke];B[lf];W[jd];B[kc];W[jc];B[kb];W[jb] LB[lb:a][kf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or possibly 'b'.] (;B[lb]C[Black captures the two White stones.];W[mc]CR[oc]SQ[od]C[White 18 is unreasonable, even if White has peeped and Black answered.] ;B[mb];W[nc];B[pc];W[pb]LB[nb:a][qb:b]C[Black continues at 'a'. Black 'b' is a costly mistake.] (;B[nb];W[ob];B[qb]) (;B[qb]C[Black loses with 23.];W[nb])) (;B[kf];W[lb];B[je];W[ka];B[id];W[ke];B[kd];W[he])) (;W[nb]C[White 6 is weak.];B[qc])) (;B[qj]C[Black 5 is ideal with Black support at right as shown, combining pincer attack with extension.] ;W[rd];B[qc];W[qh]C[White takes root locally.];B[oj]C[Possible continuation.];W[oh] ;B[me];W[ic];B[pg];W[ph];B[ri];W[rh];B[rc]) (;B[me]CR[kd]LB[ic:a][le:b]C[Black threatens the pressing move at the red dot. White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[ic];B[qe];W[pf];B[pi]) (;W[le];B[lf];W[ke]LB[qe:a][mf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qe];W[pf];B[pi]LB[mf:a][nf:b]C[If White cuts at 'a', Black plays 'b' and captures the two stones at right on a large scale.]) (;B[mf]C[Black 9 is weak.];W[rd]C[White can now establish himself.]))) (;B[mc]C[Black 5 is cowardice.];W[ld];B[qe];W[pf];B[re]LB[oc:a]C[White still has the peep at 'a'. Giving White extensions as shown is to White's favor.]) (;AB[dd];B[id];W[le];B[kd];W[ld];B[nf];W[pf];B[of];W[nb];B[pb];W[ib];B[gc])) (;W[]LB[qe:a][pf:c][qi:b][pj:d]C[White plays elsewhere. Black continues with 'a', 'c' or 'd'. Black 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[qe];W[pf];B[pi];W[nf];B[ld];W[ni];B[pk]LB[qc:a]C[As long as White is under attack, it is difficult to invade at 'a'.]) (;B[qi];W[qk];B[oi];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe];W[nb]) (;B[pf]C[Black 5 is a mistake, as it strengthens White.];W[pg];B[of];W[re];B[rd] ;W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc];W[qj]) (;B[pj]LB[qd:A][rd:B]C['a' is usual, 'b' is possible.] (;W[qd];B[qc];W[rc]LB[rb:C][pc:A][qe:B]C['a' both settle quick and easy. 'b' various outcomes. 'c' both settle.] (;B[pc];W[re]) (;B[qe];W[rd]LB[pe:B][re:A]C['a' gives White the choice. 'b' gives the side and corner for big influence.] (;B[re]LB[pc:B][pe:A]C['a' gives the corner for influence. 'b' takes the corner for influence.] (;W[pe];B[rf];W[pf];B[qg];W[pg];B[qh];W[od];B[pc];W[oc];B[ob];W[nc];B[nb];W[mc] ;B[rb]) (;W[pc];B[pe];W[oc];B[nc])) (;B[pe];W[re];B[pf];W[qg];B[pg])) (;B[rb];W[re];B[sc];W[pe];B[od];W[rd];B[pb];W[qh])) (;W[rd];B[qc];W[qh]))) (;AW[jc];W[ob]LB[nb:B][pb:A][oc:C][qc:D]C['a' is joseki.'b', 'c' and 'd' are inferior.] (;B[pb]LB[oc:A][qc:B]C[White secures the top and pushes Black into the corner on 'a' or secures the corner and pushes Black into a small top group on 'b'. * Joseki *] (;W[oc];B[pc]LB[mc:A][od:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is no help.] (;W[mc];B[qe];W[pf];B[od]) (;W[od];B[oe];W[mc];B[qe];W[pf];B[pe]TR[pf][qf]C[The Black corner is bigger, and the marked stones have less liverties.])) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[lc])) (;B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[qc];B[qd];W[od];B[oe];W[rc];B[rd];W[pc];B[pf];W[ne]) (;B[oc];W[pb];B[nb];W[mc];B[nc];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe] ;W[pf]) (;B[qc];W[mc])) (;AW[jc];W[pb]LB[nb:B][oc:D][pc:A][qc:E][qe:C]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is inferior. 'c' fails to take the corner. 'd' and 'e' leave Black with not much territory.] (;B[pc]LB[ob:A][qb:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[ob]LB[qb:B][mc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[mc]C[ * Joseki *];W[qc];B[qd];W[rc];B[rd];W[rb];B[qh]) (;B[qb];W[rd];B[rc];W[qd];B[qc];W[mc])) (;W[qb];B[ob];W[rd]LB[rc:A]C[The White mistake is punished by the Black cutting tesuji on 'a'.])) (;B[nb];W[qd];B[qc];W[pc];B[qb];W[rd];B[oc];W[pe];B[od];W[rb]) (;B[qe];W[pf];B[nb];W[qc];B[re];W[ob];B[nc];W[rb]) (;B[oc];W[rd];B[qc];W[rc];B[qb];W[mc]) (;B[qc];W[mc];B[nb];W[nc];B[ob];W[oc];B[pc];W[od])) (;AB[jd];W[ld]LB[ke:A][me:B]C[Useful for games against 6 or more handicap stones. 'a' or 'b' are ok.] (;B[ke];W[le];B[lf]LB[me:B][mf:A]C['a' White lives for big influence, 'b' prevents being enclosed, but creates a target for attack strenghening Black on both sides.] (;W[mf];B[me];W[lb];B[jb];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[pc];W[md];B[ne];W[pb];B[qb];W[oa] ;B[kf]C[White cannot activate his cutting stone because of the weakness of his top side group.] ;W[rd];B[rc];W[qd];B[qc];W[mg];B[nb];W[mb];B[lc];W[kc];B[kd]LB[kb:A][mc:B]C['a' gives some, 'b' gives all.] (;W[kb];B[mc];W[ob];B[jc];W[ka]) (;W[mc];B[kb])) (;W[me];B[pf]LB[mf:A][pg:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' unnecessarily strenghens Black.] (;W[mf];B[qe]) (;W[pg];B[of];W[mf];B[qg]))) (;B[me];W[le];B[lf]LB[ke:B][kf:A]C['a' White lives for influence. 'b' White prevents being enclosed but gets bad shape and not yet life.] (;W[kf];B[ke];W[lb];B[jb];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[pc];W[md];B[lg];W[pb];B[qb];W[oa] ;B[nf];B[je]C[This move threatens a sente 7.5 point gain.];W[dp];B[nb];W[mb];B[lc] ;W[kb];B[kc];W[na];B[mc];W[ob]) (;W[ke]))) (;W[qi];B[qe]LB[re:A][pf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[re];B[rd];W[ql]C[End of joseki.];B[rf]C[Capturing here is slow.];W[rg];B[se]) (;W[pf];B[qk];W[oi])) (;AB[jc];W[md]LB[mc:A][nc:C][ne:B]C[If White or nobody has the top left, 'a' is correct. If White has the top left, Black attacks on 'b'. 'c' is too submissive.] (;B[mc];W[lc]TR[jc]LB[nc:A][ld:B]C['a' risks losing the triangled stone. 'b' is therefore necessary, if White has the top left.] (;B[nc];W[ld]) (;B[ld];W[me]LB[le:A][ne:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[le];W[nc];B[mb];W[lf];B[je];W[mf];B[nb]) (;B[ne];W[le];B[kd];W[nc];B[mb];W[oc];B[lb];W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[og];W[qd]))) (;B[ne];W[kd];B[jd];W[ke];B[je];W[kf]) (;B[nc])) (;W[pi]LB[jc:B][jd:C][qe:A]C['a' or 'b'. 'c' is a possible handicap continuation for White.] (;B[qe]LB[re:A][pf:B]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;W[re];B[rd];W[ql];B[rf];W[rg]) (;W[pf];B[qk];W[ri])) (;B[jc]) (;B[jd];W[lc]LB[jc:B][ld:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[ld];W[mc];B[md];W[jc];B[ic];W[kc];B[id];W[pb]) (;B[jc];W[oc];B[od];W[pc];B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rd])))) (;B[nc]TR[jd]LB[lc:d][qc:b][ld:g][od:f][qd:c][rd:a][qi:e][pj:h]C[ Knight's Move = Keima = Narincha = Fei --------------------------------------- Black 3 is solid and defensive. White continues with 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' or 'h'. 'e' is almost joseki (an invention of Kobayashi Koiichi). 'f' is only good as ko threat or in handicap go. 'g' initiates a trick play, if there is an additional Black stone on the triangled position like in handicap games. d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;W[rd]LB[qc:a][qg:c][qh:b]C[Black continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[qc]TR[pp]LB[lc:c][rc:d][pe:b][qi:a][qm:e]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'c' and 'd' are given to illustrate Black responses. With an additional White stone on the triangled position, White can also play 'e'.] (;W[qi]TR[qk]LB[qg:B][dp:A]C['a' shows continuations for White. Later, Black can play 'b', especially with an additional stone on the triangled position.] (;B[dp]LB[lc:A][rc:B]C[Black plays elsewhere. White can attack on 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[lc]LB[rc:A][dp:B]C[Black on 'a' is a good answer. 'b' covers, what happens, if Black plays tenuki.] (;B[rc]C[Black 9 is necessary.]) (;B[];W[rc]LB[rb:C][mc:A][nf:B]C[Black 'a' and 'b' are easy and recommended even if Black has the ladder, 'c' possible, if Black has the ladder.] (;B[mc]C[Black forestalls a White invasion.];W[ld];B[rb]) (;B[nf];B[pf]C[Later.]) (;B[rb];W[pb]LB[ob:A][qb:B][re:C]C[White made the most famous hoshi trick play. 'a' is correct, Black needs the ladder, 'b' is getting tricked. 'c' doesn't work.] (;B[ob];W[qb];B[ra]LB[sb:B][pc:A]C[ * Joseki * White cannot gain a good result on 'a' if Black has the ladder. 'b' doesn't work.] (;W[pc];B[qd];W[od];B[pe]LB[oc:A][oe:B]C[If White does not have the ladder, he plays a disadvantageous furikawari on 'a'. If he has the ladder, he destroys Black on 'b'.] (;W[oc]LB[oe:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. Capturing immediately on 'b' is inferior.] (;B[oe]LB[nd:A][qe:B]C['a' gives less than 'b'.] (;W[nd];B[re]) (;W[qe];B[nd];W[nb];B[pa];W[oa];B[qa];W[ob];B[mb])) (;B[re];W[of])) (;W[oe];B[pf];W[qe]LB[oc:A][pg:B]C['a' keeps the corner with the ladder. 'b' loses the corner.] (;B[oc];W[pg]) (;B[pg];W[oc]))) (;W[sb];B[pc])) (;B[qb]LB[nb:B][oc:A]C[White connects on 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oc];B[od];W[nb]C[Black has nothing.]) (;W[nb];B[mb]LB[mc:B][oc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oc]) (;W[mc];B[ob];W[oc];B[na];W[nd];B[nb]))) (;B[re];W[qe];B[qd];W[rf];B[ob];W[qb];B[pc];W[ra];B[sb];W[qa];B[oa];W[se];B[pa] ;W[sc];B[sa];W[qb])))) (;W[rc];B[kc])) (;AB[qk];B[qg]LB[pg:C][rg:B][qh:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are disadvantageous.] (;W[qh]LB[qe:A][rf:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;B[qe];W[re];B[pf];W[rf]LB[og:B][pg:A][oh:C]C[Later, Black 'a', 'b', 'c' are sente.]) (;B[rf];W[re];B[pf];W[qe]LB[pg:B][rg:A]C[Black cannot cut neither on 'a' nor 'b'.] (;B[rg];W[pg]) (;B[pg];W[rg]))) (;W[rg];B[rf]LB[re:B][pg:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[pg];B[qe];W[qh];B[re]) (;W[re];B[rh];W[qh];B[sg];W[pg];B[ri];W[rg]C[This ko is bad for White.])) (;W[pg];B[rf];W[qe];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri];W[rh];B[rg];W[rj];B[sh];W[qj];B[pi];W[sf] C[White cannot kill.];B[re];W[se];B[qd];W[pf];B[rc]))) (;W[pe]LB[od:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[od]C[Black 7 is a bit submissive, but the outcome is roughly equal.];W[rc];B[rb] ;W[qd];B[pb];W[qi]) (;B[qd];W[rc];B[rb];W[od];B[oc];W[qe];B[pb];W[qj]C[The extension of White 14 is necessary.])) (;W[lc]LB[rc:a][dp:b]C[White 6 is not joseki, but may make strategic sense. Black continues with 'a'. Black cannot afford to play elsewhere ('b').] (;B[rc]C[Black 7 may seem submissive, but is necessary to live in the corner.]) (;B[]C[Black plays elsewhere, a mistake.];W[rc]LB[rb:a][mc:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rb];W[pb]LB[ob:b][qb:a]C[The obvious move is Black 'a'. Black 'b' looks like a tesuji, but the result is not good for Black.] (;B[qb];W[oc];B[od];W[nb]C[Black has had his corner hollowed out, and must flee to the center.]) (;B[ob];W[qb];B[ra];W[pc];B[qd];W[od];B[pe]LB[oc:a][oe:b]C[White continues with 'a', or, having a favorable ladder to the lower left corner (forget Black 7), White may play 'b'.] (;W[oc];B[re];W[of]) (;W[oe]C[White must have the ladder to the lower left corner to play this way.] ;B[pf];W[qe]LB[oc:a][pg:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oc];W[pg]) (;B[pg]C[Black 21 is untenable.];W[oc]C[Black's position is terrible.])))) (;B[mc];W[ld];B[rb]LB[lb:a]C[White 'a' is still sente.]))) (;W[rc]C[White 6 is not joseki.];B[kc]C[Black must extend to ensure life.]) (;AW[pp];W[qm];B[qh]LB[rc:C][pe:A][of:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are disadvantageous.] (;W[pe]LB[qd:B][oe:C][qk:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are disadvantageous.] (;B[qk];W[od];B[oc];W[qd];B[pc];W[nf]) (;B[qd];W[rc];B[rb];W[od];B[oc];W[qe];B[qb];W[qj];B[oh];W[nf]) (;B[oe];W[of];B[ne];W[qd];B[pc];W[qj])) (;W[of];B[oh];W[mf];B[qk]) (;W[rc];B[pf]))) (;B[qh]LB[qc:A][of:B]C[Black 5 is a powerful move, and works well with Black 3. 'a' is correct, 'b' is wrong.] (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qe:a][pf:c]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is weak. 'c' avoids a cutting stone.] (;B[qe]LB[pe:b][re:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'a' is tough-minded, giving White an equal result (a White corner and access to the outside). White 'b' gives Black a slightly favorable result (Black thickness versus a small White corner).] (;W[re];B[pf]LB[rf:B][pg:A]C['a' or 'b', depensing on the overall position.] (;W[pg]LB[rf:B][pg:10][qg:A]C[Black 'a' is usual. If 'b' leads to a good result considering the surrounding positions, than White 10 is wrong.] (;B[qg];W[rf];B[of]) (;B[rf];W[qg];B[rg];W[ph];B[qi])) (;W[rf];B[pg]C[Usually Black is favorable. His wall has no weak points.]) (;W[ob]C[Also possible])) (;W[pe];B[pf];W[oe]LB[qd:b][rf:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rf];W[qd];B[qg]LB[oc:a][od:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oc];B[nd];W[od];B[ob]LB[pb:A][ne:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[pb];B[nf]C[End of joseki.];W[ne]C[Later];B[me];W[md];B[of];W[pc];B[le];W[mc]) (;W[ne];B[pb]LB[mb:B][pc:A]C['a' is correct. Trying to surround Black on 'b' fails.] (;W[pc];B[ld];W[qb]) (;W[mb];B[nb]LB[pc:B][ld:A] (;W[ld];B[pc]LB[lc:B][mc:A] (;W[mc];B[md];W[me];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc];W[kb];B[jc];W[jb];B[ic]LB[qb:A][le:B] (;W[qb];B[le];W[kd];B[ke];W[jd];B[ie]) (;W[le];B[qb];W[rb];B[ra];W[sb];B[re];W[sc];B[se];W[sd];B[qa];W[na];B[sa])) (;W[lc];B[qb];W[rb];B[ra];W[sb];B[re];W[sc];B[se];W[sd];B[qa])) (;W[pc];B[ld])))) (;W[od];B[oc]C[White loses his eye shape.]) (;W[nd]C[Move played by Lee Sedol twice in his game against Xie He, Chunlan cup final match, 2011.] ;B[oc];W[ld];B[mc];W[lc];B[lb];W[kb];B[md];W[me];B[le];W[mf]LB[la:A][lg:B]C[There are 2 ways now. Black can live at 'a' or fight actively at 'b'.]) (;W[re]C[Trick move or new pattern.];B[qf]C[The best decision for Black is tenuki. Connecting at R14 is heavy.] ;W[oc];B[nd];W[od]C[Now the result is slightly better for White, comparing to the normal joseki.])) (;B[qd]LB[od:b][re:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[re]LB[pc:a][rf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[qg]LB[rc:b][pg:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pg];W[ph];B[nf];W[pi];B[ng];W[rh]) (;B[rc];W[ph]LB[of:a]C[Black later aims to play 'a'.])) (;B[rf]C[Black 13 is a mistake; an act of impatience.];W[oc];B[od];W[nd];B[qg];W[pc] ;B[qf];W[mc];B[ne];W[md]C[White gets considerable profit, while Black position is somewhat unresolved, as White's two stones still have aji.])) (;W[od]C[White 12 is a mistake.];B[pc];W[oc];B[pb];W[pg];B[rf];W[of];B[re]LB[ob:a] C[Black can play 'a' to connect to Black 3 because 3 was the knight's move, not the one-space jump. White having to add a stone at 'a' to complete his thickness is painful. The result is a Black success.])))) (;B[pc]LB[of:b][pf:a]C[Black 7 is a mistake. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is an overplay, leaving White subject to being cut in two.] (;W[pf]C[White 8 is the best way to avoid being sealed in. White 8 may seem slow, but other moves leave weaknesses for Black to exploit.]) (;W[of];B[qd];W[rc];B[pf];W[pg];B[rf])) (;B[pf]LB[qe:A]C['a' is correct. All other moves are mistakes doing nothing than unneccesarily strengthen Black more than 'a' does.] ;W[qe];B[pg])) (;W[of];B[qc])) (;B[qg]LB[pg:a][rg:b]C[Black 5 is a Korean innovation. White continues with 'a' or, with the ladder, 'b'. As 'b' gets Black a ladder breaker it's disadvantageous.] (;W[pg]LB[qe:B][pf:C][qh:A]C[White 6 is the only feasible continuation. 'a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are not recommended. ] (;B[qh]LB[pe:D][pf:B][rf:C][ph:A]C['a' is correct, 'b', 'c' and 'd' are other variations which might be inferior (or simply older). ] (;W[ph]LB[rf:A][qi:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rf]LB[qe:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qe]LB[qi:B][qj:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qj];W[pi]LB[qk:A][rk:B]C['a' is usual, 'b' is good if White is in the lower right corner.] (;B[qk];W[qc]LB[kc:A][pc:B][re:C]C['a' is better than 'b'. 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[kc]) (;B[pc];W[re];B[kc]) (;B[re];W[qd]LB[pd:1]C[Black 1 is now damaged for nothing.])) (;B[rk];W[qc];B[re];W[qd];B[pc]CR[pf]LB[pb:b][rb:a][ne:c]C[The sequence ends. Black currently has one eye in the corner. Playing White 'a' gives White two eyes in the corner, but the move is desparately small. If White is trying to make two eyes in the corner, White 'b' leads to a ko. Locally, White 'c' covers the cut at the red dot, but may not be the best strategic play.] (;W[rb]C[White to live in the corner. This should not be played immediately. White should be able to make eyes in the center] ;B[pb];W[sc]) (;W[pb];B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qa]) (;W[ne]))) (;B[qi];W[qc];B[pc];W[re];B[pi])) (;W[re];B[pf];W[qe];B[pi])) (;B[qi]LB[qc:B][pe:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;W[pe];B[qc];W[od];B[oc];W[qd];B[pc];W[pk]) (;W[qc]C[White opts for the corner, leaving the two White stones in peril.];B[pf] ;W[rf];B[of]LB[og:a]C[The thinking behind this variation, first exchanging White 6 for Black 7 before switching to the corner, is that Black cannot immediately catch the White stones in a ladder at 'a'. Nonetheless, White cannot immediately pull out the two stones.]))) (;W[pf];B[qc]LB[pj:a]C[White can continue with 'a' as an attack on the two Black side stones. White 'a' works well with a White presence at the bottom right.] ;W[pj]LB[rf:a]C[Black is satisfied to have played in the corner and on the side. Black 'a' is sente, though it solidifies White's thickness. If later he can play at 'a', 1 is ideally placed. White can attack with 10, which works particularly well if he has thickness at the bottom, but Black doesn't necessarily need to fear that fight, since 'a' is sente.] ;B[rf];W[re];B[sg];W[pe]LB[pi:a][qj:c][rj:b]C[Black may continue with 'a' to 'c'.] ;B[pi];W[oi];B[qj];W[pk];B[rl]) (;W[rf]LB[qc:b][ph:a]C[Black continues with 'a' to emphasize the right side, or 'b' to take the corner.] (;B[ph]LB[qc:b][of:a]C[White can now defend the cutting point with 'a' or take the corner with 'b'. White 'a' gives Black a chance to build thickness toward the bottom right.] (;W[of];B[qc];W[oh];B[oi];W[nh];B[ni]C[Because he?s already safe in the corner, Black can continue to build influence.]) (;W[qc];B[nh]LB[pf:b][og:a]C[Black keeps 'a' and 'b' in reserve.])) (;B[qc]C[Black can also immediately take the corner.];W[ph];B[qi];W[pe]LB[qd:b] [dp:a]C[Black ends in sente.];B[dp]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[od]C[White forces. This play should be made fairly early.] ;B[oc];W[qd];B[pc])) (;W[pe]LB[qc:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[od];B[oc];W[qd];B[pc]LB[rf:a]C[The difference of this sequence and White playing at 'a' and Black at 9, is that White can immediately play the forcing sequence from 10 to 13.]) (;B[qd];W[rc]LB[oe:a][rf:b]C[White 10 is feasible. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oe];W[qe];B[of];W[pc];B[od];W[ob]C[The result is a roughly equal trade-off of Black thickness for White territory.]) (;B[rf];W[re];B[qe];W[pf];B[rg];W[od]LB[pb:b][qb:a]C[White captures the three Black stones. If Black 'a', White 'b'.] ;B[qb];W[pb])))) (;B[qe];W[re];B[pf];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[qi];W[of];B[pe];W[qc]C[Black has two weak groups. ]) (;B[pf]LB[qe:A][qh:B]C[Whtie punishes on 'a' and fails to do so on 'b'. ] (;W[qe]LB[pe:B][qh:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help. ] (;B[qh];W[pe];B[of];W[oe]) (;B[pe];W[qh])) (;W[qh];B[qe];W[rg];B[re]))) (;W[rg]LB[qe:B][rf:A]C[Black 6 depends on the ladder. 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rf]LB[re:c][pg:a][qh:b]C[White must have the ladder to play 'a'. White 'b' and 'c' leave White in a low position.] (;W[pg];B[qh];W[rh];B[qe];W[pf];B[re];W[qi]LB[qc:a]C[White can live in the corner by playing 'a'.] ;B[pp]C[Black plays elsewhere (not breaking the ladder).];W[qc]LB[ob:A][pb:C][pc:B] C[This shows that White can live in the corner after Black 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[ob]LB[pb:C][rb:B][pc:A]C['a' or 'b' are correct, 'c' fails.] (;W[pc]LB[qa:C][oc:B][od:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c' don't kill.] (;B[od];W[rb];B[sc]LB[pb:A][sb:B][sd:C]C['a' lives, 'b' and 'c' fail.] (;W[pb];B[qa];W[sb]LB[pa:B][sd:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' kill.] (;B[sd];W[oc]LB[nb:B][nd:A]C['a' leads to a small, 'b' to a big loss.] (;B[nd];W[pa];B[ra];W[nb]) (;B[nb];W[pa];B[ra];W[nd]LB[lc:B][ne:A][oe:C]C[Black 'a', 'b' or 'c' fail.] (;B[ne];W[md];B[lb];W[oe];B[of];W[pe];B[ph];W[qd];B[ri];W[sf]) (;B[lc];W[ne]) (;B[oe];W[md];B[lc];W[nf];B[ne];W[me];B[of];W[ng];B[og];W[oh]))) (;B[pa];W[sd];B[ra];W[oc];B[nb];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[oe];W[lc];B[lb];W[kb]LB[mb:A] [kc:B]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;B[mb];W[kc];B[qb];W[oa];B[na];W[la];B[qd];W[rc];B[se];W[mc]) (;B[kc];W[kd];B[jc];W[mf];B[og];W[of];B[nf];W[ng];B[ph];W[oh];B[qb];W[me];B[qd] ;W[rc];B[oa];W[sf];B[se];W[pe]))) (;W[sb];B[pb];W[sd];B[ra];W[qa];B[qb];W[oc];B[nd]) (;W[sd];B[pb];W[qb];B[qa];W[ra];B[sb];W[oc];B[nd])) (;B[oc];W[sd]LB[rb:A][od:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[rb];W[se];B[sf];W[pe];B[qd];W[od]) (;B[od];W[rb]LB[pb:A][sc:B] (;B[pb];W[sc]) (;B[sc];W[pb]))) (;B[qa];W[od]LB[oe:B][pe:A] (;B[pe];W[oe];B[oc];W[qd]) (;B[oe];W[pe];B[qd];W[se]))) (;W[rb]LB[qa:B][sc:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' kill.] (;B[sc];W[sd];B[qa];W[pc];B[oc];W[pe];B[qd];W[od]) (;B[qa];W[pc]LB[oc:A][od:B]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;B[oc];W[pe];B[qd];W[od];B[sd];W[rc];B[ra];W[sf]) (;B[od];W[oc]LB[nb:B][nd:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;B[nd];W[pb];B[nb];W[pa]) (;B[nb];W[nd];B[oe];W[ra];B[sc];W[sd];B[sb];W[md]LB[lc:A][nf:B]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' nor work.] (;B[lc];W[nf]) (;B[nf];W[lc];B[lb];W[kb];B[mb];W[kc];B[se];W[qd];B[pe];W[pb];B[pa];W[oa];B[na] ;W[la]))))) (;W[pb];B[rb])) (;B[pc]LB[pb:B][rb:A]C[White lives with 'a' and dies with 'b'.] (;W[rb]LB[pb:A][sc:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' attempts to kill but fails and just loses some points on the top.] (;B[pb]LB[sc:B][qd:A]C['a' is correct and gives life, 'b' is wrong and gives only a ko.] (;W[qd];B[qb];W[sd];B[ra];W[pe];B[sb]) (;W[sc];B[qb];W[qd];B[ra];W[pe];B[sb];W[sa])) (;B[sc];W[pb]LB[ob:A][sd:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[ob]LB[qa:A][qd:B]C['a' or 'b' are okay.] (;W[qa]LB[sb:B][sd:A]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[sd];W[sb]) (;B[sb];W[sd])) (;W[qd]LB[pa:B][pe:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' loses stones.] (;B[pe];W[qa];B[sd];W[sb]) (;B[pa]LB[qa:B][qb:C][pe:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is possible with good ko threats. 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[pe]LB[qb:A][sd:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[qb];W[se];B[ra];W[sb]) (;B[sd];W[sf];B[se];W[sb];B[sg];W[rc])) (;W[qa];B[qb];W[pe];B[sd];W[pb]) (;W[qb];B[pe];W[sd];B[sb]LB[qa:A][sa:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help to live.] (;W[qa];B[sa]) (;W[sa];B[qa]))))) (;B[sd]LB[ob:A][sb:B]C[White lives or moves out on 'a' or lives on 'b'.] (;W[ob]LB[nb:A][sb:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[nb];W[sb];B[qa];W[ra];B[oa];W[qb]) (;B[sb];W[nb])) (;W[sb];B[ob];W[qa])))) (;W[pb];B[rb];W[qb];B[ob];W[qd];B[pe];W[ra];B[sb]LB[pa:A][sc:B] (;W[pa];B[sd];W[sc];B[rc]) (;W[sc];B[pa]))) (;B[pb];W[pc];B[oc];W[qb];B[ob];W[sd];B[rb];W[se]LB[qd:B][sf:A] (;B[sf];W[pe];B[qd];W[od];B[rc];W[sg]) (;B[qd];W[rc];B[sf];W[sb]))) (;W[qh];B[pg];W[re];B[pf];W[sf]C[This sente sequence is good enough for Black.]) (;W[re];B[pf];W[sf];B[qh];W[qc])) (;B[qe];W[qh];B[re];W[rf];B[rc]))) (;B[ph]C[New Chinese idea];W[qc] (;B[pf];W[qg];B[pg]C[Black is very thick. The result is equal]) (;B[qe];W[re];B[pf];W[qg];B[pg])) (;B[rh]C[Rare joseki. Black can use it only if he has some stones on the lower right.] ;W[qc];B[pc] (;W[rg];B[qh];W[pf]C[Joseki]) (;W[qg]C[Good shape]) (;W[rf]C[Solid, but little bit passive for White.]))) (;W[qc]LB[qj:a]C[White may play this way when Black has a pincer at 'a'. Otherwise, White would not prefer to crawl into such a small space.] ;B[qd]LB[pc:B][rd:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is questionable.] (;W[rd]LB[pc:B][re:A]C['a' to separate White, or 'b'.] (;B[re];W[rc];B[qe]LB[ob:A][pc:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[ob]LB[nb:a][oc:b]C[Black continues with 'a', possibly 'b' if White has support at top.] (;B[nb];W[oc];B[od]LB[pc:a][nd:c][dp:b]C[White continues with 'a', or dies ('b', playing elsewhere). White can only cut at 'c' with support at top to quickly capture the two black stones.] (;W[pc];B[me]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[]LB[oa:a][pb:b][pc:c]C[White plays elsewhere, a fatal mistake. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[oa]LB[qa:a][pb:b]C[Neither White 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;W[qa];B[sd];W[sb];B[ra];W[rb];B[pb]) (;W[pb];B[sd];W[rb];B[qa])) (;B[pb]C[Black 14 is a mistake.];W[pc];B[oa];W[qb];B[pa];W[qa];B[na];W[sb]LB[ra:a] [sd:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;B[pc]C[Black 14 is a mistake.];W[pb]LB[ra:a][sb:b]C[Black may try 'a' or 'b'. Neither work.] (;B[ra];W[qa];B[rb];W[sb]LB[oa:a][sd:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;B[sb];W[rb]))) (;W[nd];B[lc];W[ne];B[pf];W[pc])) (;B[oc]C[Black 11 makes sense if White has a stone as shown.];W[nb]LB[mb:c][mc:a] [pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'c' can be possible.] (;B[mc]) (;B[pf]C[Black 13 works well with support at right as shown.];W[mc];B[md];W[lc] ;B[oj]C[Black has a great position.]) (;B[mb];W[pc];B[mc];W[pf]))) (;W[pc];B[oc];W[rf]LB[se:A][sf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[se];W[pf]LB[pb:B][oe:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' takes the corner for too much influence.] (;B[oe];W[pb];B[ng];W[pj]) (;B[pb];W[od];B[oe];W[nd];B[pe];W[md];B[qb];W[nf])) (;B[sf];W[sd];B[se];W[rh]))) (;B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc])) (;W[pc]LB[oc:A][rc:B]C['a' gives White the L+2 shape. 'b' is risky, leaving a cut.] (;B[oc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[rd]LB[nb:A][oc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;W[nb]LB[mb:B][mc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[lc]) (;B[mb];W[ob];B[mc]LB[od:A]C[The cut of 'a' remains.])) (;W[oc];B[od];W[nb];B[mb])))) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[rc]LB[rb:a][pc:c][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'c' is inferior.] (;B[rb]LB[pc:D][rd:B][pe:C][re:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' and 'c' are other variations, 'd' is a furikawari, giving Black more territory.] (;W[re];B[sc]LB[rd:A][pe:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rd];B[pc];W[pe]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[pe];B[rd];W[od];B[pc])) (;W[rd];B[pc];W[pe]) (;W[pe];B[od];W[re];B[sc]LB[rd:A][sd:B]C[White answers on 'a' to solidify or 'b' to play the ko.]) (;W[pc];B[qb];W[od];B[pe];W[oc];B[qe];W[nd])) (;B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[pe];B[rf]LB[pc:A][pf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[pc];B[od];W[pb];B[og]C[End of joseki.];W[pf]C[This move is bad.];B[rg]LB[ne:B] [qh:A]C['a' gives Black magnificient thickness. 'b' is a total failure.] (;W[qh];B[qg];W[pg];B[ph];W[oh];B[pi];W[of];B[ng];W[nf];B[mf];W[mg];B[nh];W[me] ;B[lf];W[ne];B[le];W[md];B[lc];W[ld];B[kd];W[mc];B[lb];W[nb];B[mh]) (;W[ne];B[oe];W[of];B[nf];W[ng];B[mf];W[pg];B[oh];W[ph];B[pi];W[oi];B[nh];W[qi] ;B[pj];W[qh];B[qj])) (;W[pf];B[rg];W[pc];B[od];W[pb];B[og]TR[pf][rg]C[With the marked stones, White has made a bad exchange and wasted ko threats and endgame moves.])) (;B[pc];W[re])) (;W[lc]LB[rd:a][qe:b]C[Depending upon circumstances, Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[re]LB[qd:A][qe:B]C[ * Joseki * 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qd]) (;B[qe];W[rf]LB[rc:A][sd:B]C[Later, White can continue on 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rc]LB[qc:A][sd:B]C['a' is right, 'b' is wrong.] (;B[qc];W[sd]) (;B[sd];W[qc];B[qd];W[ob])) (;W[sd]LB[rc:A][sc:B]C['a' is right, 'b' is wrong.] (;B[rc]) (;B[sc];W[rc];B[se];W[qc];B[qd];W[sb];B[sd];W[ra];B[qb]C[This move is wrong, as Black cannot kill.] ;W[pb];B[pc];W[rb];B[pa];W[ob])))) (;B[qe]C[Black 5 is effective if White has an extension as shown.];W[pf];B[ne];W[re] ;B[rd];W[rf]C[The joseki concludes.];B[]LB[rc:b][sd:a]C[Black plays elsewhere. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is mischief-making of a high order.] (;W[sd]LB[rc:a][sc:b]C[In yose (toward the endgame). Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' leave aji.] (;B[rc];W[sc];B[sb];W[se]LB[qb:a][rb:b]C[Black plays at 'a' or 'b'.];B[qb]) (;B[sc]C[Black 12 is a mistake.];W[rc];B[se];W[qc];B[qd]C[White has considerable opportunity.])) (;W[rc]C[White 12 is risky business. White should not be able to succeed.];B[sd] ;W[qc];B[qd];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[od]LB[ra:a][pc:b]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'. Neither should work.] (;W[ra];B[sb];W[sc];B[oa]LB[rc:12][ne:7]C[White cannot live. After Black 7, White cannot live inside the corner, so White 12 is wrong.]) (;W[pc];B[pa];W[oa];B[sc];W[sb];B[rb];W[ra];B[qb])))) (;W[qi];B[qe];W[re];B[rd];W[ql]) (;W[od]LB[oc:B][oe:A][pe:C]C['a' is good for Black, 'b' is too submissive. 'c' is not recommended.] (;B[oe]LB[qd:A][pe:B]C['a' or 'b' give Black a good result.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[qc];B[rd];W[rf];B[rc];W[qb];B[rb];W[ob];B[oc];W[pb] ;B[nb];W[ra];B[qa];W[pa];B[sb];W[sd]C[White captures the corner.];B[ph];W[rh]) (;W[pe];B[qd])) (;B[oc];W[qd]LB[qc:B][pe:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pe];W[qe];B[qc];W[rc];B[pf];W[qb];B[pc];W[qg]) (;B[qc];W[pe];B[pc])) (;B[pe];W[oc])) (;AB[jd];W[ld]LB[lc:B][qe:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe];W[pf];B[ne]) (;B[lc];W[oc]LB[md:A][od:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[md];W[od];B[pe]LB[nb:B][me:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[me];B[pf]) (;W[nb];B[pf];W[qc];B[qg])) (;B[od];W[kc]LB[mc:A][kd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[mc];W[kd];B[qd]) (;B[kd];W[mc]LB[lb:B][md:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is getting tricked..] (;B[md];W[lb];B[le];W[nb];B[nd]LB[lc:A][pc:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[lc];B[ob];W[pc];B[na];W[mb];B[qc];W[pb];B[qb];W[oa];B[qi]) (;W[pc];B[lc];W[mb];B[qc];W[qb];B[qd])) (;B[lb];W[nd];B[nb];W[mb];B[ma];W[md]LB[kb:B][ob:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[ob];W[kb];B[la];W[na];B[oa];W[pc];B[pb];W[qc];B[qb];W[qd];B[jc];W[oe]) (;B[kb];W[ob];B[na];W[jc];B[jb];W[ic];B[ib];W[hc];B[pc];W[hb];B[pb];W[mf])))))) (;W[pj];B[rd]C[Later];B[rf]C[Later];W[qe];B[re];W[rg]C[Later];W[qd];B[qc];W[pc] C[Asking move];B[pb];W[rc];B[qb];W[sd];B[rb];W[sb]C[Ko])) (;B[mc]LB[ob:e][kc:c][lc:d][pc:g][qc:a][rc:f][od:i][qd:b][rd:h][pj:j]C[ Large Knight's Move = Oogeima = Nunmokcha = Da` Fei ---------------------------------------------------- White continues with 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' to 'g' or 'j'. White 'd', the nose contact play, is a trick play. Black 3 is the most complicated answer to the White approach. To avoid all variations, players who don't know them treat the position as if Black had played the keima instead and continue on 'h'. This involves only a minor loss of territorial balance for sake of simplicity. 'i' is a mistake. d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[Black 3 attempts to take the corner area. White attempts to prevent that with 4. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qd]LB[pc:a][rd:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pc]LB[oc:b][rc:c][od:a][rd:d]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended. 'c' starts a fight. 'd' is bad.] (;B[od]LB[nb:B][ob:C][oc:A][rd:D]C['a' gives Black the choice, 'b' the top side. White 'C' takes the corner. 'd' was once joseki, but is now seen as disadvantageous. ] (;W[oc]LB[nc:b][rc:c][rd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' for the right side or 'b' for the top side. 'c' is unfavorable.] (;B[rd]LB[mb:b][nc:a]C[ White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[nc]LB[md:B][nd:A]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is questionable.] (;B[nd]LB[mb:A][md:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc]LB[kb:A][qi:B]C[ White continues with 'a'. White 'b' and all other extensions on the right side are disadavantageous.] (;W[kb]LB[jc:D][pi:A][pj:C][qj:B]C[ * Joseki * 'a' is correct, 'b', 'c' and 'd' are not recommended.] (;B[pi];W[qk];B[ok];W[qi];B[ph];W[qh];B[pg];W[pm];B[jc]) (;B[qj]LB[jc:B][pi:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' helps Black.] (;W[pi];B[pj];W[oi];B[rh];W[of]) (;W[jc];B[le])) (;B[pj];W[oi];B[pi];W[og]) (;B[jc];W[pj])) (;W[qi]C[The result is not unfavorable for Black so much as a wasted opportunity.] ;B[kb];W[rc];B[qk]C[Having no secure base, the White group is now a target for attack.])) (;W[md]C[White 12 provokes an unfavorable fight.];B[mb];W[rc];B[kc];W[me];B[of] ;W[ke];B[jd]LB[nb:A][ph:B] (;W[nb]C[White must play 20 to live in the corner.]) (;W[ph]C[Any move other than preserving life in the corner is a mistake. White 20 is exemplary. White must play in the corner to preserve life, or the game is forfeit.] ;B[oa];W[pa];B[na];W[ob];B[qb];W[rb];B[sc];W[sb];B[ra]C[White dies.]))) (;B[md]LB[rc:b][nd:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[nd];B[ne]LB[rc:a][me:c][oe:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' and 'c' are not recommended.] (;W[rc]LB[me:b][of:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black sacrifices four stones with 'b'. Black 'b' is suitable for a handicap game, where Black tries to avoid complications.] (;B[of]LB[me:B][qi:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qi];B[lf]) (;W[me];B[kd];W[mf];B[pg];W[qh];B[pi]LB[mb:a]C[Black 'a' is sente.];W[qi];B[pj])) (;B[me];W[oe];B[of];W[pe];B[pf];W[qe];B[qg];W[re];B[rf];W[sd];B[ph])) (;W[oe]C[White 14 is not recommended.];B[rc];W[rb];B[of];W[pe];B[qb];W[pb];B[pf] ;W[qe];B[qg];W[nf];B[me];W[pg];B[og];W[rg];B[ph]LB[rf:a][qh:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rf];B[rh];W[se]C[White wins the fight, but Black has sente and strong thickness.]) (;W[qh]C[White 30 loses the game.];B[rf]C[Black challenges White to a ko];W[pg] ;B[sb]C[Black makes a ko threat.];W[qg]C[White has no ko threats, so must connect.] ;B[ra]C[Black captures the corner, giving Black the game.];W[oh];B[ng];W[pi];B[mg])) (;W[me]C[White 14 is not recommended.];B[rc];W[mb];B[lb];W[na];B[kc];W[rb];B[nf] ;W[pf];B[of];W[le];B[kd];W[lg];B[ph];W[qh];B[pi];W[qi];B[pj])) (;W[rc]C[White 12 is a mistake.];B[nd]C[Black has tremendous thickness.]))) (;W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[lc];W[rc];B[of])) (;B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[of];B[nf];W[og];B[mf];W[pk];B[id]) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[rd];W[nc];B[nd];W[mb];B[lb];W[lc];B[md];W[kb];B[ld];W[kc];B[qj] ;W[pi]C[Black has nothing.];B[nb]LB[rb:10]C[Later, Black can capture White 10.] ;W[la];B[qb];W[pb];B[ra];W[qa];B[sb]LB[na:A][sa:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is unnecessary.] (;W[na];B[qb];W[pa]) (;W[sa]))) (;W[nb]LB[mb:b][nc:a]C[An artful move by White. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b'is a mistake.] (;B[nc]LB[mb:a][rd:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[mb];B[lb]LB[lc:b][oc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[oc];B[lc]LB[rd:a][of:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]LB[of:a][rf:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[of];B[nf]LB[ng:b][og:a]C[ * Joseki * Black attaches at 19 not because of the cut at between Black 7 and 9, but to prevent the peep in front of the cut. White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[og];B[mf]) (;W[ng];B[mf];W[mg];B[lg]LB[lf:B][oh:A] (;W[oh];B[kf]) (;W[lf];B[og];W[oh];B[pg]))) (;W[rf]C[White 18 is a mistake.];B[sf];W[qi];B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[of];B[nf];W[pe] ;B[oe];W[pf];B[ng])) (;W[of]C[White 14 is premature.];B[rc];W[rb];B[rd];W[sb]LB[ne:b][nf:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nf];W[og];B[mf]) (;B[ne];W[ng];B[nf]))) (;W[lc]LB[ob:b][ld:a]C[White 12 is a trick play. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ld];W[kc];B[ob];W[kb]LB[oc:b][rc:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rc]LB[md:a]C[The result favors Black. If White later plays 'a'....];W[md] ;B[nd]C[Black must play 19.]) (;B[oc]C[Black 17 is a mistake.];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe];W[pb];B[na] ;W[la]LB[pa:a])) (;B[ob]C[Black 13 is a mistake.];W[kb];B[ld];W[la];B[rc];W[kd]C[White gets nice shape, and a powerful ponnuki. The two corner stones are inadequate compensation.]))) (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[mb];B[lb]LB[lc:b][oc:a]C[White continues with 'a', or the devious 'b'.] (;W[oc];B[ma];W[ob];B[ld];W[of];B[qj];W[ne];B[nd]LB[kc:b][lf:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[lf];B[id]) (;W[kc]C[White 24 is not recommended.];B[kd]C[Black starts a ko to his advantage.] ;W[lc];B[jc];W[kb];B[id];W[me];B[ka];W[la];B[pf];W[pg];B[lb];W[jb];B[ib];W[la];B[qg] ;W[ja];B[rf]C[White center stones are now subject to profitable attack by Black.])) (;W[lc];B[ld];W[kc];B[ob];W[kb]LB[na:a][pb:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'b' leads to ko, but to Black's advantage.] (;B[na];W[la];B[oc];W[pb]LB[oa:C][pa:A][sd:B]C['a' is correct and brings a ko. 'b' and 'c' are wrong.] (;B[pa];W[qa];B[ra];W[oa]) (;B[sd];W[pa];B[oa];W[rb];B[qa];W[ra]) (;B[oa];W[rb];B[qa];W[pa];B[sd];W[ra])) (;B[pb]C[Black 21 requires a ko, but Black gains a huge advantage.];W[oc];B[qb] ;W[rb];B[ra];W[oa];B[qa];W[sc]LB[sa:B][se:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' loses points on the outside to risk more points in the ko inside.] (;B[se];W[sa];B[sb]) (;B[sa];W[se];B[rf];W[la];B[na];W[ma];B[sf];W[na];B[sd]))))) (;B[mb];W[nc];B[nd];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[md];B[kc]C[The result is not unfavorable to Black, but in a handicap game, White has scope for further trickery.] ;W[pf])) (;W[ob]LB[nb:b][rd:a]C[White hopes for a Black mistake with this move. Black replies with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[rd]LB[mb:a][nc:c][rc:b]C[Black 9 is correct. White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc]LB[kb:B][qi:A] (;W[qi]LB[kb:a][rb:b][oc:B]C[White is low. Black can press with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[kb]LB[nc:A][dp:B]C[White must play 'a'. Tenuki 'b' is wrong.] (;W[nc];B[nd];W[rc]) (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere, a fatal mistake.];B[rb];W[rc];B[sc];W[qb];B[pa];W[qa] ;B[oc];W[nb];B[la])) (;B[oc];W[nb];B[rb];W[qb];B[qa];W[pa];B[ra];W[rc];B[sc];W[pb];B[sb];W[kb];B[jc])) (;W[kb]C[White 14 is not recommended.];B[qi];W[og];B[jc]C[The two White stones will be battered.])) (;W[rc];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[of];B[ne]C[ * Joseki * White's corner is not completely alive, but that doesn't matter.] ;W[dp]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[rb];W[sb];B[qb];W[ra];B[qa];W[oa];B[sa];W[sc] LB[na:A][ra:B]C[This ten-thousand-year ko will become seki. If Black starts the ko on 'a', it is unfavorable for him. So Black will make a seki on 'b'. White has not much interest to start the ko on 'b'.] (;B[na];W[ra];B[as];W[bs];B[sa];W[pp];B[sd];W[ra];B[ar];W[br];B[sa];W[dd];B[pa] ;W[ra];B[aq];W[bq];B[sa];W[dj];B[pb];W[pj]C[Black lost three ko threats, while White did get five moves elsewhere.]) (;B[ra]) (;W[ra];B[pp];W[pa];B[sa];W[as];B[bs];W[ra];B[dd];W[pb]C[Whitre lost a ko threat, while Black got one move more elsewhere.])) (;W[nc]C[White 10 is a mistake. Further, White 10 leaves White in gote.];B[nd];W[md] ;B[mb];W[rc];B[kc];W[me];B[of]LB[ra:a][dp:b]C[White must play in the corner to survive, such as 'a'. White cannot afford to play elsewhere 'b'.] (;W[ra]C[White must play in the corner to live.]) (;W[dp]C[White plays elsewhere, and the White stones in the corner can be killed.] ;B[oc];W[nb];B[na];W[pa];B[sc];W[sb];B[ra];W[sd];B[rf];W[qa];B[ma]))) (;B[nb];W[oc];B[nd];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[of];B[nf]C[Black is dissatisfied with the result because White's corner is secure.])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]LB[nb:b][ob:c][oc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' and 'c' are not recommended. ] (;W[oc]LB[nc:B][rd:8][pf:A]C['a' brings a fight which is good for Black, what is the punishment for White 8, 'b' aims for the top side. ] (;B[pf];W[nc];B[nd];W[md];B[lc];W[me];B[jd]C[ ]) (;B[nc]LB[ne:b][of:a][pf:c]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' only looks right; it is a reducing move for the later stage of the game. White 'c' is heavy. ] (;W[of]LB[ob:b][nf:a][pg:d][qg:c][dp:e]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' to 'd' are not recommended. 'e' shows Black playing elsewhere.] (;B[nf]LB[ne:c][ng:b][og:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[og]LB[ne:B][mf:A]C['a' concludes the sequence once seen as joseki. 'b' is possible. ] (;B[mf];W[dp]LB[ma:E][na:D][mb:C][nb:B][ob:A]C['a' to 'e' are sente.] (;B[ob];W[pb]LB[na:B][nb:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[nb]LB[ra:A][rf:B]C[White immediately lives on 'a' or first forces on 'b' before living.] (;W[ra]) (;W[rf]LB[ob:19]C[Black must know he provokes this White move with 19.];B[se];W[ra])) (;B[na];W[rb];B[qa];W[pa]LB[ra:B][sd:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' kill.] (;B[sd];W[ra];B[sc];W[sb]) (;B[ra];W[sd];B[sb];W[qb];B[sa];W[sc];B[ra];W[sa];B[sb];W[qa];B[oa];W[sa]))) (;B[nb];W[ob]) (;B[mb];W[ob]) (;B[na]) (;B[ma]LB[ob:A][pp:B]C['a' is necessary. 'b' results in ko.] (;W[ob]) (;W[pp];B[oa]LB[pa:A][ra:B][sb:C]C['a' leads to ko; 'b' or 'c' to death.] (;W[pa];B[ra];W[ob];B[na];W[sd]LB[qa:B][pb:A]C['a' ko, 'b' seki.] (;B[pb];W[qb];B[qa]) (;B[qa];W[pb];B[sb];W[rb])) (;W[ra];B[pa];W[sb];B[qb];W[rb];B[sd]) (;W[sb];B[ra];W[qa];B[qb])))) (;B[ne]LB[jc:b][dp:a]C[White may play elsewhere ('a'), or thwart Black with 'b'.] ;W[jc];B[mh];W[ni];B[mi];W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[nj];W[pj])) (;W[ng];B[mf]LB[rf:b][mg:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[mg]LB[lf:b][rf:g][lg:a][og:c][pg:d][qg:f][rg:e]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' to 'g' are not recommended. g7,f6,e5,d4,c3,b2,a1] (;B[lg]LB[lf:b][oh:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oh];B[kf]) (;W[lf]LB[le:b][og:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[og];W[oh];B[pg];W[pf]LB[le:B][ph:A]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[ph];W[pi]LB[rg:c][qh:b][oi:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[oi];W[qh];B[nh];W[mh];B[qi]LB[ne:a][qg:b]C[White continues with 'a'. The obvious White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[ne];B[me];W[md];B[le];W[ld];B[ke];W[nd];B[oe];W[kd];B[jd];W[lb]C[White 43 contains the two Black stones, which retain aji.] ;B[pj];W[rf];B[je];W[lh];B[jh]) (;W[qg]C[White 32 is a mistake.];B[pj];W[ne];B[me];W[md];B[le];W[ld];B[ke];W[nd] ;B[oe];W[kd];B[jd];W[lb];B[sh]C[Black 45 allows connection. White loses.])) (;B[qh];W[qi];B[rh];W[rf];B[se];W[oi];B[ri];W[lh];B[kg];W[ne];B[me];W[md];B[le] ;W[ld];B[ke];W[nd];B[oe];W[kd];B[jd];W[lb];B[sf];W[mi];B[ie];W[jb]) (;B[rg]C[Black 27 is a mistake.];W[rf];B[sf];W[qg];B[qh];W[rh];B[qi];W[ne];B[me] ;W[md];B[le];W[ld];B[ke];W[nd];B[oe];W[sg];B[kd];W[qj])) (;B[le];W[ph];B[kf])) (;B[le];W[kf];B[og];W[oh];B[pg];W[ph];B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[lh]))) (;B[lf]C[Black 19 is not recommended.];W[lg];B[kf];W[rf];B[sf];W[rh]) (;B[og]C[Black 19 is not recommended.];W[oh];B[pg];W[ph]LB[pf:a][qg:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pf];W[lg]) (;B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[lg])) (;B[pg]C[Black 19 is not recommended, as Black ignores the top for the right.];W[ph] LB[oh:a][qh:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oh];W[og];B[qh]LB[pf:a][pi:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[pf];B[rg];W[rf];B[sf];W[qg];B[pi]) (;W[pi]C[White 24 is not recommended.];B[qg];W[ni];B[qi];W[pj])) (;B[qh];W[qg];B[pf];W[og];B[pe];W[qi];B[rh];W[ri];B[rg];W[oi])) (;B[rg]C[Black 19 is not recommended, as Black ignores the top for the right.];W[lf] ;B[ld];W[kh]) (;B[qg]C[Black 19 is not recommended.];W[rf];B[rg];W[sf];B[pf];W[pg]LB[oe:a][pe:b] C[Black may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oe];W[pe]C[Now Black must find a ko; there is unlikely to be one big enough.]) (;B[pe];W[se];B[oe];W[og];B[qi];W[lf];B[me];W[le];B[md];W[kh];B[ql];W[kc])) (;B[rf]C[Black 19 is not recommended.];W[qg];B[rg];W[qi];B[qh];W[ph];B[rh];W[pi])) (;W[rf]C[White 18 is a mistake.];B[sf];W[rh];B[mg];W[nh];B[mh];W[ni];B[lj])) (;W[ne]C[White 16 is a mistake.];B[me];W[oe];B[nd]LB[mf:a][og:b]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[mf];B[ng];W[le];B[md];W[og];B[lf];W[mg];B[nh];W[oh];B[ni]) (;W[og];B[ic]))) (;B[ob]C[Black 15 gives White a reasonable position in the center, while overconcentrating low.] ;W[pb];B[nb];W[ne];B[nd];W[rf];B[sf];W[sd];B[se];W[rh]) (;B[qg]C[Black 15 is not recommended.];W[rf];B[rg];W[sf];B[pf];W[pg];B[pe];W[se] ;B[ne];W[qh];B[rh];W[qi]) (;B[pg]C[Black 15 is not recommended.];W[pf];B[rg];W[rf];B[sf];W[qg];B[rh];W[pi] ;B[qj];W[ne];B[nd];W[ke]) (;B[]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[ne];B[nd];W[le])) (;W[ne]LB[nd:b][pf:a]C[White 14 should be prepared well by White in the center. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is submissive.] (;B[pf];W[nd];B[kd];W[pg];B[qg];W[of];B[rf];W[ph];B[qi]C[Under normal circumstances the White stones are heavy.]) (;B[nd]C[Black 15 is weak.];W[of]C[Good for White.])) (;W[pf]C[White 14 is a heavy move, rather obviously bad.];B[ne];W[rf];B[sf];W[rh] ;B[ng]C[White is low, and Black has good influence.]))) (;W[nb]LB[nc:b][pf:a]C[White 12 is not recommended. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pf];W[nc];B[nd]LB[lc:b][md:a]C[White 'a' is tough, but Black has the advantage in the fight ahead. White 'b' gives White a bit of territory while giving Black imposing thickness.] (;W[md];B[lc];W[me];B[jd];W[mg];B[ph]) (;W[lc];B[ld];W[mb];B[kd];W[md];B[me])) (;B[nc];W[mb];B[lb];W[oc];B[lc])) (;W[ob];B[pf];W[nc];B[nd];W[md];B[lc];W[me];B[nb];W[oc];B[jd]))) (;B[oc]LB[ob:c][rc:a][rd:b][dp:d]C[Black 7 is asking for trouble. White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'c' is not recommended, and certainly lacks fighting spirit.] (;W[rc];B[rd];W[od];B[oe];W[nd]LB[nc:b][ne:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ne]LB[nc:a][md:b]C[White continues with 'a' to take the corner, or 'b' if the ladder is favorable.] ;W[nc]LB[pe:a]C[White has life in the corner, and Black must still defend against the cut at 'a'.]) (;B[nc];W[ne];B[pf];W[of];B[pe];W[ob];B[nb];W[pa]C[The sequence concludes.];B[sc] C[Black should not play here immediately, but this illustrates how White lives in the corner.] ;W[sb];B[sd];W[qb])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]LB[ob:b][od:a][rf:c]C[White continues with the strong cut of 'a', or 'b'. White 'c' has complex variations.] (;W[od]LB[oe:b][rf:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rf]LB[ob:b][oe:a][qg:c]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' and 'c' are not recommended.] (;W[oe];B[ob];W[qg];B[rg];W[qh];B[rh]LB[pb:b][qi:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended, as the White center stones come under profitable attack by Black.] (;W[qi];B[pb];W[me];B[kd];W[ri];B[]C[Black plays elsewhere. The White stones in the corner are still a liberty behind.] ;W[qb];B[ra];W[qa];B[se];W[sh];B[sd]) (;W[pb]C[White 20 revives the corner stones, but at too high a price.];B[qi];W[og] ;B[me];W[oi];B[pk])) (;W[ob]C[White 14 is an overplay.];B[nc];W[oe];B[qg];W[jc];B[me];W[nf];B[mf];W[nh] ;B[qj]C[Black makes profit at the right. The Black stones at top are in no real danger.]) (;W[qg]C[White 14 results in White losing the corner.];B[oe];W[nd];B[ob];W[md];B[lc] ;W[nf];B[rg];W[qh];B[rh];W[qi];B[pb])) (;B[oe];W[nd];B[nc];W[md];B[rf];W[lc];B[lb];W[nf]LB[pb:a][kc:b]C[Black continues with 'a', taking the corner. Black 'b' emphasizes the top, at the sacrifice of the White stones in the corner being able to live.] (;B[pb];W[kb];B[nb];W[la];B[mb];W[kc];B[rb];W[qg]) (;B[kc];W[ld];B[nb];W[qg];B[rg];W[qh];B[rh];W[kd];B[jc];W[pb];B[qi]MA[ra]C[White must play in the corner, such as shown or risk death.] ;W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[sd]LB[oa:a][ra:c][rb:b]C[At best, White can get a ko with 'a'.] (;W[oa];B[rb];W[sb];B[qa];W[ra]) (;W[rb];B[qa];W[ra];B[sb];W[sc];B[pa]) (;W[ra];B[sb];W[sc];B[rb];W[ob];B[oa];W[pa];B[mb])))) (;W[ob]LB[nc:a][nd:b][od:c]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'b' is in preparation for an extension down the right side. Black 'c' is slow.] (;B[nc]LB[of:b][rf:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' sacrifices the corner.] (;W[rf];B[sf];W[of];B[oe];W[nf];B[nb];W[pb];B[jc];W[rh]) (;W[of]C[White 14 is an overplay that sacrifices the corner.];B[oe];W[nf];B[qg] ;W[rf];B[rg];W[sf];B[pf];W[pg];B[se];W[pe];B[pb];W[pf];B[qb])) (;B[nd]LB[nb:a][oe:b]C[Black 13 intends for an extension down the right side. White continues with 'a', or 'b' to thwart Black on the right.] (;W[nb];B[qj]) (;W[oe]C[White 14 is an attempt for White to continue to have a say on the right side, at the expense of the top.] ;B[od];W[qi];B[nb];W[pb];B[pf])) (;B[od]C[Black 13 is not recommended as being slow.];W[nb];B[me])) (;W[rf]LB[oe:a][sf:b]C[White 12 aims to cut at between Black 1 and 7.] (;B[oe];W[se]) (;B[sf];W[od];B[oe];W[nd];B[nc];W[md]LB[ld:b][of:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[of];W[ld];B[lc];W[kc];B[kb];W[nf];B[og];W[jb];B[la];W[jd];B[pb];W[qb];B[pa] ;W[sd];B[se];W[sb]) (;B[ld];W[nf];B[of];W[lc];B[lb];W[le]LB[kc:a][kd:c][og:b]C[White 'a' and 'c' sacrifice the Black stones at right. Black 'b' keeps the stones at least temporarily alive, but under attack.] (;B[kc]C[Black sacrifices the stones at right for a clean result.];W[pf];B[pe];W[og]) (;B[og];W[kd];B[kb];W[ob];B[nb];W[na];B[mb];W[qb];B[ic];W[oi]) (;B[kd]MA[kc]LB[ke:a][pf:b]C[Black takes a larger territory on top, and gives up a larger territory at the right, compared to Black 25 played onto the marked point. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is an overplay that sets up a ladder that ends the game, unless White has a ladder break to the lower left.] (;W[ke];B[ng];W[ne];B[mf];W[me];B[je];W[kf];B[jf];W[kg];B[jd];W[pf]) (;W[pf]C[White 26 is a mistake unless White has a ladder break to the lower left.] ;B[pe];W[og];B[rg];W[qh];B[ng];W[ne];B[se];W[qg];B[mf];W[me];B[lf])))))) (;W[ob]LB[nc:a][nd:b]C[White 8 is a weak move. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]LB[oe:b][pf:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pf];B[oe]) (;W[oe];B[pf];W[od];B[qg];W[me];B[nb];W[pa];B[jc]MA[na]C[Black dropping to the first line from 19 is sente; for the White stones in the corner to live, White must play at a 1-2 point.])) (;B[nd];W[nb];B[rc];W[rb];B[qi];W[rd];B[re];W[sc];B[qe]))) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[rd];W[nc];B[oc];W[ob];B[od];W[nb];B[nd];W[md];B[lc];W[ld];B[kc]) (;B[rd]C[Mistake. ];W[nc]LB[nd:A][od:B]C['a' is trying to enclose White, 'b' is enclosed by White. ] (;B[nd];W[od];B[oe]C[Black has too many cuts. ];W[oc]LB[ne:A][pf:B]C['a' saves something on the top, 'b' on the right, but Black has no chance to get a good result. ] (;B[ne];W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc]LB[pe:B][pf:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. ] (;W[pf]LB[rd:7]C[Punishment of Black 7. ];B[pe];W[pj]) (;W[pe]C[Mistake. ];B[pf];W[qe];B[qg];W[pg];B[rf];W[of];B[re];W[pf];B[qh])) (;B[pf];W[md];B[ne];W[lc];B[mb];W[lb])) (;B[od];W[nd];B[oc];W[ob]LB[nb:B][pb:A]C['a' or 'b' don't avoid being enclosed. ] (;B[pb];W[nb];B[qb];W[nf]) (;B[nb];W[mb];B[pb];W[na];B[qb];W[nf])))) (;W[rd]LB[pc:B][re:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is questionable.] (;B[re]LB[rb:A][rc:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' a variation.] (;W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[nd];W[md];B[pc];W[pb];B[mb];W[nb] ;B[na];W[ob];B[kc];W[me];B[pf]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[rc];B[qe];W[ob]LB[oc:A][nd:C][pf:B]C['a' leads to a moyo for Black, 'b' is inferior. If Black plays elsewhere, White will later aim at 'c'] (;B[oc];W[nb]LB[mb:B][nc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nc];W[mb];B[qj]) (;B[mb];W[nc];B[nd];W[md];B[kc];W[of])) (;B[pf];W[nc];B[nd];W[md];B[mb]))) (;B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc]LB[pb:B][jc:A]C['a' is now big for both sides. If Black occupies 'a', White can live on 'b'.]))) (;B[pc]C[Black 3 is too close to Black 5 to be effective.];W[qd];B[pe]C[Black 7 is necessary. A White hane at 7 is great for White.] ;W[qe];B[jc])) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[pc]LB[qb:d][oc:b][rc:c][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' and 'd' are not recommended.] (;B[od]LB[oc:b][rc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[rc];B[qb]LB[rd:B][re:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[re];B[rb]LB[sb:A][lc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' doesn't work.] (;W[sb];B[pb]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[lc];B[ld];W[kc];B[md];W[nb];B[mb];W[pb];B[sc];W[rd];B[ob];W[oc];B[nc];W[oa] ;B[qa];W[sb];B[sa];W[sd];B[pa];W[sb];B[ob])) (;W[rd]LB[pb:A][rb:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is getting tricked.] (;B[pb]) (;B[rb];W[lc];B[ld];W[kc];B[md];W[nb];B[mb];W[pb];B[oc];W[ob];B[sb];W[sc];B[nc] ;W[qa];B[na];W[ra];B[oa];W[sa]))) (;W[oc]LB[nd:B][qe:A][of:C]C[White 8 is a trick play. 'a' is correct. 'b' is getting tricked. There can be an additional White stone on 'c'.] (;B[qe];W[rd]LB[nc:c][rc:b][re:a]C[For outside influence, Black plays 'a'; for corner profit, Black 'b'. 'c' gives White the choice.] (;B[re];W[rc];B[pf]LB[qb:B][nc:A]C[White cannot aim at 'a' because of the threat of Black 'b'.]) (;B[rc];W[re];B[nc]C[Black has the corner.];W[qb]C[White 14 is futile.];B[rb];W[nb] ;B[mb];W[pb]LB[qa:b][ra:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ra];W[sc];B[pa];W[sb];B[qa];W[ob];B[na]) (;B[qa];W[ra];B[sa];W[oa];B[sc];W[sd];B[ma];W[pa];B[na];W[ra]C[Ko])) (;B[nc]LB[qb:A][re:B]C[White takes the corner on 'a' or the outside on 'b'.] (;W[qb];B[re];W[rc]) (;W[re]))) (;B[nd];W[qb];B[rc];W[rd];B[rb];W[pb];B[ra];W[nb];B[mb];W[qa];B[nc];W[sc];B[oa] ;W[sb];B[ob];W[sa]) (;AW[of]LB[ob:A][nc:C][qe:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is possible. 'c' is getting tricked.] (;B[ob]LB[nb:D][pb:A][qb:B][nc:C]C[Neither 'a', nor 'b', nor 'c', nor 'd' help.] (;W[pb];B[qb]) (;W[qb];B[rc]) (;W[nc];B[nd]) (;W[nb];B[nc])) (;B[qe];W[rd]LB[nc:A][rc:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is getting tricked.] (;B[nc];W[qb];B[re];W[rc];B[pf];W[pg];B[pe];W[og];B[ne]) (;B[rc]LB[nd:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[nd];B[re];W[pe];B[sd];W[qd];B[rd];W[oe];B[qd];W[nc]) (;W[re];B[nc]))) (;B[nc];W[qb];B[rc];W[pe];B[ne];W[rb])))) (;B[oc];W[pb];B[qe]LB[rd:A][pe:B]C[White continues with 'a'. 'b' is a mistake, leads to a furikawari disadvantageous in territory.] (;W[rd];B[pe]LB[ob:B][re:A]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[re];B[qb]LB[ob:B][pf:A]C[White continues with 'a'.] (;W[pf];B[ob]LB[of:A][qj:B]C[If White 'a' or 'b' next, Black plays elsewhere.]) (;W[ob];B[nb];W[od]LB[pa:A][nc:C][oe:B]C[Black plays 'a', if the ladder is favorable, 'b' if not. Black 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[pa];W[nc];B[oa];W[oc];B[oe]C[The ladder to capture the Black stones starts.]) (;B[oe];W[nc];B[nd];W[rb];B[oc];W[rc]C[ * Joseki * Equal result.]) (;B[nc];W[of];B[oe];W[ne];B[nd];W[pf];B[od];W[me]))) (;W[ob];B[re]LB[nc:B][rc:A]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rc];B[nd]) (;W[nc];B[qb]))) (;W[pe];B[rd];W[od];B[qd];W[nc];B[nd];W[ob];B[oe];W[md];B[oc];W[nb];B[pf];W[ld])) (;B[rc]C[Black 7 follows the proverb, "extend from a crosscut", but this time the move is a mistake.] ;W[nc]LB[oc:b][pe:a]C[White 8 is a tesuji. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is tempting, but less favorable.] (;B[pe];W[ob];B[qe];W[md]) (;B[oc]LB[nd:a][od:b]C[White plays 'a' if the ladder to the lower left is favorable, 'b' if not.] (;W[nd]C[White must have the ladder to play this way.];B[nb];W[mb];B[pb];W[na];B[ob] ;W[lc]) (;W[od];B[pb];W[pe];B[pc]LB[nd:a][oe:b]C[White plays 'a' if the cut at 'b' can be taken care of.] ;W[nd]))) (;B[qb]C[Black 7 is not recommended.];W[od];B[pe];W[qe]LB[oc:A][oe:B] (;B[oc];W[pf];B[oe];W[qk]) (;B[oe];W[pb];B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[nc];B[nd];W[rb]LB[oc:a][rc:b]C[ White 18 is tesuji. The two Black stones are captured.] (;B[oc];W[rc]) (;B[rc];W[qa])))) (;W[kc]LB[qd:A][me:B]C[White 4 is typically used in handicap games. 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qd]LB[nc:f][oc:d][rc:e][nf:c][of:b][qi:a]C[Black attempts to take the corner. White continues with 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' or 'f'.] (;W[qi]LB[me:b][dp:a]C[Black may be pressured by playing elsewhere ('a'), or play 'b'.] (;B[]LB[mb:d][nc:b][oc:a][rc:c]C[Black plays elsewhere. White continues locally with 'a' or 'b'. White 'a' is the most frightening. White 'c' and 'd' are not recommended.] (;W[oc];B[od]LB[ob:b][nc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is also possible, but gives Black incredible thickness.] (;W[nc]LB[md:b][nd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nd];W[mb];B[md];W[ob];B[pb]) (;B[md]LB[qb:c][rc:b][nd:a]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[nd];B[ne];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[lc]LB[qb:a][me:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'b' may lead to a sacrifice of the five White stones.] (;W[qb];B[me];W[rc];B[rd];W[of];B[oe];W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[sc]LB[pb:a] [sb:b]C[Black goes for a ko. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' gives Black the ko.] (;W[pb];B[rb];W[oa];B[qa];W[ma]LB[qc:a]C[White is reduced to two points.]) (;W[sb]C[White faces a ko.];B[pb];W[pc];B[qc];W[rb];B[oa];W[ob];B[qa]C[Since Black can win by connecting at 'a' (White suffers a lack of liberties), the ko is direct.])) (;W[me]LB[kd:a][le:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[kd]LB[qb:a][le:b]C[Black continues with 'a', or more boldly with 'b'.] (;W[qb];B[nf];W[rc];B[rd];W[pf];B[of];W[le];B[jc];W[lg];B[nh]LB[qb:20][sc:a][me:18] C[Black 'a' is a serious threat to make ko, but White can avoid it and live. To see how, look into the variation, where White immediately plays 20 without cutting on 18 before.]) (;W[le];B[jc];W[oe];B[nf];W[of];B[ng];W[qb];B[rb];W[pb];B[rf];W[rg];B[re];W[og] ;B[rc]LB[oa:a][nh:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' sacrifices the two middle White stones.] (;W[oa];B[nh]) (;W[nh]C[White 34 is not recommended.];B[mg];W[oa];B[kg]))) (;B[le]C[Black 19 is a mistake.];W[mf]LB[pb:c][pc:b][of:a]C[Black continues with 'a', or 'b' or (even worse) 'c' to capture the five White stones. Neither are recommended.] (;B[of];W[qb];B[lf];W[mg];B[oh];W[rc];B[rd];W[lg]C[White 28 is an excellent move. Black has an unfavorable position.]) (;B[pc]C[Black captures the five White stones.];W[kb];B[ma];W[nf];B[oe];W[kd];B[ld] ;W[kf]C[White's thickness is superior.]) (;B[pb];W[kb];B[ma];W[nf];B[oe];W[kd];B[ld];W[kf]LB[ob:a][pc:b]C[Black must play 'a' or 'b'.])))) (;W[rc]LB[mb:b][rd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[lc];W[nd];B[ne];W[rb]C[White 20 is a nice move.];B[me] ;W[of];B[oe]C[This ends the joseki.];W[cq]LB[la:b][pb:d][sc:c][sd:a]C[White plays elsewhere. Black 'a' through 'c' are sente, but White cannot be killed by playing, for example, 'd'.] (;B[sd]) (;B[la]) (;B[sc];W[pb]) (;B[pb]C[Black attempts to kill White.];W[pc];B[sc];W[qb])) (;B[mb]LB[qb:b][rd:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b', trying to live in the corner, is a mistake.] (;W[rd];B[qb]) (;W[qb]C[White 14 is a mistake.];B[rd]LB[oa:a][nd:b]C[White must play 'a'. White dies if 'b'.] (;W[oa];B[nd]C[Black 17 is sente.];W[pc]C[Black has perfect thickness; very bad for White.]) (;W[nd]C[White 16 is suicidal.];B[ne];W[oa];B[pc];W[pb];B[na];W[ob];B[ra];W[qa] ;B[sc];W[sb];B[rb];W[sa];B[rb])))) (;W[qb];B[mb];W[rc];B[pb];W[rd];B[qc];W[rb];B[nd]))) (;W[ob];B[nc];W[rc];B[rd];W[qb];B[oa]C[Black 15 is an ancient and famous tesuji.] ;W[pa];B[pc];W[pb];B[ra];W[nb];B[mb];W[na];B[rb]C[Black 23 is a sacrifice to squeeze White.] ;W[qc];B[sc];W[sb];B[sd];W[qa];B[ma];W[sa];B[me])) (;W[nc];B[oc];W[nb];B[nd];W[mb];B[md]) (;W[rc];B[rd];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[nd]C[Black blocks. letting White connect underneath.] ;W[mb];B[md];W[ob];B[qb]C[Black has a favorable result.]) (;W[mb]LB[lb:c][nb:b][nc:a]C[White 8 is an endgame move. Black replies with 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[ob];W[lc]) (;B[nb]C[Black 9 is a mistake.];W[oc];B[od];W[nc]) (;B[lb]C[Black 9 is a mistake.];W[lc];B[nb];W[md];B[nc];W[kb]))) (;B[me];W[oc]C[White 8 does not work.];B[nc];W[ob];B[pc])) (;W[of]LB[me:B][ne:A]C['a' secures the corner, 'b' is joseki, but leaves room for invasion.] (;B[ne]C[Black secures the corner.];W[oc];B[nc];W[ob];B[pc]) (;B[me]LB[oc:A][ke:B]C['a' is joseki, but Black gets a big wall. 'b' is also possible.] (;W[oc];B[od]LB[ob:A][nc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is also possible.] (;W[ob];B[nc];W[rc]LB[qb:B][rd:A]C['a' making huge influence, is correct. 'b' is inferior.] (;B[rd];W[qb]C[ * Joseki *];B[oa]LB[pa:B][nb:A]C[Black can't kill. White lives on 'a' or 'b', being fully enclosed.] (;W[nb];B[mb];W[pa];B[pc];W[pb];B[ra];W[na];B[rb];W[qc];B[sc];W[sb];B[sd];W[qa] ;B[ma];W[sa]) (;W[pa];B[pc];W[pb];B[ra];W[nb];B[mb];W[na];B[rb];W[qc];B[sc];W[sb];B[sd];W[qa] ;B[ma];W[sa])) (;B[qb];W[rd])) (;W[nc]LB[mb:A][md:B][nd:C]C['a', 'b' and 'c' leave Black with only a small territory.] (;B[mb];W[nd];B[ne]LB[qb:A][md:B] (;W[qb];B[md];W[rc];B[pb];W[rd]) (;W[md];B[ld];W[lc];B[pc])) (;B[md];W[rc]LB[qb:A][rd:B]C['a' or 'b' favor White.] (;B[qb];W[rd]) (;B[rd];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[lc];W[rb];B[oe];W[ke])) (;B[nd];W[mb];B[pb]))) (;W[ke];B[mg];W[nf]LB[le:B][mf:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[mf];W[nc];B[nd];W[oc];B[od];W[mb]) (;B[le];W[kf];B[lg];W[nc];B[nb]LB[oc:A][od:B]C['a' is a sacrifice for a reduction on the other side. 'b' is bad shape.] (;W[oc];B[ne];W[rc];B[qb];W[rd];B[rb]) (;W[od];B[ob]))))) (;W[nf]LB[nd:a][me:b][oe:c]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is complicated. 'c' is possible.] (;B[nd]C[Black 7 is correct. * Joseki *]) (;B[me];W[nc]LB[nb:B][md:A][nd:D][oe:C][pf:E]C[White 8 is a trick play. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'c' is inferior. Black 'd' makes matters worse. 'e' is not recommended.] (;B[md];W[mb];B[lb];W[ob];B[ma];W[nb];B[lc]LB[qb:A][od:B]C['a' or 'b' give Black a big wall.] (;W[qb];B[oe];W[rc];B[rd];W[oc];B[pg]) (;W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[nd];W[oc];B[of];W[qb];B[rb];W[ra];B[rc];W[re];B[qc];W[pb] ;B[na];W[qe];B[oa];W[rd];B[sb];W[sd];B[ph])) (;B[nb]LB[ob:B][oc:A]C['a' strenghens the Black corner, 'b' takes the corner while Black develops outside.] (;W[oc];B[ob];W[pc];B[pb];W[ne];B[qc]) (;W[ob];B[nd];W[oc];B[od];W[mb];B[lb];W[na];B[lc];W[qb];B[kd])) (;B[oe]LB[mb:A][of:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' doesn't work.] (;W[mb];B[pg];W[qh];B[oi]) (;W[of];B[mb])) (;B[nd];W[oc]LB[mb:C][od:A][pf:B]C[ 'a' makes a useless wall, 'b' takes the right side. 'c' doesn't work.] (;B[od];W[mb]) (;B[pf];W[mb];B[pg]) (;B[mb];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[md];W[pe])) (;B[pf])) (;B[oe];W[of])) (;W[oc];B[od];W[nc]TR[of]LB[md:B][nd:A]C['a' and 'b' are joseki. Securing life with 'a' is necessary, if there is an additional White stone on the triangled position.] (;B[nd];W[mb];B[md];W[ob];B[pb]C[ * Joseki *];W[pc]C[Later continuation.];B[qb]) (;B[md]LB[qb:C][rc:B][nd:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[nd];B[ne];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[lc]LB[qb:A][me:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[qb];B[me];W[rc];B[rd];W[of];B[oe]C[ * Joseki *];B[sc]LB[pb:A][sb:B]C[Later continuation. 'a' leads to a small life, 'b' to a big ko.] (;W[pb];B[rb];W[oa];B[qa];W[ma]) (;W[sb];B[pb];W[pc];B[qc];W[rb];B[oa];W[ob];B[qa])) (;W[me]LB[kd:A][le:B]C['a' is the correct punishment. 'b' is getting tricked, Black is walled in.] (;B[kd]LB[qb:A][oe:C][nf:B]C['a', 'b' or 'c' gibe a disadvantageous result.] (;W[qb]LB[nf:A][of:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[nf]LB[rc:A][pf:B]C['a' or first 'b'.] (;W[rc];B[rd]LB[sc:A]C[Later Black 'a'.]) (;W[pf];B[of];W[rc];B[rd]LB[sc:A]C[Later Black 'a'.])) (;B[of];W[rc];B[rd];B[sc]LB[pb:A][rb:C][sb:B]C[Later, White is pressed small. 'a' is necessary. 'b' leads to ko. If 'c', White dies.] (;W[pb];B[rb];W[oa]) (;W[sb];B[pb];W[pc];B[qc];W[rb];B[oa];W[ob];B[qa]) (;W[rb];B[sb];W[oa];B[pb];W[pc];B[ma];W[pa];B[ra]))) (;W[nf];B[oe];W[le];B[jc];W[qb];B[pg];W[rc];B[rd]) (;W[oe];B[nf];W[of];B[ng];W[qb];B[rb];W[pb]LB[rf:A][og:B]C['a' makes a small living group and aims to attack White on the right. 'b' is walling in a big White corner,] (;B[rf];W[rg];B[rc];W[oa];B[re];W[og];B[nh]) (;B[og];W[qe];B[qg];W[rg];B[rh];W[rd];B[qh]))) (;B[le];W[mf]LB[pb:B][pc:A]C['a' is less bad than 'b'.] (;B[pc]LB[kb:A][nf:B]C['a' or 'b' give the same result.] (;W[kb];B[la];W[nf];B[oe];W[kd];B[ld];W[kf]TR[ma]LB[la:21]C[Black 21 can also be on the triangled position.]) (;W[nf];B[oe];W[kb];B[ma];W[kd];B[ld];W[kf];B[pg];W[lf];B[ob];W[ke];B[na])) (;B[pb];W[kb]LB[ka:A][la:B]C['a' is less bad than 'b'.] (;B[ka];W[kd];B[ld];W[kf];B[jb];W[lf]LB[ic:A][of:B]C['a' is necessary. 'b' doesn't work.] (;B[ic];W[ke];B[la];W[oe];B[nf];W[ng];B[of];W[og];B[pf];W[pg];B[pe]) (;B[of];W[ke];B[la];W[ic];B[pc];W[ia]LB[ja:B][ob:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[ob];W[ja]) (;B[ja];W[ib];B[ob];W[jc]))) (;B[la];W[kd];B[ld]LB[kf:A][pj:B]C['a' is correct, if there is no additional Black stone on 'b'.] (;W[kf];B[pc];W[oe];B[nf];W[ng];B[of];W[og];B[pf];W[pg];B[pe];W[lf];B[ob];W[ke] ;B[na];W[ka];B[ma]) (;AB[pj]LB[kf:B][kg:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[kg]) (;W[kf];B[lf];W[nf];B[oe];W[lg];B[kg];W[ke];B[mg];W[lh];B[ng];W[of];B[pf];W[og] ;B[oh];W[pg];B[qg];W[ph];B[qh];W[pi];B[oi];W[qi];B[ri];W[qj];B[qk];W[rj];B[rk];W[pe] ;B[sj];W[pf];B[rf]))))))) (;W[rc]LB[mb:A][rd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[mb]LB[qb:B][rd:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[rd];B[pb]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[qb];B[rd];W[oa];B[nd];W[pc]C[ * Joseki *])) (;B[rd];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[lc];W[nd];B[ne];W[rb];B[me];W[of];B[oe]LB[pb:A]C[Black cannot kill on 'a'.] ;B[pb];W[pc];B[sc];W[qb])) (;W[qb];B[mb];W[rc]LB[pb:B][rd:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[oa];B[nd];W[pc]) (;B[pb];W[rd];B[qc];W[rb];B[nd])))) (;W[rc];B[rd];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[nd];W[mb];B[md];W[ob];B[qb]) (;W[nc]LB[oc:A][nd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[oc];W[nb];B[nd];W[mb];B[md]C[ * Joseki *];W[ob];B[pb];W[oe];B[od];W[qb];B[pa] ;W[qc];B[pc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sc]) (;B[nd]LB[mb:A][oc:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[mb];B[nb];W[oc];B[ob];W[pc];B[md];W[qc];B[od];W[rd];B[lb];W[rb]) (;W[oc];B[mb]LB[qb:B][od:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' help.] (;W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[ne];W[pc];B[qc];W[qb];B[nb];W[pb];B[rb]) (;W[qb];B[od];W[rc];B[rd];W[ob];B[kd];W[jd];B[ke]LB[oa:A]C[Later, Black kills on 'a'.] ;B[oa];W[pa];B[pc];W[pb];B[ra]))))) (;B[me]LB[qc:B][qd:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' gives Black too much strength.];W[qd] ;B[qc];W[pc]LB[pb:A][od:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' leads to overconcentration.] (;B[pb];W[oc];B[od]LB[qb:A][rc:B]C['a' is correctm because sente, 'b' is inferior, because gote.] (;W[qb];B[rc];W[ob];B[qe];W[mb];B[pf]) (;W[rc];B[qb];W[re])) (;B[od];W[rc];B[qb];W[re];B[rb];W[sb];B[oc]))) (;W[lc]LB[lb:c][ld:a][md:b]C[White 4 is not an orthodox move - usually it is an attempt to confuse Black in a handicap game. The nose contact play dates back to at least 1682, when it was used successfully by the 4th Honinbo Dosaku (1645-1702) (a Go "saint") against the top Okinawan player of the day, Peichin Hamahika. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' are submissive.] (;B[ld]LB[mb:a][kc:b][md:c]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. The crosscut of White 'c' is not recommended.] (;W[mb];B[md]LB[lb:a][nb:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is unreasonable.] (;W[lb]C[ * Joseki *];B[oc];W[ic];B[qe]) (;W[nb]C[White 8 should be a mistake.];B[kc];W[pc];B[qc];W[qd];B[oc];W[pb];B[od] LB[ob:a][qe:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai for Black.])) (;W[kc]LB[mb:a][md:b]C[Black continues at 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[mb];W[kd];B[le]LB[qd:b][ke:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[ke];B[qe];W[pf];B[ne]C[Black has secured a large corner.];W[qc]C[White's invasion should fail.] ;B[re];W[pc]LB[ob:b][rb:a]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'.];B[od]LB[ob:b][rb:a]C[White may fruitlessly try 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rb];B[ob];W[pb];B[sc]) (;W[ob];B[sb])) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[pc];B[pb];W[oc];B[od]LB[qb:b][rc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is unreasonable.] (;W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[qe];W[rd];B[ob];W[pe];B[oe];W[pf];B[hd]C[Black attacks the three White stones with the pincer of Black 25.]) (;W[qb];B[rc];W[ob];B[qe];W[nd]LB[nc:a][oe:b]C[Black must cut at 'a', even though it means being squeezed. Black 'b', to avoid the squeeze, lets White out to the center.] (;B[nc];W[pe];B[rd];W[oe];B[qd];W[ne];B[md]LB[rb:a][rf:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai for Black.]) (;B[oe]C[Black 21 is a mistake.];W[nc];B[md];W[ne]C[White is out.])))) (;B[md];W[ob]LB[mb:b][oc:a]C[White's trick play. After it there are many continuarions where Black can either choose the right move or gets tricked. Black can play 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oc];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc]LB[nc:b][od:a]C[Black 'a' establishes a position. Black 'b' is getting tricked.] (;B[od];W[rd];B[nb];W[re]LB[pb:A][id:B]C[Black can live on 'a' and aim for thickness on 'b'.]) (;B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[pf]LB[oe:a][rf:b]C[White a and b are possible continuations.])) (;B[mb]LB[pc:b][od:a][qd:c]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[od]LB[pc:b][oe:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'a' may be a complicated, but ultimately leads to a loss for White. Black 'b' starts an adavantageous fight.] (;B[oe];W[pe];B[oc];W[pc]LB[nd:b][qd:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is getting tricked.] (;B[qd]LB[nc:a][qc:b]C[White 'a' leads to a ko. White 'b' makes a small life in the corner, but Black gets huge influence.] (;W[nc];B[nd]LB[oc:B][qc:A]C['a' starts a ko, 'b' loses everything.] (;W[qc];B[qe];W[pf];B[oc]) (;W[oc];B[qc];W[qb];B[rb];W[ra];B[rc]LB[qe:B][re:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' help.] (;W[re];B[pa];W[oa];B[na];W[pb];B[nb];W[qa];B[sb]) (;W[qe];B[re];W[rf];B[pa];W[oa];B[na];W[qa];B[nb];W[pb];B[sb];W[se];B[sa]))) (;W[qc];B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[rc])) (;B[nd];W[qd];B[od];W[pb])) (;B[pc];W[oc];B[pe];W[ne];B[oe];W[nd];B[pg];W[kd];B[lf];W[ng];B[qg])) (;W[pc]LB[od:b][qd:a][qe:c]C[Black 'a' is correct. Black 'b' is weak, allowing White to connect his stones. Black 'c' gives Black part of the corner (but overconcentrated) or a start on the right side (at the expense of giving White the corner).] (;B[qd];W[od]LB[oe:a][pf:b]C[The hane of Black 'a' is correct. Black 'b is getting tricked.] (;B[oe]LB[qc:a][pe:b]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'. The cut of White 'b' leads to a ko fight favorable to Black.] (;W[qc];B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[oc];B[pe];W[rf];B[rc];W[rb];B[rd];W[sb];B[ng]) (;W[pe]LB[oc:B][nd:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;B[nd];W[oc];B[qc];W[qb];B[rb];W[ra];B[rc];W[re];B[pa];W[qa];B[nb];W[oa];B[na] ;W[qe];B[nc];W[pb];B[sa];W[sb];B[sc];W[of];B[ne]) (;B[oc];W[nc];B[nd]))) (;B[pf];W[pe];B[qe];W[oe];B[qg];W[rf];B[rg];W[of];B[pg];W[rc];B[re];W[id])) (;B[od]C[Black 11 is weak.];W[rd];B[qd];W[rc];B[id]) (;B[qe]C[Black 11 is not recommended.];W[pe];B[od];W[qd]LB[qc:a][re:b]C[Black takes part of the corner with 'a'. Black 'a' gives Black part of the corner, but his stones are overconcentrated. Black 'b' gives Black a start on the right side at the expense of giving White the corner.] (;B[qc];W[re];B[rd];W[qe];B[qb];W[rc];B[rb];W[sd];B[oc]) (;B[re];W[rd];B[rf];W[qg];B[pf];W[oe];B[pg];W[nd];B[qh]))) (;W[qd]LB[pc:b][qc:a]C[Black 'a' resists. Black 'b' submits.] (;B[qc];W[pc];B[od];W[qb];B[qe];W[rc]LB[rd:a][re:b]C[Black 'a' starts a ko. Black 'b' leaves a cutting point.] (;B[rd]LB[qc:B][re:A]C['a' -> deceisive ko, 'b' gives Black superior thickness.] (;W[re];B[qc]) (;W[qc];B[pe];W[re];B[rf];W[sd];B[qg])) (;B[re]CR[pe]C[White can aim at the red dot cutting point.];W[pe];B[pf];W[oe];B[ne] ;W[of];B[pg];W[og];B[ph];W[mg];B[rf])) (;B[pc];W[qc];B[pb]))))) (;W[md];B[nc]C[Black follows the proverb\: extend from a cross cut.];W[kc];B[kd] ;W[jd];B[me];W[ic];B[qe]LB[pf:a][pi:b]C[If White 'a', Black attacks with 'b'.];W[pf] C[White 14 is heavy.];B[pi])) (;B[md]C[White 4 now looks like a forcing move. Black 5 therefore is submissive.] ;W[ob]LB[mb:b][oc:a]C[If Black has the ladder to catch White 4, Black should play 'a'. Black 'b', keeping White from connecting, is tempting, and troublesome.] (;B[oc]C[Black plays 7 when the ladder is favorable.];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd] LB[nb:b][re:a]C[Black continues with 'a' if the ladder is favorable. If not, Black must play 'b'.] (;B[re]C[Black must have the ladder to play this way.];W[rc];B[qe];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb] ;B[kc]) (;B[nb]C[Black 13 is bad, but necessary if Black does not have the ladder to catch White 4.] ;W[re];B[jc])) (;B[mb]LB[pc:a][od:b]C[Black 7 is not recommended. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is tempting, and dangerous.] (;W[pc]LB[od:a][qd:b][qe:c]C[Black can let White cross under with 'a', or struggle with 'b'.] (;B[od];W[rd]LB[qc:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. White can still connect his stones.] (;B[qc];W[qb]) (;B[qd];W[rc])) (;B[qd];W[od];B[pf];W[pe];B[qe];W[oe];B[qg];W[rf];B[rg];W[of];B[pg];W[rc];B[re] ;W[jc]C[White has the corner, and the three Black stones under attack.]) (;B[qe]LB[pe:a][pf:b]C[White continues with the tricky tesuji of 'a'. White 'b' looks standard, but is a mistake.] (;W[pe];B[qd];W[od]) (;W[pf]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[od]C[The two White stones have aji.];W[rd];B[re] ;W[rc]LB[qb:a][rb:b]C[Black may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qb];W[rb]C[Black has nowhere to go.]) (;B[rb];W[qb])))) (;W[od]C[White 8 is not recommended. White faces trouble];B[oe];W[pe];B[oc];W[pc] LB[nd:b][qd:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is obvious, and a mistake.] (;B[qd];W[nc];B[nd]LB[oc:b][qc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qc]) (;W[oc]C[White 16 is a mistake, though not obviously so.];B[qc];W[qb];B[rb];W[ra] ;B[rc];W[qe];B[re];W[rf];B[sd];W[sb];B[pa]C[Black 27 seals White's fate.])) (;B[nd]C[Black 13 is a mistake.];W[qd]LB[od:a]C[Black could connect ('a') or play a ko.] ;B[od];W[pb]C[White steals the corner.])))) (;B[lb];W[mb]LB[kb:b][nb:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[nb];W[md];B[nc];W[kb];B[ma]LB[kd:a]C[White plays 'a' to consolidate, or plays elsewhere, taking the moves as forcing moves. Regardless, Black has played submissively.] ;W[kd]) (;B[kb]LB[nc:b][pc:a][md:c]C[White plays 'a' to keep the situation fluid (and more difficult for Black). White 'b' and 'c' follow the proverb of 'extend from a cross-cut', but do not work as well.] ;W[pc]))) (;W[ob]LB[pb:B][oc:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is slightly disadvantageous in territory.] (;B[oc];W[qc];B[qd]LB[nb:B][ob:4][pc:A][rd:C][qf:2]C['a' is joseki -> White is enclosed in the corner. 'b' is inferior. Black takes the corner, and Black 2 is weakened, while White connects to the top very low. 'c' connects to White 2, but throws away White 4.] (;W[pc];B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[pf];B[oe]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[nb];B[nc];W[mb];B[pb];W[lc];B[pc]) (;W[rd];B[nb];W[rb];B[pb])) (;B[pb];W[pc]LB[oc:A][qc:B][qf:2]C['a' is correct and takes a lot of territory on the right. 'b' creates a small group on the top, while White 2 suffers in the shadow of a Black wall.] (;B[oc];W[qc];B[nb];W[od];B[oa];W[pe];B[nd];W[qd]) (;B[qc];W[oc];B[od];W[qb];B[rb];W[pa];B[rd];W[mb]))) (;W[rc]LB[qc:B][rd:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[qd]) (;B[qc];W[qd];B[pc];W[re])) (;W[pc]LB[qc:B][od:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[od]LB[qc:B][qd:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is not.] (;W[qd];B[qc]TR[of]LB[oc:B][rc:A]C[ * Joseki * 'a' is usual. 'b' i spossible with an additional White stone on the triangled position.] (;W[rc];B[qb];W[re];B[rb];W[sb];B[oc]) (;AW[of];W[oc]LB[nc:B][qe:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qe];W[rd]LB[nc:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nc]LB[qb:A][pe:B]C['a' takes the corner, 'b' the outside.] (;W[qb];B[re];W[rc];B[pe]) (;W[pe];B[ob])) (;B[re];W[nd];B[rc];W[pe];B[sd])) (;B[nc];W[qb];B[rc];W[pe]))) (;W[qc];B[qd])) (;B[qc]LB[nc:C][oc:B][od:A]C['a', 'b' and 'c' lead to a low White group on the top.] (;W[od];B[oc];W[pb]LB[ob:B][qd:A]C[After 'a' White must fight for a small life. 'b' encloses a small White corner with huge influence.] (;B[qd];W[nc];B[nd];W[ob];B[oe];W[md];B[oc]) (;B[ob];W[qd];B[pe];W[qb];B[qe];W[rc];B[re];W[rd];B[ne])) (;W[oc];B[od];W[qb];B[rd];W[mb];B[nd];W[lc];B[rb]LB[ob:A][pj:B]C[After 'a' White connects to the top left. After 'b' White is enclosed on top, but creates a group on the right.] (;W[ob];B[ld];W[kc];B[qi]) (;W[pj];B[nb];W[nc];B[md];W[ob];B[lb];W[na];B[kc]LB[ld:A]C[Ladder on 'a'.])) (;W[nc];B[nd];W[od];B[oe];W[oc];B[qd];W[mb];B[md];W[lb];B[pf]))) (;W[rd]LB[qc:A][qh:B]C['a' is ok, 'b' can not be recommended.] (;B[qc];W[qi]) (;B[qh];W[qc];B[qe];W[re];B[pf];W[pg];B[qg];W[rf];B[of];W[oc];B[pc];W[pb];B[od])) (;W[od];B[oc];W[qd]LB[qc:A][pe:B]C['a' punishes, 'b' doesn't.] (;B[qc];W[pe];B[pc]) (;B[pe];W[qe];B[qc];W[rc])) (;W[pj]LB[qc:B][qd:A]C[Black 'a' is gote. If Black takes sente, the White invasion on 'b' remains possible. ] ;B[qd])) (;B[pf]LB[pe:b][qe:c][pg:a]C[ Tobi-Tsuke (jump-attach) ---------------------------- First step of the Tsuke-Nobi-Joseki. The move should be played only if Black has a big moyo on the top side. The aim of this joseki is to make shape quickly. The approach is defensive. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a trick play. White must have the ladder to play 'b'. 'c' is bad. ] (;W[pg]LB[qe:A][of:B][og:C]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' is an old joseki. ] (;B[qe]C[Lee Changho's favorite];W[of];B[pe]LB[rf:A][mg:E][og:B][qg:C][rg:D]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'. White 'd' is less preferable to 'a'. If the right side is unimportant because of a low Black position in the lower right, 'e' is the best move. ] (;W[rf]LB[re:b][og:a][pi:c]C[White 8 is very territory oriented, a play to make when the center is unimportant. Black continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'. ] (;B[og];W[ph]LB[nf:a][oh:b]C[Black continues safely with 'a', or 'b'. ] (;B[nf];W[oh]LB[oe:b][ng:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[ng]LB[qc:b][re:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[re];B[qc]) (;W[qc]LB[pc:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[rd];B[jc]) (;B[re];W[ob];B[mc]))) (;B[oe];W[re]C[One must consider carefully the timing of White 14.];B[rd];W[qc] C[White 16 is a tesuji to start a living group in the corner.];B[qd];W[rc];B[sd] ;W[ob];B[mb]C[Black 21 is a severe checking move.];W[ra]LB[oc:A][nh:B]C[White 22 is the vital point for White to live. 'a' closes in the corner in gote, 'b' enlargens the wall.] (;B[oc];W[nb];B[nc];W[pc];B[lc]) (;B[nh];W[ni];B[mh]))) (;B[oh]LB[nf:C][oi:B][pi:A]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. Fighting on 'c' strengthens Black. ] (;W[pi]C[White 12 is submissive.];B[nf];W[re];B[qc];W[ql]C[ * Joseki * ]) (;W[oi];B[nf];W[re];B[qc];W[ni]) (;W[nf]LB[oi:b][pi:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[pi];W[oi]C[The outcome of the fight is unpredictable.];B[mg];W[qi];B[pj];W[qj] ;B[pk]) (;B[oi]C[Black cannot get a favorable result playing 13 here.];W[pi])))) (;B[re]C[Black 9 cedes no territory to White.];W[og];B[md];W[qi]MA[qg]C[White 12 protects against the cut at the marked spot. The result favors Black]) (;B[pi]LB[oh:A][oi:B]C['a' builds a base in gote, 'b' a wall in sente.] (;W[oh];B[nd];W[oi];B[pk];W[qi]) (;W[oi];B[ph];W[og];B[rh];W[qg];B[nd]LB[oj:B][ok:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[ok];B[qk];W[oh]) (;W[oj];B[qk];W[oh];B[pm])))) (;W[og]LB[nd:c][qg:a][rg:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' are not recommended.] (;B[qg];W[qh];B[rf]LB[nd:B][rg:A]C['a' is necessary, 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rg]LB[nd:a][qf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b', connecting, is timid.] (;B[nd]) (;B[qf]C[Black 13 is a mistake.];W[nd]C[White has the good point that Black should have taken.] ;B[rh];W[ri];B[sg];W[qi])) (;W[nd];B[rh])) (;B[rg]LB[nd:a][rh:b]C[Black 9 is not recommended. White should ignore Black 9 and play 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[nd];B[qi]C[Black has a low position. White 10 is the prime spot.]) (;W[rh]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[rf];W[qh];B[nd])) (;B[nd]LB[rf:A][pl:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[rf]LB[qc:B][re:A]C['a' is slow, but necessary. If omitted, White invades on 'b'.] (;B[re]) (;W[qc]LB[pc:A][re:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pc];W[re]) (;B[re];W[ob]))) (;W[pl];B[qg];W[qh];B[rf];W[rh]))) (;W[qg]LB[mc:c][nd:a][og:b]C[On the empty board it's usually risky for White to connect this way, because the cut at 'b' is painful. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' is not recommended. ] (;B[nd];W[qk];B[jc]C[The joseki concludes.];W[qc]C[This demonstrates that the corner is safe from invasion.] ;B[pb];W[rd];B[re];W[pc];B[oc];W[qb];B[ob]C[White cannot live in the corner.];W[rb] ;B[qa]LB[ra:a][sc:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;B[og]LB[nf:A][oh:B]C[The cut of Black 9 is a severe move. 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[nf]LB[ng:B][oh:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;B[oh];W[qj];B[nd]) (;B[ng];W[mf];B[mg];W[lf];B[lg];W[kf];B[pi];W[ri];B[rj];W[qj];B[qi];W[rk];B[rh] ;W[sj];B[qh])) (;W[oh];B[ng];W[pi];B[mh]C[Great result for Black])) (;B[mc]C[Black 9 leaves aji in the corner.];W[qk];B[]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[pc] LB[oc:b][qc:a]C[Black may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[oc]C[White cannot be caught.];B[qb];W[nd]) (;B[oc];W[qc]LB[ob:c][nd:a][rd:b]C[Black may try 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[nd]C[Black defends against the cut.];W[rd];B[re];W[rb]) (;B[rd]C[Black goes for the kill (but can't get it).];W[ob];B[nc];W[rc];B[nb];W[pa]) (;B[ob]C[Black 14 is a mistake that could easily cost Black the game.];W[re];B[rd] ;W[qd];B[rf];W[se];B[sf];W[od]C[Black is captured.];B[sd];W[re];B[se];W[oe];B[re] ;W[rc])))) (;W[rg]LB[re:b][og:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[og];W[ph];B[nf]) (;B[re]C[Black cedes no territory.];W[og];B[rf];W[qg]LB[me:a][pk:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b', another extension at top, or plays elsewhere.] (;B[me]C[Black 13 is the obvious extension; having secured territory, balancing with a move emphasizing influence.]) (;B[pk]C[Black 13 is played with support at bottom right, or as an invasion.]))) (;W[mg];B[nd])) (;B[of]LB[pc:e][qc:d][qd:b][qe:a][re:c]C[ Tsuke-Nobi ------------- White continues with 'a' to 'd'. White 'd' is a special case when Black has support at top. White 'e' is a trick play.] (;W[qe];B[qd]LB[pe:D][og:c][ph:d][qh:b][qj:a]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'. If White is already strong on the right side, he enlarges his territory with 'd'. 'e' tenuki is wrong.] (;W[qj]LB[jc:A][nd:B][ph:C]C[ This move is not sente to cut. 'a' is joseki. 'b' is correct, if there is already a stone around 'a'. 'c' is a leaning attack against a weak White group on the top side. ] (;B[jc]LB[lc:e][mc:d][nc:b][kd:f][rd:c][pe:a]C[The obvious White 'a' is a mistake. White invades with 'b'. White 'c' is an attempt to complicate the situation to fool a weaker player. The invasions of White 'd' and 'e' are not as good as 'b'.] (;W[pe]C[White 10 illustrates the outside turn to the cut; a mistake.];B[oe];W[od] ;B[nd];W[oc];B[rd]LB[re:A][qg:B]C[Black 15 is the vital point. After 'a', White gets an unfavorable ko, after 'b', he dies in the corner.] (;W[re];B[qg];W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[nc]LB[ob:B][pb:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[pb];B[nb];W[rb];B[qb]LB[qa:B][qc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qc];B[pc];W[ob];B[rc];W[qa];B[oa];W[qc];B[se];W[rf];B[qb]) (;W[qa];B[ob];W[pc];B[qc];W[pa];B[ra];W[sa];B[oa])) (;W[ob];B[se];W[rf];B[nb];W[qb];B[rb];W[ra];B[qc])) (;W[qg];B[nc]LB[ob:B][pb:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;W[pb];B[nb];W[rb];B[pc];W[ob];B[qb];W[qa];B[qc];W[pa];B[ra];W[sa];B[na]) (;W[ob];B[nb];W[qb];B[rb];W[ra];B[qc];W[pb];B[sb];W[re];B[sd];W[qa];B[oa]))) (;W[nc]C[White 10 is the vital point for invasion.];B[oc]LB[md:b][nd:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. With White 'a', Black builds influence on the left. With White 'b', Black takes the corner.] (;W[nd]C[tachi (stand)];B[pe];W[kd];B[jd];W[ke];B[je];W[kf];B[ig]) (;W[md];B[nd];W[nb];B[je];W[ob];B[pb]LB[qb:b][ne:c][mf:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a trick play. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[mf];B[rd]) (;W[qb]LB[oa:b][qg:a]C[White 18 is a trick play. 'a' is correct, 'b' is getting tricked.] (;B[qg]LB[pa:c][rg:b][qh:a]C[Black 19 foils the trick play. Black 19 is a sacrifice play. White may try 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[qh]C[Black 19 becomes a sacrifice.];B[rg];W[rh];B[og];W[ph];B[oa]LB[qc:b][rd:a] C[White will have trouble taking care of the invading stones at top. White cannot connect by playing 'a' because of Black 19 and 21.] (;W[rd];B[rc];W[re];B[qc]) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[rd];B[rc])) (;W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[oa];W[qc];B[pc];W[rd];B[rc]C[Black 27 prevents White from crossing under.]) (;W[pa];B[qh])) (;B[oa]C[White 19 is a mistake. White has been tricked.];W[qc];B[pc];W[rd];B[mc] ;W[ne];B[od];W[lc];B[mb];W[lb];B[na];W[le]LB[nb:b][ng:a]C[Black either has to escape with 'a', or make two eyes in gote with 'b'.])) (;W[ne]C[White 18 is a mistake.];B[od];W[qb];B[pa];W[qc];B[rb]C[Black 23 is a (te)suji.] ;W[rc];B[rd];W[sd]LB[sb:a][re:c][se:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[sb];W[sc];B[re]) (;B[se]C[Black 27 is a mistake. White gets a ko.];W[sb];B[ra];W[re]) (;B[re]C[Black 27 is a mistake. White will be able to connect at top.];W[ra];B[sb] ;W[pc])))) (;W[rd]C[White 10 is a feint.];B[rc];W[pe];B[oe];W[od]LB[oc:B][nd:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[nd];W[oc]LB[pb:a][re:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pb]LB[ob:a][pc:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' doesn't work.] (;W[ob];B[pc];W[mc];B[ld];W[lc];B[kd];W[jb];B[ib];W[kb];B[ic];W[mb]) (;W[pc]C[White 18 is a mistake.];B[qc];W[ob];B[nb];W[qb];B[nc];W[pa];B[rb];W[ra] ;B[re]LB[sd:A][rf:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[sd];B[se];W[rf];B[sc]LB[sf:B][qh:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qh];B[na];W[oa]LB[sa:b][mf:a]C[Black 'a' to protect against the cut, or 'b' to provoke a ko to settle the corner.] (;B[mf]LB[sa:a]C[The corner becomes a seki (unless Black 'a', forcing the ko).]) (;B[sa]C[Black forces a ko to resolve the corner with Black 35.])) (;W[sf];B[na];W[oa];B[ph];W[qh];B[og];W[qg];B[pi])) (;W[rf];B[sd];W[sb];B[na];W[oa]))) (;B[re]C[Black 17 is a mistake.];W[qc];B[sd];W[pc];B[rd];W[rf])) (;B[oc];W[nd];B[nc];W[md])) (;W[mc]C[As an invasion, White 10 misses the mark. White heads for trouble.];B[oc] ;W[le];B[je];W[lg];B[nh]) (;W[lc];B[nc];W[le];B[je];W[lg];B[nh]) (;W[kd];B[jd];W[ke];B[lb];W[mc];B[lc];W[md];B[oc]C[Both Black groups are secure, while White is heavy. Black can continue profitably harrassing White.])) (;B[nd];B[ql]LB[ph:B][oj:A][dp:C]C[Later continuation. White can secure his group on 'a' or 'b'. After tenuki 'c' Black can make a painful reduction.] (;W[oj]) (;W[ph]) (;W[dp];B[qh]LB[qg:C][rh:A][qi:B]C['a' and 'b' sacrifice, 'c' is pressed down low.] (;W[rh]LB[rg:A][ri:B]C['a' and 'b' give the same situation.] (;B[rg];W[qg];B[ri];W[qi];B[ph];W[sh];B[sg];W[oh];B[pi];W[oj];B[og];W[oi];B[si] ;W[rh];B[sh];W[pj];B[rh];W[rj];B[re];W[qn]C[White sacrifices some stones.]) (;B[ri];W[qi];B[rg];W[qg]LB[rg:16][ri:14]C[Same variation as 16 played before 14.])) (;W[qi];B[ph];W[rh];B[rg];W[qg]LB[rg:16][ph:14]C[Same variation as 16 played before 14,]) (;W[qg];B[qi]LB[pj:B][rj:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rj];B[oi];W[rh];B[ri];W[si];B[oh]) (;W[pj];B[rj];W[rk];B[oh]LB[ph:A][ri:B]C['a' or 'b' are no help.] (;W[ph];B[pi];W[oi];B[oj];W[ni];B[pk]) (;W[ri];B[rh];W[ph];B[pi];W[oi];B[si]))))) (;B[ph];W[og];B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[rh];B[ng];W[oh];B[nh];W[oi])) (;W[qh];B[nd]C[Black must answer with 9.];W[lc];B[jc]LB[oc:a][le:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oc];B[nc];W[nb]LB[mb:b][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[od];W[pb];B[mc];W[mb];B[ld];W[kc];B[kd];W[jb];B[ib];W[kb];B[ic]) (;B[mb]C[Black 15 is a tough-minded move.];W[ob];B[mc];W[od];B[pe];W[ne];B[me];W[nf] ;B[og])) (;W[le];B[je]LB[nb:b][oc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oc];B[od];W[nb]LB[pb:a][nc:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pb];W[lg];B[nh]) (;B[nc];W[pb];B[pc];W[ob];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[kb];B[ld];W[kc];B[kd];W[jb];B[ic])) (;W[nb]C[White 14 is timid.];B[oc];W[ob];B[pb]))) (;W[og]LB[nd:B][ng:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[ng]LB[nf:b][nh:c][qi:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is unreasonable. White 'c' helps Black.] (;W[qi];B[nd]) (;W[nf]LB[nd:A][ne:B][mf:C]C[White 10 starts a disadvantageous fight with the cut. 'a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[nd]LB[ne:B][mf:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[mf];B[nh];W[qi];B[ld]C[The prospects for the two White stones are not good.] ;W[lg]) (;W[ne];B[od];W[le];B[lc];W[lg];B[nh];W[qi];B[mi])) (;B[ne];W[mf]) (;B[mf];W[ne];B[od];W[nd])) (;W[nh];B[mg];W[mh];B[lg];W[qh];B[jc]LB[nc:A]C[Still, White can invade at 'a'.] ;W[nc];B[oc];W[ob];B[pb])) (;B[nd];W[qk]LB[mg:A]C[Later, White jumps to 'a'.])) (;W[pe]LB[od:B][oe:A] (;B[oe];W[od];B[rd];W[qh];B[nd];W[oc];B[nc];W[pb]LB[nb:B][qb:A] (;B[qb];W[nb];B[mb];W[mc];B[md];W[lc];B[lb];W[ld]LB[kb:A][mf:B] (;B[kb];W[me];B[ne];W[og];B[nf];W[lg]) (;B[mf];W[kb])) (;B[nb];W[rb];B[pc];W[ob];B[qb];W[qa];B[qc];W[pa];B[ra];W[sa];B[na];W[re];B[oa] ;W[ra];B[rc];W[sd];B[sb])) (;B[od];W[oe];B[nd];W[ne])) (;W[]LB[og:B][pi:A]C['a' is the correct punishment, 'b' is helping White.] (;B[pi];W[og];B[ng];W[oh]) (;B[og];W[ph]))) (;W[qd]LB[qc:b][qe:a][qg:c]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe]C[Old fashion];W[re];B[pe];W[rg]LB[qc:a][og:b]C[Joseki continues with 'a'. Black 'b' first is out of order.] (;B[qc]LB[rd:A][og:B] (;W[rd];B[og];W[ph];B[jc]C[Outdated joseki. White is favorable];W[pc]LB[rc:a]C[White 16 illustrates why Black 15 should be so wide. White must play 16 before supporting stones ruin the opportunity (where Black pushes White out toward the top where White cannot make life). The difference between White 16 and White 'a' is over twenty points.] ;B[oc];W[pb]LB[ob:a][qb:b]C[Black continues with 'a', unless there are supporting stones for the tough move of 'b'.] (;B[ob];W[qb];B[je]) (;B[qb]C[Black 19 can be played with support such as the black stones shown.];W[ob] ;B[nb];W[nc];B[pa];W[od];B[oa];W[oc];B[mb]C[The White stones cannot escape.])) (;W[og]C[In the local context, White 12 is not good.];B[rd]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not good.])) (;B[og]C[Black 11 is not recommended.];W[qc];B[ph];W[qg];B[pc];W[oh])) (;B[qc]LB[qe:a][re:b]C[Best answer White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qe];B[pc];W[qi];B[jc]LB[lc:A]C[White invasion point at 'a'.];W[lc];B[ke];W[me] ;B[og];W[ph];B[mf];W[nc];B[ob]) (;W[re];B[rd];W[qe];B[rc]LB[pc:c][pe:b][qj:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is also possible, though it give Black superior thickness. White 'c' is not recommended.] (;W[qj];B[nd]) (;W[pe]C[White 12 takes the corner, sacrificing thickness.];B[oe];W[pc];B[od];W[oc] ;B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[qb];B[qg];W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[se];W[rf];B[qi]C[White will likely have to capture the Black corner stones, thus getting about 15 points. Black's thickness should translate to more.]) (;W[pc]C[White 'c' is not recommended.];B[oc];W[pe];B[od];W[oe];B[ne];W[nf];B[og] ;W[ph]LB[me:A][mf:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[me];W[ng];B[jd]C[Black can still play a ladder block.]) (;B[mf];W[ng])))) (;B[qg]LB[pe:B][qe:A][qh:C]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;W[qe];B[ph];W[pc];B[og];W[nc]) (;W[pe];B[oe];W[qe];B[ph]LB[pc:A][od:B]C[After 'a' or 'b' Black gets a good result.] (;W[pc];B[od]) (;W[od];B[pc];W[oc];B[qc];W[rg];B[og];W[rc];B[rb];W[rd];B[ob];W[nb];B[pb];W[mc] ;B[sb];W[rh];B[kc])) (;W[qh];B[qe];W[rg];B[qc]))) (;W[re]LB[qc:b][qd:c][rd:a][qe:d]C[White 6 should not be ignored by Black. Black continues with 'a' to 'd'.] (;B[rd];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe]LB[qc:9][qd:8][rd:7][re:6]C[This is the same joseki as the variation of White 8, Black 9 played before White 6, Black 7, see there for continuation.]) (;B[qc];W[qj];B[jc]) (;B[qd]C[Black may play this way with support at top.]) (;B[qe]LB[qd:A][rf:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qd]LB[qd:8][re:6]C[This is the same joseki as the variation of White 8 played before 6, see there for continuation.]) (;W[rf];B[qc];W[qj];B[jc]))) (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:c][qe:a]C[White may play 6 when Black has a stone at top to prevent Black from solidifying his territory. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[qe]LB[ob:a][pc:c][qg:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is odd. White 'c' is a hopeful mistake.] (;W[ob]LB[pc:b][qg:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'b' is a stronger move.] (;B[qg];W[mc]) (;B[pc];W[pb];B[rc];W[rb];B[qd];W[qb];B[mb];W[rd];B[re];W[sc]LB[qg:a]C[Black no longer has to play 'a'.])) (;W[qg]C[White 8 is a mistake. The invasion of White 6 is lost.];B[pc];W[re];B[qd] ;W[rd];B[rc]) (;W[pc]LB[nc:a][oc:b]C[White 8 hopes for a Black hane, but Black has a better play. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b', the hane, is a mistake.] (;B[nc]LB[nb:A][oc:B]C[Black 9 seals White in building thickness. 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc]LB[rd:a][qg:b]C[Black 'a' is sente, so White cannot aim at connecting at 'b'.]) (;W[oc];B[nd];W[nb];B[mb];W[oa];B[qg])) (;B[oc]C[White 9 is a mistake.];W[ob]LB[nb:A][nc:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[nb];W[qd]LB[nd:A][re:B]C[Black has too many cutting points. 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nd];W[re];B[pe];W[qg]) (;B[re];W[nc])) (;B[nc];W[nb];B[mc])))) (;B[pc]C[Black 7 gives up considerable territory, but is consistent in emphasis (the top). Black ends in sente. If a handicap game, keeping situations simple is a good approach.] ;W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe]LB[qg:b][rg:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a minor mistake.] (;W[rg];B[og];W[ph]C[Locally White is far ahead]) (;W[qg]LB[rf:a][og:b]C[White 12 is a mistake. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' fails.] (;B[rf]C[Right timing];W[rd];B[og];W[pi];B[oh];W[qj]) (;B[og]LB[rf:a]C[Black 13 is a mistake. Black fails to take advantage of a good opportunity by first cutting at 'a'.] ;W[qb];B[pb];W[oh]LB[rf:a]C[White has a much better position (than the other variation where Black cuts at 'a' first rather than Black 13).] ;B[rf]C[The cut of Black 17 no longer works.];W[rg];B[rd];W[sf]))) (;B[qd]C[Black 7 is a mistake.];W[pc];B[oc];W[ob]LB[nb:b][nc:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]C[Black gote, & White 2 still has aji. Black's stones are very inefficiently placed.]) (;B[nb];W[rd]C[Black does not have a good reply.]))) (;W[pc]LB[oc:b][qc:c][qe:a]C[White hopes for a Black mistake ('b'). White continues with 'a' or 'c'.] (;B[qe];W[oc]LB[mc:a][qc:b]C[Black best continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is less advantageous.] (;B[mc]LB[mb:C][rc:A][nd:B]C[White lives on 'a'. Running out on 'b' is disadvantageous. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[rc]) (;W[nd];B[md];W[ne];B[lf];W[mg];B[og]C[Keeping White under attack automatically lets Black take the right side.]) (;W[mb]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[nb];W[nc];B[lb]C[White is better off with the other variation.])) (;B[qc]C[Black 9 is not recommended.];W[qb];B[rc];W[lc]C[White gets an adequate position. Black is dissatisfied.])) (;B[oc]C[Black falls into the trap.];W[qc]LB[ob:B][qe:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe];W[ob]LB[nb:b][nc:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' only makes matters worse.] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[mb];B[lc]) (;B[nb]C[Black compounds the mistake.];W[re]C[A lot of cutting points, but Black is the one being cut for a loss.])) (;B[ob];W[re])) (;B[qc];W[oc];B[qb]LB[lc:A][qe:B]C['a' emphasizes the top, 'b' the right side.] (;W[lc];B[qg]) (;W[qe];B[od];W[lc];B[qd])))) (;B[og]LB[pe:B][ph:A]C['a' is an old-style joseki, 'b' is possible.] (;W[ph]LB[qe:B][of:A]C['a' or 'b' are possible.] (;B[of];W[qe];B[qd];W[ql];B[nc]C[Good result for White]) (;B[qe];W[of];B[pe];W[rf];B[nf];W[re];B[qc];W[ql]LB[pe:9][qe:7][og:5]C[Same result as the variation where Black 7 and 9 are played before Black 5.])) (;W[pe];B[of]LB[qd:a][oe:c][qe:b]C[White 'a' and 'b' take a side hugher than in joseki giving a wall. White 'c' is a mistake difficult to punish.] (;W[qd];B[oe];W[qe];B[pc];W[ph]) (;W[qe];B[oe];W[qd];B[pc];W[ph]) (;W[oe]LB[qd:b][qe:a]C[White 8 is a mistake. Black continues with 'a'. 'b' is nonsense.] (;B[qe];W[qd];B[re]LB[qc:B][rd:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help..] (;W[rd];B[rf];W[qg]LB[pc:B][qc:A]C['a' or 'b',] (;B[qc];W[rc]LB[rb:B][pc:A]C['a' is possible, 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[ne];B[rb];W[rg];B[sc];W[oh];B[mf]) (;B[rb]LB[qb:b][pc:a]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;W[pc];B[od];W[ne];B[sc];W[qb];B[sd];W[qc];B[oc];W[ob];B[qa];W[pb];B[nc]LB[nb:a] [oh:b]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[nb]LB[mc:B][rg:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[rg]LB[mc:C][rh:A][pi:B][qi:D]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are inferior, 'd' is a mistake.] (;W[rh];B[mc];W[sg]LB[se:A][qh:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[se];W[sh]) (;B[qh];W[ph];B[qi];W[se])) (;W[pi];B[qi];W[ph];B[qj];W[mc]) (;W[mc];B[ph]) (;W[qi];B[rh]LB[mc:B][oi:A]C['a' or 'b' cannot punish Black.] (;W[oi];B[mc];W[ri];B[mb];W[sh];B[se];W[sg];B[na];W[qh];B[oa];W[si];B[pa]) (;W[mc];B[pi];W[qh];B[qj];W[ri];B[rj]))) (;B[mc];W[rg];B[se];W[sg]LB[mb:A][sb:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[mb];W[sf];B[sb];W[ra];B[sa];W[ra]) (;B[sb];W[ra];B[mb];W[sf];B[sa];W[ra]))) (;W[oh]C[White 30 is a game-losing mistake.];B[mf];W[nf];B[ng];W[mg];B[nh];W[ni] ;B[mh];W[lg];B[me])) (;W[qb]C[White 18 is a mistake.];B[pc];W[sb];B[pb];W[ra];B[ne]))) (;B[pc];W[ne]LB[rc:A][rg:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rc];W[rg];B[qc];W[sf];B[sd];W[oh];B[mf]) (;B[rg]LB[qb:A][rh:B]C['a' is the correct punishment, 'b' fails.] (;W[qb];B[qc];W[rc];B[pb];W[qa];B[sb];W[rb]LB[pa:A][mc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' -> disaster for Black.] (;B[pa]LB[sa:B][sd:A][rh:C]C['a' secures for White an advantageous position. 'b' creates onjly a disadvantageous ko. With 'c', Black gets an advantageous position.] (;W[sd]LB[sa:A][mc:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[sa];W[od];B[se];W[oc];B[sc];W[ra];B[sb];W[ob];B[sc];W[oa];B[ph]) (;B[mc];W[rh])) (;W[sa];B[ra];W[od];B[sd];W[sa]) (;W[rh];B[sd];W[sg];B[se];W[sh];B[sc];W[sf];B[ra])) (;B[mc];W[rh])) (;W[rh];B[rc];W[qi])))) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[oc];W[ne];B[rf];W[nc];B[ob];W[qb];B[mb]C[Bad for White.])) (;B[qd];W[qe];B[nc];W[oh]C[The three heavy Black stones are now cut off and make no sense.])))) (;B[qg]C[Possible, if Black wants to make White overconcentrated on the right.] ;W[re];B[qe];W[rf];B[rd];W[qc];B[qd];W[of];B[pe];W[qh];B[og];W[ph];B[nf]C[Joseki])) (;W[pe]LB[oe:a][qe:b]C[White 4 is a trick play. White must have the ladder to play this way. Black continues with 'a' if the ladder favors White, or 'b' with a favorable ladder.] (;B[oe]C[Black plays 5 here when the ladder favors White.];W[qe]LB[od:a][qd:b][pg:c] C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is an overplay. Black 'c' is wrong.] (;B[od];W[pg];B[of];W[qd];B[qc];W[rc];B[rb];W[qb];B[pc]LB[sb:b][rd:a]C[White continues safely with 'a', or provokes a fight with 'b'.] (;W[rd]C[White 16 is safe.];B[pb];W[qj];B[jc]) (;W[sb]C[White 16 is a tough move.];B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[ra];B[qi];W[og];B[rh];W[ng] ;B[ld]C[Black has solid footing for the fight ahead, while White's three stones are floating in the center.])) (;B[qd]C[Black 7 is an overplay.];W[od]TR[rd]LB[oc:c][nd:a][of:b]C[Black would like to play down from 7 (the triangle), but White b is a double atari, so Black must continue at 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[nd];W[oc];B[nc];W[pb]C[White 12 is the tesuji that gives White the advantage.] ;B[nb];W[qc];B[rd];W[rc]C[Black ends up being captured.]) (;B[of];W[oc];B[rd];W[qh];B[pc];W[md]) (;B[oc];W[nd]LB[nc:A][pg:B]C[After 'a' Black is heavy. 'b' was played by Cho Chikun against Kobayashi Satoru in the 2nd game of the 20th Kisei, not having the ladder, but support on the right.] (;B[nc];W[md];B[of];W[qh]) (;B[pg];W[pc];B[qc];W[of];B[ne];W[og];B[oh];W[me];B[nf];W[ng];B[mf];W[nh];B[mi] LB[lf:A][ph:B]C[This moves breaks both ladders on 'a' and 'b'.];W[ph];B[qg];W[rg] ;B[qh];W[qi];B[rh];W[ri];B[sh];W[sg];B[pi];W[si];B[ph];W[pj];B[oi]))) (;B[pg];W[od])) (;B[qe]C[Black must have the ladder to play this way.];W[oe]LB[qd:A][qg:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[qd]LB[pg:A][qg:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' helps Black.] (;W[pg];B[nc];W[of]) (;W[qg]LB[nd:A][pg:B]C['a' is correct, Black sacrifices one stone to get a good position. 'b' is a mistake, White develops strong groups on both sides, but the Black center stones remain heavy.] (;B[nd];W[ne];B[me];W[od];B[oc];W[og];B[md]C[The result, Black territory and thickness, greatly favors Black.]) (;B[pg];W[ph];B[nf];W[pi];B[ng];W[od];B[oc];W[nc];B[ob];W[me]))) (;B[qg];W[qd];B[rf];W[re];B[qf];W[pc];B[rd];W[od];B[rc];W[kc]C[Black has a low, overconcentrated position, White has got more points.]))) (;W[qe];B[pe]LB[qc:B][qd:C][pg:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c' don't give White a good position. ] (;W[pg];B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[rh];B[og];W[ph];B[qd];W[rf];B[re];W[sg]) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qg];W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[qi]) (;W[qd];B[qg];W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[qi]))) (;B[qh]LB[nc:c][qc:a][nd:b][qd:g][of:e][ph:d][dp:f]C[ 1-Space Low Pincer = Ikken Basami = Hankan Hyeopgong = Yi Jia -------------------------------------------------------------- White usually continues with 'a', 'b', 'c' or tenuki 'f'. White 'd' is an emergency move giving Black many points and shouldn't be used without an exact reason. White support in the lower right or center will be helpful. White 'e' has been put in disfavour by some pros recently, only good if White already as many stones in the middle, as he gets a wall in gote or with a hole. 'e' also leads to a punishment, if Black doesn't have the ladder. 'g' is good, if Black can make no big extension on either side. ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[White enters at the 3-3 point in the overwhelming majority of cases. The one-space jump common with amatuers is not recommended. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black needs support at the top to play 'b'. ] (;B[qd];W[pc]LB[oc:c][rc:b][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' represents a change in strategy from influence to territory. Black 'c' is a mistake (can call it a trickmove).] (;B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc] (;B[qe];W[nc]TR[qh]MA[pp]LB[lc:C][mc:F][me:B][of:D][pf:G][rf:E][qk:A]C[ * Joseki * With a White stone on the squared position, Black can do nothing bigger than extend to 'a'. Later, Black can aim on 'b' or 'c', White may jump to 'd', aim at 'e' or enlargen his group on F. As the triangled extension from his wall is near, Black shall not immediately capture the White stone on G. ] (;AW[pp]LB[qk:A][qn:B]C['a' is coorect, 'b' just invites an invasion into the moyo Black makes. ] (;B[qk]LB[qd:5]C[Very slow move. So the whole top right corner joseki after Black 5 fell into professionals' disfavor. ]) (;B[qn];W[np]LB[pk:A][rp:B]C['a' and 'b' don't secure the moyo. ] (;B[pk];W[qi]C[White will survive. ]) (;B[rp];W[qq];B[pl];W[qj]C[White can't be killed. ]))) (;B[me]LB[mc:A]C[White 'a' is correct, tenuki is not recommended. ] (;W[mc]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[mc]LB[mb:B][nb:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is not recommended. ] (;W[nb]) (;W[mb];B[lc]LB[lb:A][nb:B]C[After 'a' or 'b', Black has just been unnecessarily strengthened. ] (;W[lb];B[kc];B[ob]C[Later, Black closes the top side in sente. ];W[oc];B[nb];W[pb] ;B[kb]) (;W[nb])))) (;B[lc]LB[mc:A][nd:B]C[White usually answers on 'a', but 'b' is also possible. If White tenukis, Black plays 'b'. ] (;W[mc];B[ld]) (;W[nd];B[ne];W[me];B[md];W[mb];B[le];W[mf]) (;B[nd])) (;W[of]) (;W[rf]LB[pf:B][sf:A]C[If Black is strong on the lower right side, he can try to kill the White invasion stones on 'a', else he can cover on 'b'. ] (;B[sf]TR[rj]LB[sg:A][rh:B]C[White 'a' or, with an additional stone on the triangled position, 'b'. ] (;W[sg];B[se];W[rh];B[pf];W[rg];B[qg];W[ri]) (;AW[rj];W[rh])) (;B[pf];W[se]))) (;B[rf]C[Old joseki];W[nc])) (;B[rc]C[Black 7 emphasizes territory, a change in original strategy.];W[rb];B[rd] LB[nc:b][oc:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oc];B[pf];W[lc]) (;W[nc];B[od];W[mb];B[pg])) (;B[oc]LB[rc:A][rd:B]C[Black 7 is a mistake. 'a' is the usual punishment, 'b' is slightly inferior. ] (;W[rc]LB[od:B][rd:A]C['a' closes the right, 'b' the top side. ] (;B[rd]LB[nc:B][od:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior. ] (;W[od]LB[nc:B][oe:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. ] (;B[oe];W[nd];B[pf];W[nc]C[Really good for White]) (;B[nc];W[pe];B[oe];W[nd];B[md];W[ne];B[of];W[nf]LB[qe:A][pf:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help. ] (;B[qe];W[qg]) (;B[pf];W[qe]))) (;W[nc];B[od];W[ob]LB[rc:8][rd:9]C[Compared to White 8 onto 9, White has lost points and aji. ])) (;B[od]LB[rd:B][re:A]C['a' is better than 'b'. ] (;W[re];B[rd];W[sd];B[pf]LB[pg:B][qg:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is bad. ] (;W[qg];B[pg];W[rh];B[id];W[qi];B[ph];W[pi]) (;W[pg];B[qg];W[pe];B[of];W[qe];B[oe]LB[id:B][rg:A]C['a' lives, 'b' dies. ] (;W[rg];B[rh];W[sf];B[ob];W[pb];B[hc]) (;W[id];B[ob];W[rg];B[rh];W[sf];B[ra]))) (;W[rd];B[pf];W[qg];B[pg];W[rh];B[id];W[qi];B[ph];W[rj]))) (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]LB[nc:A][od:B]C['a' or 'b'. ] (;W[nc]LB[ob:B][od:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[od];W[ob]) (;B[ob];W[od];B[nb];W[nd];B[mc];W[md];B[lc];W[rf];B[pf];W[se];B[pe];W[pg];B[of] ;W[mf];B[og];W[ph];B[qg];W[nh];B[oh];W[pi];B[oi];W[qi])) (;W[od];B[nc];W[rf];B[oe];W[se];B[nd])))) (;B[pc]C[Black 5 when a supporting stone at top exists.];W[qd];B[pe]LB[qb:b][qe:d] [pf:c][rf:a]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'. 'd' is a mistake.] (;W[rf];B[og]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[qb]LB[pf:a][og:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[pf];W[rf]LB[pb:A][oh:B]C[Black continues with 'a' to secure much territory or 'b' to avoid being cut.] (;B[pb];W[pg]C[If the direct cut is good depends on the positions in the center and lower right.] ;B[qg];W[og];B[pj]) (;B[oh];W[pb];B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[oc];B[od];W[ob];B[mc])) (;B[og]LB[pb:a][dp:b]C[Black 9 is not recommended. White continues with 'a'. Playing elsewhere is not recommended.] (;W[pb]) (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere; not recommended.];B[pb];W[rf]C[White 12 is submissive, but now necessary.]))) (;W[pf]C[White 8 was common when this pattern first appeared.];B[qe];W[re]LB[rd:a] [rf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[rd]LB[rc:a][rg:b]C[Black 11 is the tesuji for this situation. White continues with 'a'. White 'b', letting Black capture the two stones, is good only in the rare middle-game case, that White can create a lot of territory on the right side, while the situation on the top is no more promising for Black.] (;W[rc]C[White 12 is the only move.];B[rf];W[sd]LB[of:a][rg:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[of];W[rg];B[pg];W[sf]LB[ng:A][qg:B]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is not absolutely necessary.] (;B[ng];W[oh];B[og]LB[pb:C][lc:A][mc:B]C[Later, White invades on 'a' or 'b'. Black wants to forestall the invasion, e.g. on 'c'.] (;W[lc];B[kc];W[nc];B[ne];W[kb];B[jb];W[kd];B[jc];W[md];B[ke];W[ob];B[pb];W[mb]) (;W[mc];B[ld];W[pb];B[ob];W[oc]LB[qb:B][nc:A]C['a' is right, 'b' is wrong.] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[od];W[oa]) (;B[qb];W[oe];B[pa];W[od];B[pb];W[nb]))) (;B[qg];W[rf];B[ng];W[oh];B[og])) (;B[rg];W[of];B[pb];W[qb];B[md];W[oi];B[qk];W[lf]C[White is better.])) (;W[rg];B[se];W[rf];B[rc];W[nf])) (;B[rf]C[Under ordinary circumstances, Black 11 is a mistake.];W[rg];B[rd];W[sf] C[White gladly abandons the two corner stones.];B[rc]LB[oe:A][nf:B]C['a' is a trick move which builds White influence if Black isn't tricked. 'b' keeps the top open for later invasions.] (;W[oe]LB[nd:A][dp:B]C['a' is necessary, Tenuki 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nd];W[ne];B[md];W[me];B[ld];W[pi]) (;B[dp];W[qb]LB[pb:A][rb:B]C['a' gives some, 'b' much territory to White.] (;B[pb];W[rb]) (;B[rb];W[pb];B[ob];W[oc]))) (;W[nf]))) (;W[qe];B[pf];W[pg]C[This move doesn't work.];B[qg];W[og];B[qb];W[rb];B[pb];W[ra] ;B[pi]LB[rf:A][mg:B]C[This is sente against the middle as well as the corner. White defends the corner on 'a' or has a ko in the corner after 'b'.] (;W[rf];B[ni]) (;W[mg];B[rf];W[re];B[sd];W[rg];B[rc]LB[sb:B][sf:A]C['a' leads to ko. 'b' leads to death.] (;W[sf];B[sb];W[rh];B[ri];W[rd]C[Ko.]) (;W[sb];B[se];W[sf];B[qa];W[rh];B[ri];W[rf];B[sh]))))) (;W[nd]LB[jd:C][qe:B][pf:A]C[This move is bad, if there is a Black stone on or near 'c'. 'a' or 'b'. 'a' is the easy joseki, 'b' leads to an equal fight. 'c' goes for outside influence.] (;B[pf]LB[pc:C][qc:B][pe:D][pg:A]C[ 'a' is joseki, Playing 'b' or 'c' without 'a' at first is too early. 'd' gives the corner for a wall to the right.] (;W[pg]LB[qg:A];B[qg];W[pc]TR[nd][pg]LB[qc:C][qe:A][of:B]C['a' and 'b' are joseki. 'c' is a mistake because of the two marked stones.] (;B[qe];W[qc]TR[jc][jd]LB[lc:B][oc:D][of:A][rf:C]C['a' concludes the joseki, but is oftenly omitted for sente. Later or immediately, White continues on 'b'. A followup move for White is 'c'. If there is a Black stone on one of the marked stones, Black can cut on D.] (;B[of]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[lc]LB[nb:A][nc:B]C['a' takes territory, 'b' aims to attack Black or push into the center.] (;W[nb]) (;W[nc])) (;W[rf];B[re];W[of];B[pe]LB[lc:A][nd:4][ne:B]C[A and 'b' are now sente for Black. The White influence is now better than if he had played 4 on sansan.])) (;B[of];W[qc];B[qd];W[od];B[rc];W[rb]LB[rd:A]C[Later, White captures on 'a' in sente.] ;W[rd];B[re];W[sc];B[rf]) (;B[qc];W[pe];B[of];W[qd];B[od];W[oe];B[oc];W[nf];B[og];W[nc]) (;B[rf]C[Also joseki Tenuki is best answer for White] (;W[qc]C[Black can play tennuki now and White has no good moves in this area.]) (;W[hc];B[qc];W[oc];B[qb];W[of];B[pe];W[kd]C[Black's territory is big, but he is slightly overconcentrated]))) (;W[qc]LB[pc:B][qe:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is questionable.] (;B[qe];W[pc]) (;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[rf];B[pg];W[jc];B[qb];W[rb];B[pb];W[ra];B[mc]LB[nd:4]C[The result is considered playable, because White 4 is high and can be undermined.])) (;W[pc]TR[pg]LB[qc:B][qe:A]C['a' reverts to joseki. 'b' is a variation and not a mistake, because White made the mistake, not to play on the marked point before.] (;B[qe];W[qc]TR[jc][jd]LB[oc:A]C[If there is a Black stone on one of the marked points, the Black cut on 'a' is possible.]) (;B[qc];W[pg]LB[of:A][qg:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' leads to a disaster.] (;B[of];W[qg]LB[oc:A][qe:B]C['a' and 'b' both lead to results which favor Black.] (;B[oc]) (;B[qe];W[oc];B[qb];W[re];B[rd];W[nf];B[og];W[ph];B[kd])) (;B[qg];W[pe];B[of];W[qd];B[od];W[oe];B[oc];W[nf];B[og];W[pb]))) (;W[pe];B[oe];W[qe];B[od];W[pg];B[of];W[qg];B[qd])) (;B[qe];W[pf];B[oe]LB[qc:B][pe:C][re:D][ph:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'. 'd' is a mistake.] (;W[ph];B[qi];W[qc];B[pc];W[re];B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[nf];B[ne];W[me];B[of];W[og] ;B[qb];W[mf]) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[re];B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[nf]LB[qb:A][of:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qb];W[of];B[ne];W[me];B[mf];W[le];B[mg];W[ob]LB[pb:A][rg:B]C['a' is correct, any other play like 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pb];W[ph]) (;B[rg];W[rf];B[oh];W[od];B[pe];W[pb])) (;B[of];W[og];B[ng];W[qb];B[rb];W[pb];B[ob];W[od])) (;W[pe];B[od];W[qd];B[qc];W[re];B[rd]) (;W[re];B[rd];W[pe];B[qd];W[od]TR[rd][re]LB[rf:A]C[White may want to play 'a' instead of the marked exchange later. Having lost this option is a disadvantage.] ;B[ne];W[md];B[me];W[og];B[le];W[kc];B[jd];W[pc];B[rf];W[rg];B[se];W[qg];B[pb]TR[rd] LB[oc:A][qc:B]C[This move, forcing White into a small position and bad shape on top, would be impossible without the triangled present, White gave before. 'a' is now necessary, 'b' just makes the mistake bigger.] (;W[oc];B[qc];W[jc];B[ld];W[lc];B[ob];W[mc];B[id];W[qj]) (;W[qc];B[oc];W[rc];B[lc];W[nc];B[ob];W[nb];B[rb]))) (;B[jd];W[qd];B[qc];W[pc];B[qe];W[rd];B[oc];W[pb];B[od])) (;W[nc]LB[nd:B][oe:C][pf:A]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is rare. 'c' is not recommended, ] (;B[pf]LB[pc:C][qc:A][pg:B]C['a' is joseki. 'b' too but can be difficult. 'c' is disadvantageous.] (;W[qc]LB[pc:B][qd:A]C['a' is joseki. 'b' can be unfavorable.] (;B[qd];W[pc];B[od]LB[oc:B][rc:A][rd:C]C['a' or 'b'. 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[rc]LB[rd:A][dp:B]C['a' or tenuki 'b'.] (;B[rd]C[ * Joseki *];B[lc]LB[nb:B][mc:A]C[Later, 'a' sente leaving aji, 'b' gote.] (;W[mc];B[ld];B[sc]C[Later, Black can use the aji.];W[sb]C[White must not answer here.] ;B[oc];W[ob];B[nb]) (;W[nb])) (;B[dp]LB[rd:A]C[Later, White can play on 'a'.];W[rd];B[qg])) (;W[oc]) (;W[rd] (;B[rc]LB[rb:A][re:B]C['a' or 'b' give the same result.] (;W[rb];B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[pb];B[mc];W[re]C[Good for Black]) (;W[re];B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[pb];B[mc];W[rb])) (;B[re];W[rc]C[Good for White]))) (;B[pc] (;W[qd]TR[jd]LB[pc:7][pe:A][qe:B]C[Black 7 is especially good with an additional stone on the triangled point. 'a' is usual. 'b' is complicated.] (;B[pe]LB[pb:B][rf:A]C[White 'a' is usual, 'b' is rare.] (;W[rf];B[pb] (;W[qb]LB[jc:B][lc:A]C['a' is correct, any other pincers like 'b' are not.] (;B[lc]LB[pg:A]C[Later, White 'a' is useless.];W[pg];B[qg];W[og];B[pj];W[mg];B[nf] C[Don't avoid this move!];W[ng]LB[mc:B][ld:A]C[Later, White 'a' or 'b' fail.] (;W[ld];B[mc];W[md];B[nd]) (;W[mc];B[ld];W[ne];B[me]LB[nd:B][mf:A]C['a' or 'b' don't capture.] (;W[mf];B[nd]) (;W[nd];B[of];W[mf];B[mb];W[nb];B[lb];W[pa];B[oa];W[qa];B[ob];W[na];B[hd]C[Seki, Black wall transferred to the left, White center group heavy.]))) (;B[jc];W[pg];B[qg];W[og];B[pj];W[ne]) (;B[oh]C[Also joseki]) (;B[qg]C[Most solid])) (;W[qg];B[pg] (;W[jd];B[pi];W[qb]C[Korean joseki]) (;W[rh];B[qi];W[ri];B[qj];W[jd]C[Joseki]))) (;W[pb];B[qe];W[ob]) (;W[qe]C[Also joseki])) (;B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rf]LB[pb:A][pg:B]C[ 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pb]LB[qb:C][jd:B][qg:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'. 'c' is basic joseki, but makes it easy for Black.] (;W[qg];B[pg]LB[jd:B][rh:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[rh];B[qi];W[ri];B[qj]LB[jd:A][kd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[jd]) (;W[kd])) (;W[jd]LB[rb:B][rh:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[rh];W[qb];B[pl]) (;B[rb];W[rh];B[qi];W[ri];B[qj];W[fc];B[rj];W[rc]))) (;W[jd];B[rb];W[qg]LB[pg:A][ph:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pg];W[rh];B[qi];W[ri];B[qj];W[rj];B[qk]) (;B[ph];W[rh];B[ri];W[rj];B[sh];W[sg];B[rg];W[pg];B[og];W[rh];B[si];W[qi];B[rg] ;W[pi]LB[oh:A][rh:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oh];W[rh];B[kd];W[sj];B[kc]) (;B[rh];W[oh];B[sf];W[sj];B[rd];W[sg]))) (;W[qb];B[lc]C[ * Joseki *])) (;B[pg];W[kc]))) (;W[pg]C[Old joseki.];B[qg];W[pe];B[of];W[oe];B[qe];W[qd];B[rf];W[re];B[qf];W[pb] ;B[ne];W[od]C[Equal (joseki).]))) (;W[pg];B[qg]LB[pc:A][qc:B][pe:C]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is an older joseki that takes the corner in gote. 'c' is also joseki. ] (;W[pc]LB[qc:B][qe:A]C['a' is simple, but gives up the corner. 'b' takes huge outside influence.] (;B[qe];W[qc]LB[of:A][rf:B]C['a' concludes the joseki, but is oftenly omitted for sente. Then White can later followup on 'b'.] (;B[of]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[rf]C[Later.];B[re];W[of];B[pe])) (;B[qc];W[pe];B[of];W[qd];B[od];W[oe];B[ne];W[qe];B[nd];W[nf];B[og];W[oc]LB[mc:A] [ld:B]C['a' and 'b' give the same result.] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[ld];W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[lb];W[nb];B[oh];W[mf];B[kd]) (;B[ld]LB[lc:A][rc:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is too early, fails to create some aji on the top side.] (;W[lc]LB[mc:A][rc:C][rf:B]C['a' is usual, 'b' complicated. 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[md];W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[rf];W[re];B[se];W[rd];B[lb];W[na]LB[kc:A] [ph:B]C[With a position in the top left corner, Black takes on 'a', in the lower right corner, on 'b'.] (;B[kc];W[ph]) (;B[ph];W[kc])) (;B[rf];W[rc];B[qb];W[re];B[se];W[rd];B[rb];W[rg];B[mc];W[mb];B[md];W[lb]LB[ng:B] [sg:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[sg];W[sf];B[nb];W[ob];B[rf];W[rh];B[sc];W[sf];B[oa];W[oh];B[ng];W[qi];B[pb] ;W[hc]) (;B[ng];W[rh];B[kc];W[jc]LB[kb:B][kd:A]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;B[kd];W[kb];B[sf];W[qi];B[ph];W[sg];B[ri];W[sd];B[qj];W[sf];B[pi]) (;B[kb];W[kd];B[jb];W[mf];B[le];W[ke];B[lf];W[kf];B[lg];W[ic];B[nb];W[ob];B[oa] ;W[na];B[pa];W[ib];B[pb];W[qi];B[ph];W[rj]))) (;B[rc];W[le];B[mf];W[ng];B[oh];W[me];B[md];W[kd])) (;W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[rf];W[re];B[se];W[rd];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[na];B[oh])))) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[pe];B[of];W[oe];B[qe];W[qd];B[rf]LB[od:A][re:B]C['a' is enough, 'b' risks a ko.] (;W[od]) (;W[re];B[qf];W[od];B[pb];W[qb];B[ne];W[lc];B[rd];W[rc];B[se]LB[oc:A][dp:B]C['a' is necessary, tenuki 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oc]) (;W[dp];B[ra]))) (;W[pe]C[Old style];B[of]LB[qd:B][oe:A]C['a' or 'b' are joseki. ] (;W[oe];B[qe];W[qd];B[rf];W[od];B[pc];W[qc]C[Usually good for Black, because there are lot of forcing moves, reducing White's corner.]) (;W[qd];B[oe];W[qe];B[oc];W[qc];B[nb];W[pb]C[Later sente. ]))) (;W[pc];B[qc]LB[qd:A][pg:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[rd]LB[oc:B][re:A] (;B[re];W[od];B[pe];W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[pb];W[oc]) (;B[oc];W[pb];B[od]LB[ob:A][re:B]C['a' takes the top side, 'b' the right side.] (;W[ob];B[re];W[rc];B[lc]) (;W[re];B[ob]LB[qb:A][pe:B]C['a' or 'b'] (;W[qb];B[qg];W[pe];B[oe]) (;W[pe];B[oe]LB[qb:A][pg:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qb];B[pg]) (;W[pg];B[of];W[qg];B[qb];W[ph]))))) (;W[pg];B[oc]C[No good follow-up for White.]))) (;B[nd]LB[qc:B][md:A]C[Rare ] (;W[md];B[ne]LB[oc:B][pc:A][qc:C]C['a' is correct , 'b' and 'c' are not. ] (;W[pc] (;B[oc]C[Crude];W[ob];B[od];W[mb];B[qc];W[pb];B[me];W[ld];W[qd]C[Later... ];B[qe] ;W[rd];B[re];W[rc]C[Black is overconcentrated. ]) (;B[qc]C[Correct.];W[oc];B[qd];W[jc];B[pg]C[Modern joseki.])) (;W[oc];B[pc]LB[od:B][pg:A]C['a' is possible. 'b' is a serious mistake.] (;W[pg];B[ph];W[og];B[od]C[Good for Black.]) (;W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[rd];W[pb];B[qb];W[ob];B[me];W[ld];B[pf];W[qe];B[qg])) (;W[qc];B[oc];W[qd];B[mc]LB[re:A]C[The result isn't equal because of the Black aji on 'a'.])) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[oc];W[ob];B[od];W[mc];B[nb];W[pb];B[lc]LB[mb:A][md:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[mb];B[md]C[ ]) (;W[md];B[mb];W[me];B[rd]C[White dies in the corner and is hunted outside.]))) (;B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[pg]LB[oe:5][qh:3]C[Black 3 is overconcentrated now, so Black 5 was wrong. ])) (;W[ph]LB[pi:a][qi:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. ] (;B[pi]LB[pg:a][oh:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pg]LB[nd:B][qe:C][re:E][oi:D][qj:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' and 'c' are possible, 'd' aims for a huge influence, but gives too much territory. 'e' if Black is in the lower right.] (;B[qj];W[nd]LB[rd:A][ne:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd]LB[rh:A][dp:B]C['a' is joseki, tenuki 'b' is wrong.] (;W[rh]C[White forestalls the connection.];B[nc];W[mc];B[oc];W[md];B[ni]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[dp];B[rf];W[rg];B[qg];W[rh];B[qi];W[re];B[qe];W[sf];B[pf])) (;B[ne]LB[qc:A][me:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is not good.] (;W[qc];B[qd]LB[pc:A][od:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[md];W[nc];B[of]) (;W[od]LB[pc:A][oe:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is being tricked.] (;B[pc];W[oe];B[nb]) (;B[oe];W[pc];B[pe];W[md]))) (;W[me];B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[md];W[nc];B[ld];W[mf];B[og]C[The fight is good for Black.]))) (;B[nd]C[ * Joseki *];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[pj];W[rh]LB[qe:A][qn:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe]) (;B[qn])) (;B[qe];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[pj];W[rh]LB[qn:A]C[If 'a' is sente, Black plays 'a' first before continuing the joseki.] ;B[rf];W[rg];B[pf]) (;B[oi]C[Black 7 is a mistake, because it misses all points of the correct variations of which to take one is necessary.] ;W[nd]LB[rd:A][oi:7]C[Black 7 is questionable, because Black cannot threaten to connect on 'a' like in the joseki.] ;B[ne];W[qc]LB[pc:B][md:A][qd:C]C[White 10 is nice timing. Black continues with 'a'. In this position 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[md]LB[nc:A][pc:B]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;W[nc];B[mc];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[of];W[qd];B[mi]MA[od][pd]LB[oi:7]C[Now Black 7 makes some sense as part of Black's influence. Still it was a mistake, as White has much territory and sente, while the two squared Black stones have zero effect.]) (;W[pc];B[od]LB[nc:A][qd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[nc];B[oc];W[qd];B[nb]) (;W[qd];B[nc]))) (;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe]LB[qb:A][qi:B]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is an overplay.] (;W[qb];B[me];W[pb]LB[oi:7][qj:A]C[Black 7 would be better on 'a' now. Now it is neither connecting the two Black groups nor protecting the cut.]) (;W[qi]C[White 14 is an overplay.];B[qe];W[re];B[rd];W[rc];B[rf];W[sd];B[rg];W[me] ;B[oh]LB[kc:A][qj:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[kc]C[White settles his top stones.];B[qj];W[ri];B[rj]C[End of sequence.];W[rh] C[White cannot capture the Black stones.];B[qg];W[sg];B[pf];W[sf];B[og]) (;W[qj];B[qg];W[kc];B[ql]))) (;B[qd];W[od];B[pc];W[oe];B[nb];W[mc]LB[oi:7][qj:A]C[Black 7 would be better on 'a' now.])) (;B[re];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri]LB[rf:B][rj:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous. ] (;B[rj];W[rh];B[rf];W[rg];B[oi]) (;B[rf];W[rg];B[rj];W[oi];B[pj];W[ne];B[oc];W[pe];B[qe];W[od];B[pc];W[md];B[of] ;W[nf]))) (;W[oh]LB[qg:A][qi:B]C['a' or 'b'. Modern Korean joseki] (;B[qg];W[pf]LB[nc:d][md:b][nd:a][rd:c]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'c'. 'd' is possible too. Black 'c' and 'd' are territory oriented.] (;B[nd] (;W[oe]LB[qc:b][od:a]C[White 10 protects against the cut. It is also possible to skip this exchange. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[od]LB[rf:A][pk:B] (;W[rf]LB[qc:b][qi:a]C[White later aims at the cut of 'a' or invasion of 'b'.];B[rd] ;W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[pj];W[rh]LB[od:B][oe:A]C['a'-'b' exchange becomes bad for White]) (;W[pk];B[oi];W[ni];B[oj])) (;B[qc]C[Black 11 protects against later invasion.];W[pk];B[oi];W[ni];B[oj]C[Black 13 is a tesuji for getting access to the center.] ;W[mh])) (;W[rf];B[qk];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[pc];W[qb]C[* Joseki *])) (;B[md];W[rf];B[qk];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qb];W[rb];B[qn]) (;B[rd];W[rf];B[qj];W[od];B[pc] (;W[oe];B[nb]C[Joseki]) (;W[ne]C[New Korean move];B[of]C[Good timing!];W[oe];B[nb]C[Later Black may use the aji of his stone.])) (;B[nc];W[qd];B[qc];W[od];B[oc];W[pe];B[pc];W[pk]C[White makes good shape for himself and weakens the Black stones on the right very much.])) (;B[qi];W[oe]TR[jd]LB[nc:A][od:B]C['a' or, with an additional stone on the triangled position, 'b'.] (;B[nc];W[qm]LB[pp:A]C[The stone has support on or near 'a'.];B[oi];W[nh];B[mj] ;W[lh]C[Result\: fight.]) (;AB[jd];B[od];W[ne];B[mc];W[oi])))) (;B[qi]LB[nd:b][of:a]C[Black plays 5 with support down the right side. White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[of]C[This variation is from Cho Chikun vs. Yoda Norimoto, 1999 Meijin title game 1.] ;B[nd];W[pi];B[pj]LB[qg:A][qj:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is complicated.] (;W[qg];B[qk];W[rd];B[qc]) (;W[qj];B[rj]C[For Black 11 to make sense, Black must have support such as shown.] ;W[qk];B[rk];W[ql];B[oj];W[ni];B[rl];W[nj];B[pl];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[pc];W[rb];B[qb] ;W[rc];B[kc])) (;W[nd]C[White 6 looks a bit inconsistent, a seeming change of direction toward the top from the emphasis on the right of White 4. This variation is from Wang Lei vs. Zhou Heyang, 1996 All Chinese Championship.] ;B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qg];B[qe];W[pi];B[qj];W[pj];B[qk];W[mi];B[me];W[kc];B[ke];W[ki] ;B[mc];W[hc]))) (;W[of]LB[nc:B][nd:A][qe:D][pg:E][qk:C]C[ 'a' and 'b' are joseki. 'c' is mistake D is rare joseki 'e' is not recommended.] (;B[nd]LB[qc:B][nd:5][oh:C][pi:A][qj:E][pk:D]C['a' is the usual joseki. To avoid complications, Guo Juan 5P will just play 'b'. 'c' is questionable. 'd' is not recommended. 'e' is a mistake. ] (;W[pi]CR[qp]TR[nc]MA[pp]LB[nd:5][qe:C][ph:A][qi:B][qj:D]C[The sequence from White 6 on is similar, but not the same as with the one-space pincer in conjunction with the 3-4 stone. 'a' is joseki if there's a White stone on the squared point, hoshi in the lower right corner, or no White stone in that corner. In this case, 'b' is not recommended. But, if there's a White stone on the circled point, komoku in the lower right corner, 'a' is disadvantageous, and 'b' is the correct choice. 'c' and 'd' are inferior. If Black 5 would be on the triangled stone, 'a' would be wrong and 'c' correct. ] (;B[ph];W[oh]LB[oi:B][qi:A]C['a' is the usual joseki, 'b' punishes if Black has the ladder. ] (;B[qi];W[pj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql]TR[qp]LB[of:4][og:C][pl:B][om:A]C['a' is usual and necessary. If the choice of the variation is correct whole-board-strategy and White wants to create a big wall, he must play 'b'. Connecting on 'c' is too slow and unnecessary.] (;W[om]LB[og:B][qm:A][qn:D][dp:C]C['a' is a usual answer to the White stone. The cut on 'b' is possible. After the tenuki 'c' White attacks the top right corner. 'd' is a mistake.] (;B[qm]LB[og:A][pg:B][nh:A]C[Cutting at 'a' or 'b' doesn't do harm.] (;B[nh]C[Later, Black can undo White's influence.];W[og];B[ni];W[oi];B[nl];W[ol]) (;B[og];W[ng];B[pg];W[nh];B[pf];W[qc]LB[pc:B][qd:A]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[qd];W[pb];B[nb];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc]LB[qa:B][me:A]C['a' threatens the corner, 'b' tries to kill, but just pushes White out.] (;B[me]LB[qa:B][ob:A]C[White lives on 'a' or Black kills on 'b'.] (;W[ob]) (;B[qa];W[ra];B[pa];W[ob];B[oa];W[nc];B[mc];W[oc];B[mb];W[od];B[oe])) (;B[qa];W[ra];B[pa];W[ob];B[oa];W[nc];B[mc];W[oc];B[lb];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[nf] ;W[md])) (;B[pc];W[rb];B[rd];W[qd];B[re];W[pb];B[ob];W[qe];B[rf];W[pe];B[oe];W[oc];B[od] ;W[nc];B[mc];W[nb];B[mb];W[oa])) (;B[pg];W[og];B[pf];W[qc]LB[pc:B][qd:A] (;B[qd];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob]) (;B[pc];W[rb]))) (;B[og];W[ng];B[pg]LB[qc:A]C[White can live on 'a'.]) (;B[dp]LB[oc:A][og:B][qm:C]C[White starts to do something on the top site with 'a' or threatens the right group on 'b' or strengthens his wall on 'c' depending on the fuseki.] (;W[oc];B[od]LB[mf:B][og:A]C['a' aims for territory, 'b' for sente.] (;W[og];B[qn];W[lc]LB[nc:B][me:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[me]LB[nc:B][jd:A]C[Either 'a' and 'b' are good.] (;W[jd];B[nc];W[fc]) (;W[nc];B[pc];W[ic])) (;B[nc];W[le];B[rd];W[fc]C[As Black had to secure the corner in gote, White can play an extension on the top. White is better off.])) (;W[mf]LB[ld:A][qn:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ld];W[qn];B[rm]) (;B[qn];W[ld];B[nc];W[lb];B[ng];W[nf];B[qe]))) (;W[og]LB[dd:B][qn:A]C['a' is correct. Tenuki 'b' again is wrong.] (;B[qn];W[lc];B[me];W[jd];B[ld]LB[mc:A][kd:B]C['a' and 'b' are correct.] (;W[mc];B[nc];W[kd];B[qd];W[fc]) (;W[kd];B[mc];W[le];B[lf];W[md]LB[ne:A][mf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ne];W[mb];B[ld];W[qk];B[rk];W[md];B[nc];W[kb];B[mg];W[mi]) (;B[mf];W[nc];B[ld];W[qk];B[rk];W[md];B[mb]))) (;B[dd];W[qn];B[rm];W[rn];B[qk];W[rf];B[rg]LB[qc:A]C[Good for White, who can still invade on 'a'.])) (;W[qm];B[pl];W[ol];B[qk];W[ni];B[pm];W[pn];B[rn])) (;B[qn];W[pl];B[qm]LB[nh:A]C[Black can no longer undo White's influence starting on A, because White removed a threat to cut in sente.])) (;AW[qp]LB[pl:A][om:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;W[pl];B[qm];W[pm];B[qn];W[pn]LB[og:A]C[White weakness on 'a'. ];B[rp];W[rq];B[ro] ;W[pq]) (;W[om];B[qm];W[op];B[jq])) (;W[og]C[Slow for White.])) (;B[oi];W[qi]LB[og:A][ri:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[og];W[nh];B[pg];W[ng];B[pf];W[rh];B[nf];W[oj];B[oe];W[rg]) (;B[ri];W[rh];B[rg];W[qg];B[sh];W[pg];B[rh];W[qk];B[rj];W[ok]))) (;AW[qp];B[qi];W[pj]LB[ph:B][qj:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. ] (;B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[pl];B[qm];W[pm];B[qn];W[pn];B[qo];W[po];B[pp]LB[ph:A]C[This is possible only because Black hasn't pushed on 'a'. ] ;W[qq];B[pq];W[pr];B[or];W[qr];B[np];W[ro];B[rn];W[rp];W[qk]C[Later, White can spoil Black's shape. ] ;B[rk];W[rg];B[rh];W[sm];B[rl];W[sn];B[og]C[... but Black can still get out. ] ;W[pg]C[White can't cut and kill. ];B[ph];W[oh];B[qg]) (;B[ph];W[oh];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[pl];B[qm];W[pm];B[qn];W[pn]LB[qo:B][rp:A]C[Black must play 'a' and cannout cut on 'b'. ] (;B[rp];W[rq];B[ro];W[pq]) (;B[qo];W[po];B[pp];W[qq];B[pq];W[pr];B[or];W[qr];B[np];W[ro];B[rn];W[rp]LB[ph:9] [qk:A]C[Black lives or White kills on 'a'. Black 9 has damaged the escape route. ] (;B[qk]) (;W[qk];B[rk];W[rg]LB[rh:B][sl:A]C['a' or 'b', White kills. ] (;B[sl];W[sj]) (;B[rh];W[sm]LB[rl:A][sn:B]C['a' or 'b'. ] (;B[rl];W[sn]) (;B[sn];W[rl])))))) (;B[qe]LB[re:C][rf:B][qi:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are wrong.] (;W[qi];B[rf];W[qg];B[rg];W[rh]LB[lc:D][oc:A][qc:B][rd:C]C[Good for White because the Black corner is still open. Later, White 'a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are not recommended. White 'd' is a mistake.] (;W[oc]LB[nc:C][pc:B][od:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c' don't save everything.] (;B[od];W[pc]LB[nc:A][qc:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb]) (;B[qc];W[qb];B[rc];W[mb])) (;B[pc]LB[pe:B][re:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[re]LB[od:A][rd:B]C['a' loses less than 'b'.] (;B[od];W[rd]) (;B[rd];W[pe];B[qd];W[od])) (;W[pe];B[oe])) (;B[nc];W[re]LB[od:A][rd:B]C['a' loses less than 'b'.] (;B[od];W[rd]) (;B[rd];W[pe];B[qd];W[od]))) (;W[qc]LB[ob:C][pb:B][pc:A][rd:D]C['a', 'b' or 'c' are possible. 'd' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[pb];W[qd]LB[sc:B][pe:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' kill.] (;B[pe];W[sc]) (;B[sc];W[pe];B[sd];W[sb])) (;B[pb];W[oc]LB[pc:B][od:A]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;B[od];W[pc]LB[nc:A][rd:B]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[lc];W[rb]) (;B[rd];W[nc];B[md];W[mc];B[ld];W[kc])) (;B[pc];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[pe];W[md];B[nc];W[mc];B[nf];W[nb]LB[pf:B][og:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[og];W[ph];B[pf]) (;B[pf]LB[og:A][ph:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[og];B[pg];W[oh]) (;W[ph];B[og])))) (;B[ob];W[pb];B[rb];W[oc]LB[pc:A][od:B]C['a' keeps the corner, 'b' emphasizes the top side.] (;B[pc];W[nb];B[qb];W[oa];B[od];W[lc]) (;B[od];W[nb];B[mb];W[oa];B[mc];W[rc];B[pc];W[qb];B[nc];W[ob];B[rd];W[sb];B[ra] ;W[qa])) (;B[rd];W[oc];B[od];W[nb])) (;W[rd]LB[rc:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rc]LB[qc:B][re:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[re];B[qd];W[sg];B[sd];W[sf]) (;W[qc];B[rb]LB[qd:B][re:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' fails.] (;W[re];B[qd];W[sg]) (;W[qd];B[re];W[qb];B[pc];W[pe];B[pb]))) (;B[re]LB[oc:A][qc:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;W[oc];B[od]LB[pc:B][qc:A] (;W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[ob]LB[rb:A][qd:B] (;W[rb];B[pa]LB[qb:B][sc:A] (;W[sc];B[qb];W[qd];B[ra]LB[sb:B][pe:A] (;W[pe];B[se];W[sd];B[sb];W[sa]) (;W[sb];B[se];W[sd];B[qa];W[pe];B[sa];W[sg];B[rc])) (;W[qb];B[qa];W[sc];B[ra])) (;W[qd]LB[qb:A][pe:B] (;B[qb];W[rb];B[pa];W[pe]LB[ra:B][sd:A] (;B[sd];W[rc];B[sc];W[sb];B[se];W[sg];B[ra];W[sf]) (;B[ra];W[se];B[sb];W[sg];B[rc];W[sf])) (;B[pe];W[rb];B[sc];W[sd];B[pa];W[qa];B[qb]))) (;W[pc]LB[nc:B][qc:A] (;B[qc];W[qb]LB[rb:A][rc:B] (;B[rb];W[rc];B[qd];W[sb];B[ra];W[qa];B[pb];W[sa];B[ob];W[sd]) (;B[rc];W[mc])) (;B[nc]LB[qb:A][qc:B] (;W[qb];B[rc];W[rb]LB[ob:B][qd:A] (;B[qd];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[sb];W[pa]) (;B[ob];W[qc];B[sc];W[sd];B[qa];W[pb];B[pa];W[nb])) (;W[qc];B[rb];W[qd];B[pe];W[qb];B[ob];W[ra];B[sb]))) (;W[pc];B[qc];W[qb])) (;W[qc]LB[ob:C][pb:B][pc:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[pc];W[rb];B[pb];W[qd]LB[sc:B][pe:A]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[pe];W[sc]) (;B[sc];W[pe];B[sd];W[sb])) (;B[pb];W[oc]LB[pc:A][od:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[pe];W[md];B[nf];W[nc]LB[og:B][ph:A] (;B[ph];W[oh]LB[og:B][pg:A] (;B[pg];W[og];B[pf]) (;B[og];W[pg];B[pf])) (;B[og];W[ph];B[pf])) (;B[od];W[pc];B[nc];W[ob];B[rb];W[qb]LB[rc:B][qd:A]C['a' is less bad than 'b'.] (;B[qd];W[rc]) (;B[rc];W[qd];B[sd];W[pe];B[nb];W[se];B[sf];W[sh]LB[oa:B][sc:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[sc];W[sg];B[se];W[ra]) (;B[oa];W[pa];B[na];W[sg];B[se];W[sc])))) (;B[ob];W[pb]LB[rb:A][pc:B]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;B[rb];W[oc];B[pc];W[nb];B[qb];W[oa];B[od];W[lc]) (;B[pc];W[rb];B[pa];W[qb];B[sc];W[sd];B[qa];W[ra];B[sb];W[oa];B[pa];W[oc];B[nb] ;W[pe]LB[od:A][qd:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[qd];W[od];B[se];W[rc];B[na];W[sg]) (;B[od];W[qd])))))) (;W[lc];B[me]LB[oc:A][qc:B] (;W[oc];B[nc]LB[qc:B][rd:A] (;W[rd];B[rc]) (;W[qc];B[rd];W[pc];B[nb])) (;W[qc];B[rd];W[oc];B[nc]))) (;W[rf];B[ph];W[oh];B[qi]LB[oi:B][pj:A]C['a' is usual. 'b' was played by Kitani Minoru.] (;W[pj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql]LB[rf:8][og:A][om:B]C[White wants to connect on 'a' and push down on 'b' at once, so White 8 was a mistake.] (;W[og];B[pl];W[ol];B[pn]) (;W[om];B[og];W[ng];B[pg];W[pf];B[nf];W[ne];B[mf];W[od];B[oc];W[oe];B[md];W[qk] ;B[rk];W[rj];B[ri];W[rl];B[sj];W[qm];B[rg];W[qd];B[qc];W[rd];B[rc])) (;W[oi];B[pj];W[mf]LB[ld:B][me:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[me]LB[oc:A][lf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oc];B[od];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb]LB[nc:B][re:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;B[re];W[nc];B[mc];W[nb];B[mb];W[oa];B[lf];W[pg];B[oj];W[lg]LB[mg:A][mj:B]C['a' or 'b' are possible.] (;B[mg];W[mh];B[nf];W[ng];B[mf];W[mj]) (;B[mj];W[mh];B[kf];W[kg])) (;B[nc];W[re])) (;W[lf];B[ng];W[nf];B[pg])) (;B[ld];W[pl]))) (;W[re];B[rd];W[pe];B[qd];W[qi];B[rg];W[rf];B[ri];W[rj];B[ph];W[oh];B[qj];W[si] ;B[rh];W[rk];B[oi];W[pj];B[oj];W[pk];B[og];W[nh];B[pg];W[ng];B[pf];W[oe];B[sf];W[nk] ;B[nf];W[ne];B[me];W[mf];B[od];W[nf];B[le])) (;B[qj];W[qi];B[ri];W[ph];B[rh];W[pj];B[qk];W[pk];B[ql];W[om];B[pg]C[This is bad.] ;W[og];B[pf];W[pe];B[qg];W[oe];B[qe];W[qd];B[rf];W[re];B[qf];W[od];B[pc];W[oc];B[pb] ;W[ob];B[qc];W[gd])) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob]) (;W[oh];B[qe];W[rf];B[qj];W[mf]C[White got not much.]) (;W[pk];B[oh];W[mf];B[rd]) (;W[qj]LB[pg:B][oh:A]C['a' is easy, 'b' is also possible, but complicated.] (;B[oh];W[rh]C[White can't connect...];B[pg]LB[pf:A][qg:B]C[... because of this sente move. 'a' or 'b' don't give a good result.] (;W[pf];B[ri]) (;W[qg];B[pf];W[qe];B[pe])) (;B[pg];W[pf];B[ng];W[rh];B[ri];W[qi];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[og];B[oh];W[pi]LB[rf:A] [sh:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rf];W[nh];B[oi];W[mh];B[oj];W[mf];B[qk];W[rj];B[sh];W[rk];B[ql];W[rl];B[qm] ;W[rm];B[qn]) (;B[sh];W[rf];B[rj];W[qk];B[nf];W[rk];B[sj];W[sf];B[sg];W[qc])))) (;B[nc];W[pi]TR[nd]LB[nc:5][qe:A][ph:B]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is a mistake. If Black 5 would be on the triangled point instead, 'a' would be wrong and 'b' correct.] (;B[qe]LB[rf:B][qi:A]C['a' is joseki, 'b' depends on a ladder.] (;W[qi];B[rf];W[qg];B[rg];W[rh]LB[rd:B][ph:A]C[ * Joseki * Later, White plays 'a' threatening to capture two stones on 'b'. Playing 'b' immediately is too early.] (;W[ph]C[Black can tenuki ...];W[rd]LB[rc:A][re:B]C[... and White captures two stones. 'a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rc]LB[qc:B][re:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;W[re];B[qd];W[sg];B[sd];W[sf]) (;W[qc];B[rb]LB[qd:B][re:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[re];B[qd];W[sf];B[sd];W[sg]) (;W[qd];B[re];W[pe];B[pc];W[qb];B[sd]))) (;B[re];W[qc]LB[ob:A][pb:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[ob];W[pc];B[oc];W[rb];B[sc];W[od];B[oe];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[lc];W[sd];B[qa] ;W[ld];B[kc]LB[mf:A][nf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[mf];B[me];W[ra];B[sb];W[le];B[nf];W[ng];B[pe];W[lg];B[pb];W[pf];B[qb];W[sg] ;B[qd];W[rc];B[se];W[sf]) (;W[nf];B[me];W[lf];B[le];W[ke];B[kd])) (;B[pb];W[pc];B[oc];W[rb];B[sc];W[sd];B[qa];W[od];B[oe];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[lc] ;W[ld];B[kc];W[mf];B[nf];W[ng];B[me];W[le];B[pe];W[lg];B[ra];W[sb];B[qb];W[sg];B[qd] ;W[rc];B[ob];W[sf];B[sa];W[pf]))) (;W[rd]C[Later, this doesn't work.];B[re];W[qc]LB[ob:A][pb:B][pc:C]C['a' or 'b' kill, 'c' fails.] (;B[ob];W[pc]LB[oc:A][od:B]C['a' kills, 'b' fails.] (;B[oc];W[rb];B[qa];W[od];B[oe];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[lc];W[ld];B[kc]LB[mf:B][nf:A] C['a' or 'b' don't save the corner.] (;W[nf];B[me]LB[kd:B][lf:A]C['a' or 'b' don't save the corner.] (;W[lf];B[le];W[ke];B[kd]) (;W[kd];B[mf];W[mc];B[mb];W[jc];B[jb])) (;W[mf];B[nf];W[ng];B[og];W[pf];B[mg];W[nh];B[me];W[lf];B[le];W[ke];B[pe]LB[kd:A] [ph:B]C['a' or 'b' don't save the corner.] (;W[kd];B[pg]) (;W[ph];B[kd]))) (;B[od];W[oc]LB[nb:B][nd:A]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[nd];W[pb];B[nb];W[rb]) (;B[nb];W[nd];B[qd];W[rc];B[ra];W[oe];B[rb];W[pe];B[qb];W[sg];B[pb];W[se];B[sc] ;W[sf]))) (;B[pb];W[pc];B[oc];W[rb];B[sc];W[sd]LB[qa:A][oe:B]C['a' kills, 'b' fails.] (;B[qa];W[od];B[oe];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[lc];W[ld];B[kc]LB[mf:A][nf:B]C['a' or 'b' don't save the corner.] (;W[mf];B[nf];W[ng];B[og]LB[pf:A][oh:B]C['a' or 'b' don't save the corner.] (;W[pf];B[pe];W[ph];B[me];W[le];B[lf];W[mg];B[kf];W[ke];B[je];W[jf];B[kd]) (;W[oh];B[pf];W[ph];B[me];W[le];B[lf])) (;W[nf];B[me];W[lf];B[le];W[ke];B[kd])) (;B[oe];W[qa]LB[ob:A][sb:B]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[ob];W[qb];B[sb];W[sa];B[ra];W[rc]) (;B[sb];W[qb];B[sa];W[ob];B[oa];W[nb];B[mb];W[pa]))) (;B[pc];W[rb];B[pb]LB[sc:B][qd:A]C['a' is correct and gives life. 'b' is wrong and makes only a ko.] (;W[qd]LB[sc:B][pe:A]C['a' or 'b' don't kill.] (;B[pe];W[sc]) (;B[sc];W[pe];B[sh];W[ri]LB[qb:B][sd:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[sd];W[sb]LB[qb:A][se:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[qb];W[rc];B[se];W[sg];B[sf];W[sg]) (;B[se];W[sg];B[sf];W[rc];B[sg];W[si])) (;B[qb];W[sd]LB[sb:B][se:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;B[se];W[rc];B[ra];W[sb];B[qa];W[sg];B[sf];W[sg]) (;B[sb];W[se];B[ra];W[sg];B[rc];W[sf])))) (;W[sc];B[qb];W[qd];B[ra];W[pe];B[sb];W[sa])))) (;W[rf]LB[ph:A][fq:B]C[Black can play 'a' with the ladder or a ladder breaker like 'b'.] (;B[ph];W[oh];B[oi]LB[qi:B][oj:A]C['a' starts the ladder. White cannot get a good result without the ladder on 'b'.] (;W[oj];B[ni];W[nh];B[pj];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[rh];W[rj];B[rk];W[qk];B[pk];W[mi] ;B[nj];W[ok];B[pl];W[nk]) (;W[qi]LB[og:A][ri:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[og];W[nh];B[pf];W[ng];B[pg];W[rh];B[oj]C[Good for Black.]) (;B[ri];W[rh]LB[og:B][rg:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' help Black.] (;B[rg];W[qg];B[sh];W[pg];B[rh];W[qk]C[White is successful.]) (;B[og];W[nh];B[pf];W[ng];B[pg];W[qg];B[pe];W[rj]C[Good for white.])))) (;AW[dp];B[fq]LB[qh:3][qi:B][dn:A]C[White can answer the ladder breaker with 'a' which is recommended or capture Black 3 on 'b' what is wrong.] (;W[dn];B[ph];W[qi];B[oi];W[oj];B[oh];W[rh];B[nj];W[ok];B[nk];W[ol];B[nl];W[om] C[Equal result.]) (;W[qi];B[cn]C[Black is better.])))) (;B[ph];W[oh];B[qi];W[pj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[om]LB[md:A]C[Later White can press on 'a'.] ;W[md];B[mc];W[ld]C[White's influence is better than the Black territory.])) (;B[qk];W[nd];B[nc];W[mc];B[oc];W[md];B[rd];W[re];B[qc]C[White is better.]) (;B[qe] (;W[rf]C[Heavy for White.];B[oh]LB[od:B][pe:A] (;W[pe];B[od];W[qd];B[qc]LB[rd:B][re:A] (;W[re];B[rc]) (;W[rd];B[oe];W[pf];B[nf];W[ng];B[mf];W[og];B[qk])) (;W[od];B[pf];W[pg];B[pe];W[oe];B[og];W[pc];B[re];W[qc];B[ph])) (;W[re];B[rd];W[od];B[oc];W[nd]C[White is slightly better off.]) (;W[qg];B[ph];W[nd];B[ne];W[oe];B[od];W[me];B[nc];W[nf];B[mc];W[pk]C[Michael Redmond vs Alexander Dinerchtein. The position is equal.])) (;B[pg];W[pf];B[nd]LB[pi:B][pk:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;W[pk]) (;W[pi];B[qi];W[pj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[om];B[qm];B[ph];W[oh];B[og];W[ng];B[nf] ;W[nh];B[mf]))) (;W[dp]LB[nc:B][pf:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pf];W[pe]LB[oe:B][qe:A]C['a' takes a lot of territory on the right, 'b' builds a wall to the top.] (;B[qe];W[oe];B[of];W[qd];B[re];W[ne];B[qc];W[nf];B[ng];W[mg];B[nh];W[mh];B[ni] ;W[mi];B[nj]) (;B[oe];W[qe];B[pg];W[qd];B[pc];W[qc]LB[pb:B][qb:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;B[qb];W[rb];B[pb];W[rg];B[jd]LB[ne:A]C[Later, White wants to play 'a'.]) (;B[pb];W[qb];B[nf];W[jd]))) (;B[nc]LB[qc:C][qd:A][of:B]C['a' makes a group, 'b' influence. 'c' is unfavorable, makes a group too tightly enclosed.] (;W[qd];B[qc];W[rc];B[qe];W[rd]LB[pe:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is only possible if there is an additional stone on the right side.] (;B[pe]LB[pc:A][re:B]C['a' makes a safe enclosed corner group. 'b' makes a group running out.] (;W[pc];B[qb];W[pb];B[rb];W[sb];B[re];W[ra];B[pl]) (;W[re];B[qb];W[pf];B[rg];W[rf];B[qk];W[nf];B[qn])) (;B[re];W[pe];B[rf];W[pc];B[od];W[pb];B[og])) (;W[of];B[qd];W[pi];B[qi];W[pj];B[ph];W[oh];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[om];B[qn];W[og] LB[of:6]C[If Black can eliminate White's influence with his next move, White 6 was a wrong choice.]) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[od];W[pc];B[me]))) (;W[qd];B[qc] (;W[rc]LB[pc:B][qe:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;B[qe];W[rd];B[pe];W[pc]LB[qb:A][oc:B]C['a' for the right, 'b' for the top side.] (;B[qb];W[pb];B[rb];W[sb];B[re];W[ra]) (;B[oc]LB[pb:B][qb:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qb];B[pb];W[re];B[pf];W[rf];B[jd]) (;W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[re]))) (;B[pc];W[re];B[ld]TR[qh]C[Now, the triangled stone is alone.])) (;W[pc]C[Hamete.];B[od];W[qb];B[rc];W[rb];B[oc];W[pb];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[sc];B[pf] C[Correct punishment])) (;W[od]C[Invented by Wang Yang 5P. Good technique against san-ren-sei fuseki.];B[pe] ;W[pc];B[qc];W[qb] (;B[rc];W[oc];B[pf];W[kc]C[New joseki (2010).]) (;B[oc];W[pb];B[nc];W[rd];B[pf]C[Very rare joseki.])) (;W[og]C[Joseki developed by O Meien 9P.] (;B[pf] (;W[pg];B[qg];W[pe];B[qe];W[of];B[rf];W[od];B[pc];W[oc];B[pf];W[oe]C[Equal]) (;W[pe];B[oe];W[pg];B[qe];W[qg]C[Rare joseki. Black is favorable])) (;B[pj]C[Best way for Black] (;W[nd];B[pf];W[pg];B[qg];W[pe];B[qe];W[of];B[rf]C[Black is favorable, if White has no threats for starting this ko]) (;W[nc]C[Most active way. Complicated])))) (;B[qi]LB[nc:b][qc:a][qd:e][of:c][pi:f][qn:d]C[ 2-Space Low Pincer = Nikken Basami = Dukan Hyeopgong = E`r Jia --------------------------------------------------------------- Black 3, the two-space low pincer, at best indicates a special strategy. The two-space low pincer is not as forceful as the one-space pincer, nor as relaxed as the three-space pincer, which is most often used as a dual purpose move to pincer and extend at the same time. Neither fish nor fowl, the two-space low pincer is less able to secure territory compared to the one-space pincer, if the selected variation comes to that, and perhaps more likely to later come under attack if White establishes a base for White 2. White continues with 'a' to 'c'. 'd' continues on the right side against a Black komoku. This variation explains when Black 3 can be applied. White 'e' and 'f' are not recommended. e5, d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[White 4 is a natural choice. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qd];W[pc]LB[rc:b][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[od]LB[oc:b][rd:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc];B[pf]MA[qh]C[Black 3 does not contain White 2 as well as a one-space pincer would (the marked spot).]) (;W[oc];B[nd];W[mc];B[le])) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[rd];W[oc];B[od];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[me];W[ld];B[pg])) (;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[qe];B[pf]LB[pg:b][qg:a]C[White continues with 'a', or begins an aggressive sequence with 'b'. White should have support in the lower right to play 'b'.] (;W[qg];B[oh]) (;W[pg]C[White should have support in the lower right to play this way.];B[qg];W[og] ;B[rg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[nc];W[pl];B[oi];W[mg]))) (;W[nc]LB[nd:a][oe:c][pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b' or 'c'. ] (;B[nd];W[md]LB[oc:b][ne:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[ne]LB[oc:b][qc:a]C[White takes the corner with 'a', or builds thickness to the top with 'b'.] (;W[qc]C[White goes for the corner.];B[oc];W[qd];B[mc]) (;W[oc]C[White begins a sequence to build thickness.];B[pc];W[od];B[pe];W[oe];B[pf] ;W[of];B[pg])) (;B[oc];W[ne];B[od];W[mc];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[pi];B[pj];W[oi];B[qh];W[qg];B[rd])) (;B[pf]LB[qc:a][pe:C][pg:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qc]LB[pc:a][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rf];B[ph];W[kc]) (;B[qe];W[pc];B[lc];W[mc];B[ld])) (;W[pg];B[qg];W[pe];B[of]LB[oe:c][qe:a][qh:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is unreasonable. White 'c' likewise leads to a bad result for White.] (;W[qe];B[oe];W[rg];B[qh]LB[od:B][qd:A]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qd];B[oc];W[qc];B[nd]) (;W[od];B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[re];B[qc];W[sf];B[ob];W[nb];B[sd];W[rh];B[ri];W[sh] ;B[oc];W[nd];B[oh])) (;W[qh]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[rg];W[rf];B[og];W[ph];B[rh];W[oe];B[qe];W[re] ;B[qd];W[rd];B[od];W[ne];B[rc];W[pi];B[sd]) (;W[oe]C[White 10 is not recommended.];B[qe];W[rf];B[re];W[nf];B[og];W[qd];B[rd] ;W[qc];B[rc];W[pc];B[ne];W[od];B[ng])) (;W[pe]LB[oe:a][qe:b]C[White 6 is not recommended. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oe];W[qe];B[nd];W[oc];B[od];W[pg];B[of];W[pi];B[pj];W[oi];B[qh];W[qg];B[mc] ;W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc];W[qb]) (;B[qe];W[oe];B[qd];W[pg];B[od];W[of];B[nd]))) (;B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[pg])) (;W[of];B[nd];W[oi];B[pk];W[lc];B[me];W[jd];B[qe];W[rf];B[re]) (;AB[pq];W[qn];B[qp];W[qk]LB[pi:A][qi:3][qk:6][qn:4][qo:B]C[If Black had played 3 onto 'a' instead, White could have continued White 6 onto 'b'. Now he got only a more narrow group with 4. ]) (;W[qd]C[White 4 is not recommended.];B[qc];W[pc]C[This cross-cut is a possible continuation.] ;B[od];W[oc];B[qe];W[rd];B[qb]C[White has no good continuation.]) (;W[pi]LB[ph:b][pj:a]C[White 4 may lead to complications. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pj];W[qh];B[qj]LB[nc:a][md:c][nd:b]C[White may switch directions by trying 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[nc];B[nd];W[md]LB[oc:a][ne:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oc];W[ne];B[od]LB[nb:b][mc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[mc];B[re]) (;W[nb]C[White 14 attempts to later infiltrate the corner, but this move is not recommended.] ;B[me];W[ld];B[nf]LB[le:b][oi:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oi];B[oj];W[ni];B[le];W[kd];B[pf];W[pg];B[qe]) (;W[le];B[oe];W[oi];B[oj];W[ni];B[lf];W[kf];B[lg];W[rd];B[rh];W[pg];B[rg];W[rf] ;B[qc]))) (;B[ne]LB[oc:a][pc:b][qc:c]C[Black 11 is a mistake. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is an overplay. White 'c' is likewise not recommended.] (;W[oc]LB[pc:a][qe:b]C[Black may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pc];W[rd];B[rh];W[pg];B[rg];W[rf]LB[od:b][pe:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pe];W[oi]) (;B[od]C[Black 19 is a mistake.];W[ld]C[White 20 prepares for a sacrifice play.] ;B[qg];W[of];B[ph];W[oh];B[oi];W[mf]C[Black cannot escape or live in the corner.])) (;B[qe]LB[pf:b][pg:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is too slow.] (;W[pg];B[pf];W[of];B[pe];W[qb];B[og];W[oi];B[ng];W[mi]C[White has the better position.]) (;W[pf]C[White 14 is too slow.];B[pe];W[qb];B[oi];W[ng];B[me];W[ld];B[le];W[kd] ;B[nh]))) (;W[pc]C[White 12 is unreasonable.];B[oc];W[ob];B[od];W[mb];B[qc];W[oi];B[lc];W[mc] ;B[pb]) (;W[qc]C[White 12 nullifies White 4\: better to have invaded without playing 4.] ;B[oc];W[qd];B[mc]))) (;W[nd];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qe];B[od];W[rc];B[oi];W[og];B[mf];W[ng];B[me];W[mg] ;B[qc];W[rb];B[lc]) (;W[md];B[oe];W[oi];B[qe];W[pf];B[oc];W[nc];B[ob])) (;B[ph];W[qh];B[qg];W[rh];B[oh]LB[pg:a][rg:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pg];B[og];W[rg];B[oe];W[pj];B[jc]) (;W[rg];B[pj];W[nc];B[oe];W[rd];B[oi];W[qc];B[pc])))) (;B[qj]LB[nc:c][qc:a][md:e][nd:d][qd:b]C[Outdated. 3-Space Low Pincer = Sangen Basami = Sekan Hyeopgong = San Jia --------------------------------------------------------------- White continues with 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' or 'e'. e5, d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is out of the question.] (;B[qd];W[pc]LB[oc:c][rc:b][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' are not recommended.] (;B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]LB[nd:c][pf:a][dp:b]C[Black solidifies with 'a'. Variation 'b' shows the consequence of playing elsewhere. Black 'c' builds a grand moyo, but sacrifices too much territory doing so.] (;B[pf]C[ * Joseki *];W[pg]LB[of:b][og:a]C[White attempts mischief. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is no good.] (;B[og];W[of];B[nf];W[pe];B[oe]LB[pf:b][pi:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is unreasonable.] (;W[pi]) (;W[pf];B[ph])) (;B[of]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[pi])) (;B[]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[of];B[nd];W[mc];B[md];W[mf];B[ld];W[kf]) (;B[nd]C[Black attempts to build a great moyo, but gives away too much territory.] ;W[mc];B[md];W[ld];B[le];W[kd];B[ke];W[jd])) (;B[rc]C[Black 7 is not recommended, though may be reasonable with some support at top.] ;W[rb];B[rd];W[oc];B[od];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[pg]LB[me:a]C[Black is reluctant to push at 'a', but it is a good point for White later.] ;W[me]) (;B[oc]SQ[pi]LB[qj:3]C[Black 7 is a mistake. The punishment is the same as in the variation of Black 3 being on the squared point, look there for continuations.])) (;B[pc]C[Black 5 is a mistake.];W[qd];B[pe];W[qg]C[Even with a stone at top as shown, Black should not play this way.])) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[pc]LB[qb:A][oc:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qb]LB[pb:B][oc:C][rd:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[rd];B[od];W[pb];B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[rc];B[oc]) (;W[pb];B[ob];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[qe]) (;W[oc];B[od];W[nd];B[oe];W[mc];B[qe])) (;B[oc];W[pb];B[qe];W[rd];B[od]LB[ob:a][rc:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[ob];B[re];W[rc];B[pf]) (;W[rc]C[White 12 is not recommended.];B[ob]LB[qb:b][pe:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[pe];B[oe];W[pf];B[qb];W[rb];B[pa]) (;W[qb]LB[re:b][pf:a]C[White 14 is not recommended. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pf];W[re];B[pg]) (;B[re]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[rf];B[pe];W[se]C[White is not as well contained as the alternate variation.]))))) (;W[nc]LB[qc:d][nd:a][oe:b][pf:c]C[Best way to punish Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' is a mistake in direction. 'd' is inferior.] (;B[nd]C[Attaching on the side where there is no pincer is the rule. Nowadays this rule considered to be wrong] ;W[md]LB[oc:b][ne:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[ne]LB[oc:a][pc:d][qc:b][me:c]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'. White 'd' is not recommended.] (;W[oc]LB[pc:a][pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc]LB[jc:a][od:e][re:c][pg:b][pi:d]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' to 'd'. White 'e' is not recommended. e5, d4, c3, b2, a1] (;W[jc];B[qe]) (;W[pg];B[qe]LB[pe:b][re:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is an overplay.] (;W[re]LB[rd:b][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pf];W[rf];B[rd]LB[rc:B][ng:A]C['a' is usual. 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[ng]LB[pb:a][mf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pb]) (;B[mf];W[kc]LB[ob:A][oj:B]C[Black 'a' is necesary. Playing elsewhere, such as 'b', is a mistake.] (;B[ob]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[oj]C[Black 19 is a mistake.];W[rc]C[White gouges out the corner.];B[se];W[qc] ;B[qd];W[pb]))) (;W[rc]LB[pb:A][se:B]C[White 16 is an attempted trick play. Black continues wtih 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pb];W[sd];B[mc];W[lc];B[mb];W[ld]) (;B[se]C[Black 17 is a mistake.];W[sc];B[sd];W[qc];B[qd];W[pb]))) (;B[rd]C[Black 13 is vulgar.];W[pe];B[qd];W[ng];B[od];W[kc])) (;W[pe]C[White 12 is an overplay.];B[re];W[ng];B[od];W[lc];B[me];W[kd];B[lf])) (;W[re]LB[pe:a][pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pe];W[qh];B[kd];W[me];B[mf];W[le];B[rd];W[oh];B[ng];W[rc]C[Continuation. White 20 does not work.] ;B[qe];W[rf];B[sd];W[qc];B[rb]C[Black 25 prevents White from connecting underneath.] ;W[qb];B[pb]) (;B[pf];W[pe];B[oe];W[qe];B[od];W[kc];B[pg];W[qh];B[oi];W[rc]C[White is sealed in, but there are gaps in Black's shape (aji). A White success.])) (;W[pi]LB[qe:b][pj:a]C[White 10 is a tough move. White intends to lean on Black's pincer stone, aiming to pushing through and cutting off Black 1 & 9. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pj]LB[qi:a][oj:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qi]LB[oi:b][oj:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[oj];W[re];B[pe];W[kc];B[oi];W[rc]) (;B[oi]C[Black 13 is not recommended.];W[oj]LB[oh:b][ri:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[ri];W[rh];B[rj];W[pg]CR[od]C[The push through now looms. The cut of White 14 is disagreeable for Black.]) (;B[oh];W[rj];B[rk];W[ri]))) (;W[oj]C[White 12 is a tough-minded move.];B[qi];W[ph];B[qe];W[ok];B[qm]LB[kd:b] [oi:a]C[Black aims to cut at 'a' and play the checking extension of 'b'.])) (;B[qe];W[pj];B[kd];W[me];B[mf];W[le];B[pf];W[qk]LB[lb:a][lc:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[lb]LB[mb:b][mc:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[mc];B[id]) (;W[mb];B[lc];W[mc])) (;B[lc]LB[mb:b][mc:a]C[White obviously continues with 'a'. White 'b'?] (;W[mc]) (;W[mb]C[Yoshio Ishida's Dictionary of Basic Joseki calls this a "well-timed" sequence, but that is not necessarily apparent.] ;B[mc];W[kc])))) (;W[od]C[White 10 is not good.];B[pe];W[oe];B[pf];W[of]LB[pg:a][qg:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pg]) (;B[qg]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[pg];B[ph];W[og];B[qh];W[pb];B[qb];W[qc]LB[ob:b] [qd:a]C[Black must play 'a'. Black 'b' is a fatal mistake.] (;B[qd];W[rc];B[rd];W[rb];B[rf]C[Black suffers a loss in gote.]) (;B[ob]C[Black 23 loses the game.];W[qe];B[pa];W[qd];B[pb];W[rb]C[Black dies.];B[nb] ;W[mb];B[ra];W[rc];B[rf]LB[na:b][re:a]C[White can play 'a' or 'b' and win by a move.])))) (;B[pf]C[Black 9 is a fearful mistake.];W[pc];B[qe]LB[qg:a]C[White still threatens to extend to 'a' later.])) (;W[qc]LB[oc:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oc]LB[mc:b][qd:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qd];B[mc]TR[qj]C[Old joseki White is slightly better, because the marked stone is not effective.] ;W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[qh]C[Black plays a checking extension (post-joseki).] ;W[qg];B[ph]) (;W[mc];B[qd];W[rd]LB[nb:B][rb:A][re:C]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is possible, 'c' is a mistake, because White can connect the corner to the top.] (;B[rb];W[rc];B[qb];W[qh]LB[ob:C][jd:B][oj:A]C[ * Joseki * Black can continue on 'a' or 'b'. White cannot connect on 'c'.] ;W[ob];B[pb];W[pc];B[od]LB[nb:B][re:A]) (;B[nb]LB[mb:b][rb:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is bad.] (;W[rb];B[mb]LB[kc:a][kd:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[kc];B[kd];W[jd];B[lc]C[Black 19 is interesting.];W[ld];B[ke];W[lb];B[me];W[hc] LB[le:a]C[White will not necessarily connect if Black gives atari at 'a'.]) (;W[kd]C[White 16 is a not recommended. White plays this way when insecure.];B[kc] LB[jc:a][jd:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'b' is weak, but may be reasonable in a global context.] (;W[jc];B[lc];W[ld];B[jd]) (;W[jd];B[jc]))) (;W[mb]C[White 'b' is inconsistent with White's 3-3 invasion.];B[re];W[ob];B[pb] ;W[na];B[pc]C[White loses the corner, and White 2 has no meaning (though aji).])) (;B[re]C[Black 13 is a mistake.];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob]C[White connects underneath.] ;B[me];W[le];B[lf];W[ke]))) (;B[qd];W[pc];B[oc];W[ob];B[od]LB[mb:a][mc:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[mb];B[me];W[ld];B[oj]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[mc]LB[nb:a][me:b]C[Black first cuts at 'a'. Black 'b' immediately is a mistake.] (;B[nb]C[The sacrifice cut is important. Compare to the other variation.];W[pb] ;B[me];W[kd];B[le];W[jc];B[oj]) (;B[me]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[rc];B[rd];W[le];B[lf];W[ke])))) (;W[me]LB[oc:A][mf:B][nf:C]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is possible. 'c' is questionable.] (;B[oc];W[mc]LB[qd:b][nf:a]C[Black continues with 'a', or, for fighting, 'b'.] (;B[nf];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd]LB[nb:a][rb:b][re:c]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[nb];W[rb];B[mb];W[kc];B[mf];W[ke]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[rb];W[rc];B[qb];W[qh]C[ * Joseki *];B[mf];W[lf];B[lg];W[kf];B[kg];W[jf]LB[nb:a] [rg:b]C[Black must play 'a'. Black 'b' looks tempting, but is a mistake.] (;B[nb]) (;B[rg]C[Black 25 is a mistake.];W[rf]LB[nb:a][rh:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nb]LB[mb:b][rh:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rh];B[mb];W[kc]) (;W[mb]C[White 28 is a mistake.];B[qg];W[pg];B[rh]LB[ob:b][pb:a]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'. Black is still connected.] (;W[pb];B[ob]) (;W[ob];B[pb]))) (;B[rh]C[Black 27 is a mistake.];W[ob]C[White can now connect and capture the two Black stones because of White 26 (from the Black peep of 25 and the pullback of 27).]))) (;B[re]C[Black 15 is inexcusably submissive.];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob]C[White connects underneath.])) (;B[qd]C[Black 11 starts a fight.];W[nf];B[mf];W[ng];B[lf];W[jd])) (;B[nf];W[oc];B[pc]LB[od:A]C[White can later push on 'a'.];W[od];B[pe]) (;B[mf]LB[mc:A][oc:B][nf:C]C['a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;W[mc];B[pf];W[qc];B[qe];W[pc];B[lf]) (;W[oc];B[pc];W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[mc]) (;W[nf];B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[ng];B[oh]))) (;W[pc]C[White 8 is not recommended.];B[oc];W[ob];B[od];W[mb];B[qc];W[pb];B[me] ;W[ld]LB[pg:b][ni:a]C[Black plays on a large scale with 'a', or the tighter 'b'.] (;B[ni]LB[qb:b][qd:a]C[White can cut at 'a'. If White plays elsewhere, Black 'b' is big.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[pf]) (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[qb])) (;B[pg]LB[qd:a][dp:b]C[White continues with the cut of 'a', or by playing elsewhere ('b').] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[pf]) (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[qb])))) (;B[oc];W[ne];B[od]LB[nb:b][mc:a][me:d][of:c]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'. White 'd' is a mistake.] (;W[mc]C[White 10 is suitable for a handicap game, as this leaves White in a difficult position.] ;B[pf];W[pg];B[of]LB[re:a][pi:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[re];B[rd];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc];W[pi];B[pj];W[oi]C[ * Joseki *];B[rh];W[qg] ;B[oj]) (;W[pi];B[pj];W[oj];B[qi];W[qh];B[ok];W[oi];B[re])) (;W[nb];B[me]LB[ld:a][of:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[ld];B[nf];W[le];B[oe]LB[rd:a][mg:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rd];B[lf];W[kf];B[lg]LB[qh:a][dp:b]C[White continues with 'a'. Playing elsewhere ('b') is a mistake.] (;W[qh];B[oj];W[rb]) (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere, which is a mistake.];B[rg];W[rf];B[qg];W[qc];B[ob] ;W[rb]LB[lb:a][kc:b][jd:c]C[Black continues at 'a', 'b' or 'c'])) (;W[mg];B[re];W[ng];B[og];W[oh];B[ph];W[oi];B[pi];W[oj];B[pk])) (;W[of]LB[mc:b][ld:a]C[White 12 is a mistake. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ld];W[mc];B[mf];W[kc];B[qe]LB[rf:b][pg:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[pg];B[ob]C[Black settles his group, leaving White with two weak groups.]) (;W[rf]C[White 18 is a mistake.];B[pf];W[pg];B[nf];W[oe];B[og]C[White is caught in a snap-back.])) (;B[mc]C[Black 13 is a mistake.];W[ld];B[mb];W[mf]C[White gets away; the pincer stone seems a waste.]))) (;W[of];B[mc];W[ld]LB[nb:a][oj:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nb]) (;B[oj]C[Black 13 is a mistake.];W[nb]C[White 14 begins a sacrifice squeeze play.] ;B[lb];W[lc];B[mb];W[kb];B[ob];W[jc])) (;W[me]C[White 10 is a mistake.];B[mc];W[lc];B[nb]LB[mb:a][of:b]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[mb];B[pf];W[pg];B[of]C[White is split in two.]) (;W[of];B[lb])))) (;B[oe]C[Black 5 aims for simplicity.];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc]LB[rc:d][md:b][me:a][pg:c] C[Black continues with 'a', or possibly the fighting move of 'b'. Black 'c' is not recommended. Black 'd' is a genuine mistake.] (;B[me]C[ * Joseki *];W[ld];B[oj]) (;B[md]C[Black 9 provokes a fight.];W[nd];B[ne];W[me];B[kd]LB[ld:b][mf:a]C[White continues with 'a', possibly 'b'.] (;W[mf];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[og]LB[pi:a]C[White has the shoulder hit of 'a' to keep the situation unsettled.]) (;W[ld]C[White 14 is not recommended.];B[le];W[mc];B[mf])) (;B[pg]C[Capturing White 2 by playing Black 9 is too small in the early game. Black becomes over-concentrated.] ;W[od]LB[nd:A][pe:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[nd];W[oc];B[pe];W[md];B[ne];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]) (;B[pe];W[ne];B[nf];W[me])) (;B[rc]C[Black 9 is a mistake in direction.];W[rb];B[rd]LB[ne:a][pi:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[ne];B[nf];W[me];B[pg];W[mf]) (;W[pi]C[White 12 might be a good move in a handicap game.]))) (;B[pf]C[Black 5 is a mistake in direction. When there are two small knight approach moves, the rule is to attach on the side where there is no pincer, then make full use of the influence of the pincer. The pincer goes to waste playing this direction.] ;W[pg];B[of];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[qc];W[rd];B[og];W[ph];B[jc]C[If Black plays 17...] ;W[kd]TR[qj]C[...the shoulder hit of White 18 makes Black gain problematic. The marked stone is in strange position as well]) (;B[qc];W[oe])) (;W[nd]LB[ne:b][oe:d][qe:c][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'.] (;B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qe]LB[od:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is unreasonable.] (;B[od]LB[nc:b][qc:c][rc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;W[rc]LB[nc:a][jd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nc]C[ * Joseki *];W[mc];B[md];W[ne]LB[lc:b][ld:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ld]CR[mf]LB[lc:a][oc:b]C[Black aims to capture the stones by playing at the marked spot. White may try 'a' or 'b'. Neither work to White's advantage.] (;W[lc];B[kc];W[kb];B[kd];W[nb];B[oc];W[jb];B[mf]) (;W[oc];B[nb])) (;B[lc]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[mb]LB[lb:b][nb:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nb];W[lb];B[kc];W[ld];B[me];W[kd]LB[jc:b][mf:a]C['a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;B[lb];W[nb];B[oc];W[ld];B[me];W[kd]LB[kb:b][mf:a]))) (;B[jd]LB[nb:b][og:a]C[White continues with 'a', possibly 'b'.] (;W[og];B[me];W[ng];B[mf]) (;W[nb]LB[pb:b][qc:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[rb];B[mf];W[pb];B[og];W[ph];B[rh];W[rg];B[oj]) (;B[pb])))) (;W[nc]C[White 10 is an overplay.];B[qd];W[qh];B[oj];W[nh];B[me];W[kc];B[oc]C[Black gets a nice corner, and White has two insecure groups on either side.]) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[rb];B[qg];W[qh];B[rg]LB[sc:A][rh:B]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;W[sc];B[rh]) (;W[rh];B[og];W[ph];B[re];W[rf];B[sd]))) (;B[qd]C[Black 9 is unreasonable.];W[pe];B[oe];W[od]LB[rd:A][qg:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[qh];B[mf];W[pc];B[qc];W[pb];B[qb];W[ld]C[Black needs another move in the corner, but is busy in the center. Not good.]) (;B[qg];W[rd];B[rc];W[re]LB[qb:b][rg:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rg];W[qb]LB[rb:b][qc:a]C[Neither Black 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;B[qc];W[rb]LB[pb:a][sc:b]C[Neither Black 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;B[pb];W[sc];B[pc];W[ob]) (;B[sc];W[pc];B[pb];W[oc];B[sb];W[sd])) (;B[rb];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb])) (;B[qb];W[qh])))) (;B[ne]LB[qc:b][od:d][me:a][oe:c]C[Black 5 is a strong move. White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'. White 'd' is bad style, and not recommended.] (;W[me];B[oe]LB[qc:a][ld:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[qc]C[ * Joseki *];B[qd];W[pc]LB[oc:c][rc:a][md:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'c'.] (;B[rc];W[od];B[pf];W[rb];B[rd];W[md];B[oj]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[md];W[nc]LB[nc:4][pc:8][qc:6][md:9][nd:10][pd:1][qd:7][me:12][ne:11][oe:5][qf:2] [qj:3]C[A fight ensues. See the variation referenced by the numbers.]) (;B[oc]LB[od:A][rd:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[od];B[ob]LB[nc:a][md:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[nc];B[rc];W[pe];B[qe];W[pf];B[og]LB[rd:A][ng:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[pb];B[rf];W[ld];B[ng]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[ng];B[of];W[oh];B[pg];W[rf];B[re];W[sf];B[qb];W[ph];B[qg];W[rh];B[mf])) (;W[md];B[rc];W[pe];B[qe];W[pf]LB[nf:a][og:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nf];W[pi]) (;B[og]C[Black 19 is a mistake.];W[ng];B[of];W[oh];B[pg];W[qh];B[nh];W[ph];B[nf] ;W[mg];B[qg];W[rf]))) (;W[rd]LB[md:A][re:B]C['a' is the correct punishment. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[md];W[ob];B[nb];W[mc];B[ld];W[nc];B[od];W[mb];B[rc];W[qb];B[re]LB[lb:A]C[Later, Black has 'a'.]) (;B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[od]LB[nc:B][md:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;B[md];W[nc];B[mc];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[ic];W[pf];B[pe];W[rf];B[se]LB[mf:B][pi:A] C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[pi];B[pj];W[ni]) (;W[mf];B[nf];W[ng];B[og]LB[of:A][oh:B]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' work.] (;W[of];B[mg];W[nh];B[lf]) (;W[oh];B[mg];W[nh];B[lf]))) (;B[nc];W[md];B[mc];W[pf];B[pe];W[rf];B[se];W[mf];B[ng];W[nf];B[of];W[og];B[pg] ;W[oh];B[sf];W[sg]))))) (;W[ld]LB[qc:a][pg:b]C[White 8 is not recommended. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qc]C[Black gets a good result whatever follows.]) (;B[pg]C[Black 9 is not recommended.];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[rc];W[od];B[pf];W[rb] ;B[rd]CR[oj]C[Now Black 9 is misplaced\: it should be at the marked location.]))) (;W[qc];B[qd]LB[pc:a][od:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a trick play.] (;W[pc];B[od];W[oc]LB[md:b][of:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[of];W[md];B[oj]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[md];W[nc];B[of];W[me]LB[ld:A][mf:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' gives White too much territory.] (;B[ld];W[mf]LB[pg:A][oh:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pg];W[ke];B[jc]) (;B[oh];W[rd];B[re];W[qe];B[rc])) (;B[mf];W[le];B[lf];W[ke];B[kf];W[je];B[oj]))) (;W[od]LB[pc:a][oe:b]C[White 8 is a trick play. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[oe]LB[pf:a][dp:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black may also play elsewhere ('b').] (;B[pf];W[pe];B[qe];W[qg]LB[of:a][pg:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[of];W[nf];B[ph];W[me];B[oh]) (;B[pg];W[ph];B[nf]C[One of the two White groups is forfeit.])) (;B[]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[oi]LB[rb:a]C[White 11 creates flexible shape. White now threatens mischief by playing 'a'.])) (;B[oe]C[Black 9 is a mistake.];W[pc]C[Now White has played the vital point of 8.] ;B[pe];W[md]LB[rd:A]C[Later, White 'a' is sente.]))) (;W[oe]C[With the board as is, White 6 is not recommended.];B[od]LB[pe:a][of:b] C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pe];B[qd]C[ * Joseki * Black 9 is the vital point of this shape.];W[nc] C[ If you know the follow-up, please email\: [email protected].]) (;W[of];B[md];W[nc];B[mc]LB[nb:a][ob:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[nb];B[mb];W[pb];B[pc]LB[ob:a][qb:b]C[Now 'a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;W[ob];B[mb]C[According to Ishida's Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Black wins the capturing race.] ;W[qb];B[oc];W[nb];B[pb]))) (;W[od]C[White 6 is obviously bad style, but seems possible. Nonetheless, Black should come out with a favorable result.] ;B[oe]LB[pc:a][pe:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[pc]LB[qc:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qc]C[Black 9 is a tesuji.];W[qd];B[pe]LB[oc:b][qe:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qe];B[oc];W[pb];B[nc];W[qb];B[md]C[Black 17 makes the "tortoise shell" shape, supposedly a shape twice as strong as ponnuki.]) (;W[oc]C[White 12 is a mistake.];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[me])) (;B[qd]C[Black 9 is a mistake.])) (;W[pe]C[White 8 is not recommended.];B[qd]LB[md:a][pg:b]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'. Either way, Black should be able to wrest an advantageous position.] (;W[md];B[pg]) (;W[pg];B[md])))) (;B[qe]C[Black 5 is a strong response.];W[pf];B[oe]LB[qc:B][pe:A]C[The combination of Black 5 and 7 may be unreasonable unless Black's neighboring positions are strong. 'a' is joseki, 'b' is inferior.] (;W[pe]LB[od:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is hard to fathom.] (;B[od];W[qd];B[qc];W[re]LB[rc:B][rd:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[pi];B[pj];W[oi];B[nc]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[rc]C[Black 13 unwillingness to fight the ko contradicts Black's original strategy of the diagonal attachement.] ;W[nc]C[White 14 starts a sequence where it's hard to tell who's attacking whom; a big change from Black's early uncompromising moves.] ;B[ne];W[me];B[mf];W[le];B[og];W[ph])) (;B[qd]C[Black 9 is hard to justify.];W[od];B[ne];W[pi];B[me];W[ob]C[Black faces a hard fight. The three Black stones in the corner may have to fight for life, and three Black stones in the center are a good attack target.])) (;W[qc];B[pc]LB[qd:A][re:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;W[qd]LB[pe:B][re:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is only good, if Black is already strong on the top side.] (;B[re];W[pe];B[qb];W[od];B[rc];W[nf]) (;B[pe];W[re];B[rd];W[rc];B[rf];W[sd];B[of];W[ph];B[qh];W[rg];B[pg];W[qg];B[og] ;W[jd])) (;W[re];B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[nf];B[of];W[og];B[ng]))) (;B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[rc];W[od];B[pf]LB[rb:A][ne:B]C['a' is joseki, though 'b' is possible.] (;W[rb];B[rd]LB[ne:a][pg:b]C[ * Joseki * White 'a' is a possible continuation. White 'b' is not recommended if the shape at the top is unsettled.] (;W[ne];B[nf];W[mf];B[ng];W[mg];B[nh]) (;W[pg]LB[ne:A][og:B]C[White 14 is not recommended with the shape at top unsettled; the move is something of an overplay. White 14 is a tactic for stirring complication, as in a handicap game.] (;B[ne];W[md];B[me];W[ld];B[le]LB[kd:a][qh:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[kd];B[qh];W[qg];B[oh];W[og];B[ng]C[White must abandon the stones on the right, though they retain some aji.]) (;W[qh];B[kd];W[kc];B[jc];W[lb];B[kb];W[lc];B[jd])) (;B[og];W[pi]))) (;W[ne];B[nf];W[pg]LB[re:A][og:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[re]) (;B[og];W[rd];B[re];W[qe];B[sd];W[pe])))) (;W[md]LB[nc:d][nd:a][rd:e][oe:b][pf:c]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Attaching at 'c', on the side with the pincer, is not good. 'd' is possible. 'e' is weak.] (;B[nd]LB[mc:d][nc:a][me:c][ne:b]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'. White 'd' is not recommended.] (;W[nc];B[ne]) (;W[ne];B[nc]LB[qd:b][oe:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oe];B[qd]LB[mc:b][me:c][lf:a]C[ * Joseki * White continues with 'a'. 'b' and 'c' are inferior.] (;W[lf];B[mc];W[ld]) (;W[mc];B[me];W[og];B[le];W[kc];B[mb];W[lb];B[nb];W[kd];B[lg]TR[qj]C[The triangled Black stone limits the right White group.]) (;W[me];B[lb])) (;W[qd]LB[qc:b][me:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is weak.] (;B[me]LB[qc:A][oe:B][of:C]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. 'c' is possible.] (;W[qc];B[nf]) (;W[oe];B[pe];W[pf];B[pc];W[qe];B[ld];W[mf];B[le]TR[qj]C[The triangled Black stone limits the right White group.]) (;W[of];B[ld];W[mf];B[le];W[pc];B[pe];W[qc];B[lf])) (;B[qc]C[Black 9 is submissive. Nothing good comes to Black from this variation.] ;W[pe]LB[pc:c][od:a][rd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'c'.] (;B[od];W[oe]) (;B[rd];W[qe];B[oe];W[of];B[od];W[mf]) (;B[pc];W[mf])))) (;W[me];B[pf];W[pg];B[of]LB[nc:B][qd:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc]LB[nc:b][qh:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qh];B[nc]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[nc];B[oc];W[ne];B[od])) (;W[nc];B[oc];W[ne];B[od];W[nb];B[pi];W[rd];B[qg];W[qc];B[ob];W[rg];B[qh];W[rf] ;B[nh])) (;W[mc]C[White 6 is a heavy move.];B[nc]LB[rd:a][me:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rd];B[me];W[kd];B[qc];W[qh];B[oj];W[oh];B[nf]) (;W[me];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc]))) (;B[oe]LB[qc:b][rd:a][og:c]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'c' is inferior.] (;W[rd];B[pg];W[qg];B[ph];W[qc];B[pc]) (;W[qc];B[qd]LB[pc:b][rd:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc];B[nf]TR[kc]LB[oc:A]C[ * Joseki * Later, Black continues on 'a' only with a stone on the triangled position.] (;AB[kc];B[oc]C[Later, Black can continue here.];W[ob];B[nb]LB[mb:A][pb:B]C[Now, 'a' and 'b' are miai.]) (;B[oc];W[ob];B[nb]LB[pb:A][pc:B]C['a' is recommended, 'b' leads to a ko.] (;W[pb];B[mb];W[lc]) (;W[pc];B[nd]))) (;W[pc]C[White 8 is not recommended.];B[oc];W[ob];B[nc]C[White 4 is isolated, and White cannot connect to 2 either.])) (;W[og];B[qe]LB[mf:A][rf:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[mf];B[rf]) (;W[rf];B[nf];W[ng];B[mf]))) (;B[pf]C[Black 5 is not recommended. Attaching on the side of the pincer in a double approach situation is almost never good.] ;W[pg];B[of]LB[qd:A][qe:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qd]LB[qc:A][qe:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[qe];B[pc]LB[nc:B][qh:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qh]LB[nc:a]C[White 'a' is sente, so White's second approach move has good development potential.]) (;W[nc];B[pe];W[qh])) (;B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[qc];W[rd]TR[md]C[The wall is restricted by the triangled White stone.])) (;W[qe];B[qd];W[qi];B[pj];W[pe];B[oe];W[od]LB[oc:A][nd:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is inferior.] (;B[oc];W[nd];B[og];W[rd];B[rc];W[re];B[ph];W[rb];B[qb];W[sc];B[qc];W[sb];B[ob] ;W[qg];B[mb]) (;B[nd];W[oc];B[nc];W[ob];B[nb];W[qc];B[me]))) (;B[nc];W[nd];B[mc];W[lc];B[od];W[kd];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qh]) (;B[rd];W[oe]))) (;B[ph]MA[jd]LB[nc:d][qc:b][nd:e][qd:c][of:a]C[ 1-Space High Pincer = Ikken Takabasami = Hankan Nop'dahyeopgong = Yi Gaojia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown in classical Go, Black 3 shows a modern approach to fuseki. White plays 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' or 'e'. With an extension the marked spot, Black would welcome the invasion of 'b'. ] (;W[of];B[nd]LB[qc:b][rd:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended, but O Rissei (9p) likes this move.] (;W[rd]LB[qc:a][qg:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[rh]LB[jc:B][kc:C][og:A]C[ The result is equal ] (;B[og]LB[nf:A][og:9][pg:B][qg:C]C[White must defend against Black 9. 'a' is good defense. 'b' is not recommended. 'c' is the Black attack after playing elsewhere.] (;W[nf] (;B[kc];W[pe]C[Important move to prevent a ko fight.]) (;B[qg];W[rg];B[pf];W[pe];B[qe]C[Later Black may start this ko fight.])) (;W[pg];B[qh];W[rg];B[qj];W[ng];B[oh];W[mf];B[kc]C[Now Black is solid on both sides, bad for White.]) (;B[qg];W[rg];B[pf];W[pe];B[qe]C[Ko for life, not what White wanted.])) (;B[jc]) (;B[kc];B[og]C[Later, the game continued like this.];W[ne];B[ng];W[md];B[od];W[pf] ;B[me];W[ld];B[mf]C[White ladder.];W[kd];B[jd];W[kf];B[mc];W[lc];B[lb];W[je];B[jb] ;W[id];B[jc];W[qi];B[oj];W[ie])) (;B[qg]LB[rf:B][pg:A]C['a' is typical. 'b' is old style.] (;W[pg];B[qh] (;W[rf]C[Slow];B[qc];W[oh];B[oi];W[nh];B[ni];W[mh]) (;W[qc];B[rf] (;W[re];B[qe];W[pf];B[rg];W[ob]C[Modern joseki]) (;W[qe]C[Joseki, but somewhat slack for White.]))) (;W[rf];B[qc]LB[mf:a][oh:c][pk:b]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'.]))) (;W[qc]C[White 6 is not recommended.];B[qd];W[rd];B[re];W[rc]LB[qe:b][rf:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rf]LB[ob:a][qg:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[ob];B[qg]C[Black is very thick]) (;W[qg]C[White 12 is a mistake.];B[qh];W[rg];B[qe];W[ob];B[rh]LB[og:A][sg:B]C['a' White stones heavy, 'b' White stones dead.] (;W[og];B[sg]) (;W[sg];B[og];W[oe];B[pf];W[pg];B[od];W[pe];B[ng]))) (;B[qe]C[Black 11 is a mistake.];W[ob];B[qg]LB[rf:a]C[White has the aji of 'a' later.]))) (;W[qc]LB[pc:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe]LB[qb:b][qe:a][pf:c]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[qe];B[pf]LB[pg:b][qg:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a bit unreasonable.] (;W[qg];B[pg]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[pg]LB[og:b][qg:a]C[White 10 is an overplay. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is too mild.] (;B[qg];W[og];B[rg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[nc]) (;B[og]C[Black 11 is too kind to White.];W[qg];B[oh]))) (;W[qb];B[pf];W[qg];B[pg]LB[qi:A]C[White cannot jump to 'a' now.];W[qi];B[qh];W[rh] ;B[rg]) (;W[pf];B[qe];W[re];B[rd];W[rc];B[rf];W[sd]LB[of:A][rg:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[of];W[rg];B[qg];W[sf];B[pg];W[rf];B[ng]) (;B[rg];W[of];B[md]))) (;B[qd]C[Black's pincer is in acceptable position.];W[pc] (;B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]LB[pf:a]C[Black 'a' would make Black somewhat over-concentrated, but doing nothing leaves White open to setting White 2 in motion. Still, Black's shape is not bad after tenuki.]) (;B[oc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc];B[ob]C[Complicated, but possible]))) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[pc]LB[oc:A][od:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[oc];W[pb];B[qe];W[rd]LB[od:A][pe:B]C['a' is joseki and makes a wall to the top side. 'b' is a variaton and give White the choice of the direction of the Black wall.] (;B[od]LB[rc:A][pe:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' slightly inferior.] (;W[rc];B[ob];W[qb];B[pf]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[pe];B[oe];W[re];B[og])) (;B[pe]LB[ob:A][re:B]C[If 'a', Black wall faces the right side. If 'b', Black wall faces the top side.] (;W[ob];B[re];W[rc];B[nc]) (;W[re];B[ob];W[qb];B[pf];W[qg];B[pg]))) (;B[od];W[rc];B[qb];W[re]LB[rb:B][pf:A]C['a' keeps the Black stones connected. 'b' tries to attack the White stones.] (;B[pf];W[ob];B[mc];W[pb];B[qg]) (;B[rb];W[of];B[qk]))) (;W[nc];B[pf]LB[qc:A][pe:B][pg:C]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is a mistake and loses a big corner for a small wall to the right side. 'c' is a mistake, because the White corner will be more tightly enclosed than in the joseki.] (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rf];B[jd]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[pe];B[qe];W[oe];B[qd];W[pg];B[of];W[og];B[nf];W[qg];B[nd]) (;W[pg];B[og];W[qg];B[qh];W[pe];B[of];W[qd];B[oe];W[qe];B[oc];W[qc];B[nd])) (;W[nd];B[pf]LB[qc:A][pe:C][pg:B]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is inferior and trades the corner for outside influence, White needs the ladder. 'c' is a mistake and loses a big corner for a small wall to the right.] (;W[qc]LB[pc:A][qe:B][ph:3]C['a' is correct, 'b' is a mistake with Black 3. ] (;B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rf];B[jd]) (;B[qe];W[pc]LB[qf:2][qg:A]C[Later White 2 can escape on 'a'. ])) (;W[pg]LB[og:B][qg:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qg];W[og]LB[qe:B][qh:A]C['a' or 'b'. White needs the ladder for 'b'.] (;B[qh];W[pe]LB[qe:A][of:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is nonsense.] (;B[qe];W[of];B[rf];W[qd];B[pf];W[oe];B[qc]) (;B[of];W[oe];B[nf];W[qd])) (;B[qe];W[qh];B[rf];W[rg];B[qf];W[pi]LB[lc:C][nd:4][of:B][rh:A]C[Black lives in the corner, so shouldn't provoke a White ponnuki by playing A, but use the ladder for a ladder breaker. So, Black is still better. One ladder breaker is 'b' to capture White 4, so an attack against White 4 like C is sente.])) (;B[og];W[qg];B[qh];W[pe];B[of];W[oe];B[qe];W[qd];B[re];W[rd];B[rg];W[pc]C[White has got more points.])) (;W[pe];B[qe];W[oe];B[qd];W[pg];B[of]LB[og:A][qg:B] (;W[og];B[nf];W[qg];B[md]) (;W[qg];B[og];W[ri];B[oh];W[qj];B[mc];W[md];B[nc];W[ld];B[od];W[ne];B[lh])))) (;B[pi]LB[nc:c][qc:a][nd:d][of:b][qk:e]C[ 2-Space High Pincer = Nikken Takabasami = Dukan Nop'dahyeopgong = E`r Gaojia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black 3 is used most often when Black has an extension at top. White continues with 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'. 'b' leads to the Cataccio joseki which is used to reduce a big Black moyo, but not advisable in other cases. 'e' is a special strategy. ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'b' is played when Black has support at top.] (;B[qd]C[When Black has no extension at top.];W[pc]LB[oc:b][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc];B[pf]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[oc]LB[ob:c][rc:a][rd:b]C[Black 7 is a mistake. White continues with 'a', possibly 'b'. White 'c' is not recommended.] (;W[rc]LB[od:a][rd:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[od];W[rd];B[kd]C[Black plays an extension towards the top as shown (11 being just one possible point; others nearby may be preferred). Black may also play elsewhere. This sequence is very favoable to White.]) (;B[rd]C[Black prevents White's attempt to connect, but at considerable cost.];W[od] C[Black has no adequate continuation, as either the Black 7 cutting stone or three Black stones are subject to capture.] ;B[oe]C[Black gives up on the cutting stone.];W[nd];B[pf];W[nc]C[The result is very favorable to White, as White gains territory and thickness. White 2 still has aji.])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[od]LB[nc:b][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b', or descending from 7 is a mistake.] (;B[pf]C[At this point, Black must submit with 13.];W[nc];B[oe];W[nd]) (;B[nc]MA[ob]C[Black 13 or descending from 7 is not good.];W[rf]LB[oe:a][se:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is unreasonable.] (;B[oe];W[se];B[pe]) (;B[se]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[oe]C[Black is doomed.]))) (;W[ob]LB[nb:b][nc:a]C[White 8 fails to punish Black for playing 7, a missed opportunity. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]) (;B[nb]C[Black 9 is unreasonable. Black has too many cutting points.];W[od];B[nc] ;W[rd];B[re];W[pe])))) (;B[pc]C[When Black has an extension at top.];W[qd];B[pe]LB[qb:a][qe:b][pf:c][qg:d] [rg:e]C[White continues with 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' or 'e'. e5, d4, c3, b2, a1] (;W[qb]LB[pb:b][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pf];W[qg];B[pg]C[ * Joseki *];W[pb]LB[ob:B][nc:A]C[Continuation later Black answers on 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nc]) (;B[ob];W[nb];B[nc])) (;B[pb];W[pf];B[of];W[og];B[pg];W[nf]LB[oe:a][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oe];W[rg];B[qg];W[rf];B[qi];W[ng];B[md];W[ni]) (;B[qe]C[Black 15 is a mistake, upsetting Black's strategy of gaining thickness for less than 20 points of territory.] ;W[oe];B[re]))) (;W[qe];B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[oh];B[ph];W[qg]LB[ng:a][nh:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ng]LB[nh:a][mi:b]C[ * Joseki * White hopes later to play 'a', while Black would like to eliminate the White aji with Black 'b'.]) (;B[nh]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[ng];B[oi];W[of];B[oh];W[pb];B[ob];W[oc];B[qb] ;W[od];B[pa];W[oe];B[pb];W[nb])) (;W[pf];B[qe];W[re]LB[rd:a][rf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rd]LB[rc:A][rg:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is good only if White is very strong on the right, while the top is worthless.] (;W[rc];B[rf];W[sd];B[of]LB[og:b][rg:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rg]LB[og:A][qg:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' takes sente.] (;B[og]LB[lc:A][mc:B]C[Later, White invades on 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[lc];B[kc];W[nc];B[ne];W[kb];B[jb];W[kd];B[jc];W[md];B[ke];W[ob];B[pb];W[mb]) (;W[mc];B[ld];W[pb];B[ob];W[oc];B[nc];W[nb];B[od];W[oa])) (;B[qg];W[pg];B[og];W[qh];B[ph];W[sf])) (;W[og]LB[ng:b][pg:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pg];W[qg]LB[rg:A][ph:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[rg]LB[ph:B][qh:A]C[Black 19 is a sacrifice. 'a' is correct, 'b' is very bad without the ladder.] (;W[qh];B[ph];W[ri]LB[nf:a][rj:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is playable, but not recommended.] (;B[nf]LB[qj:b][dp:a]C[ * Joseki * White can play elsewhere ('a'), or continue locally with 'b'.] (;W[]LB[oj:b][pj:c][qj:a][pk:e][qk:d][ql:f]C[White plays elsewhere. Black 'a' through 'f' are sente.] (;B[qj]LB[lc:c][mc:b][nd:d][rh:a]C[Black 24, otherwise Black plays 'a' and captures the White stones. Later, White invades on 'b' or c, not on 'd'.] (;W[mc];B[jf];W[pb];B[ob];W[oc];B[od];W[nb];B[nc];W[oa]) (;W[nd]LB[ob:A][ne:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ob];W[oe]C[Doesn't work.];B[nc]) (;B[ne];W[pb];B[ob];W[oc]))) (;B[oj]C[Black 24 is sente.];W[]C[White plays elsewhere; a mistake.];B[rh];W[qi] ;B[qj];W[rj];B[rk];W[qk];B[sj];W[pj];B[si];W[qj];B[ql])) (;W[qj]C[White 24 eliminates the aji problem of the other variation, but gives Black additional thickness.] ;B[pj];W[qk];B[pk]LB[pl:b][ql:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is an overplay.] (;W[ql]) (;W[pl]C[White 28 is an overplay.];B[ql];W[qm];B[rk]LB[rh:b][rj:B][rl:a]C[White 'a' and 'b' are both traumatic.] (;W[rl];B[qi];W[rh];B[rj]) (;W[rj];B[rl];W[rh];B[qn];W[rm];B[pm];W[sk];B[ol];W[sl];B[pl])))) (;B[rj]C[Black 23 is not recommended, as it removes aji of Black sente (see the joseki variation).] ;W[rh];B[si];W[sf];B[nf])) (;W[ph];B[qh];W[pg];B[ng];W[oh];B[nh])) (;B[ph];W[rg];B[nf])) (;B[ng]C[Black 17 was invented by Abe against Tozawa in a preliminary round of the 1970 Nihon Ki-in Chamionship.] ;W[pg]C[Further resistence would be futile, so connecting at 18 is proper.];B[nh] LB[oe:b][nf:a]C[Tozawa played 'a', but 'b' looks like a missed opportunity.] (;W[nf];B[oe];W[rg];B[mf]) (;W[oe];B[nf];W[pb]LB[oc:a][nd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oc];W[ob];B[nc];W[rg]LB[nb:a]C[White 'a' is a good forcing move later.]) (;B[nd];W[nc];B[od];W[md];B[rg];W[lc]C[The joseki concludes.];B[];W[qh]C[White tries to extract his stones.] ;B[rh];W[qi];B[ph];W[qg];B[qj];W[ri];B[rj]))))) (;W[rg];B[se];W[rf];B[rc];W[nf])) (;B[rf]LB[rd:b][rg:a]C[Black 11 is a mistake. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rg];B[rd];W[sf];B[rc];W[nf]) (;W[rd]C[White 12 is a mistake.];B[of]C[Black is satisfied that White has let Black overcome the mistake of Black 11.]))) (;W[qg]LB[qe:A][pf:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is an inferior variation.] (;B[qe];W[re];B[rf]LB[rd:A][rg:B]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is a mistake unless the corner is smaller than the right side.] (;W[rd]LB[pf:a][pg:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'a' is joseki and builds the wall. After 'b', Black cannot stop White from entering the top by giving the right side.] (;B[pf];W[pg];B[og]LB[rg:A][oh:B]C['a' and 'b' are joseki.] (;W[rg];B[oh]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[oh];B[ph];W[rg];B[ng]C[ * Joseki *])) (;B[pg]LB[pb:b][pf:a]C[The combination of Black 11 and 13 was invented by Shimamura Toshihiro, first played against Takagawa Kaku in game 5 of the 1956 Honinbo title. White continues with 'a' to keep the right side or 'b' to enter the top side and give the right side.] (;W[pf];B[of]LB[rg:A][ph:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is only possible with the ladder.] (;W[rg];B[og]) (;W[ph];B[qh];W[og];B[rg];W[pg];B[ng])) (;W[pb]LB[ob:b][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pf];W[ob];B[rg]) (;B[ob]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[pf];B[of];W[og];B[rg];W[qh];B[qb];W[ph];B[rh] ;W[qi];B[rb];W[ri];B[rc];W[nf])))) (;W[rg];B[rd];W[sf];B[rc];W[og]LB[pi:3]C[This is only good if Black 3 has now been severely damaged, such as with strong White support on the lower right.])) (;B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[oh];B[ph];W[qb];B[ng])) (;W[rg];B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[oh];B[ph];W[qg];B[ng]C[ * Joseki *]))) (;W[of]LB[nc:C][nd:A][qe:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is possible. 'c' is not recommended.] (;B[nd]LB[qc:b][qd:c][rd:a]C[When Black has no extension at top. White continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'c' is bad. ] (;W[rd];B[qc]LB[ri:a][dp:b]C[White continues with 'a'. Playing elsewhere ('b') is a mistake.] (;W[ri]LB[jc:a][mf:b]C[ Catenaccio ------------ Traditionally seen as joseki, but the result is often considered favorable for Black, because White is too low. The joseki is only okay if used to reduce a big moyo. Black plays 'a' if there is no extension, or 'b' if Black already has an extension at top. Catenaccio is Italian. It means "lock," and refers to the football strategy of putting all forces into defense to avoid opponents' goals. ] (;B[jc]LB[ni:c][qi:a][dp:b]C[White continues with 'a'. 'b' shows the result of White playing elsewhere. White 'c' is not good. ] (;W[qi]C[Continuation. The large knight's move is thin, so White 10 is worth devoting a move to.]) (;W[]LB[pg:a][qg:b]C[Black continues at 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pg];W[pf]LB[rh:a][rj:b]C[Black plays 'a' to block White from the lower right side, or 'b' to split White into two groups.] (;B[rh]C[Black aims to seal White off from the lower right side.];W[qh];B[qi];W[rg] ;B[rj];W[sh]) (;B[rj]LB[rh:b][qj:a]C[Black aims to separate White into two groups. Fighting spirit dictates White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is painfully submissive.] (;W[qj];B[qi];W[rk];B[rh];W[sj];B[qg]) (;W[rh];B[qj]))) (;B[qg];W[rg];B[rf]LB[pg:a]C[Black 12 is a tesuji. White must decide how best to continue. White 'a' gives away the corner.] ;W[pg];B[qe]C[Black takes the corner.])) (;W[ni];B[pk];W[nk];B[pg];W[pf]LB[nh:A][rh:B]C[Black can now select to cut on 'a' or 'b'. ])) (;B[mf]C[Black plays 9 if there is already an extension as shown.])) (;W[]C[White cannot afford to play elsewhere.];B[pg];W[pf];B[qg];W[rg]C[White 11 is necessary, though submissive.] ;B[rh];W[rf];B[rc];W[mf])) (;W[qc]C[White 6 was invented by Kitani Minoru in 1956 (Kitani-Shimamura,1956 2nd Top Position Tournament league).] ;B[qd];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob];B[pg];W[pf];B[rg]C[ * Joseki *];W[ni]LB[nb:A] C[Because of the aji of the White outside group, the attachment of Black 'a' is not good. ]) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[rc];B[qe];W[rd];B[pe];W[re];B[pf]LB[of:4]C[Now White 4 is wasted. ])) (;B[qe]LB[rf:A][rg:B] (;W[rf];B[nd]) (;W[rg];B[re];W[qj])) (;B[nc]C[ If you know the follow-up, please email\: [email protected].])) (;W[nc]LB[qc:B][oe:C][pf:A]C['a' is joseki. 'b' is possible. 'c' is an easy variation.] (;B[pf]LB[qc:b][pg:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pg]C[White 6 is conventional.];B[of]LB[qc:A][qe:B][og:C]C['a' or 'b'. 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[qc];B[qe];W[pc]LB[rd:C][rf:A][og:B]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[rf]LB[ob:b][lc:a]C[Black can later play 'a' in sente, aiming at an attack at 'b'.] ;W[qg]C[Later this move doesn't work.];B[rg];W[qh];B[qi];W[rh];B[ri];W[sg];B[og] ;W[re];B[rd];W[sf];B[qd]) (;B[og]) (;B[rd];W[kc];B[pl])) (;W[qe]LB[nd:B][qd:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;B[qd]LB[pe:B][og:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[og];B[nd];W[md]LB[oc:B][ng:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;B[ng];W[od];B[pe];W[qh];B[ne]LB[lc:A][nh:B]C['a' and 'b' are ok. This pattern was very popular in Korea in 90's] (;W[lc];B[qi];W[oh]LB[jc:B][kd:C][nj:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c' are ok.] (;B[nj];W[nh];B[mg];W[mi];B[ob]C[If necessary and sente, Black plays an extension to the lower right before this move.] ;W[ic];B[pm]) (;B[jc]LB[jd:A][le:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[jd]LB[mb:A][id:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;B[mb];W[mc];B[id];W[je]LB[kc:A][ie:B]C['a' or 'b' give a position which is not bad for either Black or White.] (;B[kc];W[kd];B[hc];W[mf];B[me];W[le];B[mg];W[lf];B[nf];W[oi];B[pk]LB[pb:A][mi:B] C['a' if White is in the lower right. 'b' if Black is in the lower right.] (;W[pb];B[mi];W[oj]LB[pl:B][qn:A]C['a' if White is in the lower right. 'b' if Black is in the lower right.] (;B[qn];W[ok];B[pl];W[mk];B[kh]) (;B[pl])) (;W[mi])) (;B[ie];W[ic];B[hc];W[ib];B[jf];W[jb];B[kd]LB[kc:A][ke:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[kc];B[ke]) (;W[ke];B[le];W[kf];B[kg];W[lf];B[mf];W[lg];B[lh];W[kc];B[mg];W[ld];B[nj]))) (;B[id];W[je];B[kc];W[kd];B[hc];W[oi];B[pk];W[pb])) (;W[le]LB[je:A][nj:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is ok, if Black can make an extension in sente on one of both sides to come back to the other one.] (;B[je];W[pb];B[mh];W[oi];B[pk];W[oj];B[pl];W[mj];B[kh]) (;B[nj];W[nh];B[mg];W[mi];B[kg];W[je]))) (;B[kd];W[kc];B[jd];W[ic];B[nj];W[nh];B[lg];W[mi];B[pm])) (;W[nh];B[mg];W[oi]LB[kc:B][mc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;B[mc]LB[lc:A][mh:B]C['a' and 'b' are both okay.] (;W[lc];B[mb];W[lb]LB[nb:A][ld:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[nb];W[hc]) (;B[ld];W[ma];B[nb];W[kd];B[me];W[hc])) (;W[mh]LB[lc:C][lg:B][lh:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' and 'c' are disadvantageous.] (;B[lh]LB[lg:A][li:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is questionable.] (;W[lg]LB[kh:B][li:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;B[li];W[lc];B[mb];W[ld];B[nb];W[kg];B[ji];W[hd]) (;B[kh];W[lc];B[mb];W[ld];B[nb]LB[hd:A][kg:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[hd]) (;W[kg];B[jh];W[jg];B[ig]))) (;W[li];B[ki];W[lj];B[kh])) (;B[lg];W[lc];B[mb];W[lb];B[ld];W[ma];B[nb];W[kd];B[me];W[hc]) (;B[lc];W[lg]))) (;B[kc];W[pl];B[ke];W[kb]C[Later, White makes a ko.];B[lb];W[lc];B[ld];W[mb]))) (;B[oc];W[ne];B[od];W[ng];B[mc];W[ld])) (;W[pe]LB[od:B][oe:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[oe];W[od];B[qg];W[rd];B[rc];W[re];B[qc];W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[ri];W[sf];B[ob]) (;B[od];W[oe];B[nd];W[ne];B[md]))) (;B[nd]LB[oc:C][md:A][qd:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is a bit better for Black. 'c' is not recommended.] (;W[md];B[oc];W[ne];B[od];W[rc];B[og];W[ic];B[kc]C[Later];W[kd];B[lc];W[jd];B[mc]) (;W[qd];B[oc];W[qc];B[mc]TR[pi]C[The triangled stone stops White from enlarging his group, a difference from similar joseki.]) (;W[oc];B[qd];W[od];B[pe];W[og];B[ng];W[qh];B[ld];W[md];B[le]))) (;W[og];B[qe];W[qg];B[nf];W[ng];B[mf];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[rf];W[rb];B[rg]LB[qh:A] [ni:B]C[A and 'b' are miai.])) (;W[qc]LB[pc:A][qe:B]C[White 6 is a recent Korean innovation. Black can block at 'a' or at 'b'.] (;B[pc]LB[qd:B][pg:A]C['a' goes outside, 'b' takes the corner.] (;W[pg];B[qd];W[of];B[nd];W[ld]) (;W[qd]LB[pe:a][qe:b]C[Black can simply connect at 'a', which gives White the chance to play a fast-paced fuseki. If Black wants to forestall that, he can also wedge at 'b'.] (;B[pe];W[qe];B[qg]LB[pb:b][jd:a][rg:c]C[White can now choose a fast-paced strategy at 'a'. 'b' emphasises territory to the top, 'c' to the right. Both give simple results which are considered slack.] (;W[jd];B[rg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[oc]C[White now has sente again and can continue his fast-paced strategy.]) (;W[pb];B[ob];W[qb]LB[oc:B][rg:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rg];W[oc];B[pl]) (;B[oc];W[jd];B[rg])) (;W[rg];B[rh];W[qh];B[pg];W[ri];B[ph];W[qi];B[kd])) (;B[qe];W[re];B[pe]LB[rf:a][qg:b][rg:c]C[White 'a', the connection, is the only choice. White 'b' gives away the corner, while White 'c' leads to a painfully low position.] (;W[rf]LB[pb:C][kc:B][jd:A]C['a' is joseki. 'b' shows a complicated continuation. Black 'c' presses the White corner.] (;B[jd]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[kc];W[pg];B[og];W[oh];B[ph];W[qg]LB[ng:a][nh:b]C[Black 'a' is a calm play leading to an even exchange. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ng];W[nh];B[mg];W[mh];B[lg];W[nj]LB[lh:a][pl:b]C[Black builds considerable thickness in exhange for White territory with 'a'. Black 'b' is a tactic to complicate the situation and start a fight in the center of the board.] (;B[lh];W[pk]) (;B[pl])) (;B[nh];W[ng];B[oi];W[of]C[Black has no defense against this powerful countertactic.])) (;B[pb]LB[qb:b][jd:a]C['a' disable Black to make a moyo on the top side, 'b' secures the corner and gives Black the choice.] (;W[jd]LB[rb:a][qg:b]C[Black 'a' takes away White's base. Black 'b' is not so good, as Black can't seal White in.] (;B[rb]LB[pg:b][ph:d][rh:a][ri:c]C['a', 'b' or 'd'. White 'c' leaves him with an inferior position.] (;W[rh]LB[qg:a][ri:b]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qg];W[qh]LB[pg:B][ph:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[ph];W[qj];B[qi];W[ri];B[rg];W[sg];B[pg];W[pj];B[oj];W[ok];B[pk];W[nj];B[oi] ;W[qk];B[pl];W[ql];B[pm];W[qm];B[pn]) (;B[pg];W[qj];B[rg];W[sg];B[ph];W[pj];B[qi];W[rj];B[ri];W[si];B[oj];W[ok]C[White can make good shape after 30.])) (;B[ri];W[ph];B[oh];W[qi];B[qj];W[qh];B[oi];W[rj];B[rk];W[si];B[qk])) (;W[pg];B[og];W[ph];B[oh];W[qi];B[qj];W[rh];B[ri];W[qh];B[pj]C[White is sealed in.]) (;W[ri];B[qh];W[rh];B[qg];W[rg];B[qj]C[White's position on the second line is painfully low.]) (;W[ph]LB[oh:A][qh:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oh];W[qh];B[qi];W[ri];B[rj];W[rh];B[oi];W[pg];B[og]) (;B[qh];W[pg];B[qg];W[qi];B[oh];W[og];B[ng];W[of]))) (;B[qg];W[rg];B[qh];W[qb])) (;W[qb]LB[kc:A][qg:B]C['a' makes a moyo on the top side, 'b' encloses to the right side.] (;B[kc];W[pg];B[og];W[oh];B[ph];W[qg];B[ng];W[nh];B[mg];W[mh];B[lg];W[nj]) (;B[qg];W[jd];B[rg])))) (;W[qg]C[White 12 is not recommended.];B[rf];W[rg];B[rd];W[sf];B[rc]C[Black is satisfied to take the corner.]) (;W[rg]C[White 12 is not recommended, as White is too low.];B[qg];W[rf] (;B[kc]C[White is forced to play on the second line three times, after which Black can play the ideal point of 15. But it's possible to meet it in pro games]) (;B[pb];W[kc];B[qh];W[rb]C[Shikshin (B) vs Dinerchtein, 2012]))))) (;B[qe];W[pc] (;B[qg]LB[qg:9]C[Black's shape is a bit overconcentrated, so Black 9 is maybe omitted.]) (;B[od]C[Modern joseki];W[mc]) (;B[rd]C[Bad aji inside, but sharp])))) (;B[qc];W[oe];B[od];W[nd];B[pf]) (;B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[me])) (;W[nd];B[pf]LB[qc:B][pg:A]C['a' and 'b' are joseki.] (;W[pg];B[of];W[qe]LB[od:A][qd:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is a disastrous mistake.] (;B[od]LB[rc:A][og:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rc];B[og];W[qg];B[ni]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[og];B[ng]LB[ng:11][og:10][oh:A][oi:B][pi:3]C[In the Tsuke-Nobi-joseki, White 3 occupies the shape-point of the White stones. So after White 11 White is pushed into the bad empty triangle shape on 'a'. If here he tried to resist on 'b', the result is worse.] (;W[oh]) (;W[oi];B[oh];W[qh];B[qd]C[White has a small group. Black has anything else.]))) (;B[qd]LB[nd:4]C[This is impossible after White 4.];W[pe];B[oe];W[od])) (;W[qc];B[pc]LB[qd:A][pg:B]C['a' is joseki to keep the corner. 'b' is an inferior variation to go outside.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rf];B[jd]LB[pg:A]C[ * Joseki * After the joseki, White can attack on A, but must choose the right time.] ;W[pg];B[og];W[of];B[qb];W[rb];B[ob];W[mc];B[ra];W[rc];B[nf];W[oe];B[nc]) (;W[pg];B[qe];W[of];B[pe];W[og];B[rg]))) (;W[qk]LB[qe:B][pf:A]C['a' is possible. 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qe];B[qd];W[og]LB[ng:B][qh:A]C['a' is possible, 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qh];W[qg];B[nd];W[mg];B[oj]) (;B[ng]LB[qh:A][qi:B][ok:C]C['a' is correct. 'b' depends on a ladder. 'c' is an overplay.] (;W[qh]LB[nd:A][qi:B]C['a' is necessary. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nd];W[qi]LB[pi:3]C[Now Black 3 is just heavy.]) (;B[qi];W[pe];B[oe];W[od]C[The cut works now,])) (;W[qi]LB[nd:A][qg:B][qh:C]C['a' is correct without the ladder. 'b' is best with the ladder. 'c' gives up the corner.] (;B[nd];W[qh]) (;B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[rf];B[ph]LB[sg:B][oh:A]C['a' with the ladder leads to Black's destruction. If White doesn't have the ladder, he plays 'b' and connects, while Black gets overwhelming thickness.] (;W[oh]) (;W[sg];B[rh];W[ri];B[oh];W[sh])) (;B[qh];W[qg];B[ri];W[pe];B[oe];W[od])) (;W[ok]LB[nd:A][qg:B][nh:C]C['a' is correct and creates much influence, 'b' depends on the ladder, 'c' is slow.] (;B[nd]LB[qh:B][oi:A][qi:C]C['a' connects the White stones, 'b' and 'c' don't.] (;W[oi];B[qh];W[qg]LB[oj:A][qj:B]C['a' tales influence, 'b' takes away the base of the White group.] (;B[oj];W[pj];B[oh]LB[ph:B][ni:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[ni];B[ph];W[rh];B[nh];W[ri];B[qj];W[pk];B[qi];W[rj];B[mi];W[nj]) (;W[ph];B[ni];W[qi];B[nk])) (;B[qj])) (;W[qh];B[qi];W[oi];B[oh];W[ph];B[nh];W[ri];B[rh];W[qg];B[rj];W[qj];B[si];W[pj] ;B[ri];W[rg];B[ni];W[oj];B[re];W[rk];B[pe];W[sk];B[rf]) (;W[qi];B[qh];W[qg];B[ri];W[qj];B[ph];W[rh];B[rg];W[sh];B[sg];W[oh];B[oi];W[ni] ;B[nh];W[oj];B[si];W[rh];B[sh];W[pj];B[rh];W[rj];B[re];W[sj];B[rf])) (;B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[rh];B[ph];W[oh]) (;B[nh];W[qh]LB[nd:A][qi:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' gives up the corner.] (;B[nd];W[qi]) (;B[qi];W[pe];B[oe];W[od];B[nd];W[oc];B[nc];W[pb];B[nb];W[rb];B[rd];W[pc];B[rg] ;W[qg];B[rh];W[se];B[re];W[rf];B[sd];W[sc];B[sf];W[rc];B[sg];W[qc];B[se];W[ri]))))) (;B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[ng]))) (;B[pj]LB[nc:b][qc:a][nd:c][qh:d]C[Outdated 3-Space High Pincer = Sangen Takabasami = Sekan Nop'dahyeopgong = San Gaojia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black may play this way with a san-ren-sei at top, in which case White may enter the corner at 'a'. The double approach moves of 'b' or 'c' and 'd' are also possible. ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:a][qd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pc]C[Black 5 is appropriate given Black support at top.];W[qd];B[pe];W[rg]) (;B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc];B[nd];W[mc];B[md])) (;W[nc]LB[nd:c][oe:b][pf:a]C[Best way to punish Black. Traditional joseki continues with Black 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' may be playable as well.] (;B[pf]LB[qc:b][pg:a]C[White 'a' is traditional joseki. White 'b' is a new line of play.] (;W[pg];B[of]LB[qc:b][qd:a][qe:c][re:d]C[White continues with 'a' to 'd'.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe]TR[qn]LB[rd:a][rg:b]C[White continues with 'a' (rare) or 'b'] (;W[rd]LB[qc:b][qg:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qg];W[rf]LB[oc:a][qh:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oc]LB[nd:b][qh:a]C[Black 15 is the best way to keep White from connecting. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is an overplay in the face of Black thickness.] (;W[qh];B[og];W[ph]LB[qi:a][ri:b]C[Black has influence, White territory. The result is considered equal. Black continues with an extension at top. Black can later exchange 'a' for 'b'.]) (;W[nd]C[White 16 is a mistake. The two White stones are heavy in front of such Black thickness.])) (;B[qh]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[pc]C[White is connnected, and White's profit exceeds Black influence.])) (;B[qc]MA[pc]C[Black 13 is a mistake. White can even later cut at the X.];W[qg] ;B[og];W[rj]C[Black 3 has lost effectiveness.])) (;W[rg]TR[qn]C[White 12 is not recommended, except when there is an additional White stone on the triangled position.] ;B[qc];W[rd];B[og];W[ph];B[oh]C[Most professionals prefer White's position. White has sente, so he can extend on the top and make the wall useless.] ;AW[qn];W[pi];B[oi];W[qj];B[qk]C[This stone is wrong now.];W[pk];B[oj];W[ql];B[rk] ;W[rj])) (;W[qc];B[qe];W[pc]LB[lc:c][rf:a][og:b]C[Locally, Black continues with 'a' to 'c'. Black may also play elsewhere.] (;B[rf]) (;B[og]) (;B[lc])) (;W[qe];B[qd]LB[qh:a][oi:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qh];B[oc];W[nd];B[od]LB[jc:b][jd:c][ri:a]C[Black has follow-up moves at 'a' to 'c', but White should first extend on the top.] ;W[kd]C[White 14 is a likely continuation.]) (;W[oi];B[oc];W[oj];B[pk]C[White still lacks settled shape.])) (;W[re]C[This gives the same result as variation 'a', but with a different order of moves.] ;B[qe];W[qd];B[pe]LB[qd:10][re:8]C[For the continuations see the variation where White 10 is played before White 8.])) (;W[qc]LB[pc:a][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[qd]LB[pe:b][qe:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rf]C[Black has imperfect thickness (the pincer is too far, and White 4 has considerable aji), while White has meager territory.]) (;B[pe];W[qe];B[qg];W[jc]C[White may prefer a two-space extension instead of three, depending on the board position.])) (;B[qe]C[Black 7 is a mistake in direction.];W[pc];B[qg]))) (;B[oe]LB[qc:A][of:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc]MA[od]LB[md:a][me:b]C[Just looking at the current position (tewari analysis), Black 5 would be better placed at the 'x'. Further, a White play at 'x' presents a problem for Black. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is too mild.] (;B[md]LB[mc:d][nd:b][od:a][rd:c]C[White continues with 'a' to 'd'.] (;W[od]LB[pe:a][pf:b][pg:B]C[Black continues with 'a', or, to create thickness in sente (by sacrifice), 'b'.] (;B[pe]LB[rd:a][ne:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc]LB[qe:b][pg:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' makes a bad shape.] (;B[pg]C[Black has thickness, keeping to the original strategy.]) (;B[qe]C[Black 15 is a mistake. Black has bad shape.];W[ne];B[nd];W[oc];B[le];W[nf] ;B[pg];W[og];B[qg])) (;W[ne]C[White 12 displays an aggressive style.];B[nd];W[oc]LB[le:b][pg:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is an overplay.] (;B[pg];W[nf]LB[rc:b][le:a]C[The fight begins. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is also seen in professional play.] (;B[le];W[nh]C[White 18 is a possible continuation. The fight continues from here.]) (;B[rc]C[Black 17 is a greedy move.];W[rd];B[re];W[ld];B[mc];W[lc];B[me];W[mb];B[le] ;W[mg];B[sd];W[kb];B[kf];W[kh];B[if])) (;B[le]C[Black 15 is an overplay.];W[rd];B[pg];W[re];B[nf]C[White has undermined Black's position in sente. This is a White success.]))) (;B[pg]C[Black 11 initiates a sacrifice sequence to build thickness in sente.];W[pe] ;B[nd];W[oc];B[pf];W[qe];B[qg];W[rg];B[rd];W[re];B[se];W[rf];B[rh];W[rc])) (;W[nd];B[ne];W[me]LB[mc:b][kd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[kd]LB[ld:b][mf:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[mf];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[og];W[kf];B[id]) (;W[ld]C[White 14 is a mistake.];B[le];W[mc];B[mf];W[ke];B[md];W[lc]C[White is not likely to have a large enough ko threat, so must submit.] ;B[id])) (;B[mc];W[mb];B[kd];W[le];B[lb];W[nb];B[jd];W[mg];B[og])) (;W[rd]C[White 10 leaves the shape at top unresolved.];B[re];W[rc];B[pg]LB[oc:d] [nd:c][od:a][pe:b]C[This shows a position in a professional game between Rin Kaiho (Black) and Kobatashi Koichi (White). White could play 'a', forcing Black 'b', but that would preclude pushing at c and cutting. White may reserve further play locally. The possibility of Black 'd' remains, so there is a tradeoff to White playing elsewhere.]) (;W[mc]C[White 10 is submissive, but may be acceptable from a whole-board perspective.] ;B[ld]LB[nd:a][od:b]C[Black's shape still has defects at 'a' and 'b' that White may exploit later.])) (;B[me]C[Black 9 is too mild; Black should press White.])) (;W[of];B[nf];W[og]LB[qc:A][qe:B]C['a' starts a fight, 'b' aims to build influence by pressing down White on the top side.] (;B[qc];W[ne]LB[nd:B][mf:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[mf];W[me];B[lf];W[kd];B[ni]) (;B[nd];W[me];B[md];W[ld])) (;B[qe];W[rf];B[md];W[lc];B[kd];W[ld];B[le];W[ke];B[jd];W[kb];B[lf];W[ic];B[id] ;W[hc];B[hd];W[gc];B[fe]))) (;B[nd]C[Black 5 is not traditional joseki, and so is best considered a special strategy, but may be playable with a Black position at the upper left.] ;W[md];B[ne] (;W[oc]LB[pc:a][pe:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended, as it gives away too much territory.] (;B[pc]LB[jc:a][od:b][pg:c]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' and 'c' are not recommended.] (;W[jc];B[pf]) (;W[od]C[Without support at top, White 10 is at best premature.];B[pe];W[oe];B[pf] ;W[of];B[pg]MA[mc]C[White must now extend towards the top, but the aji of the two Black stones and the cutting point present problems for White.]) (;W[pg]LB[mc:a][qe:b]C[White 10 is not recommended, as White is thin in two places. Black continues with a sacrifice play at 'a'. Black 'b' is weak.] (;B[mc]C[Black 11 is a sacrifice to build strength to attack the two White stones at right.] ;W[lc];B[mb];W[lb];B[me];W[ld];B[od];W[nb];B[ob];W[ma];B[oh]C[White can only try to live underneath, giving Black great strength on the outside.]) (;B[qe]LB[re:c][ng:a][oh:b]C[Black 11 allows White's splitting maneuver to work. White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a bit slow, but puts more pressure on Black 3. White 'c' is not recommended as being too low, and giving Black influence unnecessarily.] (;W[ng]) (;W[oh]C[White 12 is a bit slow, but may be effective given the whole board situation. White 12 puts a bit more pressure on Black 3 than jumping up from White 10.]) (;W[re]C[White 12 is not recommended, even though White can easily live.];B[pf] LB[qd:a][rf:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qd];B[pe];W[rg]C[Black cannot capture White 14.];B[og];W[ph];B[oh];W[pi];B[oi] ;W[qj];B[qk];W[pk];B[oj];W[rj]C[White 26 ends in White sente, as Black must do something about the cut of White 24.] ;B[ql];W[kc]) (;W[rf]C[White 14 is cowardly.];B[rd];W[of];B[pe];W[og]C[White is at a significant disadvantage as Black torments White while making territory and influence.] ;B[mg];W[nh];B[nj];W[mh];B[me];W[ld];B[kf]))))) (;B[pe]C[Black 9 leaves the corner open, which Black must then defend in gote.] ;W[qb];B[qc];W[rb];B[rc];W[pc];B[qd];W[ic]C[White 16 may also be played one line closer to White's stones.] ;B[oh])) (;W[qc]C[Best way for White];B[oc];W[qd];B[mc]TR[pj]C[Marked stone is in bad position]))) (;W[nd]LB[ne:A][pf:B]C['a' or 'b' are okay. ] (;B[ne];W[me];B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[od];B[pf];W[pc];B[rc];W[rb];B[rd]) (;B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qe];B[od]LB[rc:b][og:a]C[White continues with 'a', possibly 'b'.] (;W[og]C[White 10 pushes to the center so as not to give too much thickness.];B[qd] C[The only move.];W[mg];B[ng];W[nh];B[nf];W[oi]) (;W[rc]C[White 10 is a classic move, but yields much thickness to Black.];B[og] LB[oh:B][ph:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;W[ph];B[oh]C[Black 3 and 13 are working well together.]) (;W[oh];B[ph];W[qg];B[nh];W[oi];B[nj];W[pi];B[qi];W[qh];B[ni];W[qj];B[oj];W[ri] C[Black built a lot of thickness in sente.])))) (;W[qh];B[qe];W[pf];B[nc];W[rj])) (;B[oe]C[ Diagonal = Kosumi = Ibkucha = Jian ----------------------------------- Black 3 is an invention of Takemiya Masaki. The move only makes sense with a Black supporting stone as shown, as part of a moyo strategy. ] ;W[qc]LB[pc:A][qd:B]C[White naturally takes profit. 'a' and 'b' are both correct and build a wall to the top. After 'b', that wall is stronger.] (;B[pc];W[qd];B[pg]LB[pf:b][qg:a][dp:c]C[Black 7 continues moyo strategy. White continues with 'a' for territory or 'b' to provoke a fight. Tenuki 'c' is not recommended.] (;W[qg];B[ph]) (;W[pf];B[of];W[og];B[qg];W[rg];B[rh];W[rf];B[pi]C[While Black may have influence, White should not be at a disadvantage in the coming fight.]) (;W[dp];B[qg]C[Black forces in sente.];W[rf])) (;B[qd]C[This move is recommended by Takemiya Masaki.];W[pc]LB[nc:A][oc:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake and builds the wall to the wrong direction.] (;B[nc]LB[nb:A][rd:B]C['a' or 'b'. With 'b', White wants to lure Black into taking gote.] (;W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc]LB[qe:B][dp:A]C[Black takes sente by playing tenuki 'a' as the wall to the top is enough. In the rare case of no large strategic point on the board, Black can play 'b'.] (;B[dp]) (;B[qe])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc]LB[oc:A][qe:B]C['a' to take sente. After 'b', Black ends up in gote.] (;B[oc];W[qe]) (;B[qe];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc]))) (;B[oc];W[ob];B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]))) (;B[of]MA[jc]LB[nc:c][qc:a][rd:d][og:e][ph:b]C[ High Knight's Cap = Takageima ------------------------------- Black 3 is played with an extension at top, such as marked. White continues with 'a', 'b', 'e', or possibly 'd'. White 'c' is a trick play. ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:A][qd:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[rg];B[je]) (;B[qd];W[pc];B[oc];W[ob];B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nb];B[mc]TR[jc]C[Black has not used the marked stone.])) (;W[ph];B[qe];W[pf]LB[oe:A][pe:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oe];W[qc];B[pc];W[re];B[qd];W[rd];B[rc]) (;B[pe];W[og];B[nf])) (;W[nc]LB[qc:a][nd:e][oe:d][pe:c][qe:b]C[White 4 is a trick. Black 'a' is best. Black 'b' gives an equal result. Black 'c', 'd', and 'e' are mistakes.] (;B[qc]LB[md:a][ph:b]C[Regardless of White's next move, Black 'a' or 'b' are good follow-up moves.]) (;B[qe];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[rf];W[rb];B[qg]) (;B[pe]C[Black 5 is a mistake. If Black was worred about being overextended, the capping move of Black 3 was not a good idea.] ;W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[oc];W[re]) (;B[oe]C[Black 5 is the same mistake as the previous variation (c).];W[qc];B[pc] ;W[qd]) (;B[nd]C[Black 5 is a mistake.];W[md];B[oc];W[ne];B[od];W[mc];B[ph]C[Black 11 is a possible continuation.] ;W[qh]CR[rd]C[White can also slide into the corner at the marked spot.])) (;W[rd]C[White slides to settle his shape.];B[qc];W[ph];B[je]) (;W[og];B[ng]LB[pg:B][oh:A]C['a' is possible, 'b' is questionable.] (;W[oh];B[pf];W[qg];B[qe];W[qj]) (;W[pg];B[nh];W[nf];B[oe];W[mf];B[md]))) (;B[pg]C[ Shoulder Hit = Kata-tsuki -------------------------- ];W[pf];B[of] LB[oe:A][og:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[oe];B[pe];W[og];B[nf];W[ph];B[ng];W[qg]LB[nd:A][re:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;B[nd];W[rd]) (;B[re];W[oc]LB[pc:B][od:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[od];W[ne];B[nd];W[me];B[nc];W[nh]) (;B[pc];W[od]))) (;W[og];B[ph];W[oe];B[nf];W[pe];B[qd];W[od];B[oc];W[nc];B[ob];W[me];B[nb];W[oh] ;B[oi];W[mg];B[oj];W[mi])) (;B[jd]LB[nc:a][qc:c][md:b]C[White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[nc]LB[nd:A][pf:B]C['a' is ok, 'b' is old-fanhioned. ] (;B[nd]LB[qc:A][md:B]C['a' or 'b'. ] (;W[qc];B[oc];W[qd];B[mc]) (;W[md];B[ne];W[pc];B[oc];W[ob];B[od];W[mb];B[qc];W[pb];B[lc];W[mc];B[qe])) (;B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg])) (;W[md];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qe];B[qd]LB[rd:b][pe:a]C[White continues with 'a' or the trick play of 'b'.] (;W[pe];B[oe];W[od];B[nd];W[oc];B[rd];W[qh];B[nc]LB[ob:a][pc:b]C[White continues with 'a', or the trick play at 'b'.] (;W[ob];B[nb]LB[qb:b][ne:a]C[White continues with 'a', sacrificing the three White corner stones, or 'b' to try to trick Black.] (;W[ne];B[nf];W[me];B[pb];W[mg];B[lc]) (;W[qb]C[White 20 is a trick play.];B[rb];W[ra]LB[sb:b][me:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[me]LB[sb:b][rc:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rc];B[pb]LB[pa:a][pc:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pa];B[pc];W[oa];B[na];W[qa];B[sb]) (;W[pc];B[qc];W[pa];B[sc];W[re];B[na];W[oa]C[The corner can be regarded as seki, unless someone starts a ko by playing at the 1-1 point. Black sente and the Black hane at 23 makes this a favorable result for Black.])) (;W[sb];B[rc];W[re];B[sc]C[The ko is not important\: the hane of Black 23 is sufficient profit, according to Yoshio Ishida.])) (;B[sb]C[Black 23 is a mistake; Black has been tricked.];W[ne];B[nf];W[me];B[lc] ;W[mg];B[pb];W[pc];B[qc];W[pa];B[na];W[oa];B[sa];W[mc];B[qa];W[mb];B[pb];W[mf]C[White has great thickness, and Black is sealed in. This is a success for White.]))) (;W[pc]LB[nb:c][qb:b][qc:a]C[White 18 is a trick play. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[qc];W[nb];B[mc];W[qb];B[rb];W[mb];B[lc];W[pb];B[ra];W[lb];B[kc];W[oa]LB[sc:b] [mf:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' to save the corner stones looks necessary, but is not.] ;B[mf];W[sc]C[White 32 attempts to kill the Black corner stones.];B[re];W[rf]C[White must play 34 to prevent Black from playing there.] ;B[sb];W[se];B[rc];W[sd];B[sf];W[se];B[sd]) (;B[qb]C[Black 19 is a mistake.];W[ne];B[nf];W[me];B[nb];W[mg];B[qc];W[mf];B[ob] MA[lc]LB[pc:18][jd:3]C[Black is worse off than in the result of the main variation, where White doesn't try the trick play move of 18 and Black connects to Black 3 with a stone at the marked location.]) (;B[nb]C[Black 19 is a mistake.];W[qc];B[rc];W[rb];B[qb]C[Black must fight a ko, which is a disadvantgeous result for Black.] ;W[pb];B[ra];W[qa];B[sb];W[sa]))) (;W[rd]LB[rc:a][od:b]C[White 10 is a trick play. Black continues with 'a'. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rc];W[pe];B[oe];W[od]LB[re:b][qg:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qg]LB[re:a][rg:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[re];B[oc]LB[nd:b][qh:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qh];B[nd]) (;W[nd]C[White 18 is a mistake.];B[rg]C[Black captures the 5 White stones.])) (;W[rg];B[qh];W[rh]LB[re:b][qi:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qi];W[ri];B[qj];W[re]LB[oc:a][nd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to live in the corner, or 'b' for outside influence.] (;B[oc]C[Black for corner territory.];W[nd]LB[qb:b][rb:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[rb];W[ng]C[White 26 starts a difficult fight for Black.];B[og];W[oh]C[A classic squeeze play.] ;B[nh];W[nf];B[ph];W[oi]LB[mb:a]C[Further, White 'a' is sente against the Black corner group.]) (;B[qb]LB[pc:a]C[If Black plays 25 here, it leaves aji for White to play 'a' later and reduce Black to one eye.] ;W[pc]C[White can play 26 with support as shown.];B[qc];W[ob];B[pb];W[nb]LB[ra:a] [sb:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai, and Black dies.])) (;B[nd]C[Black sacrifices the corner for influence.];W[oc];B[nc];W[qc];B[ob];W[pc] ;B[me]C[The result is considered clearly favorable for Black, as Black's thickness is superior to White's 20 points in the corner.])) (;B[re];W[rf];B[sd];W[qi];B[nd]LB[oc:a]C[With the White stone captured, White's extending to 'a' is fruitless.] ;W[og];B[me]C[Black gets a favorable result.]))) (;B[re]C[Black 15 is a mistake.];W[qg]LB[oc:b][nd:a]C[Black may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nd];W[oc];B[nc];W[qc]) (;B[oc];W[nd];B[nc];W[mg]C[Black's three stones are trapped.]))) (;B[od]C[Black 11 is weak. Black has tricked himself.];W[rc]))) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[pf];B[qe];W[re];B[rd];W[rc];B[rf];W[sd];B[of];W[og] ;B[ng];W[ph];B[nf];W[nh];B[mh];W[ni];B[mi];W[nj];B[mj];W[nk])) (;B[]LB[nc:a][qc:c][qd:b][of:d][qj:e]C[ Tenuki ------- Black plays elsewhere. White continues with 'a' or 'd'. White 'b' is a trick. White 'c' is also possible. 'e'. ] (;W[nc]LB[oe:a][pf:c][cq:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'c'. 'b' shows Black playing elsewhere.] (;B[oe];W[qc]LB[md:B][qd:A]C['a' to take a side or 'b' for a center moyo.] (;B[qd];W[pc];B[md]LB[nd:B][od:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is inferior.] (;W[od];B[pe];W[rd];B[re];W[rc]LB[qe:B][pg:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[pg]LB[qe:B][qf:2][rf:A]C[Later, White activates White 2 on 'a', not on 'b'.] (;W[rf];B[qe];W[se];B[qg]) (;W[qe]LB[qe:16][rf:A][qg:B]C[White 16 is wrong, because Black can make a border of his territory in sente unto the second line by sacrificing another stone on 'a'. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rf];W[qg];B[qh];W[rg];B[rh];W[se];B[pf];W[sf]) (;B[qg];W[rf];B[rg]))) (;B[qe];W[ne];B[nd];W[oc];B[le];W[nf];B[pg];W[og];B[pf];W[lg])) (;W[nd];B[ne];W[me];B[kd];W[mf];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[og];W[kf];B[hc];W[li] ;B[pj])) (;B[md];W[qd];B[pg];W[qg];B[ph])) (;B[]LB[qc:B][oe:A]C[Black plays elsewhere. 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oe]LB[oc:a][qc:b]C[A go proverb states\: "in a symmetrical position, play in the center", but that is not the case here. Go Seigen insists Black 'a' is the best move. Black 'b' also gives life.] (;B[oc]LB[nb:a][od:b]C[White 'a' seals Black in. White 'b' results in an exchange, with Black getting out on the right.] (;W[nb];B[re];W[rf];B[od];W[nd];B[ob]C[ If you know the follow-up, please email\: [email protected].]) (;W[od];B[qe];W[pc];B[qc];W[ob];B[rf];W[rg];B[qg];W[pf];B[rh];W[re];B[sg];W[rd])) (;B[qc];W[pb]LB[qb:b][qe:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is less favorable.] (;B[qe]LB[re:A][rf:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[re];B[pe];W[pf];B[rd];W[rf];B[pc];W[ob];B[qb]) (;W[rf];B[qb];W[pc];B[od];W[nd];B[pe];W[pf];B[re]C[ * Joseki *];W[rd];B[se];W[rb] ;B[ra];W[rc];B[qd];W[sc];B[sb];W[sa];B[qa]C[Black lives.])) (;B[qb];W[pc];B[re];W[qe];B[qd];W[rf];B[od];W[nd];B[pa];W[mb];B[sd];W[qa]LB[ra:B] [rb:A]C['a' is correct and brings life, 'b' is wrong and leads to death.] (;B[rb]LB[oa:B][sf:A]C[Neither 'a' or 'b' kill.] (;W[sf];B[sc]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[oa];B[ra];W[sf];B[rd])) (;B[ra];W[sb];B[rb];W[sf];B[sc];W[rd])))) (;W[qc];B[pf];W[pg];B[qe])) (;B[pf];W[pg]TR[pj]LB[qe:A][of:B]C['a' or, with an additional stone on the triangled position, 'b'.] (;B[qe];W[of];B[pe];W[qg];B[nd];W[md];B[ne];W[ob];B[pb];W[pc];B[qc];W[oc]LB[qb:a] [kd:b]C[Black continues with 'a', possibly 'b'.] (;B[qb]C[White 19 is the obvious continuation for a solid base in the corner.];W[re] ;B[rd];W[jc]) (;B[kd]C[Black 19 is feasible with support at the top left.];W[qb];B[rb];W[pa];B[rd] ;W[kc]C[White 24 is one possible continuation. White must play locally to settle the group.] ;B[jc]LB[kb:a][lc:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[kb]) (;W[lc]))) (;AB[pj];B[of]LB[qc:B][qd:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[qc];W[rd]LB[og:B][qh:A]C['a' or 'b'. ] (;B[qh];W[qg];B[oc]) (;B[og];W[ph];B[oh];W[pi];B[oi];W[qj];B[qk];W[pk];B[oj];W[rk];B[ql];W[rl];B[qm] ;W[rm];B[qn];W[jc])) (;W[qc];B[qe];W[pc];B[og])))) (;W[qd]C[White 3 is a trick play.];B[qc]LB[pc:B][rc:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' an overplay.] (;W[rc];B[pc];W[re];B[ld]) (;W[pc]LB[qb:A][oc:B][od:D][qe:C]C['a' punishes the White overplay. 'b' and 'c' fail to do so. Black 'd' is a mistake.] (;B[qb]LB[pb:B][oc:C][rd:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[rd];B[oc]) (;W[pb];B[ob];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[qe]) (;W[oc];B[od];W[nd];B[oe];W[mc];B[qe])) (;B[oc];W[pb];B[qe];W[rd];B[od]LB[ob:a][rc:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[ob];B[re];W[rc];B[pf]) (;W[rc];B[ob];W[qb];B[kc])) (;B[qe]C[Black 6 is not recommended. White gets good shape on top.];W[rd];B[od] ;W[qb];B[re];W[rc];B[pf];W[nc]) (;B[od]C[Without supporting stones nearby, Black 6 is a mistake.];W[qb];B[rc];W[rd] ;B[pb];W[oc];B[rb];W[nc]))) (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qd];W[pc]LB[oc:b][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is an overplay.] (;B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]) (;B[oc]C[Black 6 is a mistake.];W[rc]LB[od:a][rd:b]C[White 7 is the only move. Black continues with 'a', but, given the initial overplay, the mistake of 'b' may be expected.] (;B[od];W[rd]C[White connects, and has no wasted stones.]) (;B[rd]C[White 8 is a mistake.];W[od]LB[ob:c][nc:b][oe:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[oe];W[nd];B[pf];W[nc]) (;B[nc]C[Black 10 is a mistake. White captures the three Black stones.];W[pe];B[rf] ;W[re])))) (;B[pc]C[Black plays 4 with support as shown.];W[qd];B[pe];W[qe];B[og];W[ph]C[The continuation from here depends upon strategic considerations.])) (;W[of];B[nd];W[mf];B[ld];W[pk]) (;W[qj];B[ql]C[These variations are included as Hoshi-Tenuki-Nirensei variations.])) (;B[re]LB[nc:b][pc:c][qe:f][of:e][rf:d][pj:a]C[ Low Knight's Move = Hikui Keima ---------------------------------- White continues with 'a' to 'd'. White should be prepared for a fight with 'b' and 'c'. White 'e' is a special strategy, not recommended. White 'f' is a mistake. ] (;W[pj]LB[of:B][pg:D][ph:C][qh:A]C['a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'.] (;B[qh]LB[rf:b][qj:a]C[White can emphasize the bottom right with 'a', or fight with 'b'.] (;W[qj];B[of]) (;W[rf])) (;B[of]) (;B[ph]LB[nc:C][of:B][rf:A][qh:D]C['a' takes territory in the corner. 'b' creates influence to the top side. 'c' takes small territories on both sides. 'd' is a disadvantageous way to build territory on the right side.] (;W[rf]LB[pf:B][rh:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;B[rh];W[of];B[nh];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe]LB[pc:B][rc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rc];W[nd];B[ne]LB[pc:B][me:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[me];B[nf];W[pc];B[od];W[pb];B[nc];W[rb];B[qb];W[qa]) (;W[pc];B[pb];W[oc];B[oe];W[ob];B[qa];W[rd];B[rb])) (;B[pc];W[rc];B[rb];W[sb];B[rd];W[sc];B[ra];W[qb];B[pb];W[mf];B[md];W[kf];B[mj])) (;B[pf];W[qe];B[pe];W[qd];B[qc];W[rc];B[rb];W[qb];B[pc];W[sb];B[qg];W[rg];B[rh] ;W[ra])) (;W[of]LB[rf:A][nh:B]C['a' or, with an additional stone on the top, 'b'.] (;B[rf]LB[od:A][oh:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is only possible with additional strength in the lower right.] (;W[od];B[oc];W[pc];B[pb];W[qc];B[qd]LB[ob:B][nc:C][nd:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are disadvantageous.] (;W[nd];B[nc];W[mc];B[rc];W[ld]) (;W[ob];B[nc];W[qb];B[nb];W[pa];B[qg]) (;W[nc];B[ob];W[nd];B[qg];W[nb];B[qb];W[jc])) (;W[oh];B[oi];W[pi];B[qh]LB[nh:A][ni:B]C[If 'a', White gets two weak groups. If 'b', Black gets a huge territory.] (;W[nh];B[ni];W[ok];B[mi];W[lg];B[ki]) (;W[ni];B[og];W[oj];B[ng]))) (;AB[ic];B[nh];W[qh];B[pg];W[qg];B[pf];W[qe];B[pe];W[qd];B[qc];W[rc];B[pb])) (;W[nc];B[oc];W[nd];B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[qg];B[qe];W[qh];B[oh];W[qj];B[ri];W[qi] ;B[of];W[jc]) (;W[qh];B[pg];W[qg];B[pf];W[qe];B[qd];W[pe];B[oe];W[pi];B[nf])) (;B[pg]LB[pf:A][rf:C][qg:B]C['a', 'b' and 'c' are disadvantageous.] (;W[pf]LB[of:B][qg:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is disadvantageous.] (;B[qg];W[rf];B[rg];W[of];B[og]LB[rd:A][nf:B]C['a' takes small territory. 'b' a large influence to the top in sente.] (;W[rd];B[nf]) (;W[nf];B[sf];W[od];B[oc];W[nc];B[nd];W[md];B[oe];W[ne];B[od];W[mc]LB[ob:A][dp:B] C['a' is necessary, tenuki 'b' is bad.] (;B[ob]) (;B[dp];W[ob]LB[pb:B][qc:A]C['a' is possible, 'b' is not.] (;B[qc];W[pb]LB[qb:A][co:B]C['a' is honte. Tenuki 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qb]) (;B[co];W[rd]LB[rc:B][qe:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe];W[rc]LB[qb:A][rb:B]C['a' loses less than 'b'.] (;B[qb];W[rb]LB[qa:B][qd:A]C['a' saves stones, 'b' loses stones.] (;B[qd];W[qa]) (;B[qa];W[qd];B[pe];W[pc];B[se];W[sd];B[sg])) (;B[rb];W[qb];B[sb];W[qd];B[sd];W[pc])) (;B[rc];W[qe];B[se];W[sd];B[sg];W[qd]))) (;B[pb];W[qd]LB[rd:B][qe:A] (;B[qe];W[pe];B[pc];W[rd];B[se];W[sd];B[sg];W[qb]LB[pa:B][nb:A]C[Neither 'a' nor 'b' help.] (;B[nb];W[pa];B[oa];W[qa];B[mb];W[lb]) (;B[pa];W[qc];B[nb];W[mb];B[oa];W[qa];B[rb];W[ma];B[sc];W[na];B[ra];W[ob])) (;B[rd];W[qc]LB[rc:B][qe:A] (;B[qe];W[pe];B[pc];W[qb]) (;B[rc];W[qb])))))) (;B[of]LB[oe:C][og:B][qg:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is disadvantageous, 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[qg];B[og];W[qi];B[oe];W[ql]) (;W[og];B[qg];W[rg];B[oh];W[ng];B[rf];W[oe];B[ph]) (;W[oe];B[qg];W[rf];B[rg];W[pe];B[sf]))) (;W[qg];B[pf];W[qe];B[qd];W[pe];B[oe];W[qh]) (;W[rf];B[pf];W[qe];B[pe]LB[qd:B][rd:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' provokes a big Black wall.] (;W[rd];B[rc];W[qi]) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[rc];B[rb];W[qb];B[pc];W[sb];B[rd];W[ra];B[rg];W[sd];B[qg];W[se])))) (;W[nc];B[oc];W[nd];B[of]C[Fighting erupts. Continuation depends on overall board position.] ;W[pe]C[White 8 shows toughness.];B[oe];W[od];B[pc]LB[qd:a][og:b]C[White 'a' and 'b' are possibilities.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[pf];B[og]LB[rd:b][rf:a]C[White 'a' and 'b' are possibilities.] (;W[rf];B[rd];W[qi];B[oi]) (;W[rd];B[rf];W[qb];B[qg];W[ob])) (;W[og];B[ng];W[qd]LB[qc:b][qe:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe];W[pf];B[pg];W[rf];B[rd];W[oh];B[nf];W[nh];B[mg];W[qh]) (;B[qc]C[The additional stones are from the professional game where this variation arose\: 1973 Pro Best Ten\: Takagawa (White) versus Cho Chikun (Black).] ;W[rd];B[rc];W[pg];B[qe];W[nf];B[pf];W[ne];B[pe];W[nh];B[mg];W[li];B[mh];W[mi];B[oh] ;W[ni];B[ph];W[qg];B[qh];W[lh];B[rg];W[lg];B[rf]))) (;W[pc]LB[oc:b][qc:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[oc]LB[qb:b][od:a]C[Black 'a' is preferable to 'b'.] (;B[od];W[nc];B[qb];W[nd];B[of];W[jd]) (;B[qb];W[od];B[pe];W[kd])) (;B[oc];W[qd];B[qe];W[od]LB[qc:b][pe:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pe];W[nc];B[qc];W[pb]LB[qb:b][oe:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not as favorable.] (;B[oe];W[nd]) (;B[qb];W[ob]LB[ne:b][oe:a]C[Now Black 'a', White 'b', not as favorable for Black as the other variation.])) (;B[qc];W[pe];B[rd];W[pd];B[qb];W[nc];B[pf]))) (;W[rf]LB[qe:B][qi:A]C[White 4 was played by Fujisawa Shuko = Fujisawa Hideyuki against Kato Masao in game 4 of the 1978 Kisei Title. 'a' with support in the lower right, or 'b'. ] (;B[qi];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe]LB[pc:B][rc:A]C['a' or 'b' are joseki, 'a' takes the corner. ] (;B[rc]LB[od:A][of:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is too afraid. ] (;W[od]LB[pc:A][pe:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. ] (;B[pc];W[of];B[pe];W[ng]) (;B[pe];W[pc];B[oc];W[pb];B[oe];W[nd];B[ob];W[nf];B[ne];W[me];B[md];W[nc])) (;W[of];B[nd])) (;B[pc];W[rc];B[rb];W[sb];B[rd];W[sc];B[ra];W[qb];B[pb];W[of])) (;B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[qj])) (;W[of]C[White 4 gives away much profit, but breaks up the center.];B[nd];W[mf] LB[kf:b][rf:a]C[Black continues with 'a' to solidify the corner position. Black 'b' is premature.] (;B[rf]LB[kf:b][qg:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qg];B[kf];W[qd];B[qe];W[pe];B[oe];W[pf];B[qc]) (;W[kf];B[if];W[qg])) (;B[kf]C[Black 7 is premature.];W[qd];B[qe];W[pe];B[oe];W[pf];B[qc];W[rf];B[rd] ;W[nj])) (;W[qe]C[White 4 is a mistake, giving Black solid territory.];B[qd];W[rf];B[rd] ;W[pj]C[White may extend nearby 8 (instead of White 8).];B[md]C[Black may also play above Black 9, at n17.])) (;B[qc]C[ 3-3 = San-san --------- ];W[of];B[md];W[pj]) (;B[rf]LB[qe:B][re:A]C['a' is tricky. 'b' is the right defense.] (;W[re];B[qe];W[rg] (;B[rd]C[Wrong timing.];W[sf]) (;B[pf];W[qg];B[rd];W[sf]C[Slightly better result for Black.])) (;W[qe];B[qd];W[re];B[rd] (;W[se]C[Too passive.];B[mc]) (;W[qi]C[Correct.]))) (;B[qe]C[This variation is included in two other branches\: 1. as Hoshi (r11) variation for White corner invasions after White made a base, and 2. as Hoshi-Tenuki-Sanrensei variation for White on the run. ] ;W[pf] (;B[pi];W[od];B[oc];W[nd] (;B[pe]C[Correct answer];W[of];B[pc];W[mg];B[mc]C[Joseki]) (;B[nc]C[Mistake];W[pc];B[qc];W[pb];B[qb];W[pe];B[qd];W[mc];B[ob];W[nb];B[pa];W[ld] C[White's wall is really good, so White is favorable])) (;B[nd];W[pj]C[Joseki];B[qh]C[Invented by Lee Changho. It helps defend the corner in sente.] ;W[ph];B[rf];W[rg];B[re];W[qg]C[Korean joseki]))) (;W[pf]LB[nd:a][qf:f][ph:c][qh:d][pj:b][qj:g][dp:e]C[ 1-Space High Approach = Ikken Takagakari = Hankan Nop'dakeolch'im = Yi Gaojia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black typically responds at 'a' or 'g'. Black 'b' is played when Black finds play on the right side advantageous. Black 'c' or 'd' may be played when Black has support at top. Black 'e' shows White follow-up if Black plays elsewhere. Black 'f' makes territory like 'a', but forgets to care for additional influence which is created by 'a'. f6, e5, d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;B[nd]LB[lc:e][qc:b][qd:a][pj:c][qj:d]C[ 1-Space Jump = Ikken Tobi = Hankan Ddwim = Yi Tiao` ---------------------------------------------------- White continues with 'a'. White 'b' to 'e' are not recommended. ] (;W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc];W[qj];B[jc]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[qc]C[White 4 contradicts the strategy of enphasizing the center with the high approach move.] ;B[qd]LB[pb:A][rd:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is questionable.] (;W[pb]LB[nb:A][rc:B]C['a' leaves a possibility to kill White, 'b' doesn't.] (;B[nb];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]LB[nc:A][sd:B]C[Later, Black 'a' is a threat to kill, Black 'b' kills if Black has the ladder.] (;B[nc];W[ob]) (;B[sd];W[rb];B[qa];W[ra];B[pa];W[ob];B[oa];W[nc]LB[mc:A][oc:B] (;B[mc];W[oc];B[mb];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[md];W[pe];B[of];W[pg];B[qe];W[nf]) (;B[oc];W[mc];B[mb];W[na];B[ma];W[qb];B[na];W[lb]))) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[pc];W[qb];B[rd];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[sb])) (;W[rd]LB[pc:A][re:B]C['a' attempts to attack White, 'b' just lets him settle himself.] (;B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc];B[pb];W[qe];B[rf]C[And Black attacks White's weakness.] ;W[qg];B[rg];W[qh];B[re];W[rh];B[ra]) (;B[re];W[rc];B[qf];W[ob]))) (;W[pj]C[White 4 prior to taking part of the corner is not recommended.];B[qf]C[Black solidifies the corner.] ;W[qg];B[qe]) (;W[qj];B[jc]LB[rd:A][qf:B]C[Later White 'a' or Black 'b'.] (;W[rd];B[qe];W[qf];B[re];W[rf]LB[rc:A][se:B]C['a' is easier than 'b'.] (;B[rc];W[se];B[qd]) (;B[se];W[oc])) (;B[qf];W[qg];B[qe])) (;W[lc];B[me]LB[jd:A][qj:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[jd];B[qj]) (;W[qj];B[kd]))) (;B[pj]C[ 3-Space High Pincer = Sangen Takabasami = Sekan Nop'dahyeopgong = San Gaojia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ] ;W[nd]LB[pc:b][qc:c][oe:a]C[Black responds with 'a' to 'c'.] (;B[oe];W[qc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qd];W[pc];B[of];W[od]LB[pe:b][pg:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pg]) (;B[pe];W[mf])) (;B[pc]C[Black 7 is the wrong direction.];W[qd];B[qe];W[pe];B[re];W[pb];B[ob];W[od] ;B[oc];W[nb];B[qb];W[nc];B[pa];W[nf])) (;B[pc];W[nf];B[nb]) (;B[qc])) (;B[ph]C[ 1-Space High Pincer = Ikken Takabasami = Hankan Nop'dahyeopgong = Yi Gaojia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This situation arises when Black has support at top. ] ;W[qd];B[qc];W[pc]LB[qb:c][rc:d][od:a][pe:b]C[White must have the ladder to play this way (especially for d4). Black has various continuations.] (;B[od];W[qb];B[rc];W[rb];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[sc]) (;B[pe];W[rc];B[qb];W[rb]LB[pb:b][oc:a]C[Black continues at 'a' or 'b'. Black 'a' is more sensible, as Black yields the corner for thickness.] (;B[oc];W[pb];B[qe];W[rd];B[ob];W[qa]) (;B[pb]C[Black crawls along the second line (the line of defeat).];W[oc];B[ob];W[nc] ;B[nb];W[qe])) (;B[qb];W[od];B[pb];W[oc];B[rd];W[qe];B[ob]) (;B[rc]C[White must have the ladder to play this way.];W[od]LB[pb:a]C[White 8 at 'a' does not work.])) (;B[qh]C[ 1-Space Low Pincer = Ikken Basami = Hankan Hyeopgong = Yi Jia -------------------------------------------------------------- Black 3 was played by Kitani Minoru against Iwamoto Kaoru in game 3 of the 4th Honinbo title in November, 1947. ] ;W[nd];B[pc];W[ph];B[qg];W[qf];B[pg];W[of];B[og];W[nf];B[nc];W[ld];B[mc];W[kf]) (;B[]LB[nd:a][ne:b]C[ Tenuki ------- Black plays elsewhere. White continues with 'a' or 'b'. ] (;W[nd]LB[qc:A][qd:C][oe:B]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[qc];W[nf]LB[oe:a][cq:b]C[Black continues locally with 'a', or plays elsewhere (b).] (;B[oe]C[White 6 aims to take more corner territory. Black cannot hope to break into the center.] ;W[of];B[ne];W[me];B[md];W[ld];B[mc];W[lc];B[nb];W[mb];B[nc];W[lf]) (;B[]C[Black plays elsewhere again.];W[oc]LB[qf:b][rf:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'a' risks abandoning the corner stones (White's choice).] (;B[rf]LB[qg:a][rg:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qg]C[White gains further influence.];B[rg];W[qe];B[re];W[qd];B[rd];W[pc];B[qb] ;W[qh]) (;W[rg]C[White takes the corner.];B[qg];W[qf];B[rh];W[re];B[sg];W[qe];B[oh])) (;B[qf];W[qg];B[qe];W[rg];B[]C[Black plays elsewhere.];W[rd]C[White 11 is the vital point.] ;B[re];W[qb];B[rb];W[pb];B[ra]))) (;B[oe];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd]LB[ne:B][of:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[of];W[pg];B[kd]) (;B[ne];W[md])) (;B[qd];W[nf];B[rf])) (;W[ne];B[nc];W[mc];B[mb];W[nb]LB[ob:a][nd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to take the corner, or 'b' to get out to the center.] (;B[ob];W[nd];B[oc];W[lb];B[na];W[ld]) (;B[nd]LB[ob:a][md:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is unreasonable.] (;W[ob];B[pc];W[lc];B[md];W[kd];B[ke];W[je];B[kf]) (;W[md]C[White 9 is unreasonable.];B[lb];W[pc];B[ob];W[od];B[oc];W[oe];B[qd];W[pb] ;B[na];W[rc];B[qc];W[qb];B[rb];W[ra];B[sb];W[sc];B[pa];W[sa];B[rb];W[sb];B[rd];W[re] ;B[oa];W[sd];B[qa];W[qe];B[rb];W[qb])))) (;B[qf]LB[pe:c][qe:b][qg:a]C[ Attach to Draw Back = Tsuke-Hiki ----------------------------------- White continues with 'a'. With a favorable ladder to the lower left, White may consider 'b'. 'c' is not recommended. ] (;W[qg];B[qe];W[ph];B[nc]LB[qk:A][ql:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qk]MA[nd]LB[qf:3]C[Unlike Black 3 onto the squared position, Black has no strong continuations into the center.]) (;W[ql])) (;W[qe]C[White must have the ladder to the lower left to play this way.];B[pe];W[qg] ;B[rf];W[rg]LB[of:a][pg:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. If White has a favorable ladder, Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[of];W[pg];B[re];W[pk];W[qc]C[Later, White may want to use the aji here, but there is none!] ;B[pc]LB[pb:A][qb:B][qd:C]C['a', 'b', 'c' don't work.] (;W[pb];B[ob];W[qd];B[rd];W[rc];B[rb]LB[qb:A][oc:B] (;W[qb];B[sc]) (;W[oc];B[od];W[nb];B[nc];W[oa];B[qb];W[oc];B[mc])) (;W[qb];B[qd];W[pb];B[ob]) (;W[qd];B[qb];W[rc];B[rb];W[sd])) (;B[pg]C[If White has a favorable ladder to catch Black 9, Black 9 is a mistake. Otherwise, White 4 was a mistake.] ;W[of];B[re];W[ph])) (;W[pe];B[qe];W[od];B[oc];W[pc];B[qd];W[nc];B[ob];W[ne];B[nb];W[mc];B[pg])) (;B[qj]C[ 3-Space Low Pincer = Sangen Basami = Sekan Hyeopgong = San Jia --------------------------------------------------------------- ] ;W[nd];B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[of]LB[od:A][pg:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' is more complicated.] (;W[od];B[pg]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[pg];B[oi];W[od];B[pe];W[og];B[mf];W[mg];B[lf];W[mi]))) (;W[pg]LB[md:c][nd:a][qj:b]C[ 2-Space High Approach = Nikken Takagakari = Dukan Nop'dakeolch'im = E`r Gaojia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- White 2 is a light approach move. Rarely played in even games, White 2 is typically employed in handicap games. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. In Korean Sunjang Baduk Black has a stone on 'c'. ] (;B[nd]LB[qd:b][qk:a]C[ 1-Space Jump = Ikken Tobi = Hankan Ddwim = Yi Tiao` ---------------------------------------------------- White continues with 'a' or 'b'. ] (;W[qk];B[jc]C[ * Joseki *];W[qd]TR[jc][qk]C[The continuations are the same as without the marked extensions.]) (;W[qd]LB[qc:a][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'a' gives a clear-cut division of territory\: Black at top, White at right. Black 'b' offers White choices.] (;B[qc]LB[rc:c][pe:b][qe:a]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[qe];B[rc];W[pe];B[od];W[qk];B[jc]C[ * Joseki *]) (;W[pe];B[od];W[re]LB[rc:A][rd:B][qf:C]C['a' is correct. 'b' is bad, because the aji at C is destroyed.] (;B[rc];W[qk];B[jc]) (;B[rd];W[qe];B[rc])) (;W[rc]LB[pc:a][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pc];W[qe];B[rb];W[qk];B[jc]) (;B[qe];W[rd];B[pc];W[pe]LB[oe:b][pf:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pf];W[oe];B[qg];W[of];B[qf];W[ph];B[ri];W[od];B[oc];W[nc];B[nb];W[mc];B[mb] ;W[lc];B[rb]C[Black's territory is superior to White's thickness.]) (;B[oe];W[pf];B[rb];W[re];B[jc])))) (;B[qe];W[pe]LB[oe:e][re:a][pf:b][qf:c][rf:d]C[White 6 is a trick play. Black 'a' offers Black an advantage. Black 'b' makes White fight a ko for life in the corner. Black 'c' is a mistake, with Black taking the corner and White getting superior thickness. 'd' gives White the choice, but is good for Black. 'e' is possible.] (;B[re]LB[pc:c][qc:b][od:d][rd:a]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'. White 'a' results in an ongoing fight. White takes the corner with 'b' or 'c', yielding superior thickness to Black. 'd' is not recommended.] (;W[rd]C[White 8 is a fighting move.];B[rg]LB[pc:b][od:a] (;W[od];B[pc];W[oe];B[oc];W[nc];B[mc];W[nb];B[qc]) (;W[pc]C[White 10 is not recommended.];B[od];W[ob];B[nb]LB[rb:a][pf:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rb];B[pf]C[White 14 is correct shape. Being sealed in the corner is painful for White.]) (;W[pf]LB[qc:A][qh:B] (;B[qc];W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[pb];W[qa];B[oc]LB[rf:b][rh:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rh];B[qh];W[rf];B[ri];W[qf];B[pk]) (;W[rf]C[White 22 is a mistake.];B[qf];W[qg];B[sf];W[rh];B[ri];W[sd];B[se];W[qh] ;B[sh];W[qj];B[sb]LB[sa:a]C[Black wins by one move. The ko at 'a' is easily dismissed as out of question.] ;W[sa];B[ra];W[dp]C[White make a threat elsewhere.];B[pa]C[Black takes.])) (;B[qh];W[rb];B[ph])))) (;W[qc]C[White takes the corner, giving Black thickness.];B[pc];W[pb];B[pf];W[oe] ;B[of];W[ne];B[ob];W[qb];B[nc];W[rd];B[qg];W[sb]) (;W[pc];B[od];W[rc];B[pf];W[nb];B[mb]LB[ob:a][mc:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' concedes a large corner.] (;W[ob]LB[qb:B][mc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[mc]LB[rb:A]C[Later, Black reduces on 'a'.];B[rb];W[qb];B[rd];W[ra];B[qc];W[sb]) (;B[qb]LB[rb:a][qc:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rb];B[nc];W[qc];B[lc]) (;W[qc]C[White 16 is a mistake.];B[mc]LB[rb:a][dp:b]C[Black 17 is still sente. White continues with 'a'. White playing elsewhere ('b') and Black can get a ko on the White corner stones.] (;W[rb]) (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere; a mistake.];B[rb];W[sb];B[na];W[ra]C[A ko results.])))) (;W[mc];B[ob];W[lb];B[oc])) (;W[od];B[pc];W[oe];B[oc];W[qf];B[rd])) (;B[pf]C[Black 7 makes White fight a ko for life in the corner.];W[oe];B[od];W[of] ;B[qc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[rb];W[qb];B[pc];W[sb];B[ra];W[qa];B[sd];W[sa];B[rb];W[ra] ;B[se];W[pb];B[ob];W[oa];B[nb];W[sc]) (;B[qf]C[Black 7 is a mistake. Black gets a sizable corner, but White has great thickness.] ;W[pf];B[qc];W[rd];B[rc];W[od];B[pc];W[qg];B[re];W[rf];B[sd];W[oc]) (;B[rf]LB[pc:A][od:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[qh]) (;W[od];B[pc];W[oe];B[oc];W[qf];B[re];W[rg];B[rd])) (;B[oe];W[pf];B[qc];W[rd];B[pc];W[re])))) (;B[qj]LB[nc:a][md:c][nd:b][od:d]C[ 2-Space Low Pincer = Nikken Basami = Dukan Hyeopgong = E`r Jia --------------------------------------------------------------- White continues with 'a' to 'd'. ] (;W[nc];B[nd];W[md];B[ne];W[oc];B[pc];W[od];B[oe];W[pe]LB[pb:B][mc:A]C['a' and 'b' are joseki. 'a' gives a large corner for huge influence. 'b' gives White the choice to give the corner or the right side.] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc];W[pb];B[qb];W[ob];B[pf];W[qe];B[qf];W[re];B[rf] ;W[qc];B[og]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[pb];W[lc];B[pf];W[qe];B[qf];W[re];B[rf]LB[rc:B][of:A]C['a' and 'b' are joseki. 'a' takes outside influence for the corner. 'b' takes the top side for the right side, while the corner becomes seki.] (;W[of];B[ng];W[og];B[rd];W[mg]C[ * Joseki *];B[se];W[nf];B[qd]LB[me:A]C[A is gote until the endgame for White and ever for Black.]) (;W[rc]LB[rb:A][qc:B]C['a' is joseki, 'b' a mistake leading to a disaster.] (;B[rb];W[sb];B[og]C[ * Joseki *];W[qb];B[rd];W[qd];B[qc];W[sd];B[qa];W[ob];B[sf] ;W[se]C[The corner is seki, because if one side starts the ko, the ko is in favor of the other side.]) (;B[qc];W[rd];B[rb];W[sb];B[ra];W[of];B[nf];W[og];B[qh];W[mg];B[se]LB[sc:B][me:D] [mf:A][ng:C]C[White cannot take the Black corner stones and must play on 'a' (or C or D) and not connect on 'b'.] (;W[mf];B[sd];W[me];B[sa];W[ng];B[sc]C[ Very bad for Black. Compare this White influence to the Black influence after the correct joseki,]) (;W[sc];B[sa];W[ng];B[qd];W[mf];B[sd]C[White wanted too much and got less.]))))) (;W[nd];B[oe]LB[ld:b][ne:c][ng:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' and 'c' are not recommended.] (;W[ng];B[ne];W[ld];B[me]LB[md:a][le:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is unreasonable.] (;W[md];B[le]LB[kd:a][ke:b]C[White must extend with 'a'. The White hane of 'b' is unreasonable.] (;W[kd];B[oh];W[og];B[lg]) (;W[ke]C[White 12 is unreasonable.];B[kd];W[jd];B[kc];W[jc];B[lb];W[jb];B[nc])) (;W[le]C[White 10 is unreasonable.];B[md];W[mc];B[lc];W[kc];B[lb];W[mb];B[kb];W[jc] ;B[jb];W[ic];B[ib];W[hc]LB[ob:a][nc:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ob];W[hb]C[White 24 is not sente.]) (;B[nc]C[Black 23 is a mistake.];W[qc]C[White 24 is possible because of Black 23 (threatening to extend from 16).]))) (;W[ld]C[White 6 is not recommended.];B[ne];W[me];B[ng];W[pi];B[pj];W[oi];B[mf] ;W[lf];B[lg];W[kf];B[oj]C[Because White is high on both sides, White cannot slide into the corner or invade at the 3-3.]) (;W[ne]C[White 6 is not recommended.];B[of];W[pi];B[pj];W[oi];B[nf];W[mf];B[mg] ;W[lf];B[nh];W[oj];B[ok];W[nk];B[ol])) (;W[md]LB[ne:A][dp:B]C['a' or tenuki 'b'.] (;B[ne]LB[nd:b][me:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[me];B[nf];W[nd];B[od];W[pi];B[pj];W[oi];B[mf]LB[qf:A]C[Later, White continues on 'a'.] ;W[qf];B[qe]) (;W[nd];B[oe];W[ng];B[me];W[ld];B[le];W[kd]LB[kd:12][ld:10][md:8][nd:4][pd:1][le:11] [me:9][ne:7][oe:5][ng:6][pg:2][qj:3]C[For continuation, see the variation referenced by the numbers.])) (;B[dp];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[nd];W[nc];B[me]LB[ld:A][ne:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is questionable.] (;W[ld];B[nf]) (;W[ne];B[ld];W[mc];B[nf];W[oe];B[of];W[pe];B[pf];W[qe];B[qf];W[rd];B[lf]))) (;W[od]LB[oc:c][oe:b][pe:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' or 'c' are a mistake, as White cross-cuts, and has the advantage of the nearby stone.] (;B[pe];W[oe];B[oc];W[nc];B[pc];W[of];B[nb];W[mc];B[mb];W[lc];B[oj]) (;B[oe]C[Black 5 is a mistake.];W[pe]) (;B[oc]C[Black 5 is a mistake.];W[pc]))) (;AB[gd][md][dj][pj][dp][gp][mp]AW[dd][jd][dg][dm][pm][jp][pp]PL[W]LB[qd:A]C[ Sunjang Baduk ---------------- Opening position of the traditional Korean Sunjang Baduk. 'a' is the only possibility for a joseki that doesn't sacrifice the outside stone by taking the corner. ] ;W[qd];B[qc]LB[pe:A][qe:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[pe];B[od]LB[rc:A][qe:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rc]LB[qb:B][rd:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is too shy.] (;B[rd];W[qe];B[rb];W[ne]LB[nd:A][re:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[nd];W[re]) (;B[re];W[pc];B[qb];W[nd];B[oc];W[nc])) (;B[qb];W[qe])) (;W[qe];B[rc]C[White has a target to be attacked, Black has many points.])) (;W[qe];B[pc]C[Now White cannot make an extension so he has no eye space.]))) (;W[qg]LB[mc:A][qe:B]C[ 2-Space Low Approach = Nikken Kakari = Dukan Keolch'im = E`r Gua`jiao~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Two of the answers for Black are 'a', which is joseki, and 'b'. ] (;B[mc]LB[qc:B][qd:C][rd:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[rd];B[qc];W[qj]LB[rf:A]C[ * Joseki * Although this is considered as joseki, Black has an unpleasant follow-up on 'a'.] ;B[rf]LB[rd:4][qe:B][qf:A]C[White should answer on 'a'. Resistance on 'b' is futile, as White 4 is lost.] (;W[qf];B[re];W[qe];B[qd];W[rg];B[rc]) (;W[qe];B[qf];W[pf];B[rg];W[qh];B[re];W[qd];B[pe];W[rc];B[rb];W[qb];B[pc];W[sb] ;B[ra];W[qa];B[sd];W[sa];B[rb];W[ra];B[se]C[Black captures.])) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[oc];W[ob];B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]TR[qg]C[Black has not captured the marked stone, so the position is good for white.]) (;W[qd];B[qc]LB[pe:B][qe:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qe];B[pc]) (;W[pe];B[od];W[re];B[rc]))) (;B[qe]LB[mc:B][qj:A]C['a' is usual. 'b' shows the Three Crows.] (;W[qj];B[nc];W[qc];B[pc]LB[rd:B][re:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;W[re]LB[rd:A][rf:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' loses the corner. ] (;B[rd];W[rf];B[rc]) (;B[rf];W[rd];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[pb]LB[ob:A][rb:B]C['a' or 'b' lead to ko.] (;B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qa];B[qb]) (;B[rb];W[qb];B[ob];W[ra];B[sb];W[se];B[rf];W[pa];B[rc]))) (;W[mc];B[oc]C[Three crows.];W[qc]C[White can't kill.];B[ob];W[re];B[rd];W[qd];B[rc] ;W[pe];B[qf];W[rf];B[pf];W[qb];B[rb]))) (;W[]LB[ic:i][jc:a][kc:h][lc:g][mc:b][nc:c][jd:d][nd:e][pp:f]C[ Tenuki ------- White plays elsewhere. Black continuations shown are 'a' to 'f'. 'a' = 3-10 extension. 'b' = large knight extension. 'c' = small knight extension. 'd' = high double wing formation. 'e' is possible, but not joseki. 'e' is shown to illustrate White invasions. 'f' demonstrates joseki in the ni-ren-sei and san-ren-sei fuseki. 'g' and 'h' show the correct answer to a kakari with an additional Black stone there. 'i' is far away for two low extensions. f6, e5, d4, c3, b2, a1 ] (;B[jc]LB[qf:b][cq:a]C[ 5-Space Extension = Goken Biraki = Daseochkan Peollim = Chai Wu~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- White plays elsewhere 'a', or approaches at 'b'. ] (;W[]TR[qh][qi]LB[nd:a][pf:b][qf:d][qg:c][qj:e]C[White plays elsewhere again. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Any second low extension from the hoshi is wrong\: Invasions after 'c' or 'd', general way of punishment (also to be applied after a Black stone on one of the triangled points) after 'e' are shown. ] (;B[nd]LB[qc:a][qd:b][qg:c]C[Black 5 is usually played when Black already has an extension at the top such as Black 2. White continues with 'a', 'b' or 'c' before entering the corner.] (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pb]LB[nb:A][pc:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;B[nb];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc]LB[qa:B][qf:A]C[The joseki ends. Later, 'a' is sente, 'b' a mistake.] (;B[qf];W[ob]) (;B[qa]C[Black 13 can stop White from getting two eyes, but White cannot be captured without additional local Black supporting stones.] ;W[ra];B[pa];W[ob];B[oa];W[qb]LB[na:b][oc:a]C[Black continues with 'a', make Black 13 futile. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[oc];W[na];B[ma]) (;B[na]C[Black 19 is unreasonable; White breaks out.];W[nc];B[mc];W[oc];B[lb];W[od] ;B[oe];W[ne];B[md];W[pe]C[White breaks out.]))) (;B[pc];W[rb]LB[ob:A][rc:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is inferior and only makes sense if Black needs sente very much.] (;B[ob];W[rd];B[re]LB[qa:B][sc:A][sd:C]C[White lives on 'a' or 'b' or takes sente playing elsewhere leaving a ko in the corner which begins with Black 'c'.] (;W[sc]) (;W[qa]) (;B[sd];W[sc])) (;B[rc];W[qb];B[ob];W[rd];B[re];W[sc]))) (;W[qd];B[qc]LB[pe:b][qe:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qe];B[rc];W[pe];B[od];W[qh]) (;W[pe];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[od];B[pc];W[pf]LB[oc:b][qg:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qg];W[pg];B[qh];W[oc];B[ob];W[nc];B[nb];W[mc]) (;B[oc];W[rf];B[rc];W[qf];B[sd];W[qj]))) (;AW[qj];W[qg];B[qe];W[qc]LB[pc:B][rd:A]C[Black tries to take all on 'a' or defends the top side on 'b'.] (;B[rd]LB[nb:A][lc:B]) (;B[pc]LB[rd:A][re:B]C['a' creates a ko in the corner. 'b' reduces.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[pb]LB[ob:A][rb:B]C['a' is simple, 'b' makes the ko bigger.] (;B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qa];B[qb]) (;B[rb];W[qb];B[ob];W[se];B[rf];W[ra];B[sb];W[pa];B[rc];W[qd];B[sd];W[sc])) (;W[re]LB[rd:A][rf:B]C[With 'a', White reduces the corner in sente and secure his group on the right. 'b' lives in the corner.] (;B[rd];W[rf];B[rc]) (;B[rf];W[rd];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb]))))) (;B[pf]LB[pc:A][qc:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[pc];B[oc]LB[ob:b][qc:c][qd:a]C[White continues with 'a', possibly 'b'. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[qd]LB[pe:a][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to emphasize the top, or 'b' to emphasize the right side.] (;B[pe]C[Black 7 emphasizes the top.];W[qb];B[ob];W[rf]) (;B[qe]C[Black 7 emphasizes the right side.];W[od];B[pe];W[ob];B[nc];W[nb];B[qc] ;W[pb];B[mc];W[rd];B[rc];W[rb];B[re];W[qb];B[sd];W[mb];B[lc])) (;W[ob];B[qc];W[pb];B[nc];W[qd];B[qe];W[rd];B[rc];W[od];B[pe];W[nb];B[mc]LB[ob:8] [pb:10][qd:12]C[Same position as a variation of White 12 played before White 8 and 10. ] ;W[rb];B[re];W[qb];B[sd];W[mb];B[lc]) (;W[qc]C[White 6 is heavy, vulgar, and a bad play.];B[ob];W[re];B[rf];W[qe];B[qf] ;W[pe];B[oe];W[qd]LB[ra:b][od:a]C[Black plays 'a' to seal White in with great thickness, or 'b' to fight a ko to kill White's corner stones.] (;B[od];W[pb]) (;B[ra];W[od];B[nd]))) (;AB[qj];W[qc];B[pc];W[rd];B[rf];W[pb];B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qb]LB[nc:A][sc:B]C['a' is usual, 'b' drives White out.] (;B[nc]LB[nf:B][og:A]C[This move or 'a' or 'b' cut the possibility for White to run out.] ;W[re]) (;B[sc];W[sb];B[sd];W[re];B[se];W[qf];B[qg];W[qe];B[rg];W[pe]))) (;B[qg]LB[pc:A][qc:B]C[White continues with 'a'. 'b' gives Black more influence.] (;W[pc]LB[oc:A][qc:B]C['a' takes outside influence, 'b' takes corner territory.] (;B[oc]LB[ob:a][qc:b][qd:c]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' keeps the position simple. White 'c' is not recommended.] (;W[ob]LB[nc:C][qc:B][od:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is not recommended. 'c' is a mistake. ] (;B[od]LB[pb:a][qb:b]C[White continues with 'a'. With a favorable ladder, White may play 'b'.] (;W[pb];B[nb];W[qd];B[qe];W[rd];B[mc]LB[rb:a][re:b][dp:c]C[White can defensively with 'a', leaving the aji on the right for later; play 'b' (only to play 'a' later); or play elsewhere, and suffer an approach-move ko.] (;W[rb]) (;W[re];B[rf];W[pe]LB[oe:a][qf:b]C[Black can squeeze with 'b', or leave the cutting stone with 'a'.] (;B[oe];W[qf];B[pf];W[qe];B[rg];W[rb];B[pg]) (;B[qf])) (;W[]LB[rb:A][re:B]C[White plays elsewhere. Black creates a ko with 'a' instead of pushing White to unconditional life with 'b'.] (;B[rb]C[Black proceeds to an approach-move ko. Black has to add extra moves to make it a proper ko, so this is premature.] ;W[qb];B[rc];W[ra];B[sb];W[qc];B[sd];W[re];B[rf];W[se];B[oa];W[pa];B[na];W[sc]) (;B[re]C[Mistake.];W[rb]))) (;W[qb]C[White must have the ladder to play 8.];B[nb];W[qd];B[qe]TR[pb]LB[qb:10] [rd:B][re:A]C['a' tries to trick Black if White has the ladder, White lives without ko. 'b' gives White gote or an approach move ko like White 10 on the triangled position.] (;W[re];B[rd];W[qc]LB[qf:B][rf:A]C[Black continues with 'a'. 'b' tries to avois the White ladder too early and a wall too small results.] (;B[rf]C[This variations illustrates the favorable ladder for White.];W[pe];B[se] ;W[nc];B[oa];W[pb]LB[mb:B][nd:A]C['a' avoids the ladder. 'b' is very bad for Black if White has the ladder.] (;B[nd];W[mc];B[md];W[mb];B[ld]) (;B[mb];W[mc];B[lc];W[oe];B[nd];W[md];B[ne];W[ld]LB[kc:A][nf:B]C['a' or 'b' are different disasters for Black.] (;B[kc];W[nf]) (;B[nf];W[lb]))) (;B[qf];W[rc])) (;W[rd];B[oa];W[pb];B[mc];W[dp];B[rb];W[ra];B[rc];W[qc];B[sb];W[pa];B[sd];W[re] ;B[rf];W[se];B[na]))) (;B[qc];W[pb];B[nc]LB[qb:B][qd:A]C['a' is correct. If 'b', White dies.] (;W[qd];B[qb];W[od];B[pe];W[nb];B[qe];W[mc];B[nd]) (;W[qb];B[rc];W[nb];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[rb];B[sb])) (;B[nc];W[qc];B[qd];W[nb];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc])) (;W[qc]LB[ob:a][od:b]C[ Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' permits White sente.] (;B[ob];W[re];B[pf];W[rb]) (;B[od];W[re];B[pf]C[White can afford to play elsewhere.])) (;W[qd]SQ[pf]LB[qg:5]C[White 6 is not recommended. The result is similar to the one in the variation of Black 5 being on the squared position instead.] ;B[qe];W[od];B[pe];W[ob];B[nc];W[nb];B[qc];W[pb];B[mc];W[rd];B[rc];W[rb];B[re];W[qb] ;B[sd];W[mb];B[lc]SQ[pf]LB[qg:5]C[The result is similar to the one in the variation of Black 5 being on the squared point, but Black 5 is in a better position here.])) (;B[qc];W[oc]LB[qb:B][qd:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok. ] (;B[qd];W[lc]) (;B[qb];W[ne];B[pe];W[lc]))) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd]LB[qb:A][pe:C][qe:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' gives less influence. 'c' does not close on the right side. ] (;B[qb]LB[rb:b][qf:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a fatal mistake.] (;W[qf];B[pf];W[qe];B[pg];W[rb];B[pb];W[rg];B[rh];W[sg];B[qi]) (;W[rb];B[pb]LB[qe:A][qf:B]C[White lives on 'a', but a cut in the Black wall is gone. White 'b' dies.] (;W[qe];B[pe];W[qf];B[pf];W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[qi]) (;W[qf];B[pf];W[qe];B[rg]LB[ra:a][rf:b]C[White may try 'a' or 'b'. Neither work.] (;W[ra];B[sd]) (;W[rf];B[ra])))) (;B[qe];W[re];B[rf];W[pe];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[nc];W[sd];B[oe]) (;B[pe];W[qe];B[pb];W[qf];B[pf];W[rg];B[qh];W[rh];B[qi]))) (;B[qf]LB[ob:C][pb:B][pc:A][qc:D]C[White can play 'a', 'b' or 'c'. 'c' leads to many variations which are the same as after 'a' or 'b'. 'd' is a mistake, creating only a ko.] (;W[pc]LB[oc:B][qc:A]C[Black can take influence on 'a' or territory on 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[oc]LB[qb:B][qd:A]C[Both 'a' and 'b' are possible.] (;B[qd];W[lc];B[mb]C[Later Black can attack.];W[lb];B[nc];W[nd];B[ob];W[pb];B[od]) (;B[qb];W[od];B[pe];W[lc])) (;B[oc]LB[ob:A][qc:B][qd:C]C['a' is correct. With 'b' or 'c', White lives in the corner.] (;W[ob]LB[pb:B][qc:A][od:C]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[qc];W[pb]LB[qb:B][nc:A]C['a' or 'b' give the corner.] (;B[nc]LB[nb:A][qb:C][rc:B][qd:D]C['a' is correct, 'b' is similar. If 'c' or 'd', White dies.] (;W[nb];B[mc];W[rc]LB[qb:B][qd:A]C['a' gives the corner. 'b' pushes White outside.] (;B[qd];W[qb];B[rd];W[rb]) (;B[qb];W[qd];B[rd];W[qe];B[rb];W[pe];B[od];W[re];B[sc])) (;W[rc]LB[qb:B][qd:A]C['a' gives White a small group in the corner. If 'b', White destroyes the side.] (;B[qd];W[qb];B[nb];W[ra]) (;B[qb];W[qd];B[rb];W[pe];B[od];W[qe])) (;W[qb];B[rc];W[nb];B[mc];W[rb];B[sb];W[mb];B[lb]) (;W[qd];B[rd])) (;B[qb];W[od];B[nc];W[qd];B[pe];W[nb];B[mc];W[mb];B[lc];W[rd];B[rc];W[sb])) (;B[pb];W[qc]LB[nb:B][qb:A]C['a' is correct. If 'b', White easily lives.] (;B[qb]LB[od:A][qd:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is old.] (;W[od];B[nc];W[qd];B[pe];W[nb]LB[rb:A][mc:B]C['a' takes the corner, 'b' the outside.] (;B[rb];W[mc];B[nd]LB[md:A][me:B]C['a' if White is strong on the top left; 'b' if Black is strong on the top left.] (;AW[ec][hc];W[md];B[ne];W[me];B[nf];W[je]) (;AB[dc][gc];W[me];B[md];W[ld];B[ne];W[nf];B[oe];W[le];B[lc]C[Later this continuation is not favorable for Black.] ;W[kc];B[mb];W[lb];B[mc];W[kd];B[kb];W[jb];B[la];W[ic])) (;B[mc];W[rb])) (;W[qd]LB[od:B][pe:A]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;B[pe]LB[nb:A][od:B]C[White continues with 'a' to sacrifice the three corner stones for life at top. White 'b' lets White live in the corner with just two eyes; an unacceptable loss for White in the early game.] (;W[nb];B[rb];W[kc];B[jd];W[od];B[nc];W[mc];B[nd]) (;W[od]C[White 12 is a mistake. White's two-eyed corner is nothing to Black's thickness.] ;B[nc];W[rb];B[nb];W[qa];B[oa];W[sc])) (;B[od];W[rb];B[nb];W[qe];B[pf];W[qa];B[oa];W[rf];B[rg];W[re];B[qh]))) (;B[nb];W[od];B[nc];W[qb];B[oa];W[pe])) (;B[od];W[pb];B[nb];W[qd];B[qe];W[rd]LB[rb:B][mc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[mc]C[White can tenuki, because Black can only make a disadvantageous ko.];W[] ;B[rb]LB[qb:A][rc:B]C['a' is followed by a better endgame than 'b',] (;W[qb];B[rc];W[ra];B[sb]LB[pa:C][qa:B][qc:A]C[If 'a', ko. White dies with 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[qc];B[oa];W[pa];B[sd];W[re];B[rf];W[se];B[na];W[sc]) (;W[qa];B[oa];W[re];B[rf];W[se];B[sc]) (;W[pa];B[qc])) (;W[rc];B[qb];W[sb];B[ra]LB[qc:A][sc:B][re:C]C[If 'a', ko. White dies with 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[qc];B[re];W[sd];B[pa];W[oa];B[na];W[qa]) (;W[sc];B[re];W[qa];B[oa]) (;W[re];B[qc]))) (;B[rb];W[nc]LB[mb:A][mc:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[mb]LB[ne:A][pe:B]C[Later, White has continuations on 'a' or 'b'.]) (;B[mc];W[qb];B[rc];W[na];B[mb];W[ra];B[sb];W[qc]C[White lives in double ko.])))) (;W[qc];B[ob];W[re];B[rf];W[qe];B[pe];W[qd]LB[ra:B][pf:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pf];W[pb]) (;B[ra];W[pf])) (;W[qd]LB[qc:B][pe:A]C[With 'a', White in the corner. With 'b', White on the right side.] (;B[pe];W[qb];B[ob];W[re];B[rf];W[rc]) (;B[qc];W[pb];B[ob];W[pe];B[od];W[qe];B[rc];W[pf])))) (;W[pb]LB[nb:C][oc:B][pc:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[pc]LB[ob:A][qb:B]C['a' right, 'b' wrong.] (;W[ob];B[qb];W[rb]LB[qa:B][qc:A]C['a' right, 'b' wrong.] (;B[qc];W[lc];B[je];W[le]LB[nc:A][nd:B]C[Later, White wants to play 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[nc]) (;W[nd]C[White 11 is a mistake.];B[oc];W[nc];B[mb]C[Black 14 gouges White's living space.])) (;B[qa];W[mc];B[]LB[qc:A][rd:C][qg:B]C[Later, White may use the aji on 'a' by occupying 'b', aiming at 'c'.] ;W[qg]LB[pf:A][rf:D][pg:B][rg:C] (;B[pf];W[rf];B[re];W[rd];B[qd];W[rc];B[qc];W[se]) (;B[pg];W[qe]) (;B[rg];W[qe]) (;B[rf];W[pe];B[qe];W[qc];B[rc];W[od]TR[rf][qg]C[Now, the exchange of the marked stones is bad for Black.]))) (;W[qb];B[ob]C[White is dead.])) (;B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[nc]LB[mb:A][mc:B]C[Black can enclose White on 'a' or hunt White on 'b'.] (;B[mb];W[qd];B[qe];W[rd];B[od]C[This is not bad shape in this situation.];W[rb]) (;B[mc];W[nd];B[mb];W[qd];B[qc];W[pc];B[rd];W[od];B[qe]C[White has no eyes and must run.])) (;B[nb]LB[oc:B][qc:A]C['a' correct. Black wants to lure White into the mistake 'b'.] (;W[qc];B[qd]LB[rb:B][rd:A]C['a' lives or goes out. 'b' lives.] (;W[rd]LB[rb:B][re:A]C['a' encloses White living. 'b' attacks White pushing him out.] (;B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[nc]LB[ob:A][nc:15][dp:B]C[Black 15 is sente against the life of the White group. White must answer on 'a'. Tenuki on 'b' is wrong.] (;W[ob]) (;W[];B[qa];W[ra];B[pa];W[ob];B[oa]LB[nc:15]C[After Black 15, White cannot go out and dies.])) (;B[rb];W[rc];B[re];W[sb];B[ra];W[sd];B[pa];W[ob];B[oa];W[nc];B[mb];W[mc];B[lb] ;W[od])) (;W[rb]LB[nc:A][rd:B]C[Neither 'a' or 'b' kill.] (;B[nc];W[rd];B[re]) (;B[rd];W[ob];B[nc];W[rc];B[oa];W[qa];B[sc];W[sb]))) (;W[oc];B[qc];W[nc];B[mc];W[md];B[lc];W[ne]))) (;W[ob]LB[pb:b][nc:d][oc:c][pc:a]C[ Black continues with 'a' to 'c'. Black 'd' is not recommended.] (;B[pc];W[pb]LB[ob:6][pb:8]C[Same variation as White 8 first.]) (;B[pb]LB[oc:c][pc:a][pe:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a trick play. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[pc]LB[oc:A][qc:B]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oc]LB[pc:8]C[Same variation as White 8 first.]) (;B[qc];W[oc];B[qb];W[od];B[pe];W[lc])) (;W[pe]C[White 6 is a trick play.];B[qe];W[pc]LB[oc:a][qc:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' falls for the trick.] (;B[oc];W[qc];B[od]LB[nb:b][qb:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[qb];B[nb];W[pa];B[mc]) (;W[nb]C[White 12 is a mistake.];B[qb])) (;B[qc]C[Black 9 is a mistake.];W[oc];B[qb];W[od];B[qd];W[lc])) (;W[oc]C[White 6 is a mistake.];B[pc];W[lc];B[od];W[nd];B[ne];W[md];B[je];W[lf] ;B[nf]C[The solid connection of Black 15, preventing White from attaching there, is the right way to attack.])) (;B[oc]LB[pb:A][qc:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[pb]LB[nb:A][qc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;B[nb]LB[pb:8]C[Same variation as White 8 first.]) (;B[qc];W[nc];B[nd];W[mc];B[md];W[lc];B[ld];W[pc];B[od]LB[qb:A][rc:B]C['a' or, with the ladder, 'b'.] (;W[qb];B[rc];W[kb]) (;W[rc];B[qd];W[qb];B[rd];W[sc]))) (;W[qc];B[nb];W[qd];B[qe];W[pb];B[mc];W[rb])) (;B[nc]C[Black 5 is slack; not recommended.];W[nb];B[mc];W[oc];B[od];W[qc];B[qd] ;W[rc];B[rd];W[sd])) (;W[qc];B[pc]LB[pb:A][qd:B][rd:C]C['a' or 'b' lead to ko. White runs out to the right with 'c'.] (;W[pb];B[ob]LB[rb:A][rd:B]C['a' or 'b' -> ko.] (;W[rb]LB[pa:A][rd:B]C['a' leads to ko. With 'b', Black can attempt to kill if he has additional outside strength.] (;B[pa];W[qa];B[qb]) (;B[rd];W[qd]LB[qe:A][re:B]C['a'\: White lives with 'a'. White fights to the outside with 'b'. ] (;B[qe];W[rc]) (;B[re];W[oc]))) (;W[rd];B[re];W[qd];B[pe];W[rb];B[pa];W[qa])) (;W[qd];B[qe];W[pb];B[ob]LB[qb:B][rb:A]C['a' leads to ko. White dies with 'b'.] (;W[rb];B[pa];W[qa];B[qb]) (;W[qb];B[rd];W[rc];B[re])) (;W[rd];B[qb];W[rb];B[qd];W[rc];B[pb]LB[re:B][rf:A]C[With 'a', White tries to more stones find a connection on the right. White dies with 'b'.] (;W[rf];B[re];W[se];B[qe];W[rg]) (;W[re];B[rf])))) (;B[qj]C[Bad ];W[oj]C[Punishment ];B[ph];W[qc])) (;W[qf]LB[nd:A][qe:B]C['a' is usual. 'b' can punish a White mistake.] (;B[nd]LB[lc:b][qc:a][md:c]C[White invades at 'a' to 'c'. 'a' is simplest and most effective.] (;W[qc];B[qd];W[rd]LB[pc:b][re:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'a' is typical. Black plays 'b' to get sente (and pays a bit for it).] (;B[re]LB[rb:b][rc:a]C[White continues at 'a' or 'b'. 'b' leaves White a little thin.] (;W[rc];B[qe];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[od];B[oe];W[pc];B[ne]) (;W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qe];W[nb]C[White's shape is a little thin.])) (;B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc])) (;W[lc]LB[kd:a][ld:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[kd]LB[nc:b][oc:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oc]LB[pc:b][od:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' lets White into the center.] (;B[od]LB[nc:b][pc:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pc];B[qc];W[qb]LB[rb:a][rd:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'b' captures White 6.] (;B[rb];W[ld];B[le];W[jb];B[ib];W[kb];B[ic];W[pb];B[rd]) (;B[rd];W[rb];B[mb];W[nb];B[mc]LB[re:a]C[Later, White 'a' is sente.])) (;W[nc];B[pc];W[ld];B[le];W[jb];B[ib];W[kb];B[ic];W[mb];B[me])) (;B[pc];W[od];B[oe];W[nc];B[pe];W[le]C[White 14 is the only way to play.])) (;W[nc];B[oc];W[md];B[ne];W[ob];B[nb];W[mb]C[White intends to fight the ko.])) (;B[ld];W[mc]LB[kd:b][md:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[md];W[kc]LB[jd:b][kd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[kd];W[jb]LB[ic:b][nc:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nc];W[ic];B[jd];W[lb]) (;B[ic];W[ib];B[hc];W[ob];B[qc])) (;B[jd];W[pb];B[qb]LB[ob:A][qc:B]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. With 'b', White gives up the three stones, takes the corner and can connect to White 4.] (;W[ob];B[qc];W[jb];B[ib];W[ka];B[kd]) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[rb];B[ob];W[qa]))) (;B[kd]LB[pc:a][qc:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pc]LB[oc:a][qc:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oc]C[Black 11 captures the two stones, and is a good result for Black.];W[qc] ;B[ob];W[qd];B[pe];W[qe];B[og]) (;B[qc];W[qb];B[rd];W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[rb];W[pa];B[md])) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[qb];B[pb];W[pf]C[Black gets a good result.])))) (;W[md]LB[me:b][ne:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[ne];W[kd];B[jd]LB[ke:a][kf:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[ke];B[je];W[kf];B[ig]) (;W[kf];B[je];W[mf];B[qe];W[pf];B[nf];W[mg];B[ng])) (;B[me];W[ld];B[ne]LB[jd:b][le:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[le];B[je];W[lg]) (;W[jd];B[id];W[je];B[kc];W[le];B[mb])))) (;AW[qi]PL[W];B[qe];W[pf]C[Now the White extension is too narrow.];B[nd];W[qc]LB[pc:A] [qd:C][re:B]C['a' for security if White is strong, 'b' for fight if White is weak, 'c' as a compromise between both if White is not strong and not weak.] (;B[pc];W[re]LB[qd:A][rd:B]C['a' to capture the White stone, or 'b' to maximize eye space.] (;B[qd]TR[qk]LB[rd:A][rg:B]C[Usual is White 'a'. If there is a Black stone at the triangled position, Black 'b' or White 'a'.] (;W[rd];B[rc]LB[rb:A][sd:B]C[Later continuation White 'a' or Black 'b'.] (;W[rb];B[qb];W[sc]) (;B[sd]LB[se:B][rf:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[rf]) (;W[se]LB[rb:B][sc:A]C['a' gote or 'b' sente.] (;B[sc];W[rf];B[qb]) (;B[rb];W[sc])))) (;AB[qk]PL[W]LB[rd:B][rg:A] (;B[rg];W[rf];B[ri];W[rc];B[rd];W[sd];B[qb];W[rb];B[pb];W[ra]) (;W[rd];B[rc];W[dp];B[rg];W[rf];B[ri]))) (;B[rd];W[qd]LB[qb:B][rc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[rc];W[pe];B[qb]) (;B[qb]LB[rc:A][pe:B]C['a' is the correct punishment. 'b' misses punishment and reverts to joseki.] (;W[rc];B[pe];W[sd]) (;W[pe];B[rc])))) (;AB[qk];B[re]TR[nc]LB[ob:B][oc:A][nd:7]C['a' in this position. 'b' if Black 7 is on the triangled position instead.] (;W[oc];B[od];W[nc];B[pc];W[pb];B[mc]LB[mb:B][rb:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[rb];B[mb];W[oa];B[nf];W[oi];B[ok]) (;W[mb];B[qb];W[ob];B[rc];W[kc];B[jd];W[md];B[me];W[lc];B[ke];W[oi];B[ok])) (;AB[nc]AE[nd];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[od];W[rb];B[nd];W[rd])) (;B[qd]LB[pb:A][pc:B]C[Later, 'a' gives life, 'b' a ko, which is not necessarily worse than 'a'.] (;W[pb];B[rc];W[rb];B[pc];W[qb];B[ob]LB[rd:A]C[This move instead of 'a' is the right one, because Black seals his territory to the top and will get a better position to slide into the right.] ;W[rd];B[re];W[sc]LB[se:A][sf:B]C['a' and 'b' damage White on the right and are sente against the White corner.] (;B[se]) (;B[sf])) (;W[pc];B[oc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[sc]LB[rc:A][se:B]C['a' is necessary, the mistake 'b' gives life to the White corner.] (;B[rc]) (;B[se];W[ob];B[rc];W[sb];B[nb];W[pb])))) (;B[qe]))) (;B[mc]LB[qc:a][qd:b][qf:c][dp:d]C[ 2-Space Extension = Nikken Biraki = Dukan Peollim = Chai E`r ------------------------------------------------------------- White continues with 'a' to 'c' or elsewhere 'd'. ] (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc]TR[qj]LB[oc:A][rc:C][od:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok. If Black has an additional stone on or near the triangled position, he build his moyo on 'c'.] (;B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[od];B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]LB[pa:b][pb:a][oe:c]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'c' is not recommended.] (;W[pb];B[oe]LB[nd:a][se:b]C[White 'a' is useless. Later, Black 'b' is sente.] (;W[nd];B[me];W[pe];B[qe];W[ne];B[nf];W[of];B[md];W[oe];B[og]) (;B[se]TR[na]C[Later, this is sente. 'a' Black stone on the triangled position would not be sente.] ;W[dp];B[rb];W[sb];B[qa];W[sd];B[sa];W[qb];B[sc])) (;W[pa];B[na]TR[se]C[Later, this is sente. A Black stone on the triangled position would not be sente.] ;W[dp];B[pb];W[qb];B[ra]) (;W[oe]CR[qj]LB[pb:b][pf:a]C[White 15 is not recommended, and might only make sense with White support on the right near the marked point. Black continues with 'a' if White has such support. Otherwise, Black proceeds to kill the White corner stones with 'b'.] (;B[pf]C[Black answers with 16 if White has a supporting stone such as shown.];W[pb] ;B[nf];W[md]C[White can escape, but in doing so makes bad shape and will suffer relentless attack if no support exists to connect to. In other words, White should only play 19 at the right time.] ;B[me];W[nd];B[ld];W[le];B[kd];W[mf];B[of];W[ne];B[pe];W[me];B[mg]) (;B[pb]C[Black to kill the White corner stones. White has made a terrible mistake.] ;W[qb];B[oa];W[pf];B[qe];W[qg];B[rg];W[qh];B[rh];W[qi];B[ri];W[qj];B[sd]LB[rj:a] C[White 'a' is not sente.]))) (;B[od]LB[ob:B][oc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' loses territory.] (;W[oc];B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]) (;W[ob]LB[nb:A][rc:B]C['a' is usual. 'b' gives more territory for more influence.] (;B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[rd];W[nc];B[nd];W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc]))) (;AB[qj];B[rc]LB[rb:B][nc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[nc];B[nd];W[od];B[oe];W[oc];B[md];W[rb];B[rd];W[mb];B[lb]LB[ma:B][na:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is bad.] (;W[na];B[kc];B[sb]C[Later Black plays here.];W[ra]LB[ka:B][la:A]C['a' and 'b' are sente.] (;B[la];W[pa]) (;B[ka]LB[pa:A][dp:B]C['a' is correct. Tenuki with 'b'\: White dies.] (;W[pa]) (;W[dp];B[ma];W[nb];B[pb]))) (;W[ma];B[kc];B[oa];W[ob];B[qa];W[qb];B[la]LB[pa:A][nb:B]C['a'\: White loses points. 'b'\: White dies.] (;W[pa];B[pb];W[ra];B[nb];W[pa];B[na]) (;W[nb];B[sb];W[ra];B[pa]))) (;W[rb];B[rd];W[nc];B[nd];W[od];B[oe];W[oc];B[mb]C[And Black punishes White's wrong move order.]))) (;W[qd]LB[qc:A][qe:B]C['a' is usual. 'b' requires the ladder.] (;B[qc]LB[pc:b][qe:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qe];B[rc];W[of]LB[od:a][pe:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[od];W[qh]) (;B[pe]C[Black 8 is not recommended. White gets superior thickness to Black territory.] ;W[pf];B[qf];W[qg];B[rf];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[pc];W[rg];B[re];W[nf])) (;W[pc];B[od];W[rc];B[qb];W[qe];B[rb];W[qh])) (;B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rc];B[rf];W[pc];B[se];W[rd];B[oc];W[ob];B[pb];W[qc]LB[nb:B] [nc:A]C['a' lets White live. 'b' provokes the ladder.] (;B[nc];W[qb]) (;B[nb];W[od];B[oa];W[qf];B[rg];W[oe];B[pf];W[qg];B[of];W[rh];B[qh];W[pg];B[ri] ;W[ph];B[qi];W[nf]))) (;W[qf];B[qd];W[qi]) (;W[dp]TR[qh][qi][qk]LB[qe:A][qf:D][qg:C][pj:B][qj:E]C['a' or 'b' are correct, 'c' and 'd' are bad, also any second low extension from the hoshi (triangled points). The general way to punish is shown after 'e'. ] (;B[qe]CR[kc]TR[jc]MA[qg]LB[ob:D][nc:E][oc:A][qc:B][dd:C]C[To reduce the top side, White starts on 'a'. To reduce the right side, White starts on 'b'. If White has a stone on the triangled or circled position, he can invade at 'a'. If White has a stone on the circled position, he can invade at 'd' or 'e'. If White has a stone on the squared position, he can invade at B. After another tenuki 'c', White can no more invade. ] (;W[oc]LB[pc:A][nd:B][od:C]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are bad.] (;B[pc];W[me]LB[kd:C][md:B][od:A][pp:D]C['a' is correct, 'b', 'c' and tenuki 'd' are questionable.] (;B[od]C[End of joseki];W[lc]LB[lb:A][nc:E][ld:C][md:D][pp:B]C[Later continuation for White. 'a' and tenuki 'b' are possible. 'c' depends on the ladder. 'd'and 'e' are not recommended.] (;B[lb];W[mb]LB[nb:B][kc:C][ld:A]C['a' is best, gives a large fight, 'b' gives a low position, 'c' if Black has the ladder.] (;B[ld]LB[kc:A][md:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;W[md]LB[kc:B][nc:A]C['a' pushes the fight to the top left, 'b' to the right center.] (;B[nc];W[kc];B[le];W[lf];B[jd]) (;B[kc];W[nc]LB[lc:A][nd:B]C['a' big fight, 'b' ko.] (;B[lc]) (;B[nd]))) (;W[kc];B[md]C[White in deep trouble.])) (;B[nb];W[md]LB[ma:A][nc:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ma];W[nc];B[mb];W[kc]LB[ke:A]C[Black in low position. A is a big follow-up for both.]) (;B[nc];W[kb];B[ma];W[kd])) (;B[kc]LB[nc:A][ld:B]C['a' if Black has the ladder, 'b' if White has the ladder.] (;W[nc];B[ld];W[md]LB[nb:B][lc:A]C['a' big fight, 'b' ko.] (;B[lc];W[nd];B[kf];W[mg]C[Result depends on how the fight fits in the whole board position.]) (;B[nb])) (;W[ld];B[nb];W[kb];B[ma];W[jc]))) (;B[pp]) (;B[ld];W[md];B[kc];W[lb];B[kb];W[mb];B[nc];W[kd];B[le];W[jd]) (;B[md];W[ld]LB[lb:B][le:A]C[White 'a' is less bad than 'b'.] (;B[le];W[ke];B[lf];W[mb]C[White's sacrifice stone works well.]) (;B[lb];W[kb];B[mb];W[le])) (;B[nc]C[Black overconcentrated.])) (;B[md];W[ne];B[od]) (;B[kd]LB[nc:A][pf:B]C['a' makes a low position on one side, but gives the other to Black. 'b' avoids strenghening Black.] (;W[nc]LB[md:B][nd:A][oe:C]C['a' is usual. 'b' and 'c' don't hurt White.] (;B[nd];W[md]LB[ld:A][od:B]C['a' keeps the top side, 'b' the right side.] (;B[ld];W[od];B[ne];W[oe];B[nf];W[of];B[ng];W[qf];B[rf];W[rg]) (;B[od];W[lc];B[mb];W[lb];B[ob];W[ld])) (;B[md];W[oe]) (;B[oe];W[lc])) (;W[pf];B[qf];W[pg]LB[nc:A][od:B]C[Later, White 'a' or 'b' or Black 'b'.])) (;B[pp]LB[lc:A][nc:B][od:C]C['a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[lc]) (;W[nc]) (;W[od]))) (;B[nd];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[rc]LB[rb:B][od:A]C['a'\: White lives, 'b'\: White dies.] (;W[od];B[oe];W[qd];B[pe];W[rd];B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qb]) (;W[rb];B[rd])) (;B[od];W[nc]LB[md:A][nd:B]C[Black cannot kill on 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[md];W[qc]) (;B[nd];W[mb]LB[lb:B][lc:A]C['a' goes outside, 'b' takes the corner.] (;B[lc];W[lb];B[kc];W[qb]) (;B[lb];W[lc];B[md];W[kb];B[nb];W[la];B[ob])))) (;W[qc]LB[pc:A][rd:B][re:C]C['a' is usual, 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[pc]LB[rd:C][pf:A][qf:B]C['a' or 'b' depending on the surrounding stones. 'c' makes a ko.] (;W[pf]LB[nf:C][qf:A][qg:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are not good.] (;B[qf];W[ph]) (;B[qg];W[qf];B[rf];W[re]LB[rd:A][rg:B]C['a' ladder, 'b' ko in the corner.] (;B[rd];W[rg];B[se];W[qh]) (;B[rg];W[pb];B[ob];W[rb])) (;AB[qj];B[nf]TR[qj]LB[nf:9][qf:A]C[Even with the marked stone, Black 9 is bad and should be on 'a'.] ;W[qf];B[re];W[pi])) (;W[qf]LB[pf:B][rf:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[rf];W[rg]LB[pf:B][qg:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qg];W[pf]LB[pf:12][qf:8][rg:10]C[Same variation as White 12 before 8 and 10.]) (;B[pf];W[qg]LB[re:A]C[Later, White can capture at 'a' in sente.])) (;B[pf];W[qg]LB[re:A][pg:B]C[A and 'b' are miai for White.])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[pb]TR[kc]LB[ob:A][rb:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is correct, if there is an additional Black stone on the triangled position.] (;B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qa]) (;B[rb];W[qb];B[rc];W[qd];B[sd];W[ra];B[sc];W[nb];B[oe];W[mb]TR[kc]LB[rb:11]C[If there is an additional Black stone on the triangled position, Black kills. Else Black 11 was a mistake.]))) (;B[rd];W[ob]LB[rb:B][nc:A]C[White gets something after 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nc];W[rc];B[pc];W[pb];B[rb];W[sb];B[ra];W[qa]) (;B[rb];W[lc])) (;B[re]C[White has a lot of aji in the corner.])) (;W[dd];B[qh];W[qc];B[pc];W[rd]LB[pb:A][re:B]C[Black kills on 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[pb]) (;B[re];W[pb];B[rb];W[qb];B[ob];W[ra];B[sb];W[se];B[pa])) (;AW[kc]LB[ob:B][nc:C][oc:A]C['a', 'b' or 'c'. ] (;W[oc];B[pc];W[nc]LB[md:B][ne:A] (;B[ne];W[md]) (;B[md];W[mb];B[lb];W[oe];B[od];W[nd];B[ne];W[me];B[nf];W[ld];B[lc];W[kb])) (;W[ob]LB[pb:A][nc:B]C['a' saves mosts points. 'b' tries to get all in a ko. ] (;B[pb];W[nc];B[nd];W[mb]) (;B[nc];W[oc];B[od];W[rc];B[qb];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[rb];W[sb];B[ra];W[qa];B[pa] ;W[oa];B[nb];W[qa]C[Ko ])) (;W[nc]LB[oc:B][md:C][nd:A]C['a' or 'b' are okay. 'c' is not recommended.] (;B[nd];W[mb]LB[nb:B][oc:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[oc];W[nb];B[md]) (;B[nb];W[oc];B[lb];W[od])) (;B[oc]LB[nb:A][nd:B]C['a' or 'b' are okay.] (;W[nb];B[nd];W[mb];B[md]) (;W[nd];B[nb];W[md])) (;B[md];W[mb];B[lb];W[ob];B[ma];W[nb];B[lc];W[nd];B[ne];W[pc])))) (;B[pj]) (;B[qg];W[qc];B[pc]TR[qi]LB[qd:A][rd:B]C['a' big Ko, 'b' creates a small living group, Black gets better shape. 'b' isn't possible if there is an additional Black stone on the marked position.] (;W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[rf];W[pe];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qa]) (;W[rd];B[qb];W[rb];B[qd];W[rc];B[pb];W[rf]TR[qi]LB[ra:C][qf:B][rg:A]C['a' or 'b'. With an additional stone on the marked position, 'c' kills.] (;B[rg];W[qf];B[pf];W[ra]) (;B[qf];W[rg];B[rh];W[se]) (;AB[qi];B[ra]))) (;B[qf]LB[pc:A][qc:B]C['a' is correct, leading to life. 'b' is a mistake, makes only a ko.] (;W[pc]LB[oc:A][qc:B]C['a' is usual, 'b' can be possible.] (;B[oc];W[qd]LB[qc:B][pe:A]C['a'\: White lives enclosed. 'b'\: fight for the right side.] (;B[pe];W[qb];B[ob];W[re];B[rf];W[rc];B[pb];W[qc]) (;B[qc];W[pb];B[qb];W[pe];B[od];W[qe];B[rf])) (;B[qc]LB[nc:B][oc:A] (;W[oc];B[od];W[qb];B[nc];W[rc];B[qd];W[ob]TR[mc]C[If this is good for Black, depends on the usefullness of the triangled stone.]) (;W[nc];B[nd];W[od];B[oe];W[oc];B[md];W[qd];B[pe];W[qb];B[rc];W[rb];B[rd];W[mb] ;B[lb];W[nb]))) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[pb];B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qa])) (;B[qj]C[Two low extensions from the hoshi\: bad. ];W[oj]C[Whtie punishes. ];B[ph] ;W[qc]))) (;B[nc]MA[qj]LB[qc:B][qd:D][re:A][qf:C][dp:E]C[ Keima Biraki -------------- White continues with 'a'. White 'b' gives life in a small space, with considerable black thickness. White 'c' and 'd' are not recommended. After White tenukis 'e', Black closes the corner. If there is one more additional Black stone on or near the marked point, White must play differently. For this case, see the variation, where a Black stone on the 3-10-point of the top site is included first. ] (;W[re]LB[qd:A][rd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[rb];B[qc];W[qh]) (;B[rd];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc];W[od];B[pc];W[pe])) (;W[qc]C[White 4 leaves White with a small corner.];B[qd]LB[pc:a][rd:b]C[White 'b' starts a ko. White 'a' leads to death in the corner.] (;W[pc]C[White 6 can lead to loss of the game, as White cannot live in the corner.] ;B[oc]LB[ob:b][rd:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc]LB[pb:b][qf:a]C['a' lets White live, 'b' tries to kill, but may just drive White out.] (;B[qf];W[ob];B[nb];W[pb]) (;B[pb]LB[qe:B][rf:A]C[White flees on 'a'. 'b' is an overplay.] (;W[rf];B[qe];W[se]) (;W[qe];B[rf];W[qb];B[ob];W[sb];B[ra]C[Unless White can make something with 12, White in the corner is dead.]))) (;W[ob]C[White 8 is a fatal mistake.];B[nb];W[pa]LB[rc:B][rd:A]C['a' and 'b' kill, but 'b' gives a stone outside.] (;B[rd]LB[qb:B][rb:A]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;W[rb];B[na]LB[oa:A][qa:B][ra:C][sb:D]C[White dies after 'a' to 'd'.] (;W[oa];B[qa];W[pb];B[rc]) (;W[qa];B[rc];W[sb];B[pb]LB[oa:A][qb:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;W[oa];B[qb]) (;W[qb];B[oa])) (;W[ra];B[oa]LB[pb:A][sb:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;W[pb];B[sb]) (;W[sb];B[pb])) (;W[sb];B[ra];W[qa];B[pb])) (;W[qb];B[rb];W[rc];B[sc])) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[qb];W[pb];B[sb];W[rd];B[ra]))) (;W[rd]C[White 5 starts a ko.];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[sc]C[Black has first capture of the ko. If White loses the ko, it will be difficult for White to make territory in this part of the board.])) (;W[qf]LB[qd:b][rd:a]C[White 4 is the standard approach move. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[qi]) (;B[qd];W[qi])) (;W[qd]LB[qc:b][qe:a]C[White 3 is not recommended. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qe]LB[pc:a][qc:c][re:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. White 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[pc];B[od]LB[qc:B][rc:A][rd:C]C[White lives on 'a', less big on 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[rc];B[re];W[ob];B[nb];W[qb]) (;W[qc];B[re]LB[ob:b][sb:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[sb];B[ob];W[ra]) (;W[ob]C[White 9 is a mistake.];B[sb];W[nb];B[mb])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[qb];B[ob];W[sb]LB[ra:b][pb:a]C['a' and 'b' are miai.] (;B[pb];W[ra]) (;B[ra];W[pb];B[rc];W[rb]))) (;W[re]LB[qc:A][rd:B][pe:C]C['a', 'b' or 'c' are ok.] (;B[qc];W[rd]LB[rc:B][qf:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[qb];B[pc];W[rc];B[pb];W[qa]) (;B[rc];W[pe];B[qf];W[pc];B[od];W[rf]LB[pb:B][qg:A]C['a' goes outside, 'b' keeps the corner.] (;B[qg];W[pb];B[qb];W[ra]LB[qa:A][sb:B]C['a' or 'b' fail.] (;B[qa];W[sc];B[pa];W[oa]) (;B[sb];W[qa];B[ob];W[sd];B[oc];W[pa];B[oa];W[sc])) (;B[pb];W[qg]))) (;B[rd];W[qc];B[rc];W[pe];B[qf];W[pc];B[od];W[rf]LB[rb:A][qg:B]C['a' keeps the corner, 'b' takes influence.] (;B[rb];W[qg];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[pk]) (;B[qg];W[rb];B[rg];W[sc])) (;B[pe];W[rd];B[rf];W[pc];B[oc];W[pb];B[qg];W[dp];B[rb];W[rc];B[qb];W[sb];B[ra] ;W[qc];B[se];W[sd];B[pa];W[ob];B[nb];W[oa];B[sf];W[qa])) (;W[qc]C[White 5 is a mistake.];B[re];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[od];W[rb];B[rd]C[Black 12 prevents White from getting two eyes.])) (;B[qc]C[Black 5 is not recommended.];W[qe];B[rc];W[qh])) (;W[]TR[qg][qh][qi][qj][qk]LB[rd:B][qe:A][qf:C]C['a' or 'b' are usual. 'c' secures more territory, but is almost always bad\: if there are White stones on the sides nearby, a fatal cut is left, if there are no White stones nearby, a placement of a White stone is sente to use that aji and makes Black overconcentrated. Adding a Black stone on any of the triangled points is wrong. ] (;B[qe]) (;B[rd]) (;B[qf];W[qc]LB[qd:B][re:A]C['a' kills, 'b' is a mistake, only ko. ] (;B[re];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[od];W[rb];B[oa];W[pb];B[sc];W[sb];B[qa];W[pa];B[ra] LB[nd:A]C[White aji on 'a'\: ];AW[jc][qj]LB[qf:5]C[If White is strong, Black 5 was wrong. ] ;W[nd];B[lc];W[ne];B[le];W[qd];B[qe];W[pe];B[oe];W[pf];B[of];W[pg]) (;B[qd];W[pc];B[oc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[sc])))) (;B[jd]LB[qc:B][qf:A][dp:C]C[White 'a', 'b' or tenuki.] (;W[qf]LB[nd:A][qh:B]C['a' or 'b'. ] (;B[nd];W[rd];B[pg];W[pf];B[qg];W[of];B[rf];W[re];B[rg];W[oc];B[od];W[pc];B[qc] ;W[qd];B[qb];W[nc];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[md];W[pb];B[ng];W[nf];B[mf]C[Later, taking an outside liberty is sente for Black.]) (;B[qh];W[nc];B[qc];W[ph];B[pi];W[pg];B[ne];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[pj];W[rh])) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[qb];W[rb];B[rf];W[pe];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[qa]) (;W[]LB[qh:C][pi:B][pj:A]C[White plays elsewhere. 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;B[pj]LB[nc:b][qc:a][pf:c]C[White approaches with 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[oc];W[ob]LB[nb:b][nc:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]) (;B[nb]LB[nc:a][od:c][rd:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'c' is questionable.] (;W[nc];B[od]LB[mb:a][pb:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White can also play 'b' and live in the corner.] (;W[mb]LB[pb:b][nd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[nd];W[na];B[mc];W[nb]LB[lc:a]C[Black extending at 'a' is good, but most often Black plays elsewhere.]) (;B[pb];W[na];B[qb];W[nd];B[ne];W[me];B[nf];W[mf]LB[mg:B][ng:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[ng]) (;B[mg];W[ng]LB[pf:A][mh:B]C['a' is necessary, 'b' is another mistake.] (;B[pf]) (;B[mh];W[rc];B[rb];W[rd];B[re];W[oe];B[of];W[pf];B[pe];W[og];B[oe];W[qe])))) (;W[pb]LB[mb:a][mc:b]C[White 14 let White live in the corner. Given Black's overwhelming thickness, this may not be such a good idea. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] ;B[mb]LB[md:b][rd:a]C[White continues with 'a'. Anywhere else, such as White 'b', is a mistake.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc]) (;W[md]C[White cannot afford to play anywhere other than the corner.];B[rb];W[rc] ;B[rd];W[sc];B[ra];W[qa];B[oa]))) (;W[rd];B[re];W[qe]LB[rc:A][od:A][pe:B]C['a' to take the corner, 'b' to stay outside.] (;B[od];W[rf];B[rc];W[se];B[rb];W[qh]) (;B[pe];W[rc];B[nd];W[pb])) (;W[od]C[White 'c' shows a special strategy to keep the corner; not necessarily a wise strategy considering the overwhelming thickness Black already has.] ;B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc];B[qf];W[pb]))) (;W[nc]LB[oc:a][pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is too easygoing.] (;B[oc];W[nd];B[pf]LB[jb:b][kc:c][lc:d][ld:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' to 'd' are not recommended.] (;W[ld]LB[kc:a][jf:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' lacks force.] (;B[kc];W[je]C[White 10 is one possible continuation.];B[ie];W[jf];B[kd];W[ke];B[lc] ;W[nf]) (;B[jf]C[Black 9 lacks force, and gives White the chance to settle his group.];W[jc] ;B[ic];W[jb];B[ib];W[kd];B[je];W[ob];B[pb];W[nb])) (;W[jb]C[White 8 is feasible, but White gets a low position.];B[jc];W[kb];B[ib] ;W[lc];B[ob]C[With Black 13, White is still not settled.]) (;W[kc]C[White 8 is not recommended in this situation.];B[jc];W[kd]LB[je:a][ke:b] C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.];B[ke]C[The old proverb\: at the head of two stone, hane.] ;W[jb];B[ib];W[kb];B[je]C[White can barely make life, and has given Black wonderful thickness.]) (;W[lc]C[White 8 is small, low, and easily blocked. White should emphasize instead jumping to the center for life.] ;B[kc])) (;B[pf]C[Black 5 is too sedate.];W[pb];B[qc];W[lc])) (;W[pf];B[nd];W[qh]LB[qe:b][qi:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[qi];W[ph];B[nj];W[rd]LB[qc:a][qe:b]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qc];W[rc];B[qe]C[Black 13 is a continuation which is not recommended until Black has a more solid position locally. As is, Black 13 is an overplay.] ;W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[rg];W[rh];B[qg];W[sg];B[qb]C[White does not have two eyes, but Black also has weaknesses in his position. Hence, Black should only play this continuation after fortifying his local position.]) (;B[qe]C[Black 11 is a mistake.];W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[rg];W[rh])) (;B[qe]LB[qf:b][rj:a]C[Black 7 is not recommended. White slides with 'a'. White 'b' is too submissive.] (;W[rj];B[qf]LB[qj:a][pk:b]C[White 'a' are 'b' are possible continuations.]) (;W[qf]C[White 8 is submissive.])))) (;B[pi];W[pf];B[nd];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[rc];W[nf];B[qg]C[Black aims for a connection.] ;W[oh];B[pg];W[og];B[re];W[rd];B[sd];W[rf];B[qf];W[pe];B[se];W[pc];B[od];W[ob];B[oc] ;W[pb];B[qb];W[ph];B[qh];W[qi];B[ri];W[qj];B[rg];W[oj]LB[ob:26][pb:28][pc:24]C[Black has territory and the connection, White has influence. After he secured his center group he can still activate the 24-26-28-group.]) (;B[qh];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qf];W[rf];B[pe]))) (;B[nd]LB[qc:a][qd:b][dp:c]C[ 1-Space Jump = Ikken Tobi = Hankan Ddwim = Yi Tiao` ---------------------------------------------------- A White single-handed 3-3 invasion is unusual, but possible. White continues with 'a' or 'b'. Tenuki 'c' is also possible. ] (;W[qc]TR[jc]LB[pc:b][qd:a]C[There are similar variations like these, when Black has an additional stone at the marked location included before the one on the 6-4-point. Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qd];W[pb];B[pc];W[rb]LB[ob:a][rc:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[ob];W[rd];B[re];W[qa];B[sd];W[rc]) (;B[rc];W[qb]LB[ob:b][rd:a]C[Black continues with 'a' to perfect thickness. Black 'b' gives White a stone with no compensation for Black.] (;B[rd];W[nb];B[mb];W[sb];B[nc];W[ob]) (;B[ob]C[Black 10 gives White a stone with no compensation for Black.];W[rd];B[re] ;W[sc]))) (;B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb])) (;W[qd]LB[qc:b][qe:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qe]LB[qc:a][re:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qc]LB[pc:b][re:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is not generally recommended.] (;B[re];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[od];B[oe];W[pc];B[pe];W[rd]) (;B[pc]C[Black 6 is generally not recommended.];W[re]LB[qf:b][rf:a]C[Black plays 'a' to take the corner or 'b' for thickness.] (;B[rf];W[qf];B[pe];W[rg];B[rd];W[sf];B[rc];W[ph]) (;B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb]))) (;W[re];B[pe]LB[qc:a][rd:b] (;W[qc];B[rf];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[rd];B[qg]) (;W[rd];B[rf];W[pc];B[oc];W[pb];B[qg]CR[rb]C[White next plays at the marked location, the vital point. White risks a ko otherwise.] ;W[]CR[rb]C[White plays elsewhere. Black can get a ko.];B[rb]LB[qb:b][rc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is not recommended, as it lacks the aji the results from playing 'a'.] (;W[rc];B[qb];W[sb];B[ra];W[qc];B[se];W[sd];B[pa];W[ob];B[nb]LB[oa:a][sf:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[oa];B[sf]CR[na]C[The liberty at the marked point must be filled before the White group is faced with a life-and-death ko.]) (;W[sf]LB[oa:a][sg:b]C[White threatens to escape down the side. Black can pull his stones out 'a', or block White with 'b'.] (;B[oa];W[rg];B[qf];W[rh]) (;B[sg];W[oa]CR[na]C[Now White faces an approach move double ko (the marked point being the approach move).]))) (;W[qb]C[White 14 is not recommended, as White ends up lacking the aji of the other variation.] ;B[rc];W[ra];B[sb];W[qc];B[ob];W[pa];B[sd];W[se])))) (;B[qc]TR[jc]C[For continuation see the variation with an additional Black stone on the triangled position included first.])) (;W[dp];B[pj]LB[qd:B][qf:A]C['a' leads to ko on the side. 'b' results in life in the corner.] (;W[qf];B[pg];W[pf];B[og];W[of];B[nf];W[ng];B[nh];W[mg];B[mf];W[mh];B[qg];W[rg] ;B[rh];W[re]LB[rd:A][sg:B]C['a' leads to ko. White lives with 'b'.] (;B[rd]LB[qd:A][qi:B]C['a' leads to ko. White dies with 'b'.] (;W[qd];B[qc];W[pe];B[oe];W[rc]) (;W[qi];B[qh];W[pi];B[ri];W[qj];B[rj];W[qk];B[qe])) (;B[sg];W[rf];B[qi];W[qc];B[pc];W[qb];B[ni])) (;W[qd];B[qe]LB[pc:B][qc:C][re:A]C['a' or 'b' give Black the choice where White lives. 'c' gives Black too much thickness.] (;W[re]LB[qc:A][pe:B]C['a' White lives on the right side. 'b' White corner with an approach move ko.] (;B[qc];W[rd];B[qf];W[pc];B[oc];W[pb];B[qb];W[pe];B[od];W[rb];B[ob];W[rc];B[pa] ;W[rf];B[qg];W[rg];B[qh]) (;B[pe];W[rd];B[rf];W[pc];B[oc];W[pb];B[rb]C[Later Black can start this approach move ko.] ;W[rc];B[qb];W[sb];B[ra];W[qc];B[se];W[sd];B[pa];W[ob];B[nb];W[oa];B[sf];W[qa])) (;W[pc]LB[oc:B][od:A]C['a' White lives on the top. 'b' White lives on the right.] (;B[od];W[rc];B[re];W[nb]) (;B[oc];W[pe];B[od];W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[qc];W[rd];B[qg];W[pb];B[qb];W[rb];B[ob] ;W[rc];B[pa];W[rg];B[qh])) (;W[qc];B[re];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[od];B[oe];W[pc];B[pe];W[rd])))) (;B[pp]LB[qj:b][cq:a]C[ Ni-Ren-Sei = I-Yeon-Seong = E`r-Lia´n-Xing = Two Star Points ------------------------------------------------------------- This variation demonstrates joseki in the san-ren-sei and ni-ren-sei fuseki. 'a' = san-ren-sei (three star points) 'b' = ni-ren-sei (two star points) ] (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[pj]LB[nc:a][qc:c][qf:b]C[ Three Star Points = San-Ren-Sei = Sam-Yeon-Seong = San-Lia´n-Xing ------------------------------------------------------------------ White approaches at 'a'. Approaching at 'b', where Black is strong, is not recommended. Invading at 'c' immediately is not recommended. For 'c', see the variation of the invasion onto the 3-3-point behind the Hoshi without additional stones. ] (;W[nc]LB[lc:c][jd:e][kd:d][nd:a][ne:f][pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'e'. 'a' is not recommended for Black. For 'c', see 'c' here and the same variation without the additional Black stones. For 'd' and 'e', see the same variations without the additional Black stones.] (;B[nd]C[This is not recommended for Black.];W[md];B[ne]LB[ob:c][oc:a][pc:b]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[oc];B[pc];W[jc]) (;W[pc]LB[oc:a][qc:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[oc];W[ob];B[od];W[mb];B[qc];W[pb];B[me];W[ld]) (;B[qc];W[ob];B[pb];W[oc];B[qb];W[jc];B[pf])) (;W[ob];B[pc];W[jc])) (;B[pf]LB[pb:a][jd:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[pb];B[qc];W[kc]) (;W[jd])) (;B[lc]LB[qc:b][ld:a][qf:c]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'. 'c' is also possible, depending upon the whole board. ] (;W[ld];B[kd];W[md]LB[jc:a][pf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[jc]LB[ke:a][lf:A][pf:b]C[White continues with 'a' or tries 'b'.] (;W[lf];B[pf];W[ke];B[je];W[jf]) (;W[pf];B[oe];W[lf];B[of];W[ke];B[je];W[jf];B[ie];W[ph])) (;B[pf];W[kc];B[jc];W[kb];B[jd];W[lb];B[oc])) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od]LB[nb:a][rc:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[nb];B[me]) (;W[rc];B[nd];W[nb];B[rd])) (;W[qf];B[qc];W[ld];B[kd];W[md];B[of];W[kc];B[jc];W[kb];B[jd];W[lb]))) (;W[qf]LB[nd:B][qe:A]C[The inside approach move is not recommended, as White is starting a fight where Black is strongest. This does however demonstrate a high handicap joseki. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qe];W[pf]LB[nc:B][nd:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is not recommended. ] (;B[nd]LB[ph:a][qh:c][qi:d][rj:b]C[White may try 'a', 'b' or 'c'. 'd' is a special case joseki, if White has the lower side. ] (;W[ph]LB[ni:C][qi:B][qj:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is possible. 'c' is completely wrong, because White can live near the edge. ] (;B[qj];W[mg];B[mi];W[kg];B[me];W[mf];B[ki]) (;B[qi]LB[mg:C][ni:B][oj:A]C['a' or 'b' give White a more broad standing, 'c' doesn't. ] (;W[oj];B[ok];W[nj];B[pi];W[oi];B[qh];W[nf];B[pg]C[Mistake. ];W[og];B[oh];W[nh] C[White pushed into nice shape. ]) (;W[ni];B[nj];W[mj];B[nk];W[mi];B[mk]) (;W[mg];B[nj]C[The joseki ends here. The continuation shows a White invasion in the corner. This should not be attempted as long as the White outside group is weak.] ;W[qc];B[re];W[oc];B[od]LB[nb:B][nc:A][pc:C]C[White can live with 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[nc]TR[jc]LB[mc:A][pc:B]C['a' or, with an additional stone on the triangled position, 'b'.] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[pc];W[pb];B[qb];W[ob];B[rc]LB[kc:B][lc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[lc];B[md]) (;W[kc])) (;AB[jc];B[pc];W[pb];B[mc]LB[mb:A][rb:B]C['a' lives on the side, 'b' in the corner.] (;W[mb]LB[mc:21][pc:19]C[This reverts to the variation where 21 is played before 19.]) (;W[rb];B[mb];W[oa]))) (;W[nb]LB[nc:A][pc:B]C['a' closes in the corner from the top side. 'b' pushes White to the top side.] (;B[nc];W[ob];B[mb];W[rc]) (;B[pc];W[pb];B[nc];W[ob];B[rc];W[rb];B[qd];W[qb];B[sb];W[lc])) (;W[pc];B[nc]LB[nb:B][rb:A]C['a'\: White lives. 'b'\: White dies.] (;W[rb]) (;W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[sb])))) (;B[ni];W[rj]LB[qi:B][qk:A]C['a' encloses, 'b' fails to kill. ] (;B[qk];W[rk];B[qm]) (;B[qi];W[ri];B[qh];W[rh]))) (;W[rj]LB[rh:b][qi:c][qj:a][rk:d]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Black 'c' and 'd' are mistakes. ] (;B[qj]LB[ri:a][rk:b]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' doesn't work.] (;W[ri];B[rk]LB[ph:B][qh:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. ] (;W[qh]) (;W[ph];B[qi]LB[qh:B][rh:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rh];B[re]) (;W[qh];B[rg]))) (;W[rk]C[White 11 is a mistake.];B[ri];W[qi];B[rh]LB[rg:A][qh:B]C['a' or 'b' don't help.] (;W[rg];B[qh];W[pi];B[oi];W[ph];B[pg];W[oh];B[og];W[nh];B[qg]) (;W[qh];B[rg]))) (;B[rh]) (;B[qi]C[Black 10 is a mistake.];W[ri];B[rh];W[qh]LB[qg:a][rg:b]C[Black possibilities are 'a' and 'b'.] (;B[qg];W[rg];B[ph];W[sh];B[qh];W[re];B[rd]) (;B[rg];W[pk];B[ph];W[qj];B[pi];W[qn])) (;B[rk];W[qk];B[qj];W[rl];B[ri];W[sk])) (;W[qh];B[qi];W[ph];B[nj];W[mg];W[rg]C[Later White can live here.];B[re];W[ri];B[rj] ;W[sh]) (;AW[dp][jp][nq];W[qi];B[qj];W[pi];B[oi];W[oh];B[nh];W[rj];B[rk];W[qk]LB[oj:B][pk:A] C['a' is correct, 'b' is nonsense. ] (;B[pk];W[ri];B[ql];W[ni];B[oj];W[og]) (;B[oj];W[rl];B[ri];W[sk];B[rh];W[qg]))) (;AW[dp]C[It is likely that White has the ladder. ];B[nc];W[od]C[White prepares the punishment. ] ;B[oc];W[qc]LB[pc:A][qd:C][pe:B][re:D]C['a' or 'b' are possible, 'c' is not recommended, 'd' is wrong. ] (;B[pc];W[re];B[qd]) (;B[pe];W[oe];B[rf];W[pc];B[rd]) (;B[qd];W[pc]) (;B[re];W[pc];B[pe];W[oe];B[rf];W[rg];B[of];W[md]))) (;B[nd]C[White 6 is a mistake.];W[rd];B[qc];W[qh]C[White easily lives.]))) (;W[qj]C[White 3 is a flexible invasion.];B[ql]LB[qf:a][qg:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[qf]LB[mc:c][nc:d][nd:a][qh:b]C[Black continues with 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'.] (;B[nd];W[rd]LB[qc:a][qh:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[ph]) (;B[qh];W[qc];B[pc]LB[qg:c][ph:b][rh:a]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'.])) (;B[qh]LB[of:a][rh:b]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[of]LB[nc:B][nd:A][pi:C]C['a' or 'b' are ok. 'c' is not recommended.] (;B[nd]TR[nc]LB[nd:9][rd:B][pi:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is a mistake with Black 9 played here and not onto the triangled point.] (;W[pi]LB[rd:A][qe:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[rd]LB[lc:B][ph:A]C['a' gives a clear result, 'b' leads to a difficult fight.] (;W[ph];B[kc]) (;W[lc];B[ph];W[oh];B[oi];W[nh];B[oj];W[rh];B[qi];W[ri];B[rj];W[rk];B[qk];W[sj] ;B[pj])) (;B[qe]C[Black 10 limits White's incursion into the corner.];W[rf]C[Black 6 still has considerable aji.] ;B[kc];B[ph]C[Later];W[oh];B[oi];W[nh];B[oj];W[rh];B[qi];W[ri];B[rj];W[rk];B[qk] ;W[sj];B[pj])) (;W[rd];B[oh];W[qc];B[nf])) (;B[nc]LB[rd:B][pi:A]C['a' secures taking the side, 'b' takes more territory on the side or enters the corner.] (;W[pi];B[rd];W[ph]) (;W[rd]LB[qc:B][pi:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[pi];W[qc];B[kc]LB[pj:A][qn:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;W[pj];B[ni];W[oj];B[ng];W[pl]LB[pm:B][qm:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qm]LB[mk:A][pm:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[mk];B[nf]LB[dd:A][ph:D][dp:B][jp:C]C[With two white stones on 'a' and 'b', White now wants to occupy 'c' to help his running group. Later, if necessary, White can connect his two groups on 'd'.] ;W[ph];B[pg];W[rh]) (;W[pm];B[pn];W[on];B[po];W[mk])) (;B[pm];W[om];B[ol];W[nl];B[pk];W[ok];B[pl];W[mk])) (;W[qn];B[qq];W[pj];B[pm])) (;B[qc];W[pi]))) (;B[pi];W[nd];B[nc];W[mc];B[oc];W[md];B[rd];W[id]LB[pj:A][qn:B]C[White later continuations on 'a' or 'b'.])) (;W[rh]LB[nc:a][rg:c][ri:b]C[Black continues with 'a' to 'c'. Black 'a' is peaceful; 'b' is a fighting move.] (;B[nc];W[ph];B[qe];W[pf];B[rf];W[rg]LB[rd:A]C[Later, White can live on 'a'.];W[rd] ;B[re];W[qc]LB[pb:B][pc:A] (;B[pc];W[rb];B[pb];W[qd];B[pe];W[sc]) (;B[pb];W[pc];B[oc];W[qb];B[ob];W[sd]LB[rb:B][qd:A] (;B[qd];W[rb];B[qa];W[ra]) (;B[rb];W[se];B[sf];W[pe];B[qd];W[od];B[rc];W[sg]))) (;B[ri];W[qi];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg];B[pf];W[rf];B[sh];W[qd];B[pe];W[qc];B[rj] ;W[pc];B[nd];W[oj]) (;B[rg];W[qg];B[ri]LB[rf:A][ph:B]C['a' makes a living group in the corner, 'b' influence.] (;W[rf];B[qi];W[qd];B[qc];W[pc];B[od];W[pb];B[mc]LB[qb:A][rd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[qb];B[og]) (;W[rd];B[og])) (;W[ph];B[qi];W[pi];B[rj];W[rf]CR[pg]LB[mc:a]C[Black must now decide; Black 'a' is possible, as are other moves. White must defend against the cut at the marked point.])))) (;B[mc]LB[qc:C][rd:A][dp:B]C['a' is correct. tenuki 'b' is also possible. 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[rd]LB[qc:B][qh:A]C['a' is ok, 'b' is possible, but gives White a very good shape. ] (;B[qh];W[of];B[pi]LB[oc:C][pc:A][qg:B]C['a' or 'b'. 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[pc];B[oc];W[qc];B[oe];W[nf];B[jc]LB[re:A]C[Later, Black wants to play 'a'.]) (;W[qg]LB[qc:A][rg:C][rh:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' and 'c' are mistakes.] (;B[qc];W[rh];B[pj]) (;B[rh];W[oc];B[od];W[pc];B[qd];W[qc];B[re];W[nd];B[nc];W[rc];B[qe];W[md];B[lc] ;W[ld]LB[kc:A][sf:B]C['a' and a cut near 'b' are miai.] (;B[kc];W[rf]) (;B[sf];W[kc];B[kb];W[jb];B[jc];W[kd])) (;B[rg]LB[oc:A][rf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oc]LB[od:B][rf:A]C['a' saves few points. 'b' leads to a disaster.] (;B[rf];W[od];B[pe];W[oe];B[qe];W[pc];B[pf];W[jc]) (;B[od];W[pc];B[qd];W[qc];B[re];W[nd];B[nc];W[rc];B[qe];W[md];B[lc];W[ld];B[kc] ;W[rf];B[sf];W[rh];B[sg];W[ph];B[qi];W[ri])) (;W[rf];B[qc];W[rh];B[ri];W[sg];B[qi]))) (;W[oc];B[pc];W[od];B[pe];W[oe];B[pf];W[pg];B[qg])) (;B[qc];W[ph])) (;W[dp]LB[qd:A][qh:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qd];W[ph]) (;B[qh];W[rh]LB[rg:A][qi:B][ri:C]C['a' or 'b'. 'c' is a mistake.] (;B[rg];W[qg];B[ri];W[rf];B[qi];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc]C[ * Joseki *]) (;B[qi];W[ri];B[pj];W[qk];B[pk];W[rl];B[rm];W[pi];B[ph];W[pl];B[qm];W[oi];B[ok] LB[pe:B][oh:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[oh];B[pg];W[of];B[pf];W[pe];B[oe];W[qe];B[og];W[od];B[nf];W[pc];B[nd];W[oc] ;B[rg];W[qg];B[rj];W[rk];B[sj];W[ng];B[of];W[mf];B[ne]) (;W[pe];B[oh];W[qd];B[pc];W[qc];B[rg];W[qg];B[rj];W[rk];B[sj];W[kc];B[me])) (;B[ri];W[qi];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg];B[pf];W[rf];B[sh];W[qd];B[pe];W[qc];B[rj] ;W[pc];B[nd];W[oj]))) (;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[rd];W[nc];B[nd];W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[kc];W[kb] ;B[qh])) (;B[nc]LB[rd:A][of:C][ph:D][oj:B][dp:E]C['a', 'b', 'c' and tenuki 'e' are correct, 'd' is inferior.] (;W[rd]LB[qc:B][qh:A]C['a' is ok, 'b' is possible, but gives White a very good shape. ] (;B[qh];W[of];B[pi];W[qc];B[kc]) (;B[qc];W[ph])) (;W[oj];B[qh];W[pg];B[rd];W[ph]) (;W[of];B[qh];W[pi]LB[rd:A][qe:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is inferior.] (;B[rd];W[ph]) (;B[qe];W[rf];B[kc])) (;W[ph];B[qe];W[pf]) (;W[dp];B[qh];W[rh]LB[de:C][rg:A][ri:B]C['a'. 'b' and tenuki 'c' are ok.] (;B[rg];W[qg];B[ri]LB[rf:A][ph:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[rf]LB[sh:B][qi:A]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qi];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[pc];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc];B[kd]) (;B[sh];W[ph];B[qi];W[pi];B[rj];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd]C[White has too much\: the corner and influence.])) (;W[ph];B[qi];W[pi];B[rj];W[rf];B[rd]C[White has not gained much.])) (;B[ri];W[qi];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg];B[pf];W[rf];B[sh]LB[qd:A][sf:B]C['a' White takes the corner. 'b' White makes a large sacrifice to gain more strength on the outside.] (;W[qd];B[pe];W[qc];B[rj];W[oj]) (;W[sf];B[sg];W[rj];B[qe];W[of];B[pe]LB[sj:A][sk:B]C[Later, White 'a', 'b' are sente.])) (;B[de];W[ph];B[qe];W[pf];B[rf];W[rg])))) (;W[qg]LB[nd:A][qe:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[nd];W[rd]CR[rf]C[White must later cover the marked weak point.]) (;B[qe]LB[mc:A][oj:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;W[mc];B[oc];W[jc];B[oj];W[og];B[mg];W[pk];B[nl]) (;W[oj]LB[mc:B][nd:A]C['a' or 'b' are okay. ] (;B[nd]LB[lc:A][qc:B]C['a' or 'b' are okay with support on the top side.] (;W[lc]LB[nb:A][nc:C][rf:B]C['a' or 'c' keep the corner, 'b' invites White into the corner to make a strong wall, hurting all White outside stones.] (;B[nb]LB[qc:B][rf:A]C['a' is better than 'b'.] (;W[rf];B[re]) (;W[qc];B[rd])) (;B[rf]LB[nb:A][oc:B]C['a' reduces, 'b' enters.] (;W[nb];B[pb];W[og]) (;W[oc]LB[nc:A][pc:B]C['a' starts enclosing, 'b' keeps a reduced corner.] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rc];B[qb];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[rb];W[ra];B[qa] ;W[sb];B[sa];W[sc];B[na];W[pa];B[od];W[ra]C[Black can now attack the White middle group and build something on the top side. Taking the corner was not worth that.]) (;B[pc];W[pb];B[qb];W[ob]))) (;B[nc];W[qc]LB[pb:A][rd:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pb]LB[re:B][rf:A]C['a' reduces, 'b' makes the Black corner bigger.] (;W[rf];B[re];W[se];B[sd];W[sf];B[rd];W[jd]) (;W[re];B[rf];W[rd];B[qf])) (;B[rd]LB[mb:A][nb:B]C['a' reduces, 'b' dies.] (;W[mb];B[nb];W[na];B[oa];W[ma];B[ob]) (;W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rc];B[pb];W[pc];B[oc]LB[pa:A][ra:B]C['a' or 'b' don't live.] (;W[pa];B[na];W[qb];B[ra]) (;W[ra];B[sb];W[sc];B[oa];W[qd];B[rf];W[pe];B[pf];W[od];B[oe];W[pd];B[qf];W[of] ;B[ne];W[pg];B[og];W[nf];B[rg]C[White dies.]))))) (;W[qc];B[rd];W[oc];B[pc];W[pb]LB[nb:B][rc:A]C['a' drives White to the top side, 'b' encloses a living White group.] (;B[rc];W[mc];B[qb]) (;B[nb];W[ob];B[nc];W[od];B[oe];W[rc];B[qd];W[rb]))) (;B[mc];W[qc];B[pc];W[re]LB[rd:A][rf:B]C['a' is correct. 'b' is a mistake. ] (;B[rd];W[rf];B[rc]) (;B[rf];W[rd];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb]C[White alive. ]))))))) (;B[lc]LB[qf:A][dp:B]C[White 'a' or tenuki. ] (;W[qf];B[qd]) (;W[]TR[qf][qg][qh][qi][qk]LB[pj:A][qj:B]C[Black 'a' is possible, any of the triangled points and 'b' are wrong. ] (;B[pj]) (;B[qj]C[Bad ];W[oj]C[Punishment ];B[ph];W[qc]))) (;B[kc]LB[qf:A][dp:B]C[White 'a' or tenuki. ] (;W[qf];B[qd]) (;W[]TR[qf][qg][qh][qi][qk]LB[pj:A][qj:B]C[Black 'a' is possible, any triangled stone and 'b' are wrong. ] (;B[pj]) (;B[qj]C[Bad ];W[oj]C[Punishment ];B[ph];W[qc]))) (;B[ic];B[qk]C[If Black has a low extension this far away or more, this way of play is possible. ])) (;W[qc]C[ 3-3 = San-san --------- White 2 is not joseki, but illustrates possbilities without considering surrounding stones. ] ;B[qd];W[pc]LB[nc:B][oc:A]C['a' is usual, 'b' closes off the top side or takes sente.] (;B[oc];W[ob]LB[nb:b][pb:c][nc:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'. Both end with Black gote. 'c' is only possible with the ladder] (;B[nc];W[nb];B[mc]LB[rd:a][dp:b]C[White continues with 'a'. It is not advisable, but possible for White to play elsewhere and still live in the corner.] (;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]C[The sequence ends.];W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[mb] LB[pa:a][dp:b]C[White plays locally at 'a', but can survive after playing elsewhere ('b').] (;W[pa];B[na];W[ra]) (;W[]LB[na:a][pa:b]C[White plays elsewhere. Black may try 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[na]LB[pa:B][pb:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;W[pb]) (;W[pa];B[ra]LB[qa:b][rb:a]C[White continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[rb]LB[qa:a][qb:b]C['a' and 'b' are miai.];B[ma];W[qa];B[pb];W[sa];B[oa]) (;W[qa];B[rb];W[sb]))) (;B[pa];W[pb];B[ra];W[qa];B[qb];W[rb];B[qa];W[oa];B[sd];W[sc]))) (;W[]LB[rc:B][rd:A]C[White plays elsewhere. White can still live in the corner in gote. Black can attack on 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rd];W[mb];B[lc]LB[rb:B][rc:A]C[White lives on 'a'. If he doesn't, Black kills on 'b'.] (;W[rc]) (;B[rb];W[qb]LB[pa:A][qa:B]C['a' kills, 'b' is only ko.] (;B[pa];W[lb];B[kb];W[qa];B[la];W[rc];B[sc];W[sb];B[sa]) (;B[qa]LB[pa:B][ra:A]C['a' is correct making ko. 'b' simply dies.] (;W[ra];B[sa];W[pa];B[rc]) (;W[pa];B[ra])))) (;B[rc];W[rb];B[rd]LB[mb:A][sb:B]C[White lives on 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[mb];B[lc]) (;W[sb]C[White 14 is necessary.])))) (;B[nb]LB[nc:a][od:c][rd:b]C[White continues with 'a' to 'c'.] (;W[nc];B[od];W[mb]LB[pb:b][nd:a]C[Black continues with 'a', possibly 'b'. Black 'a' gives thickness, Black 'b' the corner.] (;B[nd]C[Black 11 plays for thickness.];W[na];B[mc];W[nb];B[lc]) (;B[pb]C[Black 11 to take the two White corner stones.];W[na];B[qb]LB[rc:a]C[Unlikely to realize, but the White stones have some aji at 'a'.])) (;W[rd];B[re];W[qe]LB[od:a][pe:b]C[Black 'a' next keeps things simple for Black and gives him a good result. Black 'b' is sometimes possible, but Black needs to be careful.] (;B[od];W[rf];B[rc];W[se];B[rb]) (;B[pe]LB[nc:b][rc:a]C[White can now defend at 'a'. Cutting at 'b' does not produce a good result for White.] (;W[rc];B[qf];W[pb];B[nd]C[Black gets a thick position and White a living L+2 group.]) (;W[nc]C[White 12 is a mistake.];B[od];W[mb];B[pb];W[na];B[qb]C[Compared to the usual variation with Black taking the corner, White 8 and 10 don't serve any purpose.]))) (;W[od]C[White 8 was played by Kato Masao against Cho Chikun in game 1 of the 21st Judan Title, March 3, 1983.] ;B[nc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc]LB[pb:b][qf:a]C[Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' is a mistake.] (;B[qf];W[pb];B[oe]) (;B[pb]C[Black 15 is unreasonable.];W[qe];B[pe];W[qf];B[rf];W[pf];B[oe];W[rg]))) (;B[pb]LB[nb:B][qb:A]C['a' if Black has the ladder, else 'b'.] (;W[qb];B[nb];W[pa];B[nc]) (;W[nb]LB[qb:B][rc:A]C['a' if Black doesn't have the ladder, else Black may choose 'b'.] (;B[rc];W[qb];B[rb];W[pa]) (;B[qb];W[rc];B[rb];W[rd];B[re];W[od];B[nc];W[qe];B[pe];W[mc];B[nd];W[oe];B[pf] ;W[ne])))) (;B[nc]LB[nb:A][oc:B]C['a' is usual, 'b' is not recommended.] (;W[nb]LB[mb:A][mc:B]C[Black can either play 'a' to close off the top side or tenuki, if he has already secure territory on the right side, after which later White continues on 'b'.] (;B[mb];W[ob];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]) (;W[mc];B[nd];W[lb])) (;W[oc]LB[nd:A][od:B]C[To close off the top side, Black must play 'a'. 'b' is not recommended.] (;B[nd];W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[rd];W[ne];B[of];W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[lc];W[rc];B[pf] C[White has unnecessarily strenghtened Black's influence.]) (;B[od];W[nb]LB[mb:B][mc:A]C['a' is necessary, 'b' is nonsense.] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[lc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]) (;B[mb];W[mc];B[nd];W[lb];B[ob];W[ma];B[qb];W[rc];B[pb];W[rb];B[ra];W[oa];B[qa] ;W[na];B[rd];W[pa]))))) (;W[qi]C[White may try 2 when Black has already played at top as shown.];B[qk];W[qf] ;B[qe];W[pf]TR[jc]LB[nc:B][nd:A]C['a' is correct, 'b' is also possible without the triangles stone. ] (;B[nd];W[qc]TR[oi]LB[pc:a][qd:c][re:b]C[Black continues with 'a', if White is already safe, e.g. with an additional stone on the triangled position, or 'b', to kill one side. Black 'c' is a special tactic. ] (;B[pc];W[re]TR[jc]LB[qd:A][rd:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is the wrong choice, when Black has a secure base, here guaranteed by the triangled stone. ] (;B[qd]LB[rd:B][dp:A]C[White should play elsewhere and immediately at 'b' what is only yose. ] (;W[]C[White plays elsewhere.];B[rg]C[The peep at 13 is not recommended.];W[rf] ;B[qh];W[ph];B[ri];W[rc]C[White gets more in the corner. ];B[rd];W[sd];B[sb];W[rb] ;B[ra];W[qa];B[pa]C[Ko ]) (;W[rd];B[rc]LB[rb:B][rd:12][rg:A]C[Black punishes on 'a', if White 12 was too early. White's endgame is on 'b'. ] (;B[rg];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri]) (;W[rb];B[qb];W[sc];B[ra];W[qc]))) (;B[rd];W[qd];B[rc];W[pe];B[qb])) (;B[re]C[Black 9 shows an uncompromising attitude. Black accepts a reduction at top for an attack on the three White stones at right. * Joseki * ] ;W[oc];B[od]LB[nb:B][nc:A][pc:C]C[White lives with 'a', 'b' or 'c'.] (;W[nc];B[pc];W[pb];B[mc]LB[mb:b][rb:a]C[White continues with 'a' to live in the corner, 'b' to live on the top.] (;W[rb]C[White 16 to live in the corner.];B[mb];W[oa];B[nf];W[oi];B[ok]) (;W[mb]C[White 16 to live at top (and give Black the corner).];B[qb];W[ob];B[rc] LB[kc:A][lc:B]C['a' or 'b' are ok.] (;W[kc];B[jd];W[md];B[me];W[lc];B[ke]C[Black gets good outside strength with 25.] ;W[oi]) (;W[lc];B[md]))) (;W[nb]LB[nc:A][pc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is questionable.] (;B[nc];W[ob];B[mb];W[rc]) (;B[pc];W[pb];B[nc];W[ob];B[rc];W[rb];B[qd];W[qb];B[sb];W[lc])) (;W[pc];B[nc]LB[nb:B][rb:A]C['a'\: White lives. 'b'\: White dies.] (;W[rb]) (;W[nb];B[mb];W[ob];B[sb]))) (;B[qd];W[pb]LB[nb:B][pc:A]C[White 10 is the right move when the time comes, after the White group on the right is secured. Black 'a' is usual, 'b' doesn't make sense without extra strength.] (;B[pc];W[rb]LB[ob:A][rc:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' doesn't kill.] (;B[ob];W[rd];B[re];W[qa]) (;B[rc];W[qb];B[rd];W[nb];B[mb];W[nc];B[mc];W[sb])) (;B[nb];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[sd];W[rb];B[qa];W[ra];B[pa];W[ob];B[oa];W[nc];B[mc] ;W[oc];B[mb];W[od];B[oe];W[ne];B[md];W[pe];B[of];W[rf]))) (;B[nc]LB[pb:B][qc:A]C['a' or 'b' are ok. ] (;W[qc]LB[pc:A][re:B]C['a' is ok, 'b' is questionable. ] (;B[pc];W[re];B[qd]LB[rd:B][dp:A]C[White should play elsewhere and not immediately play 'b'. ] (;W[];B[rg]C[If Black comes here ... ];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri];W[rc]C[... White gets more in the corner ... ] ;B[rd];W[sd];B[sb];W[rb];B[ra];W[qa];B[pa];W[sa]C[... a ko. ]) (;W[rd];B[rc];B[rg]C[Soon the punishment. ];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri])) (;B[re];W[ob];B[nb]LB[oc:B][od:A]C['a' or 'b'. ] (;W[od];B[oc];W[pc]) (;W[oc];B[od];W[rc];B[nd];W[ra]))) (;W[pb]LB[ob:B][pc:A]C['a' or 'b' are possible. ] (;B[pc]) (;B[ob])))) (;W[qd]LB[qc:a][qe:b]C[White 2 is exceptional, used only when 'a' and 'b' are miai.] (;B[qc];W[qe]LB[pc:b][rc:a]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[rc]LB[od:c][pe:b][qh:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is recommended only if a Black play at 'c' is not disadvantageous (forcing Black along the fourth line is generally bad).] ;W[qh]) (;B[pc];W[qh];B[pe])) (;B[qe];W[qc]LB[pc:a][re:b]C[Black continues with 'a' or 'b', depending upon the side of interest.] (;B[pc];W[re]LB[qf:a][rf:b]C[Black continues with 'a' for thickness, or 'b' for the corner.] (;B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[nc]) (;B[rf];W[qf];B[pe];W[rg];B[rd];W[sf];B[rc])) (;B[re];W[pc];B[od]LB[nc:b][oc:a]C[White continues with 'a'. White 'b' is a mistake.] (;W[oc]LB[nc:b][nd:a]C[White must crawl once more with 8. Black continues with 'a'. Black 'b' creates too many cutting points.] (;B[nd];W[mc];B[md];W[lc];B[pj]) (;B[nc]C[Black 9 leaves one too many cutting points.];W[nb];B[mc];W[mb];B[lc])) (;W[nc]C[White 8 is a mistake.];B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[pb];B[mc];W[rb];B[rd];W[qa] LB[oa:b][sb:a]C['a' and 'b' are miai. Black has superior thickness.])))) (;W[qh]C[ 3-Space Approach = Sangen Kakari = Sekan Keolch'im = San Gua`jiao~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ] ;B[qf]LB[ob:B][nc:A]C[This is the only local continuation for Black. White can approach on 'a' or 'b'.] (;W[nc];B[pb]) (;W[ob]LB[pb:B][pc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[pc];W[lc]) (;B[pb]LB[pc:A][pe:B]C['a' is the usual continuation, 'b' is trick move.] (;W[pc]LB[oc:B][qc:A]C[Black keeps the corner on 'a' or goes outside on 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[oc];B[qb];W[od];B[pe]) (;B[oc];W[qc];B[od];W[qb];B[nb];W[pa];B[mc])) (;W[pe]LB[oc:A][oe:B][qe:C]C[Black plays on 'a' or 'b' or falls into White's trap on 'c'.] (;B[oc];W[qe];B[oe];W[pf];B[qd]) (;B[oe]LB[pc:A][qd:B]C['a' emphasizes the top, 'b' the right.] (;W[pc];B[qc];W[oc];B[qb]LB[od:A][qd:B]C['a' is correct, 'b' is an overplay.] (;W[od];B[qd];W[ne];B[of];W[nf];B[og]) (;W[qd];B[od];W[qe];B[pf];W[rf]LB[se:A][rg:B]C[Black captures on 'a' or 'b'.] (;B[se];W[rc];B[sd]LB[sc:D][rd:C][sd:19][re:A][se:17][sf:B]C[Black 17 and 19 are a tesuji called "patting the racoon's belly." White 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd' don't help.] (;W[re];B[rg]) (;W[sf];B[rg]) (;W[rd];B[rb]) (;W[sc];B[rb])) (;B[rg];W[rc];B[rb];W[of];B[nf];W[qg];B[og];W[rd];B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb]))) (;W[qd];B[qc];W[od];B[pc];W[of];B[ne];W[qe];B[pf];W[rf];B[og])) (;B[qe];W[pc]LB[oc:B][qc:A]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qc];W[oc]LB[qb:A][od:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;B[qb];W[od];B[qd]LB[pe:6][qe:7]C[Now Black 7 is positioned inefficient. White is better than in the same sequence without playing 6 beforehand.] ;W[og]) (;B[od];W[qb];B[rb];W[pa]LB[rc:A][nd:B]C[As 'a' and 'b' are miai, White gets one follow-up move in sente and is better.])) (;B[oc];W[qc];B[od];W[qb];B[nb];W[pa];B[mc])))))) (;W[qj];B[ql];W[qf]C[These variations are included as Hoshi-Tenuki-Nirensei variations.]) (;W[rd]C[This move is covered as Hoshi-Tenuki-variation with additional Black stones.]) (;W[re]C[This move is covered as Hoshi-Tenuki-variation with additional Black stones.]) (;W[rb]C[Trick move.];B[qc];W[rc];B[rd];W[qb] (;B[pb];W[re];B[sd];W[ob];B[pa];W[oc];B[pc];W[qe];B[qd]C[Bad result for Black. Black is not yet alive in the corner, even after killing 3 stones. hoshi (4-4) point1 end variation])
(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[pd];W[qf];B[qh];W[nc]LB[pf:A][nd:B][oe:C]C[ 'a' is joseki. 'b' is rare. 'c' is not recommended,] (;B[pf]LB[qc:A][pg:B][pc:C]C['a' is joseki. 'b' too but can be difficult. 'c' is disadvantageous.] (;W[qc]LB[qd:A][pc:B]C['a' is joseki. 'b' can be unfavorable.] (;B[qd];W[pc];B[od]LB[rc:A][oc:B][rd:C]C['a' or 'b'. 'c' is a mistake.] (;W[rd]LB[rc:A][re:B] (;B[rc]LB[rb:A][re:B]C['a' or 'b' give the same result.] (;W[rb];B[oc];W[ob];B[pb];W[qb];B[nb];W[pa];B[mc];W[re]C[good for black]) (;W[re];B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[pb];B[mc];W[rb])) (;B[re];W[rc]C[Good for White])) (;W[oc]) (;W[rc] (;B[dp];W[rd];B[qg]) (;B[rd]C[* Joseki *];W[dp];B[lc]LB[mc:A][nb:B] (;W[nb]) (;W[mc];B[ld];W[pp];B[sc]C[Later, Black can use the aji.];W[sb]C[White must not answer here.] ;B[oc];W[ob];B[nb])))) (;B[pc]LB[qd:A][pg:B] (;W[qd]LB[pe:A][qe:B]C[Black 7 is especially good with an additional stone on the triangled point. 'a' is usual. 'b' is complicated.] (;B[pe]LB[rf:A][pb:B][qe:C] (;W[rf];B[pb]LB[qb:A][qg:B] (;N[]) (;W[qg];B[pg];W[rh];B[qi];W[ri];B[qj];W[jd]C[Joseki])) (;N[]) (;N[])) (;N[]) (;N[])) (;N[]))) (;W[pg];B[qg]LB[pc:A][qc:B][pe:C] (;W[pe];B[of];W[oe];B[qe];W[qd];B[rf]) (;W[qc];B[pc];W[pe];B[of];W[oe];B[qe];W[qd];B[rf]LB[od:A][re:B]C['a' is enough, 'b' risks a ko.]) (;W[pc] (;B[qe];W[qc]LB[of:A][re:B]C['a' concludes the joseki, but is oftenly omitted for sente. Then White can later followup on 'b'.]) (;B[qc];W[pe];B[of];W[qd];B[od];W[oe];B[ne];W[qe];B[nd];W[nf];B[og];W[oc]LB[mc:A] [ld:B]C['a' and 'b' give the same result.] (;N[]) (;B[ld]LB[lc:A][rc:B] (;W[lc]LB[mc:A][rf:B][rc:C] (;B[mc];W[mb];B[md];W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[rf];W[re];B[se];W[rd];B[lb];W[na]LB[kc:A] [ph:B]C[With a position in the top left corner, Black takes on 'a', in the lower right corner, on 'b'.]) (;B[rf];W[rc];B[qb];W[re];B[se];W[rd];B[rb];W[rg];B[mc];W[mb];B[md];W[lb]LB[sg:A] [ng:B]C['a' or 'b'.] (;N[]) (;B[ng];W[rh];B[kc];W[jc];B[kd];W[kb];B[sf];W[qi];B[ph];W[sg];B[ri];W[sd];B[qj] ;W[sf];B[pi])) (;N[]))))) (;N[])) (;N[])) (;B[nd]LB[md:A][qc:B] (;W[md];B[ne]LB[pc:A][oc:B][qc:C]) (;W[qc];B[oc];W[qd];B[mc]LB[re:A]C[The result isn't equal because of the Black aji on 'a'.])) (;B[oe];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[pg]C[Black 3 is overconcentrated now, so Black 5 was wrong.]))