For beginners, you only need 5 common joseki. Star Joseki is basic Joseki for 15k-25k players. There are four star common joseki that all beginners should remember. See below.
1. Upper Left Corner: the most basic joseki that all beginner should know. Protecting your territory using hiraki (knight move). White and Black divide territory evenly. 2. Lower Right Corner: White goes for 3-3 point. White gets the corner, and Black gets influence on the outside. 3. Lower Left Corner: A basic joseki where White pressure Black on the top and Black use hane. Territory is divided equally. 4. Upper Right Corner: A basic joseki where black gets the corner and white gets the side. White extend three from a wall of two. |
There are four Joseki that's on the 3-4 points. These are for 5K to 2D to remember.